Soph Writing Brave New World Annotations

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Rahman 1

Jeshad Rahman


AP Language

18 February 2021

Brave New World: Annotations

Chapter 1:

Page 4- No characters were introduced i think it was just the author setting the scene of where

they were.

Page 5- Director of Hatcheries is introduced, I think he is showing some people around wherever

they were. Then someone was describing what he looked like, I'm assuming whoever was

describing him is the main character.

Page 6- Here the Director was still showing the person around and they started to talk about eggs

and the Bokanovsky's process. Still no new characters were introduced.

Page 7- Mr. Foster is now introduced. I think he's kind of like a scholar or something like that,

someone who knows things because he was asked a question and he seems to know a lot.

Page 8- Mr. Foster joined the Director in showing the boys around and so they went and did that

nothing really is happening right now just those 2 informing the boys about everything

that goes on.

Page 9- Mr. Foster and the Director continue to show and teach the boys the things that goes on

around them, nothing really happens here.

Page 10- Mr. Foster and the Director continue to show the boys around and show them all the

mechanisms and stuff like that, also Mr. Foster almost said “Future world controllers” but
Rahman 2

corrected himself and said “future directors of hatcheries” this shows that the directors of

hatcheries are basically world controllers.

Page 11- Mr. Foster and the director continue to show the boys around other than that nothing

really happens.

Page 12- Lenina was a girl with purple eyes and uncommonly pretty, then Henry also was

introduced. Then Mr. Foster and the director continued to explain things.

Chapter 2-

Page 13- The director and Mr. Foster continues to show everyone around. Next chapter, also

there is The D.H.C, i'm not sure who that is, they mentioned it a few times.

Page 14- Now there were 8 month old babies and they were doing something with them not sure

what either and the Director is glad i think as if everything was going smoothly.

Page 15- The director and the babies were doing something and showing that the babies were

afraid of flowers? I'm not too sure what's going on but I think they were making the kids

scream at the sight of a rose no idea why.

Page 16- The director starts talking about this kid named Reuben Rabinovitch and he was Polish

which is a dead language now. Then he talks about little Reubens life, also they bring up

Geroge Bernard Shaw.

Page 17- The Director continues to talk about Reuben and then someone calls out to Tommy so

maybe the main character's name is Tommy. And the person asked about the Nile in


Page 18- Now someone over the speakers said Silence and everyone even the Director got on

their feet, they were the Alphas. Now they were talking about how different people were

different ranks on the social hierarchy i guess, like there are deltas, and betas.
Rahman 3

Chapter 3:

Page 19- One person was saying how they were really glad to be a beta but they couldn't finish

their sentence. Chapter 3, then says that they were now outside and the kids were playing


Page 20- The Director was saying how everything is now strange and different i think then there

was this girl and her name is Polly Trotsky and she didn't do anything i think.

Page 21- Now someone called the Controller is introduced and his name is Mustapha Mond i

think. And then there was Henry Foster and the Assistant Director of Predestination I

have no idea what that is tho.

Page 22- Lenina Crone is also introduced, also The Resident Controller for Western Europe who

was one of the Ten World Controllers. Then it brought up some biblical terms. Also

Bernard Marx was introduced, not sure if they were introduced before or now.

Page 23- Nothing really happened here it just talks about Lenina Crowne going to the bath rooms

and taking a bath.

Page 24- Lenina and Mustapha Mond were talking and they talked about the first Pregnancy

Substitute no idea what that is.

Page 25- Henry Foster is back again, alos someone called Fanny is here. I'm not sure if that is a

person or what. And also a mom and a baby are having some sort of reunion.

Page 26- Teh controller kept on repeating stability, which might show that whoever the

controller was wants what is best for their country.

Page 27- Lenina and Fanny were talking about stuff no new characters were introduced and

nothing really happened.

Rahman 4

Page 28- Everyone was still talking about random things and then someone brought up

Ectogenesis and Pftzner and Kawaguchi, i have no idea what those are but they're


Page 29- Here everyone like Lenina and Fanny were still talking and they talked about the nine

years war and the great economic collapse. Then they talked a little about World COntrol

and Destruction so this shows that these people have a big status in the book.

Page 30- Again Lenina and Fanny were talking about things going on and nothing really

happened, also the Mustapha Mond was talking with them.

Page 31- Here everyone continues to talk about things also they talk about Ford's first T-Model.

Page 32- Everyone continues to talk and then the Controller says “Suffer little children” which is

kinda sus.

