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Power Plant Engineering Growth Rate in Power Demand 3. Regulating Plant - plant capable of carrying load for the time
interval either during off-peak or peak periods
Art of designing and installing generating plant that will result in and usually responds to changes in system
maximum return on investment (profit) over the expected life of the frequency.
equipment. And also operating this equipment to achieve reliable,
continuous & cheap power services. 4. Reserve or Stand-By-Plant – for peak or system deficiencies.

Power Plant – A station or establishment which houses the prime Types Of Plant Reserves
movers, electric generators and auxiliaries, for conversion of Where: P = power demand at any time t
mechanical, chemical and / or nuclear energy into electrical energy. a.) Cold Reserve – portion of the installed reserved kept in
Po = initial power demand at t = 0 operating condition and available for service but not for
r = growth rate increase per year immediate loading.
Work Problems Involving Electricity W = energy consumption

The work done by an electromechanical machine to drive and move b.) Operating Reserve – refers to capacity in actual service in
Note : Energy demand is directly proportional to population excess of peak load.
horizontally is given by from physics:

Work ( WK ) = Force ( F ) x Distance ( d ) c.) Hot Reserve – refers to units available, maintained at
SAMPLE PROBLEMS operating temperature and ready for service although not in
actual operation.
Work Force Distance 1. An electric lift truck is powered by a dc motor connected to a 110 V
battery. The truck exerts 200 lbs pull while moving at 7mph. If the d.) Spinning Reserve – generating capacity connected to the
Joule = N-m Newton meter overall efficiency of the motor and drive mechanism is 75%, what is the bus ready to take load.
Erg = Dyne - cm Dyne centimeter current drain on the battery ?
A. 35.68 A C. 33.76 A * II – Types of Power Plant’s ( as to source of energy )
Pound - foot Pound foot
B. 38.05 A D. 39.58 A
A. Thermal Power Plant – an electric generating station using heat as
2. An electric kettle is required to boil 0.6 kg of water from 10oC in 5 a source of energy.
Power = Work / Time = Force x velocity minutes, the supply voltage is 230 V. The efficiency of the kettle is
78%. Determine the resistance of the heating element. a.) Oil-fired Steam Plant – makes use of heavy fuel oil, light
Power Force Velocity A. 52.25 ohms C. 54.76 ohms * fuel oil or bunker oil for production of energy.
B. 59.35 ohms D. 56.82 ohms b.) Coal-fired Thermal Plant- makes use of pulverized coal
Watt Newton Meter / sec.
as fuel.
Pound – foot/sec Pound Foot / sec. 3. The equivalent fuel reserve of a certain country for power c.) Dendro-Thermal Plant- makes use of wood (ipil-ipil)
generation is 3 x 10 6 MW – year. The present peak power demand is d.) Nuclear-Steam Plant- makes use of steam generated in a
200 GW, and the expected power consumption growth rate is 2.1 reactor by heat from fission process of nuclear fuel
Water Heating Using Electricity percent. How long in years will the fuel reserve last ? (uranium 235, Uranium –238)
A. 10 years C. 13 years * e.) Gas Turbine Plant- makes use of combustible gasses as
Q = mc ( t2 – t1 ) B. 18 years D. 15 years fuel from a gas turbine engine prime over.
f.) Geothermal Plant- makes use of generated heat from the
Where : Q = heat energy in calorie or BTU inherit steam from the earths magma fuel.
m = mass of liquid in gram or kg or lb. I – Types Of Power Plant ( As to Use ) g.) Solar-Steam Plant- makes use of steam generated from
= 1 cal / g – oC = 1 kCal / kg - oC solar radiation.
= 4.186 kJ / kg – oC = 1 BTU / lb - oF 1. Base-Load Plant – plant that assumed load requirements under
t2 = final temperature in oC or oF normal conditions. Include steam, hydroelectric HEAT RATE = Energy consumed that produces 1 kW – hr
t1 = initial temperature in oC or oF and geothermal power plants.
Mostly used Energy Conversion factors
Density of water = 1000 kg / m3 = 62.4 lbs / ft3 2. Peaking Plant – plant that is normally operated to provide power
only during peak load periods. Includes diesel 1 calorie = 4.186 Joules
1 gallon = 3.785 liters electric and gas turbine power plants. 1 BTU = 252 calories = 778 ft – lbs.
1 cu. meter = 1000 liters 1 kW Hr = 3.6 kJ = 3413 BTU

1 kW Hr = 860 k cal Types Of Hydroelectric Plant w = Specific weight of water ( 9810 N / m3 )

1 Hp-Hr = 2545 BTU or in ( 62.4 lb / ft3 )
1 Quad = 1 x 1015 BTU a.) Run-of-river –using pondage or steam flows as it occurs, h = effective head of water in ( m ) or in ( ft )
more power can be generated in a rainy season than dry
Total Efficiency of Cascaded Units season. On the part of turbines and generator

b.) Plant with the storage capacity – associated with a large

Pin P out water reservoir. This permits regulated supply of water so that Power in turbine generator Power out
the power output is constant throughout the year
c.) Pump Storage Plant – where energy is generated during
periods of high system demand using water, which has been
pumped, into a reservoir usually during periods of relatively OVER-ALL EFFICIENCY ( )
SAMPLE PROBLEMS low system demands.

