Pepsi Screening

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Pepsi Screening of Trenity Jones

Taya Winters

EDU 220

Professor Hooks

February 22, 2022

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Trenity Jones

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: African American

Age: 7

Grade: 2

Socioeconomic Status: Middle Class

Trenity Jones is an African-American young child born April 27th, 2014. She was born and

raised in Las Vegas by parent Actavia Johnson. She is in the second grade attending Doral

Academy - Fire Mesa. She is a part of the drama club and Roblox club hosted by her school.

Outside of school, her favorite activities are collecting Pokémon cards, making/watching tiktoks,

and going to Gravady, the indoor trampoline park. Trenity has 5 sisters and only 1 brother all

ranging from the ages of 7-24. Although she has many siblings, she only lives with her mother

and father in their 3bedroom home. Trenity’s mother Actavia and Father Tommy did not marry

until later in Trenity’s life in October of 2020, with Trenity being only 6 years old.
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Physical Development

To begin with, physically Trenity is in great shape. She is 4 feet and 8 inches tall. Weighing at 85

pounds. The average height according to izoded for a 7-year-old child is 50-51 ½ inches whereas

Trenity is 56 inches. “By the time they reach the age of 9, the average height reaches between 48

and 59 inches”(Galic, 2019). She has exceeded the average height for her age being only 7 years


The average weight of a 7-year-old school-aged child is between 40 and 68 pounds. She states

her favorite food to be tacos, and that’s where she gets “all the meat on her bones” from. Both

her height and weight show she is above average, even with her being closer to 8 years old she is

above average for the 8-year-old percentile range. She is physically the size of a 9-year-old child.

Aside from being larger than a 7-year-old, Based on the information given she has a very healthy

BMI rate for her build at 19.1, a normal BMI rate ranges Normal weight = 18.5–24.9. Her shoe

size is 2 ½ in youth or junior, that as well is above the average with young girls' shoe sizes

ranging between 12 and 13 in toddlers.

Trenity’s diet is very well maintained, she does not eat very much junk food aside from her

usual bag of chips, fruit cups, or fruit snacks. She enjoys full meals such as tacos, spaghetti, and

chicken fingers with fries. Along with her eating habits, Trenity loves riding her bike and taking

walks around the neighborhood. She’s able to ride her bike without training wheels!

Overall Trenity has a very healthy maintained Body, with an average build of a 9-year-old

child. She likes to keep up with her lifestyle, or I should say her mother likes to keep up with her

lifestyle like eating and exercising regularly, while also getting her regular checkups from the

doctor to make sure she is healthy.

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Emotional Development

For emotional development, Trenity is doing very well. Emotionally she’s able to speak up

when she’s hurt, upset, angry, happy, or sad. She can regulate her emotions. She said when she’s

upset she likes to take deep breaths and watch YouTube to calm down. I think this is a great

coping mechanism to be only 7 years old. She is successfully able to empathize and read

emotions within others. She showed great empathy for her sister who broke her ankle. Trenity

said, “When my sister broke her ankle I felt like I broke my ankle”. In the article from (Wisner, 2022) she says “another clue that they are learning to socialize in

more mature ways. “Seven-year-olds typically start and end conversations appropriately,” says

Rooker. “They are able to stay on topic and follow other conversation ‘rules.’” Trenity knows

how to appropriately begin and end a conversation with peers.

An altercation happened between her and another one of her sisters leaving Trenity very upset

and crying, her sister told her that when she’s ready to stop crying they can talk. Trenity took that

time to be alone. She used that alone time to recognize and regulate how exactly she was feeling.

When she was ready she came back to her sister, and they were able to work it out. I felt that was

very mature for her age. There are adults who are unable to recognize their feelings for


I am concerned for Trenity’s well-being when it comes to social media and having an online

presence. She was very upset because she wants to be like the famous kids she sees on TikTok or

YouTube. She’s not yet able to understand that the children she sees online are in a completely

different environment from living. She doesn’t understand social status or how race can affect

success in a child’s life. She just sees they have things she doesn’t. Nowadays it's so effortless to

go online and compare yourself to others and envy them. This can start at a young age
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Philosophical Development

Trenity Says that she believes in God, I believe that she gets that belief from her grandmother.

