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Compiled by A-LIGN, Cybersecurity and Compliance Specialists

A - L I G N .C O M

Organizations today operate in pressures to address privacy and

an increasingly complicated and cybersecurity risks such as the General
competitive global marketplace. Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
or the California Privacy Regulation
Consumers, businesses, and Act (CPRA), organizations often find
governments are becoming more aware themselves pursuing an increasing
of privacy issues and cybersecurity number of compliance programs.
threats. Meanwhile, business is
increasingly international, and remote These compliance programs are
work is becoming more common growing in scope and complexity. They
across industries, especially during the must cover regulatory mandates and
COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, voluntary frameworks that demonstrate
cybersecurity risks are growing, with business maturity, such as:
breaches hitting high-profile targets
constantly. • System and Organization Controls
(SOC) 1 and 2
Take, for example, one of the most • International Organization for
sophisticated and widespread attacks Standardization (ISO) frameworks,
to date: the SolarWinds supply chain such as ISO 27001
attack. Carried out over several months, • The U.S. Health Insurance Portability
this attack impacted 100 companies and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
and nine U.S. federal agencies, • The Federal Risk and Authorization
according to a February 2021 article in Management Program (FedRAMP)
The Verge. • The Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard (PCI DSS)
• HITRUST Common Security
An Increasingly Complex Framework (CSF)
Compliance Landscape • And more

Faced with demand from customers and Meanwhile, new regulations and
partners for assurances that sensitive frameworks are on the horizon, such as
data will be protected across corporate the U.S. Cybersecurity Maturity Model
boundaries, as well as regulatory Certification (CMMC).

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 2

Adapting to COVID-19 Introducing the 2021
Compliance Benchmark Report
Of course, 2020 was also a year
marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this ever-changing business
Organizations of all sizes had to and compliance landscape, you
quickly adapt to distributed workforces may be wondering: How can my
and make huge shifts in corporate organization stay on top of compliance
operations—not to mention new threats requirements?
seeking to take advantage of those
changes. Faced with the rise of remote In A-LIGN’s first Compliance
work, diverse departments had to find Benchmark Report, we asked over 200
new ways to complete their work from cybersecurity, IT, quality assurance
numerous locations and home offices, (QA), internal audit, finance, and
while security professionals scrambled other professionals about their
to protect them. compliance programs. We asked
about their organizations, how they
IT and cybersecurity teams were already run their programs, and the impact
accustomed to using technology to of the COVID-19 pandemic on their
integrate tools, automate processes, compliance plans.
and improve collaboration. The
COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated In this report, we’re bringing together
these trends, and compliance teams a benchmark by industry to see where
were faced with the same challenge— your organization stands, an analysis of
how to keep audits on track with teams key findings, and a set of best practices
scattered across locations. that any organization can use to improve
their compliance program in 2021 and

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 3


Survey Methodology

The survey was administered by

A-LIGN via SurveyMonkey between
November 2020 and February 2021.

Benchmark Your Organization 5 Respondents’ titles included CEO or

president, other C-level executives,
vice presidents, directors, or
managers across the IT/technology,
infosec/cybersecurity, QA, internal
Analysis and Key Findings 8 audit, and finance/accounting
departments, among others.

Industries represented include:

Five Best Practices for Compliance 22 •

IT services
Programs • Professional services
• Media and entertainment
• Healthcare
• Insurance
Compliance Services of Business 26 • Legal
• Retail
Growth and Security
• Finance and banking
• Manufacturing and construction
• Government

218 individuals completed the survey

in whole or in part.

Results in this report are rounded

up or down to the nearest whole

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 4

Benchmark Your
When organizations come to A-LIGN, one of the things they often want to
know is: What are my peers doing?

Compliance needs vary by industry, company size, customer profile,

geographical footprint, cybersecurity maturity, and many other factors.
It can be difficult for organizations to understand whether they are
doing enough to ensure compliance with key regulations or important

Benchmarking can help guide decisions around questions such as:

• Should I be considering different or new frameworks?