1. A 100 MW thermal plant has an over-all efficiency of 32%. If the

coal burned has a heating value of 10,500 BTU per lb. Calculate THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT
coal consumption in kg / kW hr? answer: 0.46 kg / kWhr
2. A certain coal fired power plant has a heat rate of 2.88 x 10 6
calories per kw-hr. Coal costs Php 2,500 per ton. How much is the
fuel cost component of producing one kw-hr ? Assume a calorific
value of coal 13,000 BTU / lb.
3. A coal fired power plant consumes 3,000 tons of coal per day. If the
coal being used has an average energy content of 12,000 BTU / lb,
determine the power output of the plant. Assume an over-all
efficiency of 30%.

4. A diesel engine uses 300 kg / hr of fuel. The calorific value of the SAMPLE PROBLEM
fuel used is 40,000 kJ / kg. Assuming a thermal efficiency of 45%,
what power is developed by the engine ? answer: 1,500 kW 1. A hydro electric power plant has an effective head of 200 ft. The
water flow is 10,000 ft3 / min. The piping system and the turbine has
5. An engine has an efficiency of 26%. It uses 2 gallons of gasoline per an over-all efficiency of 75 %. The generator has an efficiency of
hour. Gasoline has a heating value of 20,500 BTU / lb and a specific 95 %. What is the output in kW of the plant ? answer: 2,010 kW
gravity of 0.8. What is the power output of the engine ? answer: 26 kW
2. A power plant gets water from a dam with a net head of 122.45
B. Hydro-Electric Power Plant – an electric generating station using meters at the rate of 1,000 m3 / min. If the output of the plant is
flowing water to drive the prime-movers (hydraulic turbines) either 15,000 kW. What is the efficiency ?
impulses or reaction type. a) 80 % b) 70 %
Working Formula / Equation :
c) 75 % * d) 65 %
Two Types Of Hydraulic Turbines
3. A hydroelectric plant gets water from a dam at a rate of 1000 m3 per
a.) Impulse type – uses for high and low volume, example is the minute to generate an output of 12,262.5 kW. If the over-all
“Pelton Wheel” efficiency of the plant is 75%, what is the head of the water in the
dam ?
b.) Reaction type – use for low-heads and high volume, where : P = Power developed by the water turbine ( Watt ) a) 110 m b) 80 m
examples are “Francis and Kaplan Turbine” Q = Discharge of water at the turbine input ( m3 / sec ) c) 100 m * d) 223 m
or in ( ft3 / sec ) 4. A 100 MW hydroelectric station is supplying full load for 10 hours in

a day. Calculate the volume of water that has been used. Assume Reserve Over Peak = Plant Capacity – Peak Load
effective head of the water as 200 meters and the over-all efficiency
of the station as 80%. answer: 2.3 x 10 6 m3 2. Average Load – The average load of the power station in a
given period ( day, month or year ) is known as the average
C. Diesel Power Plant – a plant of internal combustion engine (ICE) load or average demand.
prime-mover using diesel as fuel in producing energy.

D. Windmill Power Plant – using a series of windmill as prime-mover.

Turbine type wind energy generators transform the kinetic energy of
the wind into rotary shaft motion and in turn, to electric energy. 3. Load Factor – It is the ratio of average load to the maximum
Demand or peak load during a given period.
Power Out
Wind Velocity Load Factor

4. Capacity Factor


1 day = 24 hours,
Where : Po = Power output, power that can be extracted ( Watt ) 1 month = 30 days = 720 hours 5. Plant Capacity Factor ( Annual )
D = Diameter of turbine blade ( feet ) 1 year = 365 days = 8760 hours
V = Wind Velocity ( miles per hour )
Load Curve refers to the graph used to represent the relationship
E. Sea waves/Ocean Tides Plant – makes use of the natural rising of between the demanded load and the time sequence.
tide to stimulate flowing water. 6. Plant Use Factor – It is the ratio of kW-hr or energy generated or
Monthly Load Curve is the average of the daily load curves over a
delivered by the station to the actual energy that the station had
one-month period that is used in establishing the rates.
generated in a year.
F. Solar or photo-voltaic Plant - chemical conversion of radiant
energy of the sun to electric (dc) energy. Annual Load Curve is the average of the daily load curves over a
period of one year that is used in determining the annual load factor.

