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Name: Evelin Yolisét Useda Institution: Educativa Rural San City: Yondó- Antioquia
Lastre Miguel del Tigre

Date: 26th April. Time: 1 hour Length: 60 mins

Grade: 1° Age: 6 – 7 Level: Begginer CEF level: A1

Communicative purpose of the lesson: What will learners be better able to do by the end of the lesson?

At the end of the class, students will identify the colors in English, be able to see them and say them in

What skills: (speaking, listening, reading, writing) will you practice?

In this unit we will address Listening and Speaking skills.

What language (grammar, vocabulary, functional expressions) will you focus on?

We will focus on vocabulary.

Standard(s): Copy here the appropriate standards from the National standards booklet (note the
competence Nos.)

I develop strategies that help me to understand some of the words, expressions and sentences that I

Topic: What the lesson is about (e.g. Shopping)

This lesson will address the topic of colors.

Materials: List any worksheets you use and pages from other books (e.g. Hadfield, J. 1990. ‘Elementary
Communication Games’. Nelson. Page 24.). Include copies of your materials with the plan.

For this class you will need:

Color worksheets.

A video story of the colors.

Color sheets.

Colored pencils.
Class profile (50 - 75 words) Describe your students (For how long have your students been learning
English? What are the things that interest them? etc.)
The students are first graders, so they have been learning English for 1 year and 4 months. They are very
participative and active children. They love to sing and play. In this classroom we find students with extra
age which makes the class a little difficult because of their behavior, it is also an inclusive classroom,
because we find students with special educational needs.
How this lesson will meet their needs? What do the students know in order to cope with your lesson? How
is this lesson connected to the previous one and to the next? (50-75 words)

The previous lesson was about the English alphabet, where they used some colors to develop the
activities. There, the introduction of the colors was done indirectly. With this class, they will be able to
identify colors in English and follow coloring instructions. Through songs and games, learning tools were
provided for this class.
Personal aims: What aspects of your own teaching will you develop in this lesson?

Throughout this lesson, students will follow instructional texts that will lead them to discover hidden
objects by following the coloring directions given. I also aim to keep the students' attention during the
Connection to other subjects in the school curriculum (e.g. Social studies)

This class is cross-cutting with the areas of art, through drawing and coloring; and the area of natural
sciences, since some animals will be used in the worksheets to be worked on.
D. Anticipated problems. Complete this section for all lessons:

Anticipated problems Planned solutions

Students refuse to participate out of fear due I would implement games where children feel more
to shyness of the topic. confident so that participation is just a game.

It is a community with unstable power I would take the downloaded videos in mp3 to be listened
service, there may be no power that day. to with a rechargeable speaker and I would tell the story
with films.

The behavior of the students does not allow I propose to the children a contest, where a prize (candy
the class to run smoothly. and star) would be given to the one who learns a lot and
for that he/she must have a good behavior.

Stage Aim Procedure

Time & (Teacher and student activity)

We will use the Identify colors in The class begins with a greeting and a dynamic to set the mood
classroom for 1 English, their of the class. Then some pictures with the colors are shown and as
hour. pronunciation and a game the children are asked to say the color in English. This is
representation. to identify previous knowledge. Then, the colors are reinforced in
English and through a video story the topic is deepened.

Afterwards, a game is played (Simon say) where the children

have to find the number of objects corresponding to the color.

Finally, a card is handed out where the children, following

instructions, must color according to the indication.


(Please complete all parts of this form after teaching your lesson)

1. Were your lesson aims achieved? What evidence can I show to prove this?
Yes, students identify colors by following the pronunciation at the same time, they are able to tell what color it
is when shown a picture.

As evidence I have some pictures.

2. Were your personal aims achieved? What evidence can I show to prove this?
Yes, students can hold a short question-answer conversation with the colors in mind. at the same time, I was
able to capture attention during the lesson.

As evidence I have some pictures.

3. Which stages and activities went well? Why did they go well? Give evidence!

The class went as planned, the students were very accepting of the contest and this allowed me to get the
children to behave well while having fun and learning from the class.
The evidence can be seen in the drive attached to the field diaries.
4. Which stages and activities did not go as well as they could have? Why not? Give evidence!
Since I proposed a quiz at the beginning of the class, this allowed it to go as planned.

5. What areas in your teaching would you like to work on in future lessons?
I would like to emphasize a lot with the topic of animals. It seems to me a rather broad and very dynamic topic,
I already have some ideas if this topic corresponds to me.

6.How can I learn about the areas which I want to improve?

By doing a lot of research to be able to approach the subject from different tools and methodologies, so that I
can provide my students with meaningful learning.

I attach some links to photos and videos that were used in the classes developed.

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