• Are there regulations I’m not aware of?
• Am I doing too many or too few audits?
• Am I behind the curve on compliance?
• Do my peers have a competitive advantage due to their approach?
• And more

Based on a survey of 218 respondents, A-LIGN compiled the following

benchmark data by industry, revenue, and company size. You can use this
data to compare various attributes of your compliance program with those
of organizations similar to yours.

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 5

Benchmark Data Numbers represents the actual number of respondents who selected that answer.

Number of Audits Conducted Each Year

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

33 Technology < $5M < 100

68 IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000
Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000
Healthcare > $1B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 0-1 2-3 4-5 6+

Number of Audit Providers Used

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

17 Technology < $5M < 100
IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000
Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000
105 Healthcare 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
> $1B
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 0-1 2-3 4-5 6+

Audits/Assesments Currently Doing or Planned in Next 12 months

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

24 56
Technology < $5M < 100
IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000
Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000
Healthcare > $1B 0 30 60 90 120
Finance 0 30 60 90 120

SOC 1 SOC 2 ISO 27001 ISO 27701 PCI DSS
0 30 60 90 120 150

Time Spent Preparing for Audits Annualy

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

27 Technology < $5M < 100

IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000
Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000
Healthcare > $1B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

83 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 1-2 months 3-6 months Over 6 months

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 6

Compliance and Security Software Used to Prepare for Audits

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

41 Technology < $5M < 100
IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000
Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000
Healthcare > $1B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 10 20 30 40 Yes, built or Yes, auditor No Not sure
145 purchased provided

Amount Spent on Audits Annually

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

Technology < $5M < 100

IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000
Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000
Healthcare > $1B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 10 20 30 40 < $50k $50-100k $100-200k > 200k Not sure
14 12

Impact of COVID on Departmental Budget

All Responses By Industry By Annual Revenue By Company Size

33 Technology < $5M < 100

IT Services $5M - $50M 100 - 1000

92 Professional Services $50M - $1B > 1000

Healthcare > $1B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

82 Manufacturing
Budget No Impact Budget Not Sure
0 10 20 30 40
Increased Reduced

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 7

Analysis and
Key Findings
Our 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report uncovered numerous trends in
compliance and the realities facing IT professionals and compliance teams
today. These findings offer organizations:

• Insights into common pain points

• Potential practices to adopt
• Ways to make auditing less painful and more strategic

Of course, this report—and the benchmark above—should be viewed

through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, which generated massive
changes and new ways of thinking about work, cybersecurity, and
compliance. Businesses were forced to make many shifts, both in how
they managed their own workers and how they interacted with customers,
partners, investors, and others.

Below, we explore several key trends highlighted in our survey results.

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 8

Analysis and Key Findings

The Pandemic Changed the

World in 2020, But Compliance
Continued to March Forward

The 2020 pandemic changed and departments saw freezes, budget

workplace norms, corporate processes, cuts, and halted work. Did compliance
and workflows for everyone, and programs slow down, too?
compliance programs also felt the
impact of COVID-19. Suddenly, teams Regulations and rules didn’t go away
had to rethink the audit process with the pandemic, and compliance
completely. Our survey found that programs stayed strong despite global
the pandemic did not put a halt to circumstances. We found that 85%
audits and assessments. Despite the of companies kept their compliance
pandemic, organizations continued to programs on track. In fact, 60% of
invest in security and complying with respondents said that the pandemic
key regulations. had no impact on their compliance
We dig into three key pandemic trends
below. That said, some respondents did report
delays to their compliance programs,
Compliance Programs with 11% requesting an extension or
Stayed Strong an exception to recertify an existing
program. However, only 6% postponed
We were curious if the pandemic would or eliminated an existing audit to
curtail compliance programs. After recertify their existing compliance
all, many other business functions program. This held true for first-time

What was the impact of COVID-19 on your organization’s compliance program?