Load Duration Curve is obtained from the same data as the daily load
curves for one year or a period of 8,760 hrs. 7. Demand Factor – It is the ratio of maximum demand or peak load
to the connected load of consumer
Connected Load ( CL ) the sum of all loads installed or connected to
the system.

Peak Load or Maximum Load or Demand ( PL or MD ) the highest

or biggest that occurred during the day, the month or the year.
8. Diversity Factor – It is the ratio of the sum of individual
Installed Capacity ( IC ) sum of the ratings of the generators installed maximum demands or peak load to the combined maximum
in the station. demand of the power station or plant.

Variable Load Terminologies

1. Reserve Over Peak

THE VARIABLE LOAD GRAPH 9. Utilization Factor

c) volatile matter d) ash content 18. The annual maximum demand of a 55 MW generating plant is 50
MW and produces an annual energy of 265,000 MWh. What is the
2. A certain amount of fuel contains 15x1010BTU of energy. What is annual capacity factor of the plant?
the corresponding energy in kilo calories? a) 55% b) 80%
a) 37.8x109 b) 1.58x1011 c) 75% d) 60.5%
10. Operation Factor c) 43.9x10 6
d) none of these
19. A power plant has a maximum demand of 15 MW. The annual load
3. To produce one kWh a power plant burns 0.9 lb of coal with the factor are 50% and 40% respectively. Determine the reserve
heating value of 13,000 BTU pre lb. What is the heat rate of the capacity of the plant.
plant? a) 7530 kW b) 5730 kW
a) 6,250 BTU / kW-hr b) 9,500 BTU / kW-hr c) 3750 kW d) 3075 kW
11. Plant Factor c) 11,700 BTU / kW-hr d) 8,700 BTU / kW-hr
20. A diversity factor of 4.5 gives a saving of .......percent in the
4. A 100 MW power plant has a heat rate of 2..88x106 calories per generating equipment.
kWh. It is a base load plant and runs at full load 24 hrs a day. How a) 60 b) 78
many tons of cola is needed per day? c) 40 d) 25
a) 250 b) 830
SAMPLE PROBLEM c) 625 d) 960 21. A 100 Mw coal fired power plant has an average heat rate of 9,500
BTU/kWh. The plant load factor is 75% . The heating value of coal
1. A 50 MW power plant has an average load of 31,500 Kw and a load 5. A 55 MW steam power plant uses coal of heating value of 12,000 is 12,000 BTU/lb. Calculate the amount of coal usage for one day?
factor of 70%. Find the reserve over peak. BTU/lb. The fuel consumption when supplying full rated load is a) 1.425x106 lbs b) 2.235x106 lb
32,550 lbs/hr. What is the overall efficiency of the station? c) 2.235x105 lbs d) 1.826x106 lb
2. The daily energy produced in a certain power plant is 480,000 Kw- a) 32% b) 48%
hrs. What is the daily average load? c) 38% d) 53% * 22. The annual load duration curve of a certain power station can be
considered as a straight line from 20 MW to 4 MW. To meet this
13. A ten year investigation of a river's potential gave an average water load, 3 turbo alternator units, two rated 10 MW each one rated 5
3. What is the annual capacity factor of the plant if the annual energy
flow of 25 cm per second at the bottom and 90 cm per second at MW are installed. Determine the plant use factor?
produced in a 150 MW power plant is 150,000,000 kW-hrs?
the surface . The average cross-section at the same location is 80 a) 48% b) 80%
m2. What is the average flow rate in cubic meter per hour? c) 60% d) 38%
4. A power plant is said to have a use factor of 48.5% and a capacity
a) 165,000 b) 46,500
factor of 42.4%. How many hours did it operate during the year?
c) 57,500 d) 5,760 29. A power plant having three turbo alternators rated 25 MVA,0.9
p.f.,and 10 MVA, 0.85 p.f. has a maximum demand of 40 MW.
5. A 60 MW station has an annual peak load of 50 MW. The power 14. A power plant gets water from a damn from a height of 122.45 What is the utilization factor of this power plant?
station supplies loads having maximum demands of 20 MW, 17 MW, meters at the rate of 1,000 cubic meters per minute. If the output of a) 0.88 b) 0.81
10 MW and 9 MW. The annual load factor is 45%. Determine the the plant is 15,000 kW, What is the efficiency? c) 0.90 d) 0.73
following: a) 80% b) 75%
a) Average Load b) energy supplied per year (kWhr) c) 70% d) 65% BRING HOME PROBLEMS
d) diversity factor
15. A hydroelectric generating station is supplied from the reservoir of
capacity of 200 million cubic ft at a head of 500 ft. What is the total 1. Which of the following property of coal has major influence on the
6. A generating station has a maximum demand of 30 MW, a load
available electric energy in MWh if the hydraulic efficiency is 0.8 design and operation of a steam power plant ?
factor of 0.6, a plant capacity factor of 0.48 and plant use factor of
and the electrical efficiency is 0.9? a) shape and size of coal b) density of coal
0.82. Determine the following:
a) 1,695 MWh b) 6,103 MWh c) carbon content of coal d) ash content of coal
a) reserve capacity of the station
b) maximum energy that can be produce daily if the plant is running c) 2,354 MWh d) 8,475 MWh 2. A power station has an annual factors, they are as follows:
all the time at full capacity. Load factor = 0.5 , capacity factor = 0.4 , use factor = 0.45
16. A 50,000 kW steam plant delivers an annual output of 238,000,000
c) the number of hours daily the station is in operation assuming The power station has a maximum demand of 18 MW. Determine
Kw-hr with a peak load 42, 860 kW. What is the annual load factor
fully loaded when running. the plants annual energy production.
and the capacity factor?
a) 58.6 x 106 kW – Hr b) 85.45 x 106 kW – Hr.
PRACTICE PROBLEMS 17. The are under daily load curve divided by 24 hours gives.... c) 78.84 x 106 kW – Hr d) 68.48 x 106 kW – Hr.
a) peak demand b) least load
1. Heating value of coal largely depends on....
c) average load d) total kWh generated
a) moisture content b) size of coal particles