Chapter 4:

Page 33- Here it was just talking about what everyone was doing like how the boys and girls did

stuff and there is a Geroge Edzel not sure who that is, also a Benito Hoover.

Page 34- Here nothing really happens just someone going to the roof and Henry and Bernard are

here as well as the Benitio Hoover guy.

Page 35- Now Benito and Bernard were talking and then they talked about what Henry was

doing and then Lenina came. Nothing is really happening right now, also Henry said

something about Red Rocket.

Page 36- Everyone continues to do their own things, Lenina says she's glad she isn't a Gamma,

and someone else says That horrible Benito Hoover.

Page 37- Here nothing really happened it just shows what everyone was doing. Bokanovsky

Group, Bureaux of Propaganda, and College of Emotional Engineering is introduced.

Rahman 5

Page 38- Bernard was now talking to a Mr. Helmholtz Watson and he was a Gamma Plus porter i


Page 39- Bernard said he was going to take Lenina Crowne to New Mexico, and Helmholtz is

talking about his girls and how he was cutting committees and the girls not sure what this


Page 40- Here it just shows Bernard and Helmholtz talking and it seems to me that Helmholtz

has more power in society compared to Bernard.

Chapter 5:

Page 41- Location- the forest of Burnham Beeches. Henry and Lenina were on a helicopter and

they were going to New Mexico. I'm pretty sure because that's what it said last page.

Page 42- I think Epsilon is like the lowest of low in their hierarchical society. Lenina then says

that she is glad she isn't an Epsilon.

Page 43- They landed on Henry's forty story apartment house in Westminster this shows that

Henry has a lot of money.

Page 44- Nothing really happened here it was just showing everyone getting settled down and

stuff like that.

Page 45- Bernard says that he is late then he talks about someone named Big Henry, i don't

remember if he was already introduced or not. Then it shows that everyone was getting

ready for Ford Day. There is also a Morgana introduced, and a Clara i think, and a


Page 46- Here it shows that the president came too which means that this is a pretty big event.

The First Solidarity Hymn was singing a poem kind thing. Then the second was as well.

There is a Fifi introduced, Morganna's full name is Morganna Rothschild.

Rahman 6

Page 47- There is now a Jim Bokanovsky and a Tom Kawaguchi, and then they talked about

someone coming. Also Sarojini Engels is introduced as well.

Page 48- The story still continued from the previous page it was talking about someone and how

they were coming? Not sure what that means but it seems to be pretty dramatic because

the music is becoming more intense. Also orgy porg, then Fifi Bradlaugh is that person's

full name.

Chapter 6:

Page 49- Everything was still continuing from the last page nothing really happened and then

chapter 6 begins. It was the perspective of Lenina and what she thought and how she had

only been to America once.

Page 50- A Jean Jacques Habibullah or Bokanovsky Jones is introduced other than that nothing

really happened.

Page 51- Here nothing really happens either it's just Lenina and Bernard talking. Lenina was

crying and saying it's horrible.

Page 52- Bernard was talking to Lenina and he was saying if she wished to be free so this shows

that they weren't really free but it was something that they desired. I think Ford is like

their God because they say stuff like Thank Ford.

Page 53- Lenina and Bernard kept on talking. They talked a little about Ford which they really

like clearly.

Page 54- Lenina said that she does like someone and how they are very attractive but she wishes

that he wasn't so odd, i'm not sure who she is talking about.

Page 55- The Director now popped in and he was talking with Bernard cause he had to give him

something so he was doing that and they talked a little bit.

Rahman 7

Page 56- A new guy is introduced, his name is Helmholtz Watson, actually i don't know if he is

new or not maybe i don't really remember. But they were just doing stuff and he said that

he liked Bernard. The Blue Pacific Rocket.

Page 57- Now there is a Warden and him and Bernard were stalking and they talked about some

weird stuff lowkey.

Page 58- The Warden and Bernard kept on talking and they talked about some history i think.

Page 59- Nothing really happened here either, it was just everyone talking and stuff like that no


Page 60- It seems that they were now leaving because Bernard was talking with the Pilot then the

pilot said Malpasis i feel like that will be significant later on.

Chapter 7:

Page 61- Here they talked a little about the mesa, which is a ship so they are probably going to

be travelling somewhere. Lenina was saying how she wished they got the plane because

she feels so small when she's on the ground, this shows that she likes to be perceived as


Page 62- I believe that Lenina and Bernard were in India and she really doesnt like it because it's

dirty and she thinks how they lived like this.

Page 63- Here it shows that an old man was doing something and Lenina and Bernard were

shocked by how he looked and this was because where they come from they put young

blood into old people and do some medical stuff so they dont die from old age.