60% 11% 9% 6% 14%

No impact We requested an We postponed We postponed or Other
extension or an or eliminated a eliminated an audit
exception to first-time audit to recertify our
recertify our existing existing compliance
compliance program

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 9

audits, too—a tiny 9% said they’d COVID-19 Had a Low Impact Over the past year, we have seen
postponed or eliminated a first-time on Budgets companies become much more capable
audit due to COVID-19. in remote work settings. They are now
The coronavirus pandemic led to more aware of the cybersecurity threats
Overall, compliance continued to march financial struggles for some businesses of remote work and what it takes to
forward despite the widespread global and industries, and we wondered succeed in remote operations. We’ve
pandemic. whether budgets in departments related seen better self-enforcement as IT and
to compliance had been impacted. information security departments step
COVID-19 Drove Remote Audits Fortunately, our respondents reported up to the plate to prevent and remediate
that their departmental budgets were cybersecurity threats. As pandemic-
Many audits and assessments involve largely spared. related cybersecurity concerns have
intense evidence collection and on-site grown, we have also seen growing
visits from auditors. So what happens 65% of respondents familiar with their interest in vendor risk management
when in-person work is banned and department budget said COVID-19 programs.
travel is restricted? had no impact on their budget. This is
in keeping with the results mentioned We’ll be keeping a close eye on the
The COVID-19 pandemic forced other above, which indicate that compliance remote audit trend at A-LIGN to see if it
key business functions into a remote programs stayed on track despite the continues into 2021 and beyond. This is
environment, and compliance programs pandemic. That said, COVID-19 did not something A-LIGN has been supporting
were no exception. The majority of drive growth in departmental spending clients with during the COVID-19
survey respondents—a huge 71%—said either—only 9% of respondents saw pandemic. With more technology and
they have conducted remote audits or their budget increase. tools to support evidence collection, we
are planning to conduct remote audits. envision remote audits—either in part or
The three trends above affirm A-LIGN’s whole—as a lasting trend.
Many of the people contributing experience working with organizations
to audits and assessments are, in throughout the pandemic.
fact, technical people on IT and
cybersecurity teams. These employees
are typically very good with technology
I’m not sure
and have already adopted numerous
tools for automation, organization, and
collaboration. With this rise in remote
audits spurred by the pandemic, we
see a huge opportunity for compliance
teams to leverage tools and technology 22% Did your
for more efficient remote auditing No
processes. conduct any remote
audits, or does it
plan to, in place of
in-person audits?


© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 10

Analysis and Key Findings

Organizations Conduct
Multiple Audits as Disjointed,
Redundant Projects

Auditing is often described as a Some Industries Consolidate

stressful, time-consuming process. Audits More Than Others
Organizations leave audits until the
last minute, scrambling to assemble The number of audits varies by industry
the necessary data close to the (healthcare does the most). Additionally,
85% deadline for submitting materials. This the number of audits correlates
process creates a whirlwind of chaos closely to the amount of revenue the
for stakeholders, from IT managers organization pulls in; most organizations
to cybersecurity teams and beyond. with over $1 billion in revenue are
And it’s not much fun for the auditors, doing more than six audits per year.
Organizations conduct more either, who come into a process rife with Interestingly, the inflection point seems
than one audit a year
human error, stress, and frustration. to be $5 million in revenue—once
companies surpass this point, the
With so much revenue on the line and number of organizations doing over four
so many compliance requirements in audits jumps from 21% for organizations
play, you might think that organizations with less than $5 million revenue to 60%
31% would make a point of conducting
multiple audits in a strategic, unified
for those with greater than $5 million in
manner. However, that is not always the
case—many compliance assessments Audit consolidation varied by industry
and audits are not being strategically but was least common in healthcare,
Organizations conduct more
planned. where 94% of respondents reported
than six audits per year
multiple, individually-managed audits
According to our survey data, most and assessments. This may be because
organizations complete multiple audits healthcare, as we saw earlier, tends
every year. In fact, 85% of respondents to do more assessments in general.
conduct more than one audit a year, Also, unlike some other industries, it
14% yet only 14% consolidate audits into a
single annual event.
is highly regulated and needs to meet
government mandates. For example,
organizations that touch patient data in
And organizations are doing this the U.S. must comply with HIPAA.
many times a year: In fact, 31% of
Organizations consolidate
organizations are conducting more than Technology companies had the highest
audits into a single event
six audits or assessments a year. rate of consolidated audits at 26%,