3. A power plant has a maximum demand of 20 MW. If the load a) chemical compound splits into is constituents
factor of the plant is 55% and its capacity factor is 50%, calculate 12. Plastics on thin layers of metals are used in nuclear plants b) nuclear particles combine
its reserve capacity. a) to slow down neutrons b) to stop alpha & beta particles c) nuclear particles split *
a) 1,875 kW b) 2,000 kW c) to arrest stray neutrons d) all of the above d) molecules combine
c) 2,500 kW d) 3,500 kW
4. A power plant gets water from a dam from a height of 122.45 13. The feedwater is usually heated before it is injected to the boiler 21. Which of the following is / are not a secondary nuclear fuels ?
meters at the rate of 1,000 cubic meters per minute. If the plant’s for the following reasons EXCEPT one. Which one is this ? a) Uranium – 235 * b) Uranium – 235
output is 15,000 kW, compute the plant’s efficiency a) improves the overall performance of the plant c) Plutonium – 239 d) both a and b
a) 85 % b) 75 % b) recover part of the flue gas heat which is otherwise lost to the
c) 80 % d) 70 % atmosphere * 22. Power output in a reaction – turbine type hydroelectric plant can
c) dearating types of pre-heaters permit the removal of dissolves be controlled by the following except :
5. which of the following plants has the least over-all efficiency? gases from the feedwater a) movable wicket gate b) governor
a) steam power plant b) nuclear power plant d) increase the efficiency of the boiler c) servo motor via wicket gate d) movable needle type nozzle*
c) hydro electric plant d) diesel power plant
14. Which one is essential for combustion of fuel ? 23. A micro-hydro electric station with an over-all efficiency of 75% is to
6. Which of the following material can be used as a moderator in a a) oxygen to support combustion be installed in a remote place of kalinga, apayao. The available
nuclear power plant ? b) proper ignition temperature stream flow is 150 gpm with an effective head of 50 meters.
a) heavy water b) helium c) correct fuel air ratio Calculate the power that can be generated.
c) graphite d) all of the above d) all of the above * a) 6.97 kW b) 6.53 kW
7. The cost of transmission and distribution will be least for which 15. A thermal plant consumes 3,600 tons of coal per day. If coal has c) 4.65 kW d) 3.48 kW *
type of power plant ? an average energy content of 10,000 BTU / lb, what is the plant’s 24. A hydro-electric station has a turbine and alternator efficiencies of
a) diesel power plant b) hydro electric power plant power output ? assume an over-all efficiency of 24% 75% and 90% respectively. The effective head of water is 200
c) steam power plant d) nuclear power plant a) 211 MW * b) 879 MW meters. Calculate the water flow rate when delivering a load of 35
c) 112 MW d) 789 MW MW. Water weighs 1000 kg / m3.
8. A deep well pumps water into an open reservoir at the rate of 100
quarts per minute. The water table is 200 ft. below the output pipe. 16. A 55 MW turbo-alternator has an overall thermal efficiency of a) 418,550 gpm * b) 374,190 gpm
The over-all efficiency of the system is 70%. Determine the 65%. If the coal burnt has a calorific value of 13,000 BTU / lb. c) 832,650 gpm d) 765,050 gpm
minimum horsepower of the pump. What is the coal consumption per day ? 25. Hydroelectric power is generated at a dam that produces a head of
a) 7.2 b) 5.4 a) 157 tons b) 242 tons * 180 ft and a reservoir containing 3 million gallons of water. How
c) 8.6 d) 10.4 c) 538 tons d) 320 tons much energy can be generated from this reservoir by a turbine-
9. A 100 MW hydrostation is supplying full load for 10 hours in a 17. A 50 MW coal-fired thermal plant has an overall thermal efficiency generator system whose over-all efficiency is 20% ?
particular day. Determine the volume of water which has been of 46%. If the coal burnt has a calorific value of 6,950 kcal / kg and a) 1,224 MJ * b) 4,895 MJ
used for an effective head of 200 meters with an over-all efficiency weighs 600 kg / m=3. What is the coal consumption per day ? c) 3,600 MJ d) 7,650 MJ
of 80% a) 300 m3 b) 157 m3 26. Reflecting mirrors used for exploiting solar energy is a solar power
a) 2.556 x 10 5 cu. m . b) 1.986 x 10 5 cu. m. c) 538 m3 * d) 325 m3 plant is . . .
c) 2.296 x 10 cu. m.
d) 2.635 x 10 6 cu. m. a) mantle b) diffuser
18. A diesel power station has a fuel consumption of 0.37 lb / kWhr,
10. A power plant consumes 4,200 tons of coal per day. If the coal the calorific value of fuel being 30,000 BTU / lb. Determine the c) ponds d) heliostats *
used has an average energy content of 12,000 Btu per pound, engine efficiency if the alternator efficiency is 95% neglect brake 27. Estimate the average power output of a wind turbine having a blade
determine the plants output if its over-all efficiency is 18%. ( use 1 horsepower on the engine. diameter of 35 ft if the wind velocity ranges from 10 to 30 mph.
ton = 2,000 lbs. ) a) 32% * b) 29% a) 3.014 kW b) 42.2 kW *
a) 178.2 MW b) 189.4 MW c) 36% d) 34% c) 81.36 kW d) 84.4 kW
c) 305.8 MW d) 221.4 MW
19. Determine the thermal efficiency of a steam power station given 28. A customer connected to a substation have a connected load of
11. The monthly readings of a consumer meter are as follows : that coal consumption of 0.48 kg /kWhr and calorific value of coal 43,000 kW at a demand factor of 58%. The total units consumed
Maximum demand = 60 kW, Energy consumed = 24,000 kW- of 6,200 kcal / kg. annually is 83 x 10 6 kWhr. What is the annual load factor of the
Hr. , Reactive energy = 15,600 kVAR – Hr. Determine the load a) 25% b) 32 % station ?
power factor. c) 29 % * d) 35 % a) 53 % b) 56 %
a) 0.866 b) 0.707 c) 22 % d) 38 % *
c) 0.838 d) 0.929 20. In fission, energy is produced when