Page 64- Here nothing really happened, they were just chilling, Lenina said that it reminds her of

a lower caste Community Sing.

Rahman 8

Page 65- Here it shows that some guy was beating a boy and there was a lot of blood because the

guy was using a whip.

Page 66- Lenina was sobbing because it was pretty sad and there was a lot of blood and she

probably had never seen something like that before so it shocked her.

Page 67- Now there is a person named Linda who is the young man's mother. And they were

talking a little bit with Bernard and Lenina and they were very confused.

Page 68- Nothing really happened here, it was just everyone talking about some things.

Page 69- This page just continues the conversation from the previous page so nothing really

happened here either.

Chapter 8:

Page 70- This page just continues the conversation from the previous page so nothing really

happened here either. Then chapter 8 begins and talks about Bernard and John talking,

not sure who John is, maybe he is a new character.

Page 71- Nothing really happened here either it just showed everyone talking like Linda and

Lenina and things like that.

Page 72- The Pope came often and it said that he hated the pope in fact it says that he hates all

the men that come to see Linda, this shows that Linda might have a lot of “guy friends”.

Page 73- No new characters were introduced or anything like that, some plot happened like

Linda was about to hit him but she didn't but that's basically all.

Page 74- Here it was just showing some of the past like how Linda wrote “the cat is on the mat.

The tot is in the pot” in caps, and how he learned quick and easy.

Page 75- Here nothing really happened, it said that he hated the pope more and more because it

showed some history.

Rahman 9

Page 76- I think John was expressing his hatred to the pope and it just showed how he hated the

pope a lot.

Page 77- There is a Kiakime introduced not too sure who that is but yeah John hated the pope.

Page 78- Here it showed how he was all alone and how he had discovered Tirne and Death and


Page 79- The guy kept on talking and Bernard is here as well and Lenina and Miranda who is

new i think.

Chapter 9:

Page 80- Here John asks Bernard if he's married to her. I'm assuming she means Lenina and he

says Ford no, once again supports my Ford=God thing and then he says o brave new

world, shows some symbolism because it is the name of the book.

Page 81- There is now a Warden of the Reservation i think his identity is still unknown. And

then they all just talk about how things are going and stuff like that.

Page 82- Now when he came back he noticed that they were gone, and then he sat down and

started to cry. This shows that he is emotional and cares.

Page 83- I think my man is now hallucinating cause he's talking about a bird? Not too sure what

he's doing but he seems very upset.

Chapter 10:

Page 84- Nothing really happened here, it was just showing some of the experiment kinda things

that were done. The place is back where everyone else is.

Page 85- Everyone was talking and then the director came in with Bernard and showed everyone

that Bernard was a betrayer of society, this shows that Bernard is now going to be an

Rahman 10

Page 86- Now Linda is back and she's talking about Tomakin and they know each other. And

then it was like they were reunited.

Chapter 11:

Page 87- I think John’s father was the director, this is so crazy and you know John doesn't like

male people in his mom's life.

Page 88- Here nothing really happened, Dr. Shaw is someone now and they were all just talking.

Page 89- Here nothing really happens either it was just everyone talking about stuff and then a

bunch of people were also talked about like The Chief Bottler, the Director of

Predestination, three Deputy Assistant Fertilizer-Generals, the Professor of Feelies in the

College of Emotional Engineering, the Dean of the Westminster Community Singery, the

Supervisor of Bokanovskification.

Page 90- Nothing really happened here it was just everyone talking no plot really.

Page 91- Not too much happened here, Nurabda saud “o brave new world that has such people in

it” this references the title of the book showing the significance.

Page 92- Dr. Gaffeny the Provost and Miss Keate and the HeadMistress are introduced. I don't

think they play that big of a role in the book tho.

Page 93- Not much happened on this page, it just showed some people doing some experiment

kinda things.

Page 94- Nothing really happened here either just some people were talking but that's about it.

Page 95- I think it was Lenina but i'm not sure, but she said that she likes him more and i think

he is Bernard.

Page 96- Im a little confused as to what is happening right now, so The Savage has started and I

think Lenina was doing some weird things.

Rahman 11

Page 97- Here John and Lenina were talking and John was like the film was horrible, but Lenina

disagreed and though it was lovely, then I think it's john but he begins to read Othello,

this might show some kind of symbolism because it seems kind of odd.

Chapter 12:

Page 98- Lenina just walks to the roof here and takes our three half gramme tablets which might

be drugs. Then chapter 12 begins and shows Bernard busting in and telling john to come

but he says no.

