A Fine Resolution Frequency Estimator Based On

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8, AUGUST 2015 1055

A Fine Resolution Frequency Estimator Based on

Double Sub-segment Phase Difference
Xiangdong Huang, Member, IEEE, and Xiang-Gen Xia, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—A DFT-based frequency estimator with low compu- An iterative technique can reduce a direct estimator’s accu-
tational complexity is proposed, which is derived by extracting the racy dependency on the frequency offset . It carries out itera-
phase difference from the peak DFT bins of two sub-segments from tions by treating the refined estimate of an earlier iteration as the
input samples. Some of its statistical properties, such as asymptot- coarse estimate of the next one until the convergence [9], [10].
ical unbiasedness and error variance, are derived. Furthermore, an For most of the iterative estimators, only 2 iterations can lead
iterative procedure of frequency estimate is also presented. Simu-
the MSE close to the CRB. The MSE of the iterative estimator
lation results show that the proposed estimator’s accuracy is close
to those of AM estimator and CO estimator. proposed by Aboutanios and Mulgrew [9] is only 1.0147 times
more than the asymptotic CRB for almost any frequency offset
Index Terms—DFT, frequency estimator, phase difference. case. The MSE of the iterative estimator proposed by Candan
and Orguner [8] also approximates the CRB closely.
From the above discussions, it is evident that it becomes hard
I. INTRODUCTION to improve the estimation accuracy of the above estimators. The

I T IS a fundamental problem in signal processing to estimate

the frequency in a single tone complex signal contaminated
in noise [1]. The simplest method is to use -point discrete
goal of this letter is to develop an estimator with the accuracy
close to those of the estimators in [8] and [9], but with a lower
computational complexity.
Fourier transform (DFT) when there are data samples of a To reduce the computational complexity, one simple idea is
signal. This leads to a normalized frequency resolution of . to reduce the size of DFT. Based on this simple observation, in
To improve the accuracy of the DFT estimator, an additional step this letter, we propose a direct estimator based on double sub-
of searching for the fractional part of the -point DFT resolu- segment phase difference. It is derived through extracting the
tion is usually implemented as follows. Consider to estimate one phase difference from the peak DFT bins of two sub- segments
frequency denoted as ( refers to the from input samples. We show that its computational complexity
set of positive integer numbers), . The estimation is lower than those of the existing estimators. Furthermore, we
is divided into two stages: a coarse estimation (to estimate the in- will prove the proposed estimator’s unbiasedness and derive the
teger number ) and a fine estimation (to estimate the frequency proposed estimator’s closed-form expression of the estimation
offset, ). The coarse estimation finds the peak magnitude of the error variance, from which one 2-iteration frequency estimation
-point DFT. For the fine estimation, there exist two categories procedure can be derived. We will also give numerical simula-
of methods: direct approaches and iterative approaches. tions for the proposed estimator.
A direct fine estimation scheme is simple by designing one in-
terpolation function on the DFT bins in the vicinity of the peak II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
bin. Thus different interpolation schemes yield different direct A single complex exponential waveform observed under
estimators, see [2]–[5]. Among these, Candan estimator [6] is at- white Gaussian noise can be modeled as
tractive since its minimum mean square error (MSE) is only 1.65
times more than the Crammer-Rao lower bound (CRB) [1], and
furthermore, its modified version is an unbiased estimator [6], (1)
[7]. Recently, Candan and Orguner also developed a higher-ac-
curacy novel direct estimator using an arbitrary number of DFT In (1), , , and are three unknown parameters, where
bins [8]. However, in general, the accuracy of a direct estimator refers to a normalized frequency written as
is highly related to the frequency offset . (2)
The existing direct DFT-based estimators usually estimate the
Manuscript received October 23, 2014; accepted December 14, 2014. Date of
publication December 22, 2014; date of current version January 07, 2014. The normalized frequency from the result of -point DFT on the
work of X. Huang was supported in part by the NSFC under Grant 61271322, whole sequence. In contrast, the main idea of this paper is to split
and was performed while he was visiting the Department of Electrical and Com- the whole sequence into two sub-segments and
puter Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark. The work of X.-G. Xia was with the same length and then estimate the frequency by syn-
supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under
Grant FA9550-12-1-0055. The associate editor coordinating the review of this
thesizing these two sub-segments’ DFT results.
manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Keith Davidson. Without loss of generality, we assume that is even, i.e.,
X. Huang is with the School of Electronics and Information Egineering, . Note that when the -point DFT is replaced
Tianjin Univeristy,Tianjin, China (e-mail: xdhuang@tju. edu.cn). by the two -point DFTs on the two sub- segments, both peak
X.-G. Xia is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
positions and the frequency offsets may be changed. For the
University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 (e-mail: xxia@ee.udel.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online noisy case, it should be emphasized that, the DFT magnitude
at http://ieeexplore.i.eee.org. peak indices (for ) and (for ) should be searched
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LSP.2014.2385086 respectively. However, if the signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) is not

