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Phone number: +40745210625
Address: Str. Trapezului, nr.3, Bl. C2, Sc.E, Ap.203, Sector 3
Postal Code: 032321, Bucharest, Romania.

 2013: PhD in Cultural Studies and Image Studies – University of Bucharest, Centre of
Excellence in Image Studies;
 2011: PhD researcher, as part of the Scholar in Residence Program of the Amsterdam
School for Cultural Analysis, Art Theory, University of Amsterdam;
 2009 - 2012: PhD researcher, University of Bucharest, Centre of Excellence in Image
Studies, received research grant for the doctoral research project in Image Studies;
 2007 – 2009: MA in Theory of Literature, Theory of Culture, University of Bucharest
 2003 – 2007: Bachelor's degree in Romanian Literature and Continental Philosophy


 2018-present: Lecturer of Film Studies and Cultural Studies, Centre of Excellence in
Image Studies (University of Bucharest).
 2014-2016: Guest Lecturer, Aesthetics, Film Studies, Centre of Excellence in Image
Studies (University of Bucharest).
 2016: Special Consultant/ Expert for Romanian Ministry of Culture.
 2013: Guest Lecturer, Department of Literary Studies, University of Bucharest
 2008-2009: Teaching Assistant, Department of Literary Studies, University of
 2008-present: Print Editor/ Coordinating Editor of Observator Cultural Online

 2019: A. Bazin and Merleau-Ponty: cinema and the new ontology, University of
 2014: Abdellatif Kechiche and the Cinema of the Flesh, lecture held at the Bodies in
Between International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
 2012: The Intersection of Literature and Philosophy in the Work of Gheorghe Crăciun,
The Gheorghe Crăciun: Life and Work Conference, University of Transilvania, Braşov.
 2012: The Image of Being: Prolegomena to a Future Ontology of the Image, Les
Paysage et Les Arts Conference, as part of Les Entretiens CESI, Centre of Excellence in
Image Studies, University of Bucharest.
 2008: Cultural Imperialism and Postcolonialism, The Tudor Vianu Centre of
Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Bucharest

 Book: 2014, Gândirea-cinema, Bucharest: Cartea Românească Publishing House,
264p. ISBN: 978-973-23-3097-5, English title: The Thinking of Cinema.

In Ekphrasis Journal, edited by Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, indexed in the CEEOL,

EBSCO and NSD databases:

 Cezar Gheorghe, „Bazin Meets Deleuze. The «Fact-Image» and «Pure Optical
Situations» in Italian Neo-Realism“ in „Ekphrasis. Images, cinema, theatre,
media”, Vol. 9: On Criticism, issue 1/ 2013, Senior editor: Doru Pop, Issue
coordinators: Claudiu Turcuș, Horea Avram, pp. 93-99, ISSN:2067 – 631X
 Cezar Gheorghe, „«Give Me a Body Then»: Abdellatif Kechiche and the Cinema of the
Flesh“ in „Ekphrasis. Images, cinema, theatre, media”. Vol. 12: Bodies in
between. Framing corporeality in cinema and visual culture, Issue 2/2014, Senior
editor: Doru Pop, Issue coordinators: Claudiu Turcuș, Horea Avram, pp. 159-166,
ISSN:2067 – 631X

In „Images, Imagini, Images. Journal of Visual and Cultural Studies“, edited by The Centre of
Excellence in Image Studies, University of Bucharest, indexed in ULRICH database:
 Cezar Gheorghe, „Max Blecher`s Body without Organs. The Intensive Regime of
Language“; in „Images, Imagini, Images. Journal of Visual and Cultural Studies“, nr.2,
Iaşi, 2012, Senior Editor: Sorin Alexandrescu, Issue coordinator: Laura Mesina,
Institutul European, pp.157-170, ISSN: 2247-7950
 Cezar Gheorghe, „Sculpting in Time: Tarkovsky and the Thinking of Cinema“ in
„Images, Imagini, Images. Journal of Visual and Cultural Studies“, nr.2 ,
Institutul European, Iaşi, 2012, Senior Editor: Sorin Alexandrescu, Issue
coordinator: Laura Mesina pp. 173-184, ISSN: 2247-7950

Romanian, English, French

Prof.Dr.Sorin Alexandrescu, University of Bucharest


Prof. Dr. Carmen Mușat, University of Bucharest


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