Activity 1 Socsci 12

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Developing a Positive Self- Concept

Activity 1:

1) List down your strengths and your weaknesses and explain how these developed. Do this list at home,
in the privacy of your room, or any quiet place.

2) Have the abovementioned list ready on the day set for this exercise on developing a positive-concept;

Strengths: Weaknesses:

 Leadership  Time Management

 Determined  Sensitive
 Public speaking  Emotional
 Reasonable skills
 Communication skills
 Faithful

When I analyze myself as a student, I find that I have more strengths than weaknesses.
However I know that letting my weaknesses take control make me a bad student. As a student
I have many good qualities. I am a good student when I am focused and make good use of my
time. Overcoming my weaknesses make me a better student.
             I have learned to distinguish my strengths as a student. The most important thing is
that I have a desire to improve with my studies. Also, I am very smart and have determination
to reach my goals. The biggest example is the accomplishment of my dream of attending
college. Another thing is that I acknowledge my mistakes and am willing to seek for help and
change. To my advantage, I have found good sources of help in my parents and teachers.
Besides these qualities of a good student, I also have enough time to study and also perform
very good in several classes.
             When analyzing myself, I realize that I have more strengths than weaknesses. My
weaknesses make me a bad student. My biggest weakness is time management. Although I
do not work, I waste a lot of time at my house. I tend to spend a lot of time on my computer,
listening to music or watching TV. This causes me to loose lots of time and not do my school
work. Another weakness is that sometimes I am so sensitive. It is a big issue because If I
heard something that’ll hurt me, I might overthink about it and I might feel down. Even worse, I
might cry. Sometimes I feel bad, but I try to be brave enough.
             For me to become a better student, I need to change. I need to build on my strengths
to overcome my weaknesses. I'm determined to change and am working towards that change.
My first goal is making better use of my time. My strategy is developing an agenda. Keeping
me on track and giving me time to study and waste less time.  Overcoming those weaknesses
of mine is not easy, but through the challenges that came to my life I am able to manage and
control it now, Just you should be always honest to yourself and set goals to your mind.
1. Some people may work to bring you down, and make you feel like you are not good enough.
2. placing an emphasis on what these people have to say, and remind yourself that you can do it
3. Some people may work to bring you down, and make you feel like you are not good enough.
4. placing an emphasis on what these people have to say, and remind yourself that you can do it
5. Some people may work to bring you down, and make you feel like you are not good enough.
6. placing an emphasis on what these people have to say, and remind yourself that you can do it
Some people may work to bring you down, and you feel like you’re not good enough. Avoid
placing emphasis on what these people have to say, and remind yourself that you can do it.
7. Some people may work to bring you down, and make you feel like you are not good enough.
8. placing an emphasis on what these people have to say, and remind yourself that you can do it

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