1070-9908 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

too low, and are almost surely to be identical. Assume this TABLE I
common peak bin is at and the corresponding frequency FREQUENCY ESTIMATE PROCEDURE
offset is ( ). Then, we have
In (3), since the normalized resolutions of the -point and
-point DFTs are and , respectively, their fractional
frequency offsets are and
accordingly, where represents the rounding operation.
Thus, the focus is on the estimation of the offset from the
phase measurements of these two peak DFT bins.


A. Estimator
To derive our proposed estimator, let us only consider noise-
free case, i.e., . To determine , we split
into two sub-segments as
and . Clearly, the time
difference between and is and it corresponds
to one phase shift of . Then, the sequence can be
written as

The DFT of can be easily derived as

Thus, the estimate of the frequency is

This method can be summarized in Table I.
Similarly, one can also derive the DFT result of as
B. Analysis of Computational Complexity
We now compare the detailed computational complexities be-
(6) tween the proposed estimator, Aboutanios and Mulgrew (AM)
estimator [9], and Candan and Orguner (CO) estimator [8].
Now we investigate the peak DFT bins at . Since As to AM estimator for the 1st iteration [9], the -point DFT
, combining (5) with (6) yields is implemented first. Then, the peak bin is searched and
two series summations for calculating the 0.5-translated peak
DFT bins and are conducted. Finally, and
are substituted to one formula to calculate the frequency offset .
As to CO estimator [8], the -point DFT is implemented first.
Taking the phase terms from (7), we have
Then, the peak index is searched and
pairs of DFT bins around the peak bin are utilized to calculate
(8) the offsets . Lastly, are substituted
to one formula to calculate the frequency offset .
As [8] pointed out that the computational complexity for cal-
Then, replacing in (8) by and subtracting culating the estimation formulas (for the proposed estimator,
from yields they are (10)–(12)) for a direct estimator is not significant, we
only need to compare the DFT calculations, DFT bins consid-
(9) ered and the extra operations listed in Table II.
Note that the number of the complex multiplications of the
To uniquely solve the fractional number in (9), the phase am-
-point DFT is about more than that of the -point DFT.
biguity term should be removed. Note that
From Table II, one can see that our proposed estimator in this
), since . If we implement
paper has a lower computational complexity than the other two.
modulo operation on the observed phase difference
This section mainly proves some statistical properties for our
Then . To move the phase difference into , proposed estimator, from which an improved iterative procedure
we conduct the following adjustment can also be derived. To facilitate the derivations, we only discuss
the high SNR case when noise cannot submerge the two peak
(11) DFT bins.

TABLE III B. Variance Analysis

In (15), since only and are random variables, the variance
of can be approximately written as

In (19), is the SNR. Then, using the symmetry property,
we have


Then, combining (12) and (20), the variance of the ultimate es-
timate can be deduced as
A. Unbiasedness Property var
Assume that is zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance
and its DFT at is . We know that its real and When is large enough, substituting with
imaginary parts are both real Gaussian random variables with yields
zero mean and variance .
Combining (7), one can derive the peak DFT bin as (22)

The correctness of (22) will be verified through simulations in

the next section.