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 11

a number that still feels remarkably and certifications to complete. No
low. However, across industries, most matter the case, however, half a year is
organizations have not consolidated still an incredibly long amount of time
their auditing process—which means for any individual or team to spend on
they are most likely using resources preparation.
inefficiently and scrambling at the
last minute to execute on chaotic It’s not hard to imagine how these
compliance programs. preparation timelines could multiply
for organizations with numerous,
Audits Cost Organizations disjoined audits. This is why strategic
Precious Time planning year-round is so important.
When organizations meet key controls,
Many organizations are juggling multiple, continuously collect evidence,
uncoordinated audits, but how much automate processes with software, and
time do teams spend on preparing for organize policies throughout the year,
an audit? preparing for an auditor is a much faster
experience. We discuss this further in
We asked respondents how much time our best practices section later in this
they spent annually on preparing for report.
audits and assessments, including tasks
such as:

• Writing policies
• Collecting evidence
• Remediating issues
Unfortunately, it seems that Other
organizations spend significant time
preparing for audits and assessments,
with 51% of respondents familiar with
the audit process spending one to two
> 6 Months
months on prep each year. This was the
most common amount of time spent Time Spent
across companies of all revenue and Preparing for
employee sizes. Audits Annually
1-2 Months
Some organizations (17%) even spend
upwards of six months preparing for
audits and assessments. This happened
more often in companies with over 22%
$1 billion in revenue, which may be due 3-6 Months
to having more audits, assessments,

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 12

Analysis and Key Findings

Drivers of Compliance Vary,

But Organizations Often Pursue
Audits to Win New Business

Compliance is a legal necessity in some We wanted to know: What drives

industries, notably healthcare, financial compliance programs?
services, and government contracting.
For other industries like technology, We asked respondents to rank their
complying with frameworks and best “Most Important” drivers from a list of
practices may be a business benefit or common pressures. The results varied,
differentiator but is not always legally and our data did not show a single clear
required. leading cause. Regulatory requirements
(19%), meeting board-level mandates
For example, for companies selling (16%), establishing trust with potential
goods to consumers, PCI DSS may and existing customers (15%)—all
be challenging to do business without of these drivers (and others) were
(because credit card processors require clustered together. We were surprised
it to process payment card info), but it is by this, but one plausible explanation
not mandated by any government. The is that different individuals, in different
same can be said for SOC 2, which is not functions and levels of an organization,
part of the law and yet is an expected have different perceptions about what is
and well-respected certification. really behind these projects.

Despite the muddled nature of the

To increase Regulatory compliance driver data, our survey
revenue/win new requirement(s) did highlight a common benefit that
clients organizations receive from conducting
assessments and audits, no matter why
What is the driving they were initiated in the first place:
force behind your winning new business.
To establish trust
program? Board-level
with existing and
customers and

To demonstrate
effective controls to
the C-suite

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 13

Our data shows 64% of respondents ramifications for internal teams and
have conducted an audit or assessment causes challenges for organizations.
to win new business. There were also In fact, 23% of respondents stated the
consequences to not having proper
certifications or reports, with 14% of
greatest challenge to their compliance
strategy was their organization’s 64%
respondents having lost a business reactive approach to audits driven by
deal because they were missing a customer requests versus internal
compliance certification. management priorities. Without a single
key driver behind their compliance
Organizations conducted an
This data highlights the way many programs, many organizations lack a audit to win new business
organizations approach audits: strong sense of direction from their
reactively. leadership teams in this regard.

