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Computational biology, which includes many aspects of 

bioinformatics and much more, is the

science of using biological data to develop algorithms or models in order to understand
biological systems and relationships. Until recently, biologists did not have access to very large
amounts of data to analyze. However, this has changed in the past few decades and has allowed
researchers to develop analytical methods for interpreting mass amounts of biological
information and share them quickly among colleagues.[3] These methods have now become
commonplace, particularly in molecular biology and genomics.
Bioinformatics began to develop in the early 1970s. It was considered the science of analyzing
informatics processes of various biological systems. At this time, research in artificial
intelligence was using network models of the human brain in order to generate new algorithms.
This use of biological data to develop other fields pushed biological researchers to revisit the
idea of using computers to evaluate and compare large data sets. By 1982, information was being
shared among researchers through the use of punch cards. The amount of data being shared
began to grow exponentially by the end of the 1980s. This required the development of new
computational methods in order to quickly analyze and interpret relevant information.[3]
Perhaps the best known example of computational biology, the Human Genome Project, began
officially in 1990 and was technically complete by 2003.[4] By that time, they had mapped about
85% of the human genome, which satisfied the goals set out from the beginning.[5] Work
continued however, and by May 2021 level "complete genome" was reached with a remaining
only 0.3% bases covered by potential issues.[6][7] The missing Y chromosome was added in
January 2022.
Since the late 1990s, computational biology has become an important part of developing
emerging technologies for the field of biology, leading to the development of numerous
subfields.[8] As of today, the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) recognizes
21 different Communities of Special Interest (COSIs), each of which represent a slice of the
larger field of computational biology.[9] In addition to helping sequence the human genome,
computational biology has helped and continues to help create accurate models of the human
brain, map the 3D structure of genomes, and assist in modeling biological systems.[3]
Main article:  Computational anatomy

Computational anatomy is a discipline focusing on the study of anatomical shape and form at the
visible or gross anatomical  scale of morphology. It involves the development and application of
computational, mathematical and data-analytical methods for modeling and simulation of
biological structures. It focuses on the anatomical structures being imaged, rather than the
medical imaging devices. Due to the availability of dense 3D measurements via technologies
such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computational anatomy has emerged as a subfield
of medical imaging and bioengineering for extracting anatomical coordinate systems at the
morphome scale in 3D.
The original formulation of computational anatomy is as a generative model of shape and form
from exemplars acted upon via transformations.[10] The diffeomorphism group is used to study
different coordinate systems via coordinate transformations as generated via the Lagrangian and
Eulerian velocities of flow from one anatomical configuration in  to another. It relates with shape
statistics and morphometrics, with the distinction that diffeomorphisms are used to map
coordinate systems, whose study is known as diffeomorphometry.
Main article:  Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is one of the most common fields of computational biology. Computational

bioinformatics consists of developing and creating databases or other methods of storing,
retrieving, and analyzing biological data through various mathematical and computing
algorithms. Usually, this process involves genetics and analyzing genes. Bioinformatics
combines mathematics and a variety of computing languages to ease the storage and analysis of
biological data. Gathering and analyzing large datasets have made way for growing research
fields such as data mining.[11]
Main article:  Modelling biological systems

Computational biomodeling is a field concerned with building computer models of biological

systems. Computational biomodeling aims to develop and use visual simulations in order to
assess the complexity of biological systems. This is accomplished through the use of specialized
algorithms, and visualization software. These models allow for prediction of how systems will
react under different environments. This is useful for determining if a system is robust. A robust
biological system is one that “maintain their state and functions against external and internal
perturbations”,[12] which is essential for a biological system to survive. Computational
biomodeling generates a large archive of such data, allowing for analysis from multiple users.
While current techniques focus on small biological systems, researchers are working on
approaches that will allow for larger networks to be analyzed and modeled. A majority of
researchers believe that this will be essential in developing modern medical approaches to
creating new drugs and gene therapy.[12] A useful modelling approach is to use Petri nets via
tools such as esyN.[13]
Computational biology, which includes many aspects of bioinformatics and much more, is the science of
using biological data to develop algorithms or models in order to understand biological systems and
relationships. Until recently, biologists did not have access to very large amounts of data to analyze.
However, this has changed in the past few decades and has allowed researchers to develop analytical
methods for interpreting mass amounts of biological information and share them quickly among
colleagues.[3] These methods have now become commonplace, particularly in molecular biology and