29. The power customer has four circuits of 220 volts, three phase. The a) P 1.32 b) P 1.48 * 45. A coal power plant has an overall plant efficiency of 28%. Coal with
circuits have the maximum demand as follows : c) P 3.28 d) P 2.50 a heating value of 12,000 BTU per pound cost P 1.50 per pound.
Circuit No. 1 = 35 amperes Circuit No. 2 = 46 amperes What is the fuel cost of producing one kW-hr ?
Circuit No. 3 = 72 amperes Circuit No. 4 = 57 amperes 37. A diesel generator set burns diesel with heating value of 12,500 kcal a) P 1.52 b) P 2.32
/ kg. The diesel engine and generator has an over-all efficiency of c) P 3.12 d) P 4.10
30. A 230 kvolt power station supplies four feeders. The maximum 28.5% . What is the fuel cost component in producing one kW-hr if
demand are as follows : diesel fuel cost P 6.50 / kg ? 46. In a hydroelectric plant, water flows at 10 m/s in a penstock of 1 m2
Circuit No. 1 = 72 A Circuit No. 2 = 58 A a) P 1.83 b) P 2.35 cross sectional area. If the net head of the plant is 30 meters and
Circuit No. 3 = 65 A Circuit No. 4 = 89 A c) P 1.96 d) P 1.57 * the turbine efficiency is 85%, what is the turbine output ?
The diversity factor is 1.5 the load factor is 60% and the power a) 2,320.33 kW b) 2,263.22 kW
38. Which of the following element is a radioactive ? c) 2,102.42 kW d) 2,501.55 kW
factor is 85%. What is the annual energy dispatched by the station? a) uranium * b) cobalt
a) 1.27 x 10 kWhr
b) 3.37 x 10 kWhr *
c) californium d) plutonium 47. A power station has two 50 MW units each running for 8,000 hours
c) 2.27 x 108 kWhr d) 6.24 x 108 kWhr a year and one 30 MW unit running for 1,200 hours a year. The
39. The following are the essential parts of hydroelectric power station station output is 600 x 106 kW-hr per annum. Calculate the plant use
31. If a generating station has an annual load factor of 30.5% and the EXCEPT:
maximum loads on the sub stations were 7,500 kW, 5,000 kW, factor.
a) spiral case b) impeller a) 75.54% b) 70.32%
3,400 kW, 4,600 kW, 2,800 kW and diversity factor among sub c) draft tube d) throttle valve
stations is 1.3. What is the energy generated annually for the station c) 71.80% d) 77.40%
a) 48,900 MWhr b) 47,900 MWhr. 40. The flow of water at 70 m elevation is 45 m3 / sec. If fa hydroelectric 48. When developing a certain power, the specific fuel consumption of
c) 49,700 MWhr * d) 46,700 MWhr plant is to be installed with turbine efficiency of 80 % and generator an engine is 0.255 kg / kWhr and the mechanical efficiency is 86%.
efficiency of 92 %. What is the maximum power that the plant could Calculate the indicated thermal efficiency. The heating value of fuel
32. The annual peak load on a 15,000 kW power plant is 10,500 kW. generate ?
Two substations are supplied by this plant. Annual energy is 43.5 MJ / kg.
a) 34.51 MW b) 22.74 MW a) 32.22 % b) 37.43 %
dispatched through substation A is 27,500,000 kWhr with a peak at c) 12.45 MW d) 41.12 MW
8,900 kW, while 16,500,000 are sent through B with a peak at 6,650 c) 37.74 % d) 36.72 %
kW. Neglect line losses, what is the capacity factor of the power 41. The effective head of water for a 100 MW hydroelectric station is 49. A hydraulic turbine receives water from a reservoir at an elevation of
plant ? 220 meters. The station supplies full load for 12 hours a day. If the 100 meters above it. What is the minimum water flow in kg / s to
a) 33.5 % * b) 35.3 % overall efficiency of station is 86.4%, find the volume of water used. produce a steady turbine output of 50 MW.
c) 47.8 % d) 48.7 % a) 321,453 cu. meters b) 231,673 cu. meters a) 53.323 b) 52.326
c) 411,231 cu. meters d) 311,112 cu. meters c) 50.968 d) 55.335
33. Which of the following relation is INCORRECT ?
a) capacity factor = utilization factor x load factor 42. a hydro electric plant having 50 sq. km reservoir area and 100 50. The peak load on a power plant is 72,000 kW during the week.
b) demand factor x connected load = maximum demand meters head is used to generate power. The energy utilized by the However the energy produced is only 7.15 x 106 kw-hr. If the plant
c) load factor x maximum load = average load consumers in which the load is connected to the power plant during operates only 6 days per week and the turbine capacity is 150,000
d) none of the above * five hour period is 13.5 x 106 kW-hr. The over-all generation Hp, determine the capacity factor.
efficiency is 75 %. Find the fall of in the height of water in the a) 48.45% b) 44.40%
34. A power plant is said to have a use factor of 48.5% and a capacity reservoir after the 5 hour period.
factor of 42.4 %. How many hours did it operate during the year ? c) 43.62% d) 46.71%
a) 2.31 meters b) 1.32 meters
a) 7,568 hrs b) 7,658 hrs * c) 3.21 meters d) none of these 51. The diversity factor is 1.5, the load factor is 50%, determine the
c) 1,102 hrs d) 8,000 hrs maximum kVA demand on the customer ?
43. A power plant consumes 100,000 pounds of coal per hour. The a) 46 kVA b) 26.5 kVA
35. A diesel generator set burns diesel with a heating value of 18,000 heating value of the coal is 12,000 BTU per pound. The over-all
BTU per lb. The diesel engine has an efficiency of 30 % and the c) 80 kVA d) 53 kVA *
plant efficiency is 30%. What is the kW output of the plant ?
alternator has an efficiency of 95 %. Determine the fuel cost a) 105,487.2 kW b) 203,123 kW
component of producing one kW-hr if diesel costs P 2.80 per pound. Power Plant Supplementary Problems
c) 220,400.3 kW d) 403,345 kW
a) P 0.15 b) P 3.28
c) P 2.15 d) P 1.86 * 44. A diesel engine uses 300 kg / hr of fuel. The calorific value of the 1. The feed water is usually heated before it is injected to the boiler for
fuel used is 40,000 kJ / kg. Assuming a thermal efficiency of 45%, the following reasons EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
36. A certain coal-fired thermal plant burns coal with an average energy what power is developed by the engine ? A. Improves the overall performance of the plant
content of 10,000 BTU / lb. Assume an overall efficiency of 23 %. a) 1,750 kW b) 2,000 kW B. Recover part of the flue gas which is otherwise lost to the
Determine the fuel cost component of producing one kWhr if coal c) 1,500 kW d) 3,100 kW atmosphere. *
cost P 1.00 / lb. C. Dearating types of pre heaters permit the removal of dissolve gases