In our experience, audits and This isn’t to say that executives

assessments often come onto an and boards are unconcerned about
organization’s radar when a partner, regulations or cybersecurity—quite
customer, vendor, or other stakeholder the opposite. With the rise in high-
asks for proof of compliance with a profile hacks, malicious tools such as
framework, such as SOC 1 or 2, during ransomware, and the growth in remote
the sales process. They want to see a work, leaders are more aware than ever
certification before they’ll sign a deal, of the dangers of poor cybersecurity.
often to manage their own risk and data However, this awareness often doesn’t
security. trickle down to a compliance program.
The insights above highlight the
A request comes in—often to a dichotomy between what boards and
technical IT or cybersecurity manager, regulations require versus how internal
not the C-suite or the board of teams perceive the resourcing for and
directors—and suddenly it’s all hands strategy behind compliance programs
on deck to complete the assessment (or lack thereof).
or audit. This reactive approach has

What is the greatest challenge to your compliance strategy?

23% 12% 11% 11% 8% 4% 31%

Organization’s audits are Organization Organization Organization's Organization Organization has Other
reactive, driven by lacks coherent can't keep up external lacks internal outdated compliance
customer requests compliance with new auditors don't leadership regulations and
versus internal strategy compliance understand cannot keep up with
management requirements our business new technology

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 14

Analysis and Key Findings

Audit Automation Isn’t

Automatic Yet

Across many industries, software is Yet, despite the growing availability of

transforming business practices in compliance software and automation,
part through automation. During the we found that companies are by and
COVID-19 pandemic, many business large not using these tools.
functions embraced the power of
technology tools to improve business Only 25% of respondents stated that
functions and collaboration in a remote they are using a software solution to
work environment. prepare for audits and assessments
such as an automated security,
Auditing is ripe for technological compliance, or governance risk
disruption, too. There is an increasing compliance (GRC) solution.
number of software solutions
specifically designed to help By industry, healthcare companies
organizations manage the processes, ranked higher than average on
communications, and pieces of technology usage for auditing and
evidence necessary to satisfy an audit assessment (either purchased or
or third-party assessment. developed in-house) at 47%. This may

Percentage of organizations that use a software solution to prepare audits

47% 42% 31% 25% 25% 16% 5%

Healthcare IT Services Technology All Industries Finance Professional Manfacturing


© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 15

be due to higher regulation and audits
in the healthcare. Also, the higher rate
of software adoption in healthcare may
be driven by HITRUST requirements and
HITRUST’s online MyCSF platform. The Transform Your
tech-savvy IT industry came in second
Audit Experience
at 42%.

While companies with more employees

were more likely to use software, an
A-SCEND is A-LIGN’s proprietary compliance management platform
organization’s ability to generate more
developed by industry experts, inspired by our clients, and designed to
revenue didn’t necessarily increase
meet the needs of your audit journey. A-SCEND streamlines the audit
adoption—53% of companies with over
process by centralizing evidence collection, standardizing compliance
$1 billion in revenue still did not use
requests, and consolidating audits. This results in minimized expenses and
compliance software.
improved productivity of required resources for compliance management.

We also found that very few auditors are

currently offering technology tools. In Learn more
fact, only 6% of respondents said they
received compliance software from their

The low adoption rate of compliance

software represents a big missed
opportunity for organizations.
Automation and compliance
management software can provide
benefits such as:

• Creating efficiencies across multiple

• Improving communication between
departments and managers, and
• Reducing the amount of employee
time required for auditing

In 2021 and beyond, adopting auditing

software will be a huge step forward
for many organizations. We’ll talk about
this further in our best practices section
later in this report.