C. Improved Iterative Procedure

It should be noted from (22) that the frequency estimate var-
iance decreases as decreases, which indicates that moving
(13) into a smaller region helps to improve the performance. This
can be achieved by removing the estimate of the offset from
Note that the phase adjustments in (10) and (11) can guarantee the signal and reapplying the proposed estimator to the compen-
. Therefore, we may ignore the phase ambiguity, sated data, which is described in a 2-step procedure in Table III.
and the observed phase can be denoted as
In this section, we compare the root-mean-square error
(14) (RMSE) results of the proposed method with the estimators
of Candan [6], Candan and Orguner [8], Aboutanios and
Mulgrew [9]. The frequency of the signal in (1) is set as
When SNR is high enough, the numerator in the term , i.e., and the number of samples
in (14) is very likely much smaller than the denominator in the and thus . Specifically, the comparisons
term. Then, can be approximately denoted as for different cases of SNRs, offsets and iterative modes are
considered. In each case, 10000 Monte Carlo simulations are
Note that, in (15), only and are random variables from the A. RMSE Comparison Under Different SNRs
noise, while the other variables, such as , , are fixed signal Specify the frequency offset and thus
parameters that are irrelevant to the noise. Since the expectation accordingly. In the
in terms of the noise terms and in (15) equals 0, comparison, Fig. 1 gives the root of CRB [1] (black curve), the
the following holds RMSE of the proposed estimator (square red curve), the root of
(16) the proposed estimator’s theoretic variance (dotted red curve)
calculated by (22), the RMSE of Candan estimator (triangle blue
Similarly, using the symmetry property, one can also easily de- curve), the RMSE of Candan and Orguner estimator (dot blue
rive as curve and pairs of DFT bins were used), the RMSE
of Aboutanios and Mulgrew estimator (circle black curve). To
differentiate the iterative modes, Fig. 1(a) shows the above esti-
Since the peak DFT bin at is not submerged by the noise, mators for the 1st iteration, and Fig. 1(b) shows the above esti-
combining (12), (16) and (17) yields mators for the 2nd iteration.
From Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 1(b), the following conclusions can
(18) be drawn:
1) For the 1st iteration case, the proposed estimator has the
Therefore, the proposed estimator is approximately unbiased. highest accuracy, since its RMSE is closer to the CRB

Fig. 2. SNR gaps of Candan [6], CO estimator [8], AM estimator [9] and the
proposed estimator: (a) First iterations of the estimators; (b) Second iterations
of the estimators.

B. MSE Comparison Under Different Frequency Offsets

To compare the above estimator’s dependency of the fre-
quency offsets, we study their SNR gaps to the CRB calculated
as 10lg(MSE/CRB). Fig. 2(a) shows the 1st iteration case, and
Fig. 2(b) shows the 2nd iteration case, where the SNR is 30 dB.
From Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b), two conclusions can be drawn:
1) For the 1st iteration case, the proposed estimator has the
smallest SNR gap for most of the offset cases, and CO esti-
Fig. 1. RMSE curves of Candan estimator [6], CO estimator [8], AM estimator
[9], and the proposed estimator: (a) First iterations of the estimators; (b) Second
mator and AM estimator take the second place, and Candan
iterations of the estimators. estimator has the highest SNR gap. Moreover, the proposed
estimator’s SNR gap curve behaves smoother than the other
curves, indicating that its performance dependency on the
than the other estimators. Moreover, just as Candan esti- frequency offsets is lower than other estimators.
mator and CO estimator, the proposed estimator is unbi- 2) For the 2nd iteration case, all the estimators’ SNR gaps
ased, comparing to that AM estimator’s RMSE is biased are lower than that of the 1st iteration case. Comparatively
when dB. speaking, the SNR gaps of CO estimator and AM estimator
2) The proposed estimator’s theoretical root variance (dotted are the lowest, and the proposed estimator takes the 2nd
red curve in Fig. 1(a)) calculated by (22) fits well with the place, and Candan estimator still has the highest SNR
proposed estimator’s RMSE curve, which verifies the cor- gaps.
rectness of (22).
3) For the 2nd iteration case, all the estimators’ RMSEs are VI. CONCLUSIONS
lower than that of the 1st iteration case. With the 2nd iter- This letter proposes a novel direct DFT-based frequency es-
ation, the RMSEs of CO estimator and AM estimator are timator based on a double sub-segment phase difference, which
the lowest, and the proposed estimator takes the 2nd place, has a lower computational complexity than the existing compa-
and Candan estimator still has the highest RMSE. rable direct estimators. Theoretical analysis on this estimator is
4) On the heavy noise region for dB, one can see that also given and an iterative procedure is derived. Simulations re-
the proposed estimator experiences thresholding at a little sults verify that, for most of the frequency offsets, the proposed
higher SNR than the other estimators (3 dB higher for the estimator has the highest accuracy among the existing estimators
1st iteration case and 1 dB higher for the 2nd iteration case), for the 1st iteration case and has the moderately high accuracy
since our proposed estimator utilizes smaller size DFTs. for the 2nd iteration case.

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