from the feed water. B. governor D. movable needle type nozzle * The diversity factor is 1.5, load factor is 60% and power factor is 85%.
D. Increase the efficiency of the boiler. What is the annual energy dispatched by the station?
11. A micro- hydro electric station with an overall efficiency of 75 % is A. 1.27 x 108 kWh C. 2.27 x 108 kWh
2. Which one is essential for combustion of fuel? to be installed in a remote place of Kalinga Apayao. The available B. 3.37 x 108 kWh * D. 6.24 x 108 kWh
A. oxygen to support combustion C. correct fuel air ratio stream flow is 150 gpm with an effective head of 50 m. Calculate the
B. proper ignition temperature D. all of these * power that can be generated. 19. If a generating station has an annual load factor of 30.5% and the
A. 6.97 kW C.4.65 kW maximum loads on the substations were 7,500 kW, 5,000 kW, 4,600
3. A thermal power plant consumes 3600 tons of coal per day. If coal B. 6.53 kW D. 3.48 kW * kW, 2,800 kW and diversity factor among substations is 1.3. What is
has an average energy content of 10,000 BTU/lb, what is the plant's energy generated annually for the station?
power output? Assume an overall efficiency of 24%? 12.. A hydro-electric station has a turbine and alternator efficiencies of A. 48,900 MWh C. 47,900 MWh *
A. 211 MW * C. 112 MW 75% and 90 % respectively. The effective head of water is 200 m. B. 49,700 MWh D. 46,700 MWh
B. 879 MW D. 789 MW Calculate the water flow rate when delivering a load of 35 MW. Water
weighs 1000 kg/m3 20. The annual peak load on a 15,000 kW is 10,500 kW. This plant
4. A 55 MW turbo-alternator has an overall thermal efficiency of 65%. A. 418,550 gpm * C. 832,650 gpm supplies two substations. Annual energy dispatched through
IF the coal burnt has an calorific value of 13,000 BTU/lb. What is the B. 374,190 gpm D. 765,050 gpm substation A is 27,500,000 kWh with a peak at 8900 kW, while
coal consumption per day? 16,500,000 are sent through B with the peak at 6650 kW. Neglect line
A. 157 tons C. 538 tons 13. Hydroelectric power is generated at a dam that produces a head of losses. What is the capacity factor of the power plant?
B. 242 tons * D. 320 tons 180 ft and reservoir by a turbine-generator system whose overall A. 33.5% * C. 47.8%
efficiency is 20%? B. 35.3% D. 48.7%
5. A 50 MW coal fired thermal plant has an overall thermal efficiency of A. 1,224 MJ * C. 3,600 MJ
46%. If coal burnt has an calorific value of 6,950 kcal/kg and weighs B. 4,895 MJ D. 7.650 MJ 21. Which of the following relations is INCORRECT?
600 kg/m3. What is the coal consumption per day? A. Capacity factor = utilization factor x load factor
A. 300 m3 C. 538 m3 * 14. Reflecting mirrors used for exploiting solar in a solar power plant is B. Demand factor x connected load = maximum demand
B. 157 m 3
D. 325 m3 A. mantle C. ponds C. Load factor x maximum load = average load
6. A diesel power station has a fuel consumption of 0.37 lb/kWh, the B. diffuser D. heliostats * D. None of these *
calorific value of fuel being 30,000 BTU/lb. Determine the engine
efficiency if the alternator efficiency is 95 % neglect brake power on 15. Estimate the average power output of a wind turbine having a 22. A power plant is said to have a use of 48.5% and a capacity factor
the engine. blade diameter of 35 ft if the wind velocity ranges 10 to 30 mph. of 42.4%. How many hours did it operate during the year?
A. 22 % * C. 36 % A. 3.014 kW C. 42.2 kW * A. 7,568 hrs C. 7,658 hrs *
B. 29 % D. 34 % B. 81.36 kW D. 8434 kW B. 1,102 hrs D. 8,000 hrs

