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B.S.A. College Of Engg.

& Technology Mathura

Department of Mechanical Engg.
Course : B.TECH. SUBJECT : TOM LAB (KME-653)
Prepared By: Brij Bhooshan

Experiment No. - 3
Object: To study Whitworth Quick Return Motion Mechanisms, Reciprocating
Engine Mechanism, and Oscillating Engine Mechanism.

Inversions of Single Slider Mechanism
Reciprocating Engine Mechanism [Link 1 Fixed]: Crank
3 Connecting rod
The mechanism obtained by fixing link 1 as shown in Di- 2
1 4
agram 1.15 with translatory motion of link 4, is called a
reciprocating engine mechanism. This is a very familiar Fixed Slider
mechanism which converts reciprocatory motion to rota-
ry motion as in the case of an internal combustion engine Diagram 1.15 Reciprocating
engine mechanism
or the rotary motion to reciprocating motion as employed
in piston compressors.

Rotary Internal Combustion Engine [Link 2 Fixed]:

It is also termed as Gnome engine. In the rotary engine shown in Diagram 1.16 link 2 is
fixed and the frame 1 consisting of five cylinders rotates, and of the five connecting rods
only one connecting rod envelopes the crank pin, called the master rod, while the re-
maining four are called slave rods which are connected to the master rod through pins.
These slavery are also known as articulated or auxiliary connecting rods. However, for
all theoretical purposes these connecting rods are assumed to envelop the fixed crank.
This type of rotary engine was used in the early aviation years.

4 
4 3

4 3  length
4 1 2 M
3 1 3
1 P Q
2 1 6
3 O2
11 3 1
4 3 R

Diagram 1.16 Rotary Engine Diagram 1.17 The Quick Return Mechanism

Whitworth Quick Return Mechanism [Link 2 Fixed]:

Diagram 1.17 shows the quick return mechanism used in slotting machines. Link 3
forms the crank and is driven at constant speed carrying the slider 4 along the outer cir-
B.S.A. College Of Engg. & Technology Mathura
Department of Mechanical Engg.
Course : B.TECH. SUBJECT : TOM LAB (KME-653)
Prepared By: Brij Bhooshan

cular path. The slider 4 drives the link 1 pivoted about point O2, with variable angular
velocity. The link 6 which forms the cutting tool is connected to link 1 at the point R
with the link 5.
It can be easily seen from the diagram that the points P and Q of the slider 4 mark
the extreme positions of the tool. The forward stroke starts when the crank 3 is occupy-
ing the position AQ. The tool reaches the extreme position of forward stroke, when the
crank travels to point P through the point S, sweeping an angle . Hence for a constant
speed of the crank, the tool travels faster in the return idle stroke, thus saving a consi-
derable amount of time.
Time of cutting stroke   360  
Q    [1.3]
Time of return stroke  360   
Mean speed of ram during cutting stroke
Distance travelled 2O2 R 2  O2 R
VC   
time  / 
Similarly, mean speed of ram during return stroke,
2  O2 R
VR 

Oscillatory Cylinder Engine [Link 3 Fixed]:

In the oscillatory cylinder engine mechanism with link 3 fixed shown in Diagram 1.18,
there are three turning pairs connecting the links 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4, and a slid-
ing pair between links 1 and 4. This mechanism can be used as a suction pump.

Crank & Slotted Lever Quick Return Mechanism [Link 3 Fixed]:

The quick return motion mechanism obtained by fixing link 3 is used in shaping ma-
chines, and is shown in Diagram 1.19. Link 2 forms the crank driven at constant speed.
The link 4 called "Rocker arm" oscillates between the two extreme positions O3P and
O3Q shown in this diagram. As mentioned in the earlier example of quick return motion,
the rocker arm takes more time during the forward stroke, when the slider is passing
from P to Q through S, than in the return stroke from Q to P through R.
Ram Stroke length

1 4 S
D1 D D2
 Cutting tool
1 2
2 O2
O3 
3 Q
4 R

Diagram 1.18 oscillatory
cylinder engine mechanism Diagram 1.19 Quick Return Mechanism
B.S.A. College Of Engg. & Technology Mathura
Department of Mechanical Engg.
Course : B.TECH. SUBJECT : TOM LAB (KME-653)
Prepared By: Brij Bhooshan

Therefore, advance to return ratio,

Time of cutting stroke   360  
Q    [1.4]
Time of return stroke  360   

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