Artifact Paper 1

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Taya Winters

Karen Chester

Edu 202

November 2019

Artifact paper 1

I know that officially there are 5 different philosophies for teaching, but

unofficially there are millions of philosophers around the world from a million

different teachers. Teaching is something I love to do from the good day to the

absolute horrible days. I was born to bring knowledge into the minds of the youth.

My philosophy of teaching is kind of similar to the two teaching style essentialism

and perennialism. As a teacher I wanted to make sure my children succeed as

much as possible even if it takes going over things a million times. I

As I stated earlier, teaching is something I love to do. I truly feel as if I was

put on this earth from the universe to be able to help the youth. Knowing that you

are the person that motivated this young mind to do this is the ultimate feeling. I

currently am a preschool teacher, and being able to teach at that critical age is

amazing from the kids walking in their first day not knowing their basic numbers

and letters to being able to recognize their names and some letter recognition is

amazing. Being able to look back and think about the progress of these kids and

being able to say “wow I was the one that actually did that” is such a rewarding

feeling. I chose this profession because I want to motivate and change the lives

of the youth, simple.

I remember the exact moment I decided I wanted to be a teacher. I was in my

sophomore year of high school (I also remember that, that was a very hard time

for me emotionally and mentally) I had this teacher, Her name was Ms.Donnelly.

She was such a phenomenal teacher. She not only taught your normal

curriculum based english 11,she taught life lessons. She taught me how to be a

better person in the world to not only others but to myself as well. She genuinely

helped me changed my life around. It wasn’t until after I left her class I realized

how much of an amazing teacher she was. To this day I still think about her and

how much she has helped me. I can say that I would not be the person I am

today if it wasn’t for her. She is the exact reason I want to be a teacher.

Something I think will help later in my teaching career is that I am currently a

teacher. I have some of that doing lesson plans, and classroom management

experience. Also my field observations are something that is helpful to finding my

personal style of teaching, and allowing me to have that mock in the classroom

practice experience.

I know in the past, history of teaching wasn’t the best, but things are

ALWAYS changing, and I want to be part of that change. From the beginning of

time children didn’t always get that chance to be whatever they wanted just by

going to school, circumstances were different. With that being said when I teach,

I want to have an open mind and think as if every kid can truly be whatever they

want because they can! I know that people tend to think if a child is from a certain

area or a certain race they can't be this and I don’t ever want to have that

mindset with my students.

Strategies I would really like to implement when I am teaching is

Individualization and getting students interested. Growing up I was never too

invested in school and if I am being honest I barely even graduated on time (I did

though! Shoutout to class of 2018) I want to be the teacher I wish I had in high

school. If I had a teacher that gave me that motivation to do better and get me

invested I would’ve been able to succeed at it, maybe get accepted into a good

college, and get some scholarships. You never know! Secondly, It is also hard to

teach students in one way. Every child learns different, a quote I one heard by

Albert Einstein “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb

a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” I wholeheartedly agree

with that.

Finally to even become a teacher I have to complete 3 more years of college to

get my bachelors degree. This currently my first semester of college. I plan to

transfer to a four your college after CSN. I don’t exactly know what college yet, I

would like to transfer somewhere out of state to see new scenery. I still have to

take my praxis as well. The praxis was something I had never heard of before

taking 202, so I am not quite sure what other requirements I must complete

before getting my teaching license, and being able to teach.

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