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To become a better manager, what is one of the first things one should do?

A) Improve one's communication skills

B) Seek knowledge of oneself

C) Manage one's time better

D) Empower one's employees

How should managers know and accept others?

A) Be an enigma to themselves

B) Work toward self-denial and unselfishness

C) Work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance

D) Work toward self-reverence and reflection

How can the enigma of self-awareness be managed?

A) Avoid information contradictory to one's self-image

B) Seek information from others about one's self

C) Make sure to cross the sensitive lines of others

D) Challenge information inconsistent with one's self-image

To know one's self, what is most prescribed?

A) Self-examination and meditation

B) Do not cross the sensitive line

C) Involve others

D) Be highly selective about who to get information from

Responding to a remark from a peer that a report looks like it was slapped together at the last minute
(you had spent most of last week working on it), the sensitive line was crossed. What will the most likely
response be?

A) "I think you are right, thanks for the feedback."

B) "You don't know what you are talking about! Call my boss if you don't believe me!"

C) "Well, maybe I did or maybe I didn't, what do you care?"

D) "Could you tell me how I might improve the report?"

George has returned from his two-week trip to India. He believes his trip has provided an introspection
that increased his self-knowledge. When you begin to question him about his experiences, he becomes
defensive and states, "I don't want to talk about it with you!" Based on the review of self-awareness in
the text, what would be the most accurate conclusion?

A) Yes, it probably has increased his self-knowledge. Now he is protective of that knowledge.

B) No, it probably has not increased his self-knowledge.

C) Maybe, maybe not, depends upon what rituals he practiced.

D) Yes, because he has become more self-assertive and aware of what he wants to talk about.

In the workplace, people are most likely to interact with which co-workers?

A) Creative co-workers

B) Co-workers with diverse social values

C) Co-workers with different self-awareness traits

D) Co-workers similar to them

George made the following comment to Sarah, one of his co-workers: "Gene's recommendation to cut
costs by eliminating travel to training seminars just shows he really isn't aware of how important
training is. His lack of insight is due to the fact he doesn't have a college degree." What is George's
comment an example of?

A) Focusing on a difference

B) Creating a distinction
C) Focusing on an artificial social barrier

D) Creating a false value for a college degree

Areas of self-awareness are listed in 1 through 4. Which is true concerning the four areas of self-

1. personal values

2. creativity

3. emotional intelligence

4. core self-evaluation

A) All four areas listed are correct.

B) Only areas 1 and 4 are correct.

C) Only area 2 is incorrect.

D) None of the four areas listed are correct.

The manner in which individuals gather and process information is a part of what?

A) Personal values

B) Cognitive style

C) Adaptability

D) Creativity

What method do the textbook authors propose to correct the problem of multiple definitions of
emotional intelligence?

A) Use definitions proposed by the original developers of emotional intelligence theories

B) Use definitions that distinguish among personality traits and cognitive traits

C) Use definitions that distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional competence

D) Use definitions that were developed within the last year


According to the definition of emotional intelligence adopted by the textbook authors, how many
abilities are involved with emotional intelligence?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Which statement is accurate concerning the abilities listed in the author's definition of emotional
intelligence and the list provided below?

1. ability to diagnose and recognize emotions

2. ability to control emotions

3. ability to lead a team

4. ability to manage with self-confidence

A) All abilities above are included in the author's definition.

B) Abilities 1 and 3 are included in the author's definition.

C) Abilities 1 and 2 are included in the author's definition.

D) Abilities 1 and 4 are included in the author's definition.

E) None of the abilities are included in the author's definition.

Lana was sitting somberly in her office. Her face had an angry expression and she had a tear in her eye.
One of her co-workers asked her how she was doing. Lana responded, "I am fine." Concerned, the co-
worker asked, "Are you sure?" Lana again responded, "Yes, there is nothing wrong, I am fine." Which
emotional intelligence ability does Lana most likely need to develop?

A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions

B) Ability to control your emotions

C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others

D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues

Javier was getting a drink from the water cooler when Hartman approached excitedly (khích động) and
exclaimed (kêu la), "Guess what, Javier? I got the deal ... I got the big contract (hợp đồg) ... we finally
closed the sale with that giant computer company. I am so excited." Javier responded in a soft voice,
"That's nice." Which emotional intelligence ability does Javier most likely need to develop?

A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions

B) Ability to control your emotions

C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others

D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues

In Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which value dimensions refer to how individuals relate
to others?

