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Internet of behavior (IOB)

 Inrtoduction
 Internet Of Things(IOT)
 IoB in Business
 Use Case of IoB
 Benefits of IoB
 Market products more Effectively to customers
 Improve the user/customer experience
 Access to consumer lifestyle information
 Improving SEO
 Risk Element

 What internet behavior (IOB) is ?

 What business value it is, and how can benefit from it.
Internet Of Things(IOT)

 “The internet of things (IOT) describes the

network of physical Objects – “things” or
Objects- That are embedded with sensor ,
software and other Technologies for the purpose
of connecting and exchanging data with other
devises and Systems over Internet.”
. IOB .

 The number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has

doubled over the past five year.
 The collection of usage data and data by these
IoT devices provides valuable information about
users’ behavior ,interests and preferences.
 Thus the Internet of behavior (IoB) was born.
. IOB .

 IoB: ” Collection of huge set of data to drive behave”

 IoB is the Extension of IoT.
 The data and Information from IoT devices leads to
Knowledge and wisdom.
IoB in Business

 The data and Information collected by the IoT

devices are used for generating Knowledge and
Wisdom about users’ behavior, interests and
preference and promote new products and
marketing strategies from a human Psychology
perspective is IoB.
Use Case of IoB

Social credit Score System in China based in face recognition.

 Each entry is given a social credit score ,with rewards for those who
have a high rating and punishments for those with low Scores.
 So based on the Score of the people, they are given government

 According to Gartner , a global research firm , by 2023

40% of world population will have their behavior track
through IoB.
 Also by 2025 more than 50% of world population will have
their behavior tracked.
 These Knowledge/data will be used by private and
government for different marketing purposes.
 IoB becomes key of sales and marketing.
Benefits of IoB

1. Markets products more effectively to customers.

2. Improves the user/customers experience.
3. Access to consumer lifestyle information.
4. Improving SEO.
Market products more Effectively to
 IoT creats a lot of data and information and when these
data are converted into knowledge and wisdom its,easy to
identify all the platform the customer interacts with and
we get a detailed information about the customer.
 More effectively we can implement the marketing
strategies to these customers.

Ex:- Uber
Improve the user/customer experience

 Improving their products, by organization based on the

detaied information collected about the customer and
thus improving the user experience.
 When the product is improved it satisfies the users
concerns and expectations.
Access to consumer lifestyle information

 Our lifestyle is completely tracked with IoT devices.

 E.g: Coffee Machine
Improving SEO

 SEO is Search Engine Optimization, practice of increasing

the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through
organic search engine results.
 With the introduction of IoB, an improved version of SEO,
Search Experience Optimization(SXO) is developed.
 System understand the intent.
Risk Element

“ Privacy is under threat!”


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