Marketing Process - Lead Flow - Updated

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Marketing Process / Lead Flow

List Management Direct Mail On-Line

Pat Live Website FB Ads PPC SEO


Sharing FCI/SPA Blog Posts

Online Form


Market Education

CRM PODIO Property Purchase

Paid Referral Posts

New Leads on Podio

Responding to Comments

Lead Management Process

Responded No Response Returened Mail

Don't remove Hang up until Lead

Interested Not Interested
Follow Up

Use Forecast in Podio

Warm/Hot Forecast goes to JBF
if sales VA cannot contact the
Qualify Lead Not for Sale Wrong # Stop Contacting Me / Sold

Research Response: Response: Response:

If you ever consider selling you I'm looking for (first name). If you If you ever consider selling your
house at (insert Address) know (him/her), please give house on (insert street name),
PLEASE, pleas let me know first, I them my number. They have a please let m know. I'll make you
want to buy it. house that I want to buy on (insert an offer you can't refuse
Qualified By Sales
street name).

Not For Sale Stop Contacting Me /

Set Appt orPhone Appt/Offer Make Me an Offer Sold

Cold Follow-up
I can't make a blind offer on your
house without seeing it first. I don't
want to low ball you. Can I come
see it this week?

Offer Accepted Offer Rejected No Response

Cold Follow-up

After 14 days go After 14 days go

Contract Signed / to Warm Follow - Up to Warm Follow - Up
Transaction Process
If Seller Agreed, run it as interested
Marketing Process / Lead Flow
1. On-Line
1.1. FB Ads

1.2. PPC

1.3. SEO

1.4. SMM

1.4.1. Sharing FCI/SPA Blog Posts

1.4.2. Memes

1.4.3. Market Education

1.4.4. Property Purchase

1.4.5. Paid Referral Posts

1.4.6. Responding to Comments

2. Don't remove Hang up until Lead Follow Up

3. Lead Management Process
3.1. Responded

3.1.1. Interested Qualify Lead Research Qualified By Sales Set Appt orPhone Appt/Offer

3.1.2. Not Interested Not for Sale Response: If you ever consider selling you house at (insert Address) PLEASE, pleas
let me know first, I want to buy it. Not For Sale Cold Follow-up Wrong # Response: I'm looking for (first name). If you know (him/her), please give them my
number. They have a house that I want to buy on (insert street name). Make Me an Offer I can't make a blind offer on your house without seeing it first. I don't want to
low ball you. Can I come see it this week? Cold Follow-up If Seller Agreed, run it as interested lead Stop Contacting Me / Sold Response: If you ever consider selling your house on (insert street name), please let
m know. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse Stop Contacting Me / Sold

3.2. No Response

3.3. Returened Mail

4.1. New Leads on Podio

5. No Response
5.1. After 14 days go to Warm Follow - Up
6. Offer Rejected
6.1. After 14 days go to Warm Follow - Up

7. Offer Accepted
7.1. Contract Signed / Transaction Process

8. Use Forecast in Podio Warm/Hot Forecast goes to JBF if sales VA cannot contact the
9. Direct Mail
9.1. Pat Live

9.2. Website

9.2.1. Online Form

10. List Management

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