Page 99- Here it shows that everyone was just talking and then Zuni is a place and the Arch

Community Songster is here. Head Mistress of Eton introduced.

Page 100- Here nothing really happened it just showed everyone talking and that's basically it no

plot or anything really.

Page 101- The Arch Songster dude was taking Lenina somewhere and left Bernard all alone.

And now the Arch Songster was with Lenina.

Page 102- Here nothing really happened either, Bernard was talking with some people and that's

basically it he had negative feelings towards them.

Page 103- Helmholtz begins reciting a poem for Bernard which is pretty random but it might

have some meaning later on.

Page 104- Now The Savage joins in at reciting poems and then they all join in in reiting poems.

Page 105- The Savage was reading Romeo and Juliet this might show that he likes Romeo and

Juliet and empathizes with them or it just appeals to him.

Chapter 13:

Page 106- Everyone continues to talk, then chapter 13 begins and then it just shows Henry and

Lenina talking.
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Page 107- Here nothing really happened, it was just Fanny talking with someone, im not sure

who it is she's talking with.

Page 108- Here it continues to show that everyone was talking and then helmholtz was exposed

and then John is here as well and Savage.

Page 109- Here everyone continues to talk and then John says I love you to Lenina, then Savage

says they should get married but Lenina was against that.

Page 110- Here it just shows Lenina rejecting him and she was pretty mad and upset.

Page 112- John gets mad and then he calls Lenina some names and then he hits Lenina.

Page 113- Here it just shows the after parts of what happened and like someone telling John to

open the door, not much happened.

Chapter 14:

Page 114- Here it shows that someone had been taken to the hospital because they were ill.

Chapter 14 begins and it talks about how The Park Lane Hospital was where people

would go if they were dying and that's where the person is at, the person dying is


Page 115- It turns out Linda was the one that was dying and so when everyone came to see her

they all just talked.

Page 116- There were kids in the room and they were saying mean things about Linda like why

is she so fat and stuff like that then Savage got mad and started to yell.

Page 117- Linda kept saying the Pope and the Savage asked if she knew him and she kept saying

the pope and he was like nah but i'm John and then she died.

Page 118- Here it shows that Linda was really dead now and the savage was going through

Rahman 13

Chapter 15:

Page 119- Here it shows that a kid asked him if she was dead and he basically just shoved him,

chapter 15 begins and it talks about how the savage was just walking away sadly.

Page 120- Here nothing really happened The Savage was still upset and he kept saying o brave

new world, i think he blames the world for this.

Page 121- The Savage began telling the kids not to take the stuff because its poison and he still

seems very upset.

Page 122- It seems like the savage was literally going insane, Bernard said hes mad but yeah the

savage is acting a little crazy.

Chapter 16:

Page 123- I think the savage was about to kill someone but they stopped him, and then there was

this angelic voice and people liked the voice and then it stopped. Bernard was being taken

with the savage because of association. Then chapter 16 begins and it talks about them

being in a room together.

Page 124- Here it just shows everyone talking, like Mustapha Mond, Savage, Bernard, and the


Page 125- Here it was continuing the conversation from the last page with Mustapha Mond,

Savage, Bernard, and the Controller.

Page 126- Here it was continuing the conversation from the last page with Mustapha Mond,

Savage, Bernard, and the Controller.

Page 127- Here it was continuing the conversation from the last page with Mustapha Mond,

Savage, Bernard, and the Controller.

Rahman 14

Page 128- Here everyone continued to talk about society and Helmholtz is here now too joining

the conversation, they are discussing what to do with Bernard and an option was to send

him to Iceland and he started crying because he really didn't want to go.

Page 129- Here it shows that Bernard was begging the controller not to send him to the island

and then they start talking about science.

Page 130- Here it shows that Bernard was begging the controller not to send him to the island

and then they start talking about science.

Page 131- Here the Controller talks about how he was able to avoid going to the island and that

was by choosing to serve happiness.

Chapter 17:

Page 132- The Savage and the Controller continue to talk and they talk about the bible a little

and then they talk about the God hundreds of years ago is not the same God now. This

might show more that God is Ford?

Page 133- They continue to talk and they bring up a man called Cardinal Newman and then they

talk about him a little.

Page 134- The Savage asks Mustapha Mond if he thinks if there is a god or not and he said there

probably is one but he manifests himself in a different way to different men, this shows

his who he is and his beliefs.

