Laporan Keuangan Myob

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Jl. Kihajar DEwantoro 114, Jakarta Pusat

Profit & Loss [With Year to Date]

December 2021
Selected Period % of Sales Year to Date % of YTD Sales

penjualan barang dagang p959.175.000,00 103,0% .368.237.500,00 101,0%
potongan penjualan Rp0,00 0,0% p45.800.000,00 (0,6%)
retur penjualan Rp28.000.000,00 (3,0%) p52.062.500,00 (0,6%)
pendapatan service Rp0,00 0,0% p12.456.000,00 0,2%
Total Income p931.175.000,00 100,0% .282.831.000,00 100,0%

Cost Of Sales
HPP p502.337.901,58 53,9% .014.525.401,58 72,6%
potongan pembelian Rp0,00 0,0% p25.112.300,00 (0,3%)
Total Cost Of Sales p502.337.901,58 53,9% .989.413.101,58 72,3%

Gross Profit p428.837.098,42 46,1% .293.417.898,42 27,7%

B. Gaji karyawan Rp0,00 0,0% 343.750.000,00 4,2%
B. Kerugaian Piutang Rp15.400.000,00 1,7% p21.400.000,00 0,3%
B. Iklan Rp625.000,00 0,1% Rp7.500.000,00 0,1%
B. Penyusatan kendaraan Rp0,00 0,0% p17.737.500,00 0,2%
B. Pemeliharaan Rp650.000,00 0,1% Rp7.800.000,00 0,1%
B. Koran/media cetak Rp500.000,00 0,1% Rp6.000.000,00 0,1%
B. Perlengkapan Rp0,00 0,0% p13.365.000,00 0,2%
B. Peny. Bangunan Rp0,00 0,0% p22.000.000,00 0,3%
B. Peny. Peralatan Rp0,00 0,0% Rp3.850.000,00 0,0%
B. Listrik, Telp, dan air Rp2.625.000,00 0,3% p24.194.070,00 0,3%
Total Expenses Rp19.800.000,00 2,1% 467.596.570,00 5,6%

Operating Profit p409.037.098,42 43,9% .825.821.328,42 22,0%

Other Income
pendapatan bunga Rp0,00 0,0% p13.365.000,00 0,2%
Pendapatan lain-lain Rp0,00 0,0% Rp1.327.000,00 0,0%
Total Other Income Rp0,00 0,0% p14.692.000,00 0,2%

Other Expenses
B. Bungan Pinjaman Rp4.950.000,00 0,5% Rp5.557.500,00 0,1%
beban lain-lain Rp0,00 0,0% p54.450.000,00 0,7%
Total Other Expenses Rp4.950.000,00 0,5% p60.007.500,00 0,7%

Net Profit/(Loss) p404.087.098,42 43,4% .780.505.828,42 21,5%

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