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Jamaal R.

Washington Philosophy Statement

As a professional staff member within higher education that is beginning a journey of formally
mastering an understanding of the history, structures, professional competencies, and methods of
leadership and evaluation, I declare this philosophy statement as my intentionally grounded
framework of how I will ensure that I continually contribute value in the how I lead and serve
student scholars throughout various points of their development and scholarship.

It is of the utmost importance that I mindfully acknowledge how the awareness and application
of my intersectional identities (both visible and invisible) present cultural wealth in higher
education spaces that seem to systemically acculturate and assimilate students in ways that cater
to dominant culture and omit African-American voices, influence, Blackness, masculinity, as
well as other marginalized communities who experience exclusion through the societal barriers
relevant to lower socio-economic backgrounds. I want these identities that I hold and my tireless
advocacy and empathy to remain embedded within the fabric of my empathy, advocacy, and
leadership. In a nation where we realize the statement, Black Lives Matter to be questioned,
undermined, and negated, I hope to serve as a positive representation of how this identity and
experiences have influenced my approach to authentic leadership, contextualizations, student-
centered engagement, and interactions while also demonstrating a unique range in which I may
contribute to various aspects of student development.

Embracing a growth mindset, I shall continually seek opportunities to sharpen how I recognize
the role external factors play in creating systemic barriers to student groups outside of those
represented in the founding, structures, and artifacts of dominant culture (from within the United
States and within many higher education institutions) while leveraging my empathy for all forms
of internalized oppression to serve as a champion for social justice, equity, and expanded
definitions of success from a professional platform within the system. This growth mindset
would be reflected in the research, collaborations, professional development, and community
networking efforts that center on expanding equity and opportunity.

I will ensure that my work and positionality within the institution of higher education recognize
the need to create space so that there is a chance to hear and include the voices of the voiceless.
This applies to both groups that I share identities with and those that I do not. As a social
justice/equity advocate, ally, and change agent who is purposed for the marathon of career efforts
to shift paradigms influencing access, sense of belonging, engagement, and degree completion I
must never lose sight of this.

To the extent that it is logistically possible, I will participate in all levels necessary to create the
Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE model) that facilitate thriving experiences
for students of color. In doing so, I need to fully understand and thoroughly research the
needs/experiences/community resources available to the student population, build campus and
community partnerships that expand networks, strategically propose programming and apply for
internal/external funding that can support these efforts, and contribute sweat equity through
participation in the actual work.

Finally, I must always commit to sharpening, assessing, and refreshing my professional abilities
in how I lead/serve. This is a critical component demonstrative of humility, character, and
embracing the life-long learning anticipated of those that behold the growth mindset. I plan to
use the ACPA, NASPA competencies and CAS Standards as tools to consistently evaluate where
I can improve and where I possess strengths in serving student scholars, while also working with
campus and outside organizations to continue increasing the range of my professional abilities.

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