1. Universalism vs. Particularism

2. Individualism vs. Collectivism

3. Affective vs. Neutral

4. Specific vs. Diffuse

5. Achievement vs. Ascription

6. Past and Present vs. Future

7. Internal vs. External

A) All of the dimensions

B) Only dimensions 1, 2, and 4

C) The first five dimensions

D) Only dimension 2

Employees at Turner, Inc. are engaged in a debate over the merits of an individual vs. a team-based
compensation program. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which cultural
dimension does this debate most closely relate to?

A) Universalism vs. particularism

B) Individualism vs. collectivism

C) Affective vs. neutral

D) Achievement vs. ascription

E) Internal vs. external

It is obvious that Talia values her privacy as she rarely talks about her husband and children in
conversations with her co-workers. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which
cultural dimension does Talia's behavior in the workplace most closely relate to?

A) Specific vs. diffuse

B) Achievement vs. ascription

C) Universalism vs. particularism

D) Individualism vs. collectivism

E) Affective vs. neutral

Research indicates that business managers

A) place higher emphasis on personal values rather than social values.

B) place higher emphasis on social values rather than personal values.

C) place higher emphasis on instrumental values rather than terminal values.

D) differ in the emphasis placed on social values according to gender.

Your boss was arrested for embezzlement at the office. As he walks past you handcuffed, he states, "You
know, you and I possess the same values, we just differ by degrees." Which is the boss an example of?

A) Terminal values
B) Poor ethical decision making

C) Poor information gathering

D) Conformity level of values maturity

Research suggests that (1) individuals differ in their level of values development, (2) individuals hold
different sets of instrumental values at different stages of development, and (3) peoples' value priorities
do not change once they become adults. Which statements are correct?

A) All three statements are correct.

B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.

C) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.

D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.

During the 1992 riots in Los Angeles where many individuals took merchandise, some argued that
looters took only what they needed, like food and diapers, whereas others argued looters took only
what they had been denied by the system, like TVs and stereos. If these looters were focusing on their
own needs, what was their level of values maturity?

A) First level of maturity

B) Second level of maturity

C) Third level of maturity

You need a little extra money, so you added an extra $100 to your expense reimbursement statement
before handing the receipts over to accounting. Your co-worker Sara added over $1000 to her
statement. If you believe Sara's actions are worse than yours, what is your level of values maturity?

A) First level of maturity

B) Second level of maturity

C) Third level of maturity

You added an extra $100 to your expense statement and Sara added an extra $1000 to her expense
statement. If you believe both of you are equally wrong (this does violate company policy), what is your
level of values maturity?

A) First level of maturity

B) Second level of maturity

C) Third level of maturity

If you stole something to save a stranger's life (you received no compensation), what would be your
level of moral judgment?

A) First level of maturity

B) Second level of maturity

C) Third level of maturity

As manager, you have decided to enforce a new policy restricting dating in the office. You are
comfortable with the policy and have decided that the policy will affect you also. Which ethical test did
you most likely employ?

A) Personal gain test

B) Equal treatment test

C) Cost-benefit test

D) Golden rule test

If your goal in life is to live a stimulating and active life, what is this an example of?

A) Terminal value

B) Instrumental value

C) Attitudinal value

D) Interpersonal need value

If you believe a government policy would benefit those that are less advantaged than yourself, what
view of ethics is this?

A) Golden rule test

B) Equal treatment test

C) Cost-benefit test

D) Personal gain test

Your personal cognitive style is based on which of the following two dimensions?

A) The manner in which you gather information and whether you think it is true

B) The manner in which you gather information and the way in which you act on that information

C) Horizontal and vertical

D) The manner in which others gather information about you and the way you react to their behaviors

Which of the following statements are true?

1. Your cognitive style is the same as your personality type.

2. Your cognitive style is innate and cannot be changed.

3. The three cognitive styles are knowing, planning, and creating.

A) Statement 3 is true, and statements 1 and 2 are false.

B) Statements 2 and 3 are true, and statement 1 is false.

C) None of the statements are true.

D) All of the statements are true.

At the beginning of your team's first meeting, Betsy said, "I think it's really important that we develop a
clear agenda for what we want to accomplish and then decide who is going to do what." Based on this
comment, you suspect that Betsy is strongest on which dimension of cognitive style?

A) Knowing
B) Planning

C) Creating

D) Assimilating

During a meeting, Bruce turns to you and comments, "We really shouldn't be making a decision until we
have got a better handle on the facts and data. New ideas are fine, but if we can't back them up with
credible and precise analysis, we shouldn't be taking the risk." Based on this comment, you recognize
that Bruce is probably strongest on which dimension of cognitive style?

