Setup and Configuration Guide RSA SecurID 3.0

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Remote Access
Getting Started
What you’ll need
To work remotely, away from a JLR site, you will need:

A connection to the internet

To connect from home, most users will connect to their home wireless hub.

We’ll talk you though connecting to Wi-Fi in Section 3 – Getting Connected Remotely

Access to VPN (Pulse Secure)

What is VPN?
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It’s a way of connecting to JLR system securely and
Allows you to connect from non JLR sites.

We’ll guide you through setting to VPN in Section 4 – Working Remotely

To check to see if you have the Pulse Secure installed on your JLR laptop, click
Start All Programs Pulse Secure

If you have the Pulse Secure installed you will see an icon like this

If you are using WIN 10 system, you need to search for this app named “Pulse Secure” having the icon as
shown above.

If you don’t have the software installed on you JLR laptop, you will need to raise a
request with the IT Service Desk by calling 015.

An RSA SecureID Token and PIN number

What is RSA SecureID?

SecureID protects JLR from unauthorised access to IT systems. SecureID generates a new
password every 60 seconds – to get this password whilst you are working remotely,
you’ll need a SecureID token as well as a PIN number which only you know.
Before you can connect for the first time, you will need to ensure you have:

• Requested a RSA SecureID token:

When new users join JLR they can request a soft token by completing a Service
Request form which can be accessed from the IT Service Desk portal.

• RSA Software is installed

You will need to have the RSA Software installed – this is usually already installed
when you receive your laptop.

To check to see if you have the Pulse Secure installed on your JLR laptop, click
Start All Programs Pulse Secure

If you have the Pulse Secure installed you will see an icon like this

If you are using WIN 10 system, you need to search for this app named “Pulse Secure” having the icon as
shown above.

If you don’t have the software installed on you JLR laptop, you will need to
raise a request with the IT Service Desk by calling 015.

• You have received an email from SecurID Team with you soft token ID file attached.

After you have requested your SecureID token, you will receive an email from
SecurID Team containing your soft token ID file.

We will guide you through the rest of the process in Section 2 – Setting up
your SecureID
Setting up your SecureID Token
How to setup your Secure ID token
In this section you will be guided through setting up your SecurID token. You should follow
this section whilst you are on-site as you will need access to the emails issued by the IT
Service Desk.

Before you start:

O Make sure you have read section 1: Getting started

O Read this section once before you start to install your soft token. Some steps
are time limited.
O Make sure you are can access your email account and are connected to the
internet on the JLR Network.

Step 1: Download your token file

• Open the email you received from IT containing you SecurID token file. The
file will have a file extension of .sdtid. If it is a .zip format file, extract that
file and save .stdid file somewhere in your system to import.

• Download this attachment to My documents on your local hard drive. If it is a

.zip format file, extract that file and save .stdid file somewhere in your system
to import.

Step 2: Import the token file

• Open the SecurID® client software:

Click Start All Programs JLR Applications RSA
RSA SecurID Token.

If you are using WIN 10 system, you need to search for this app “RSA
Securid Token”.

• The following screen will appear

• Click Options Import Token

• Select Import from file

• Click Browse and find the SDTID file you saved in my documents in section 1 –
Getting Started. Then click OK

• Enter the passcode that assigned to you in the email you will have received from
SecurID when you requested your token.

• The token will now install

• You will receive a success message when the token has installed. Ignore the option to
Change Name and Click OK
Step 3: Setting up your PIN

You are nearly ready to start connecting remotely!

Before you do, there’s just one final step to go – you need to set-up your pin number.

Important Note
• The steps in this section are time limited, so make sure you read them first.
• This step is for the first time VPN users who haven’t previously set-up a PIN. If
You have received a replacement laptop but are already an active VPN
user you don’t need to do this.

• Open your internet browser and navigate to:

The following screen will be displayed:

• Open the SecurID® client software:

Click Start All Programs JLR Applications RSA
RSA SecurID Token.

If the system is WIN 10 search for the RSA token app and open that
app. It will appear like below screenshot.

• The Enter PIN screen is displayed. Leave it blank

• Click the right arrow button to generate a token code

• Click the Copy button to copy the token code

Time limited step! The token code changes every 60 seconds. The blue
Squares underneath the token code indicate how much time is left. If the
token code is near to changing, it’s best to wait for it to change so you do
don’t enter an old token code.