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 16

Analysis and Key Findings

SOC 2 is the Most

Popular Audit

SOC 2 is a popular framework that many audit, attestation, or assessment for

organizations adopt across industries. their business. Second to SOC 2, 39%
Created and administered by the claimed ISO 27001—another important
American Institute of Certified Public security framework—as most important.
Accountants (AICPA), SOC 2 is designed
to ensure that organizations meet a While SOC 2 isn’t mandated, it’s a strong
consistent set of privacy and security signifier that an organization manages
criteria and have appropriate measures data and privacy in a professional,
in place to protect information. process-oriented manner. It builds trust
with customers, partners, and others—
Our survey affirmed the popularity of which is why it is often requested by
SOC 2, finding that 47% of respondents customers and external stakeholders.
said SOC 2 was the most important



ISO 27001

Which audit, ISO 27701

attestation, or PCI DSS

assessments are
most important to
your business? HITRUST




© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 17

We found that 33% of respondents Audits Currently Doing or Planned in Next 12 Months
reported that customers most
frequently ask for SOC 2 first. That was Technology
followed, again, by ISO 27001 at 22%. 40
The importance of SOC 2 and 25
ISO 27001 was underscored by 20
respondents’ compliance plans for
the next 12 months. 43% of total 5
respondents were currently conducting 0
or planning to conduct a SOC 2 audit
in the next 12 months, while 36% were
doing or planning ISO 27001. SOC 2 was Healthcare
the most in progress and/or planned
audit for technology, healthcare, 15

and finance organizations. Notably,

technology organizations stood out as
strong demand leaders for SOC 2, with a 5

whopping 82% doing or planning to do 0

SOC 2. Meanwhile, IT ranked highest for SOC 1 SOC 2 ISO 27001 ISO 27701 PCI DSS HIPAA HITRUST FedRAMP FISMA CMMC

doing ISO 27001 at 83%.




IT Services



© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 18

Analysis and Key Findings

Organizations Struggle
with Staffing and
Evidence Collection
At A-LIGN, we often hear that auditing • Challenges in Evidence Collection:
and assessing can be a stressful 27% pointed to tedious and manual
experience. evidence collection. (Which is
perhaps unsurprising given our
When audits are reactive—versus findings that most organizations
proactively managed as a strategic aren’t using technology to ease the
initiative—teams may feel like they’ve process).
been thrown a ticking time bomb. They • Lack of Budget: Close to 10%
rush to gather evidence and organize called out budget constraints as a
themselves before an auditor comes top challenge to their compliance
into the picture. And often, there’s a program efforts.
different auditor for each unrelated
audit, which can lead to duplicated work We don’t find it surprising that
and other challenges. organizations struggle with staff time
and evidence collection, especially
Respondents reported several since most are not consolidating audits
challenges that made the auditing or using compliance management
process difficult: technology to streamline processes.
Employees already strapped for time
• Limited Staff: 44% of respondents don’t have the bandwidth to prepare
named limited staff resources for an audit—and the one to two
dedicated to compliance as their months that 51% of knowledgeable
greatest challenge. respondents reportedly spend on audit

What is the greatest challenge of your audit process?

44% 27% 9% 6% 5% 5% 4%
Limited staff Tedious and Budget Complexity in Multiple Lack of Other
resources manual evidence constraints conducting auditors with technology
dedicated to collection multiple different solutions to
compliance audits workflows streamline the

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 19


preparation annually is a considerable To receive better

amount of time out of their schedules. customer service More efficient, less
Also, imagine the strain of the process
COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Already To work
overwhelmed and most likely working with more What would be the
experienced main reasons you
from home, it’s fair to assume that
auditors might switch audit
employees struggled even more to service providers?
collect evidence and communicate
about audits and assessments.
Given these factors, it’s natural that
respondents feel constrained in terms The ability to
of staff and budget and feel burdened use technology
to streamline Cost savings
by evidence collection. process

When the right technology is paired

with a strategic plan, organizations
can become more efficient at
preparing for audits and assessments.
Compliance management software
could help reduce the amount of time
organizations spend preparing for audits
and assessments—which alleviates
pressures on staffing shortages and
makes evidence collection easier.

The challenges noted above—staffing,

evidence collection, and budget—
underscore that it takes time, resources,
a thoughtful strategy, and the right
partners to ensure a smooth auditing
experience. Our survey results support
this; 46% said they would switch
auditors for a more efficient and less
time-consuming process. Organizations
are also seeing the benefits of
technology for more efficient auditing,
and 23% of respondents would change
auditors for technology that streamlines
the auditing process.

