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Taya Winters

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

The Praxis exam is a state made exam for students in school working towards an

education degree. This test is needed in order to get your license to teach in Nevada. It

consists of three sections: math reading and writing. You have the option of taking all

three tests together or taking them separately.

For these tests I did not prepare. For the links provided in the assignment for how to

study the web link was unavailable. I tried searching around for any preparation tools on

the website. Eventually, I just decided to take the test. I went into this test with a

blind eye not knowing what to expect at all.

I did not do as I originally expected to do on the test. For subject math I did quite well.

As I was going through the test I was able to recognize and figure out problems. Math is

not a subject I normally do well in. I waited until my final graduation semester (may

2022) to enroll in math. I am surprised at my knowledge of the problems I did know on

the test (17). I do see this as a win. For writing I was a bit stuck. It’s been a very long

time since I took a writing test like that. Since I've been out of college I haven’t had the

best grammar to go off of. I forgot a lot of information I’ve learned over time. I need a

major refresher! For reading I got so overwhelmed from all the reading passages by the

end of the test I began to get tired. I had a hard time focusing on what I was reading.

How I will prepare for my actual exam is by renting textbooks along with using the

practice test I previously took to study over again. With writing being what I did the

worst in, going forward it will be the subject I put the most work into to make sure I pass
with flying colors. Along with studying, I will make sure I get a full night of sleep and eat

a complete meal before I take the test. As I was taking the test I began to get tired.

Making sure you have a good night's sleep is so important to have so your brain can

function properly. I have an idea of what to expect when I take the test, so I’m able to

come very well prepared. I am currently enrolled in a math course this semester. All my

notes from this class I will make sure to study, a lot of what was on the test is what I’ve

been covering over the year such as area and various formulas. For reading I am going to

work on being more focused while I’m reading allowing me to better comprehend when

I’m reading. For writing I want to rent grammar textbooks and study over questions I

missed on the test for the future.

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