• Go back to you internet browser and the My VPN website: page that you already have open.
• In the username field, enter your CDS ID. This is the ID you use when you logon to
your laptop / desktop each day.

• In the SecureID PIN+Token field, right click and select Paste or alternatively press
CTRL and V. This will paste the token number you copied into the password field.

• Click Sign In

• Follow the prompts to create and confirm your PIN (use 4 numbers and make sure
the first digit is not a zero).

Make sure you memorize your PIN!

• After you ha e selected Save PIN you will be prompted to enter a new passcode.
To do this return to the SecurID® desktop application
Getting Connected Remotely from 3 home

Connecting to the Internet

Before you connect remotely you need to ensure your laptop has an internet connection.

If you are connecting from home, you may connect wirelessly if you have a wireless
internet hub at home, or you may need to connect a network cable directly from your
internet hub. If you are unsure – check the manual provided by your Internet
Service Provider (ISP)

• To connect to a wireless network, click on the wireless icon in the bottom right
of your screen near the time and date

• A list of available wireless networks will be displayed. If you have

previously connected to the network it may have automatically connected.

• Select the name of the wireless network you want to connect to and click Connect

• Enter the security key password for the wireless network you want to connect
to. This password will be provided by the owner of the wireless network. If you
are connecting at home this will be the password you set-up when your internet
Connection was installed. (This is not to be confused with the hubs admin
password that is used to access your hubs set-up menus)

• Once you have entered the passcode, you will connected to the wireless network.
You should now be able to access an internet page – such as
Working Remotely from home
Pulse Secure:Hw to Connect

Once the Pulse Secure softvvare

h as been installed, it can be found
at the following path:

► All Programs
► Pulse Secure
► Pulse Secure

If you are using WIN 10, you need to search the app from search section named Pulse Secure” and
click on that app to open. The icon appears like the below screenshot.

Pulse Secure: How To Guide

File H elp

Once the Pulse Secure software has been

opened, you will be presented with this screen.
You willl see there is in only one
connection URL option.
*if there is no connection URL present, you
willl need to re-boot your local device
orenter== link

tl:10 C :>lllGloyPulY$.,.,,., LC Close

tJni,t• r!!!I ed

If the pulse is showing no connection, use below steps: -

Open Pulse.
Click on + symbol.
Enter JLR VPN in name.
Enter in URL.
Click on add connection.
Pul:se Secure: How To Guide

One you have made the connection, you

will be presented with this login screen.

Your CDSID is your 'User Name'

The password will be the 8 digits

generated by your RSA soft token after
entering pin in RSA console Conrtecl to: Globa l URL

connact c:al

- )(
Fh elp

You are now connected and ready to work

Pulse Secure: F AQ

- WI- Fl Disconnect ion: In rarest of circ umstances, Pulse Secure client might create some issues with
Wi-Fi when it is installled along with Cisco VIPN Client There mighl be a case that your Wi-Fi
connection gets disabled.
o Process will be to raise a ticket using remedy or call015(1Em ail: ithelp1@jagua1 l a nd
Internal: 015 External +44 (0)8000 280 837

o Helpdesk will assign the ticket to EUS Support/Resolve themse lves or ask local IT
irepresentative to uninstall the Cisco VPN clli ent. Uninstalla ti on of Cisco VPN and enabling the
Wi-Fi adaptor can resolves the issue
- Pulse SeCllre Client is not getting installed through SCCM Deployment In rarest of cir cumstanc es,
Pulse SeCllre client does not get installe d when it is installed alongwith Cisco VPN Client.
o Process will be to raise a ticket using remedy or call015(1Em ail: ithelp1@jagua1 l a nd
Internal 015 External +44 (0)8000 280 837
o If users contact Helpdes l<, t hen helpdesk will assign the ticket to EUS Support or ask locall ll T
representative lo uninstall lhe Cisco VPN dient. Uninstallation of Cisco VPN client resolve s
this Issue.
- For any omer issue, Please raise a ticket u sing remedy or call 0115 ( Email Internal: 015 External: +44 (0)8000 280 837.

Designed By
Ashwani Kumar (akuma109)
JLR Access Management

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