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 20

Analysis and Key Findings

Privacy Laws are

Having an Impact on
Compliance Programs

From the EU’s GDPR and California’s more privacy controls into their
CCPA to up-and-coming legislation in compliance programs. In our survey,
Virginia and other U.S. states, privacy is 35% of respondents noted that they
at the forefront of regulators’ minds. And needed higher levels of security
it’s not just regulators—consumers are controls. This trend is only likely to
concerned about their privacy and data. continue, as COVID-19 has driven an
increase in remote work and generated
An impressive 71% of respondents said new cybersecurity and privacy
that privacy regulations had an impact concerns.
on their compliance practices. Many
noted that increased requirements GDPR remains the gold standard for
and upcoming legislation are driving privacy, and much of the new legislation
these changes—48% said that growing coming into existence borrows heavily
privacy requirements are necessitating from it. That said, organizations face
additional work, while 27% said that a patchwork of laws in the U.S. and
proposed legislation is pressuring them globally. As more national, regional, and
to stay more current. local governments turn their attention
to privacy, we predict that organizations
As awareness around privacy grows, will continue to evolve their compliance
organizations are looking to incorporate programs to match.

What impact has the increased focus on privacy had on your compliance practice and audits?


50% 35% 28% 27%
25% 18%

Increased We need a higher No impact Proposed Compliance team

requirements related level of security legislation place doesn’t have the
to privacy necessitate controls built into more pressure on skills/training to deal
additional work our processes us to stay current with privacy

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 21

Five Best Practices
for Compliance
Our 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report underscored many of
the challenges in compliance programs today—they are reactive,
and employees find them stressful and lacking strategy and
efficient resourcing. And yet, compliance can support business
growth through new business, better controls, and improved risk

Based on the key takeaways above, we suggest the following best

practices to make your compliance program more strategic and
less onerous.

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 22

Five Best Practices for
Compliance Management

Once your organization understands the

1. Create a Master Audit Plan
current audits underway and the future
landscape, you can:
We noted earlier that compliance
is all too often reactive and not
• Lay out the milestones quarter over
proactive. Driven by external requests,
quarter and year over year
organizations scramble to perform
• Create a rhythm that works for
an audit under pressure. When this
happens multiple times for multiple
• Implement shared processes
frameworks, organizations find
• Communicate the value of audits
themselves in a near-permanent state
across the organization
of chaos.

All of these elements come together in a

We advise organizations to step back
master audit plan.
from the whirlwind of their daily activity
and create a master audit plan.

Take a look at what your organization

2. Consolidate Audits (and
is already pursuing, assess the
requirements of various certifications or
Part of creating a master audit plan is
reports, and determine your company’s
to consolidate audits. For organizations
future audit needs in advance.
pursuing multiple audits, it’s likely that
much of the data and evidence will
For example, organizations extending a
Compliance line of business to U.S. federal agencies
may need to pursue Federal Risk and
Consolidating audits onto a single
can support Authorization Management Program
(FedRAMP) authorization or Federal
timeline can greatly ease the
disjointedness of auditing. Instead of
Information Security Management Act
business (FISMA) certification. Companies looking
responding to the same request for
data several times, IT and cybersecurity
to work with patient data in the U.S. may
growth. need to comply with the Healthcare
Insurance Portability and Accountability
teams can provide data more efficiently.
And because the audit is strategically
planned and expected, it becomes less
Act (HIPAA).
of a last-minute scramble.