7. Determine the thermal efficiency of a steam power station given that 16. A customer connected to a substation have a connected load of 23. A diesel generator set burns with a heating value of 18,000 BTU
coal consumption of 0.48 kg/kWh and calorific value of coal is 6,200 43,000 kW at a demand factor of 58%. The total units consumed per lb. The diesel engine has an efficiency of 30% and the alternator
kcal/kg. annually is 83x106 kWh. What is the annual load factor of the station? has an efficiency of 95%. Determine the fuel cost component of
A. 25 % C. 29 % * A. 53% C. 22% producing one kW-hr if diesel costs Php 2.80 per lb.
B. 32 % D. 34 % B. 56% D. 38% * A. Php 0.15 C. Php 3.28
B. Php 2.15 D. Php 1.86 *
8. In fission, energy is produced when? 17. The power customer has four circuits of 220 volts, three phase.
A. chemical compound splits into its constituents The circuits have the maximum demand as follows: 24. A certain coal-fired thermal plant burns coal with an average
B. nuclear particles combine Circuit No. 1 = 35 Amp Circuit No. 3 = 72 Amp energy content of 10,000 BTU/lb. Assume an overall efficiency of 23%.
C. nuclear particles splits * Circuit No. 2 = 46 Amp Circuit No. 4 = 57 Amp Determine the fuel cost component of producing one kWh if coal cost
D. molecules combined The diversity factor is 1.5, the load factor is 50%, Determine the Php 1.00/lb.
maximum kVA demand on the customer? A. Php 1.32 C. Php 1.48 *
9. Which of the following is/are not a secondary nuclear fuels? A. 46 kVA C. 80 kVA B. Php 3.25 D. Php 2.50
A. Uranium -235 * C. Plutonium - 239 B. 26.5 kVA D. 53 kVA *
B. Uranium - 233 D. both a and b 25. A diesel generator set burns diesel with heating value of 12,500
18. A 230 k Volt power station supplies four feeders. The maximum kcal/kg. The diesel engine and generator has an overall efficiency of
10. Power output in a reaction-turbine type hydroelectric plant can be demand is as follows: 28.5%. What is the fuel costs component in producing one kWh if
controlled by the following EXCEPT Circuit No. 1 = 72 Amp Circuit No. 3 = 65 Amp diesel fuel cost Php 6.50 /kg.
A. movable wicket gate C. servo-motor via wicket gate Circuit No. 2 = 58 Amp Circuit No. 4 = 89 Amp A. Php 1.83 C. Php 1.96

