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(toughoutmonorthe [WHemch of ie e% lancmps io be Oral Style |enthralls the audience; —_| speech you engage the ‘written style there a1 | conversational, reading |Not conversational; reads ne emie speech lanpearsrelaxed and) excite and ental the Nervousness apparent confident. |nudience more filly. oS [ean connect more fy Expert “Advanced Tntermediate Beginner Undeveloped Speech i delivered [only few vocal les that (do not dstrct rom the The vocal ers begin to nterape the ow of the IRepented voc filers ierrupt the ow of your {Nearly impossible to fatiow the fw of the Ipecch du tothe constant Facial Expressions Brn n arcing re foc ie covercaanae loom fhe" [orc istene lvocal fillers. Expert Tavanced Thntermediate Beginner Undeveloped | vr enpmge lanomge visi, lange nde MENS, hanguge a my anaes fel eee er alte ene an Nome pone [og ronan creat yemmcadn cron. 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[supported by facts. 7 Expert Advanced Intermediate Beginner Undeveloped ‘Time [Spach wes delivered in ime ot oftomnas L eee Sosecnds gers ayer |:00 mint ander? over [1:30 mite under |S sto pt iis ~ Ponce 1 Berzelai Ponce Ms. Harris Adv. Speech P2 11 September 2018 Informative Speech “If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we’ be so simple we couldn't “quote by anonymous. We are born with many built in traits, many of these can be as simple as breathing, or they can be more complex and harder to discover. Such as finding a hidden talent or a special ability for certain things. Searching for my special traits allowed me to lea more about my abilities, weaknesses, and skills. Learning more about myself came with many advantages, such as improving my goal setting, finding my weakness’s, and essentially changing my knowledge of myself. This knowledge came from trying new things and engaging in new experiences. Engaging new experiences allowed me to learn many new things about myself. Through new experiences I learned of my massive disability when it comes to expressing my ideas clearly. ‘My answer to the following question from the communication quiz that we took on August 7 really stood out to me, it asked, “I have to repeat myself often because people don't understand my message the first time around”, my answer was “Completely True”. This new experience showed ime that people struggle to understand my ideas clearly the first time I say them. New experiences though me that to change others I must first change myself. A quote from a poem in page 33 of the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey expresses this idea clearly.” ‘And now here T lie on my death bed and realize (perhaps for the first time) that if only I'd changed myself first, then by example T may have influenced my family and with their encouragement and support I may have bettered my country, and who knows I may have changed the world”. ‘This quote from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens though me of my ability to change myself for the betterment of others. Another quote that emphasizes the idea of changing oneself before trying to change other is a quote from Be Nobodies Darling by Alice Walker, it goes like this,” Take the contradictions of your life and wrap around you like a shawl. To parry stones to keep you warm”. ‘This quote says to take the bad things in life and accept them, and use them as a form of support for when things seem dark. This quote from Be Nobodies Darling reinforced my acknowledgment of my ability to change. While reading questions like “what makes you happy?”, and “what are your goal in life?” The understanding came to me that choosing a job relates to not only happiness ‘but also to my career choices. In chapter | of the book How to Study in College, under the section titled “What makes you happy” .it said that choosing a job is more about what makes you happy, and how will that job impact the rest of your life. Reading that section from How to Study in College thought me of my lack of proper goal setting and future planning. Thave never been a good goal setter. Most of the time my self-given goals tend to be either too pessimistic or too extreme, or they just do not work out. After comprehending my disability for proper goal setting my focus shifted to the only thing within my control, myself. In Chapter 4 Ponee 2 of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens it said something that stood out to me. It said,” The fact is, we can’t control everything that happens to us. We can’t control where our ancestors come from, who will win the Super bowl, how much tuition will be next fall, or how others might treat us, But there is one thing we can control: how we respond to what happens to us.” Now that my focus shifted to what always remains in my control, my self-given goals will remain reasonable and manageable. A quote that shows the idea of we can control only one thing is from the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley which says, “I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul”. This quote explicitly emphasizes the idea of always having self-control, which then strengthened furthermore my goal setting ability. After learning more about myself, the understanding came to me that my brain and body have a certain tolerance to stress. On my Stress Reflection I wrote the following, “I am able to realize that I’m dealing with stress, and I know I need a break, so I'll go for a small walk or just sit down and arrange my thoughts for a second”. This showed me my tolerance to succumbing to stress, by knowing how my body and mind react when facing stress, Knowing about my tolerance to stress allows me to properly measure and plan ‘out my goal without making them too pessimistic. ‘Through engaging in new experiences, my understanding of myself has changed ina mayor way. By engaging in reading and taking a communication quiz, my understanding of myself brought me to learn 3 things about me. One, my disability to clearly communicate. Two, before attempting to change others I must first change myself. And three, my lack of knowledge on what it means to choose a job showed me my lack of proper planning. Alll of these things showed me that I have many disabilities, but just as many abilities to lear ways to make better choices and help others. The more my knowledge of myself grew, the greater the need became for me to change my ways of setting goals. After comprehending my lack of proper goal setting and learning of my resistance to falling into stress, now my goals can be better adjusted to be more manageable and not too difficult or too easy, Considering the characteristics of self-awareness and clear ‘communication remains as something for me to look for. In this instance I would need to find my tendencies regarding my verbal behavior while engaging in a conversation with someone, and what characteristics I show during a moment of self-reflection.

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