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 23

Of course, this may mean a change done one to two months before the 4. Invest in Technology for
in partners, too. As we found in this audit) is one of the best ways to improve Efficiency
report, organizations work with different the process and create strong channels
auditors across multiple audits. This of communication. As we found in our survey, very few
can lead to inefficiencies, added costs, companies tap into technology for their
and disparate processes. When you Organizations can make auditing easier compliance process. Yet software—
consolidate audits, look to consolidate by building a clear process, defining which has transformed and streamlined
auditors, too—and find a true partner roles, and coordinating communication. so many other aspects of business—
who can grow with your business goals Steps can include: can be a powerful tool for making audits
and master audit plan. more efficient.
• Appointing a compliance project
It can take a few years to consolidate manager (or team), either for an The best compliance programs are
audits, and organizations must individual audit or for all audits year-round efforts—not heroic last-
be careful not to fall into “gaps” in • Establishing a calendar of must-do minute pushes. With technology that
compliance. However, the effort of controls and to-dos includes workflow management and
consolidating audits (and auditors) has • Assigning items on the calendar collaboration tools, organizations
enormous benefits. to specific members of IT, can put in place processes to collect
cybersecurity, etc. evidence on time.
• Conducting regular check-ins to
3. Establish Strong ensure these action items have been A good compliance software platform
Communication and met can:
Collaboration • Collecting evidence throughout the
year • Enable better communication
As we found in this year’s survey, • Touching base regularly throughout between teams
organizations struggle with staffing and the year on audit processes and next • Centralize evidence
tedious data collection, and preparing steps • Organize information as it is
for an audit or assessment eats up collected/added
months of their time. These constraints When organizations build compliance • Deduplicate evidence
create the perfect conditions for activities into their culture, the prep time • Assign evidence to multiple
miscommunication and mistakes. needed will be much shorter when the overlapping audits where applicable
audit comes due.
Thinking of auditing as a year-round
process (rather than something to be

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 24

When organizations are proactively
organized, auditors are better able
organization’s goals. Still, we see greater
benefits from selecting a long-term The right
to do their job. There are far fewer ad partner with the right tools and strategic
hoc questions about evidence and advice to drive your compliance efforts. auditor
gaps in information. Good compliance
management software can also
streamline communications with
The right auditor can be a powerful
partner for growth. They should be by
can be a
compliance consultants and experts,
which can save time during audit
your side year-round to advise your
organization on certifications and
preparation. assessments—not just at audit time.
They should also operate globally in the
partner for
5. Choose a Long-Term
markets that matter to you and provide
insights into the compliance horizon,
Partner which is more important than ever in the
face of rising privacy regulations and
A small software company can quickly cybersecurity threats.
become a global phenomenon, while a
new client can help you expand into new When you consider consolidating
industries. While these types of changes auditors, look for a true partner who can
are exciting, they also come with grow with you.
increased compliance and regulatory

There are different approaches to

handling this increased need for
compliance. Some organizations
like to work with auditors on a more
transactional level—they come in, do
an audit, and leave. Others prefer to
work with one auditor for decades.
Both approaches have their merits
and drawbacks, depending on an

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 25

Compliance in
Service of Business
Growth and Security
As they stand, many compliance programs present real resourcing and
workflow issues to companies—but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Compliance drives your business. The right combination of audits,

assessments, or certifications demonstrates business maturity and
cybersecurity savvy to your customers, partners, and other stakeholders.
Most of all, it builds trust.

With this report’s results in hand, we encourage all organizations to make

2021 the year they embrace new processes, strategies, and automation
technologies to grow, reduce risk, and achieve ambitious goals

© 2021 A-LIGN 2021 Compliance Benchmark Report 26

A-LIGN uniquely delivers a single-provider approach as a
licensed SOC 1 and SOC 2 Assessor, accredited ISO
27001, ISO 27701 and ISO 22301 Certification Body,
HITRUST CSF Assessor firm, accredited FedRAMP 3PAO,
designated CMMC C3PAO, and Qualified Security
Assessor Company. Working with small businesses to
global enterprises, A-LIGN experts and its proprietary
compliance management platform, A-SCEND, are
transforming the compliance experience. 

For more information, visit

Special Thanks
We thank our respondents for candidly sharing their
compliance program experiences. We also thank Eagle
Certification Group in particular for their valuable
contributions to this report.

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