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Disaster Continuum

Scaling the Heights of Flexible Learning

: Disaster Continuum

The life cycle of a disaster

is generally referred to as
the “disaster continuum”
or “emergency
management cycle”
Disaster Continuum : Disaster Continuum

The life cycle of a

disaster is generally
referred to as the
“disaster continuum” or
management cycle”

Disaster Continuum : Phases of Disaster Continuum & Management

Disaster Management : I Preparedness

Refers to the proactive planning efforts

designed to structure the disaster
response prior to its occurrence.

Disaster Management : I Preparedness

Disaster planning encompasses
evaluating potential vulnerabilities
(assessment of risk) and the propensity
a disaster to occur.
Disaster Management : I Preparedness

Warning (forecasting)
❑ refers to monitoring
events to
look for indicators that
❖ location,
❖ timing,
❖ magnitude of future
Disaster Management : II Mitigation

⮚ Are measures taken to reduce the

harmful effects of a disaster by
attempting to limit its impact on
human health, community
function, and economic

⮚ These are all steps that are

to lessen the impact of a disaster
should one occur and can be
considered as prevention
Disaster Management : II Mitigation & Prevention

Prevention is a broad range of

activities, such as attempts to
prevent a disaster from occurring,
and any actions taken to prevent
further disease, disability, or loss of
Mitigation usually requires a
significant amount of forethought,
planning, and implementation of
measures before the incident

Disaster Management : III Response

Response phase is the actual

implementation of the disaster plan

Disaster response, or emergency

management, is the organization of
activities used to address the event
Disaster Management : III Response

Traditionally, the • hazardous service

emergency materials
management field has management
organized its activities
(hazmat) • • fire
services sectors emergency medical • police

Disaster Management : III Response

response phase
focuses minimizing and restoring damaged systems
• communications
primarily on emergency relief • transportation
saving lives
• providing first aid providing care and basic life requirements
• rescue
• food, water,
• shelter

Disaster Management : III Response

Disaster response plans

use an
clear and
simple to
Disaster Management : III Response

Disaster response plans

routinely practiced changing
updated as needed situation
and adjusted to the

Disaster Management : IV Recovery

Recovery actions focus on stabilizing and
returning the community (or an
organization) to normal (its pre-impact
This can range from rebuilding damaged
buildings and repairing infrastructure, to
relocating populations and instituting
mental health interventions.
Disaster Management : IV Recovery

Rehabilitation and reconstruction involve

numerous activities to counter the long
term effects of the disaster on the
community and future development.
Disaster Management : V Evaluation

❑ Evaluation is the phase of disaster

planning and response that often
receives the least attention.
❑ Only the four previously mentioned
phases of the disaster life cycle
were recognized;
❑ The importance of response
evaluation cannot be
❑ Future disaster planning needs to
be based on empirical evidence
derived from previous disasters
Disaster Management : V Evaluation

determine what what specific essential that

worked what did not work evaluations be
After a disaster, it is conducted

problems issues

Disaster Management : Nursing Action

Planning/Preparedness/Prevention/ Warning
❑ Participate in the development of community disaster
❑ Participate in community risk assessment:
o Elements of Hazard Analysis for all Hazard Approach
o Hazard mapping
o Vulnerability analysis
❑ Initiate disaster prevention measures:
o Prevention or removal of hazard
o Movement/ relocation of at risk populations
o Public awareness campaigns
o Establishment of early warning systems
❑ Perform disaster drills and table-top exercises
❑ Identify educational and training needs for all nurses
❑ Develop disaster nursing databases for notification,
mobilization, and triage of emergency nurse staffing
❑ Develop evaluation plans for all components of
Disaster Nursing response
Disaster Management : Nursing Action
Response / Emergency Management/ Mitigation
1. Activate disaster response plan
✔ Notification and initial response
✔ Leadership assumes control of event
✔ Command post is established
✔ Established communications
✔ Conduct damage and needs assessment at the scene
✔ Search, rescue, and extricate
✔ Establish field hospital and shelter
✔ Triage and transport of patient
2. Mitigate all ongoing hazards
3. Activate agency disaster plans
4. Establish need for mutual aid relationships
5. Integrate state and federal resources
6. Ongoing triage and provision of nursing care
7. Evaluate public health needs of the affected population
8. Establish safe shelter and the delivery of adequate food and
9. Provide for sanitation needs and waste removal
10. Establish disease surveillance
11. Establish vector control
12. Evaluate the need for/ activate additional nursing staff (Disaster
Response Plans)

Disaster Management : Nursing Action

1. Continue provision of nursing and medical care
2. Continue disease surveillance
3. Monitor the safety of the food and water supply
4. Withdraw from disaster scene
5. Restore public health infrastructure
6. Re-triage and transport of patients to appropriate
7. Reunite family members
8. Monitor long-term physical health outcomes of
9. Monitor mental health status of survivors
10. Provide counseling and debriefing for staff
11. Provide staff with adequate time off for rest
12. Evaluate Disaster Nursing Response actions
13. Revise original disaster preparedness plan

Scaling the Heights of Flexible Learning

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