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Ariya T.K
Computer Science
SSV college

 What you mean by networking?

 What is the problem with networking?
 How to solve it?
 Needs of switching

 Switching in computer network helps in deciding the best route for data
transmission if there are multiple path in a larger network
 Switches are interlinked nodes
 Creating temporary connection
 Connection/routing
Switched network
Methods of switching

 Taxonomy of switching
Circuit-Switched Networks

 Set of switches connected by physical links, in which each link is

divided into n channels
 Used in Physical Layer
Three Phases of switching

 Setup Phase
 Data Transfer Phase
 Teardown Phase
Efficiency, Delay and Usage

 Not as efficient as other two types of networks

 Delay is minimal
 Used in traditional telephone networks
Packet switching

 Message is divided into packets of fixed or variable size

 On demand resource allocation for a packets done on first in first serve basis
Datagram networking

 Each packet is treated independently .Packet in this approach are referred to

as datagrams.
 In network layer
 Switches are referred to as routers
 Connectionless network
 Routing Table : Destination address and output port
 Routing tables are dynamic and updated periodically
 Destination address in header of a packet in a datagram network remains the
same during the entire journey of the packet.
Routing table in a datagram
Efficiency, Delay and Usage

 Efficiency better than circuit switched networks

 Greater delay in a datagram network than in virtual-circuit network
 Switching in internet is done by datagram network
Virtual –Circuit Networks

 Cross between a circuit switched network and a datagram network

 As in a circuit switched network , setup , teardown and data transfer phase
 All packets follow the same path established during the connection
 As in a datagram networks , data are packetized and each carries an address
in the header
 Resources an be allocated during the setup phase as in circuit switched
network, or on demand as in datagram circuit
 Implemented in data link layer
Virtual-Circuit Network

 Two types
 Global
 Local

 Virtual circuit identifier(VCI)

Three Phases of Virtual circuit switching

 Setup Phase
 Data Transfer Phase
 Teardown Phase
Switch and table in virtual circuit
Setup request in a virtual circuit
Setup acknowledgment
Source to destination data transfer in a
virtual circuit network
Efficiency , Delay and Usage

 Source can check availability of the resources without actually reserve it

 Same or different delays of packet can possible
 Used in WAN

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