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Common Keyboard Key Function and Shortcuts

Esc key-The escape key is the cancel key on the keyboard.

However, pressing Ctrl+Esc will open the start menu.

Functions Keys
F1 The f1 key will open to Help function of the active
F2 Use F2 to rename selected files
F3 This is the Find key. Pressing this key will open
the Find: All files dialog box
F4 In Internet Explorer, this will drop down the web
addresses in the address bar
F5 This is also a Refresh Key. This will update or
reload the current page
F6 Moves to different panes in the Internet Explorer
F7 Does not have any predefined functions in
Windows. However, other individual programs
like MS office applications
F8 Opens the start-up menu while booting the system
F9 Like the F7 key, it does not have any predefined
functions in windows. However, it can be used in
MS Office application
F10 This key will enable the menu options. When the
menu is activated, use the up and down of left and
right arrow to navigate through the menu
F11 Allows moving between normal view mode and
full view mode in Internet Explorer
F12 Just like F7 and F9, it does not have any
predefined function in windows. However it can
be used in MS office applications
Tab This key allows movements through options. For
example, when we press Alt + Tab, we can move
between open applications
Ctrl + F This combination opens the Find dialog box in
Microsoft Windows. This allows for easy
browsing of specific words in a long document
Ctrl + N Opens a new document for MS Office applications
or a new window for Internet Explorer
Print Screen Press this key and click paste icon to capture the
SysRq display currently in the screen

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