Her grandmother is heavily into Christianity, whereas her parents are not. Neither of her parents

attends church or on a weekly basis. Her grandmother on the other hand attends church 2 times a

week, reads her bible every night, says a prayer before food, when she wakes and when before

she goes to bed. There have been times I’ve seen Trenity having to remind her parents to say

grace before they eat. Trenity doesn’t question whether God is real or not, that’s all she knows.

In a Harvard article (Pritchard, 2018) it says that children prior to the age of 11 or 12 are unable

to think philosophically. This can be argued that it may only apply to religion. In some ways,

Trenity has exhibited to think philosophically by asking questions such as “how do we know

XYZ isn’t real?” Or “How do I know it’s really the tooth fairy taking my teeth under my

pillow?’ Thinking philosophically can be present in children in different ways than in adults.

Their thinking is limited to what they’ve been exposed to in their short life.
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Social Development

For Social Development Trenity has very nice social skills. She's able to encourage playing

with others easily. Trenity is very self-aware. She can open up to others and say when she’d like

to play or when she’d like to be alone. In groups, Trenity gets along very well. She can play with

others very cooperatively. In the article posted by the CDC, some social developmental

milestones are: Start to think about the future, Understand more about his or her place in the

world, Show more independence from parents and family. Trenity is able to do all of those

things. She loves talking to her family, she loves playing with cousins and FaceTiming her

sisters that live around the United States

In a conversation I had with her about college Trenity stated that she didn’t want to go to

college. She wanted to stay a child forever because she doesn’t want to move out or pay bills. I

thought this was a very interesting task that at 7 years old she’s decided this for herself.

I will say that Trenity is very shy, she has to work up the courage to talk to others, but in the

end, she always faces her fear and initiates play with others. She said the reason she gets nervous

talking to others is that she doesn’t want them to say no to her. This is a completely normal fear

and response. Rejection can very much destroy your ego at any age. Along with this, Trenity can

be very timid as well. She doesn’t come out the gate being her best self, she has to warm up to

whoever for her bright sweet loving personality to come out.

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Intellectual Development

Trenity is doing exceptionally well intellectually. She has exhibited an understanding of time.

She’s able to accurately read clocks and can understand it’s used as a measurement. She’s shown

a lot of intellectual developments for her age hitting all marks according to the article from, such as showing a learning preference. She expresses she’s more of a visual learner

with preferring videos or pictures. She can solve simple math equations, and she's able to

effectively use her brain to store memory.

Something I’ve noticed that is very difficult for Trenity to do is to remain focused for long

periods of time. She has a very short attention span. An example of this is as I watched her do

her homework, she was very focused for about 5 or 6 minutes, then she began to talk to me about

her Pokémon cards. I believe that the increased addiction to technology is causing this. Many

children across the globe struggle with keeping focus. “According to a study by informED, many

students today are found to have an attention span of about 10 to 15 minutes long” (Times,

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Source ;
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Recommendation for each developmental area

Physical - Maintaining a healthy lifestyle for Children - As I stated before Trenity has a very

healthy lifestyle, and learning how to upkeep that life is very important as they grow and get



Emotional - Helping build self esteem in children - Trenity can use the help of her parents to

remind her of all of what she can be grateful for. Self esteem is very important in children and

will dictate how they allow others to treat them when they’re older

Philosophical - questions that can get children to think philosophically. This list of questions can

help Trenity think about her definition of life is from her child perspective.

Social - Trenity tends to get very nervous while talking to other, so I would recommend this

article for ways her parents can help build confidence within her.

Intellectual - This is a list of simple ways parents can help improve Trenity’s attention span in

her everyday life.


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Amy Morin, L. C. S. W., & Wisner, W. (2022, February 3). 7-year-old child development

milestones. Verywell Family. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, February 22). Middle childhood (6-8 years

old). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

Children's Size Charts. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

How to size kids boots and shoes. Army Navy Now. (n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

Leaf Group. (n.d.). Normal heights and weights for school-age children. LIVESTRONG.COM.

Retrieved February 28, 2022, from


Los Angeles Times. (2020, December 4). Opinion: Short attention spans correlate with use of

technology. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from


Milestones for 7-year-olds. Government of Alberta Personal Health Portal.

(n.d.). Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

Pritchard, M. (2018, December 14). Philosophy for children. Stanford Encyclopedia of

Philosophy. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

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Scribd. (n.d.). Pepsi Screening Edu 220. Scribd. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Calculate your BMI - standard BMI

Calculator. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Retrieved February 28, 2022, from

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