B. Php 2.35 D. Php 1.57 *

26. A generating plant has a maximum capacity of 1,000 kW and cost

Php 1,600,000.00. The fixed charges are 12% consisting of 5%
depreciation and 2% taxes. Find the fixed charges per kWh if the load
factor is 50%.
A. Php 0.0438 * C. Php 0.0219
B. Php 0.439 D. Php 0.0182

27. The following two tariff (rates) are offered

(i) Php 100.00 plus Php 0.25 per kWh
(ii) A flat rate of Php 0.30 per kWh
At what consumption is the first tariff economical?
A. 2,000 kWh * C. 182 kWh
B. 1,500 kWh D. 500 kWh

28. A medium sized industrial plant has a maximum, demand of 500

KVA at 70.7% lag’g. p.f. and yearly consumption of 1x10 6 kWh. You
may have to improve the p.f to 90% lag.g using shunt capacitors. The
first cost of shunt capacitor is Php 200.00 per KVA, annual fixed
charges is 15%. Electric rates were given as : Demand charge of Php
300.00 per KVA of maximum demand per annum and Energy charge
of Php 0.50 per kWh consumed. What is the savings after putting
A. Php 36,967.00 C. Php 18,967.00
B. Php 29,967.40 D. Php 26,697.40 *

29. A factory has a maximum demand of 175 kW at p.f of 0.75 is

charge at Php 72.00 per kVA per annum. If the phase advancing
equipment costs Php 120.00 per KVAR. Find the most economical p.f
at which the factory should operate. Interest and depreciation total of
10% of the capital investment on the phase advancing equipment.
A. 0.968 C. 0.998 *
B. 0.986 D. 0.977

30. Transient stability of a power system is the ability of the system

A. Maintain synchronism between machines and on external tie lines.
B. Remain in synchronism, prior to governor action, following a system
disturbance. *
C. Remain in synchronism, after the initial swing until the system has
settled down to a new steady-state equilibrium condition.
D. None of these.

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