Bioinformatics began to develop in the early 1970s. It was considered the science of analyzing
informatics processes of various biological systems. At this time, research in artificial intelligence was
using network models of the human brain in order to generate new algorithms. This use of biological
data to develop other fields pushed biological researchers to revisit the idea of using computers to
evaluate and compare large data sets. By 1982, information was being shared among researchers
through the use of punch cards. The amount of data being shared began to grow exponentially by the
end of the 1980s. This required the development of new computational methods in order to quickly
analyze and interpret relevant information.[3]
Perhaps the best known example of computational biology, the Human Genome Project, began officially
in 1990 and was technically complete by 2003.[4] By that time, they had mapped about 85% of the
human genome, which satisfied the goals set out from the beginning.[5] Work continued however, and
by May 2021 level "complete genome" was reached with a remaining only 0.3% bases covered by
potential issues.[6][7] The missing Y chromosome was added in January 2022.

Since the late 1990s, computational biology has become an important part of developing emerging
technologies for the field of biology, leading to the development of numerous subfields.[8] As of today,
the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) recognizes 21 different Communities of
Special Interest (COSIs), each of which represent a slice of the larger field of computational biology.[9] In
addition to helping sequence the human genome, computational biology has helped and continues to
help create accurate models of the human brain, map the 3D structure of genomes, and assist in
modeling biological systems.[3]





Main article: Computational anatomy

Computational anatomy is a discipline focusing on the study of anatomical shape and form at the visible
or gross anatomical {\displaystyle 50-100\mu }{\displaystyle 50-100\mu } scale of morphology. It
involves the development and application of computational, mathematical and data-analytical methods
for modeling and simulation of biological structures. It focuses on the anatomical structures being
imaged, rather than the medical imaging devices. Due to the availability of dense 3D measurements via
technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computational anatomy has emerged as a
subfield of medical imaging and bioengineering for extracting anatomical coordinate systems at the
morphome scale in 3D.

The original formulation of computational anatomy is as a generative model of shape and form from
exemplars acted upon via transformations.[10] The diffeomorphism group is used to study different
coordinate systems via coordinate transformations as generated via the Lagrangian and Eulerian
velocities of flow from one anatomical configuration in {\displaystyle {\mathbb {R} }^{3}}{\mathbb
{R} }^{3} to another. It relates with shape statistics and morphometrics, with the distinction that
diffeomorphisms are used to map coordinate systems, whose study is known as diffeomorphometry.


Main article: Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics is one of the most common fields of computational biology. Computational

bioinformatics consists of developing and creating databases or other methods of storing, retrieving,
and analyzing biological data through various mathematical and computing algorithms. Usually, this
process involves genetics and analyzing genes. Bioinformatics combines mathematics and a variety of
computing languages to ease the storage and analysis of biological data. Gathering and analyzing large
datasets have made way for growing research fields such as data mining.[11]



Main article: Modelling biological systems

Computational biomodeling is a field concerned with building computer models of biological systems.
Computational biomodeling aims to develop and use visual simulations in order to assess the complexity
of biological systems. This is accomplished through the use of specialized algorithms, and visualization
software. These models allow for prediction of how systems will react under different environments.
This is useful for determining if a system is robust. A robust biological system is one that “maintain their
state and functions against external and internal perturbations”,[12] which is essential for a biological
system to survive. Computational biomodeling generates a large archive of such data, allowing for
analysis from multiple users. While current techniques focus on small biological systems, researchers are
working on approaches that will allow for larger networks to be analyzed and modeled. A majority of
researchers believe that this will be essential in developing modern medical approaches to creating new
drugs and gene therapy.[12] A useful modelling approach is to use Petri nets via tools such as esyN.[13]

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