Page 135- Here they all keep on taking and what their opinions are on about God and stuff like


Page 136- Here the same thing has happened, everyone was still talking about their opinions

about God and society.

Rahman 15

Page 137- Here the same thing is happening, just everyone talking about stuff that already

happened, nothing to take note of.

Chapter 18:

Page 138- Here it shows that The Savage said that he ate civilization? Not sure what that means

and Helmholtz is also confused.

Page 139- The Savage was saying that he had been purified and that he ate his wickedness by

drinking mustard and warm water (sounds disgusting).

Page 140- Here it shows that The Savage had been praying which shows that his beliefs had

changed and that he had really been purified.

Page 141- Here it shows that John was leaving London. And then it describes other minor things

that he did before going to London.

Page 142- Here it shows that there was some kid and he was hitting himself with a whip and he

was bleeding.

Page 143- Now there is a reporter and he is with the Hourly Radio, he seems to be making a

report on Savage.

Page 144- Something happened with the savage and a dude from The Fordian Science Monitor, i

don't quite understand it but it seems like they were about to fight.

Page 145- Here it shows that the savage hot a whip and was like whipping people and then he

said Linda forgive me, this shows that he still thinks about Linda and what she would


Page 146- Here it talks about how The Savage i think was digging into his mind and into the

garden. I think this means that he was searching for the true meaning of things within

Rahman 16

Page 147- Now I think it shows that he was in a dream of some sort and they were saying how

they wanted to see the whip.

Page 148- Here it shows that the savage was going around whipping people and he whipped

Lenina and it shows that he really went insane.

Page 149- Here it shows that John aftering whipping Lenina he felt guilty and so he hung


Rhetorical Triangle:

Message- I think the message was that people should value their freedom.

Medium- This was published as a book.

Audience- I feel like the audience was generally anyone, or maybe people who don't have

control of their lives.

Purpose- I think the purpose of this book was to show everyone what the world could be like if

the government were in control of literally everything and how the world could have

ended up.

Speaker- The writer is Aldous Huxley.

Tone- I think the tone was sometimes serious, and sometimes humorous.


Soliloquize: talk to oneself

Callow: young and inexperienced

Burgeon: grow and flourish

Rahman 17

Centrifugal: tending to move away from the middle

Enumerate: specify individually

Ingenuous: lacking in sophistication or worldliness

Predestined: established or arranged in advance unalterably

Caustic: capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action

Posthumous: occurring or coming into existence after a person's death

Spasmodic: occurring in spells and often abruptly

Inculcate: teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions

Aperture: a usually small man-made opening

Rudimentary: being in the earliest stages of development

Maudlin: effusively or insincerely emotional

Immoral: deliberately violating principles of right and wrong

Effusive: extravagantly demonstrative

Inscrutable: difficult or impossible to understand

Incongruous: lacking in harmony or compatibility or appropriateness

Axiomatic: evident without proof or argument

Primal: serving as an essential component

Suppression: withholding or withdrawing some writing from circulation

Renounce: turn away from; give up

Simian: relating to or resembling an ape

Ruminate: chew the cuds

Incandescence: light emission by a body as its temperature is raised

Corporeal: characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit

Rahman 18

Mockery: showing your contempt by derision

Asceticism: rigorous self-denial and active self-restraint

Caste: social status conferred by a system based on class

Cremate: reduce to ashes

Imminent: close in time; about to occur

Galvanic: affected by emotion as if by electricity; thrilling

Satiety: being satisfactorily full and unable to take on more

Abject: showing humiliation or submissiveness

Solecism: a socially awkward or tactless act

Deplorable: bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure

Repulsive: offensive to the mind or senses

Stoicism: an indifference to pleasure or pain

Fulminate: cause to explode violently and with loud noise

Precipitous: extremely steep

Reciprocate: act, feel, or give mutually or in return

Indefatigable: showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality

Inaudible: impossible to hear; imperceptible by the ear

Incredulity: doubt about the truth of something

Equilibrium: a stable situation in which forces cancel one another

Unorthodox: breaking with convention or tradition

Indignation: a feeling of righteous anger

Synthetic: not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially

Innocuous: not injurious to physical or mental health

Rahman 19

Aseptic: free of pathological microorganisms

Squeamish: easily disturbed or disgusted by unpleasant things

Blithe: carefree and happy and lighthearted

Heinous: extremely wicked, deeply criminal

Heretical: departing from accepted beliefs or standards

Ignominy: a state of dishonor

Petrify: cause to become stunned or immobile, as with fear or awe

Impropriety: the condition of being unsuitable or offensive

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