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Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Alizeah Lugo

EDU 220
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Exam Requirements

Before I can take any education courses at Nevada State College, I need to pass the Praxis Core

tests. The Praxis Core tests have three sections: reading, writing, and math. With the highest

possible score being 200, to pass the reading portion a score of 156 (78%) is needed, for writing

it is 162 (81%), and for math it is 150 (75%).

Exam Preparation

To prepare for the exam I utilized tools provided by Khan Academy. Khan Academy provides a

diagnostic test to see what areas need improvement, lessons to build weak areas, and two free

practice tests. I have used the practice tests provided by Khan academy as they are timed and

give direct feedback. I have exclusively used Khan Academy because it is easy to use and free.

The lessons are very specific and have helped me improve my weak areas. I glanced at a practice

test provided by ETS but did not utilize it.

Exam Results

In reading, I scored in the 52% range, which means I am not likely to pass that section when I

take the Praxis Exam. In writing I scored in the 63% range, which means I am not likely to pass

that section when I take the Praxis Exam. In math I scored in the 72% range, which means I am

somewhat likely to pass that section when I take Praxis Exam.

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Future Exam Preparation

I am going to continue using the resources provided by Khan Academy. Despite my performance

on the practice tests , I am fairly confident I will pass the Praxis Core Exams. I believe that being

in good health will definitely improve my performance as I was sick when I took the practice

exams. When I took the practice exams through Khan Academy, I scored very well.

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