A) Knowing

B) Planning

C) Creating

D) Accommodating

After graduation you have decided to stay in Bedford Falls, the only place you have ever known. Which
area of self-awareness probably affected your decision?

A) Cognitive style

B) Interpersonal needs

C) Attitudes toward change

D) Instrumental values

Your co-worker Sandy plans her vacations 12 months in advance and is the first to volunteer to create
agendas for team meetings. Which cognitive style does Sandy's behavior exhibit?

A) Creating cognitive style

B) Obsessive cognitive style

C) Planning cognitive style

D) None of the above


Research suggests individuals with low tolerance for ambiguity and low cognitive complexity are

A) better transmitters of information.

B) able to interpret more cues.

C) less behaviorally adaptive.

D) unable to understand abstract ideas.

Individuals who tend to prefer jobs in fields such as social work where personal interactions
predominate have which cognitive style ?

A) Creating cognitive style

B) Knowing cognitive style

C) Planning cognitive style

D) None of the three cognitive styles are more likely in individuals who choose such a career.

If a job requires someone to be able to focus on only one element of information in order to not become
distracted, which of the following would best match those requirements?

A) High tolerance of ambiguity

B) Low tolerance of ambiguity

C) High instrumental values

D) Low cognitive style

The individual most likely to be entrepreneurial in his/her actions is someone with a(n)

A) high tolerance of ambiguity.

B) low tolerance of ambiguity.

C) external locus of control.

D) lateral locus of control.

You think you would like to join the Peace Corps and see the world, live in another culture, and
experience new situations. Which subscale from the Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale would indicate
whether you would enjoy the Peace Corps experience?

A) Insolubility

B) Complexity

C) Novelty

D) None of the above

Bob enjoys his management professor. She hands out vague assignments and encourages him to be
creative and to look at things a different way. Which best describes Bob's tolerance?

A) Tolerant of familiar information

B) Tolerant of distinctive or unrelated information

C) Intolerant of problems that are difficult to solve

D) Tolerant of contradictory information

What does the internal-external locus of control measure?

A) The ways in which a person goes about gathering and evaluating information

B) A person's value system

C) The extent to which a person feels able to affect his or her life

D) A person's tolerance of ambiguity

On the Locus of Control Scale, Morgan scored a 6 and George scored a 15. How could these results be

A) Both Morgan and George have an internal locus of control.

B) Both Morgan and George have an external locus of control.

C) Morgan has an internal locus of control and George has an external locus of control.

D) Morgan has an external locus of control and George has an internal locus of control.

After the professor passed back the graded test, you heard a student remark, "I didn't do well because
the professor gave us tricky questions." Which locus of control does this student probably have?

A) Internal locus of control

B) External locus of control

C) High tolerance for ambiguity

D) Small locus of control

In a meeting, you hear Mary say, "Some things are just meant to be," and "The economic health of this
country is largely beyond the control of the individual." You classify Mary as a person with an external
locus of control. How would you expect her to utilize her power?

A) Persuasion and expertise

B) Coercive power and threats

C) Her own position

D) There is not enough information available to answer the question.

Research suggests that internals (1) ask fewer questions, (2) are achievement oriented, and (3)
remember more information than externals. Which statements are correct?

A) All three statements are correct.

B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.

D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.

Research suggests people with an internal locus of control (1) are more satisfied with work, (2)
outperform externals in stressful situations, and (3) are less accurate in processing feedback about
successes and failures than externals. Which statements are correct?

A) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.

B) Statement 2 is incorrect.

C) Statement 2 and 3 are correct.

D) All of the statements are correct.

Nobody seems to know what their role is and what they are supposed to do in one of your divisions.
Two people have applied for the job as manager of this struggling division. They are equal in experience
and knowledge; however, Robert has been classified as external and Susan has been classified as an
internal. Who should you hire?

A) You should hire Susan.

B) You should hire Robert.

C) You should continue your job search outside the division, as neither Susan nor Robert are qualified for
the job.

D) These classifications do not help in selecting the right candidate for this job.

Janet reads her horoscope and calls the psychic hot line for advice every day. Which would most likely
apply to Janet?

A) Internal locus of control

B) External locus of control

C) Tolerance for ambiguity

D) None of the above

Which is not one of the most researched big five personality attributes?

A) Extraversion

B) Agreeableness
C) Ego

D) Neuroticism

E) Conscientiousness

Which best defines core self-evaluation?

A) The evaluation each person has developed about himself or herself

B) The evaluation of dominant personality traits that are core to a person's management skills

C) The evaluation other people give to a person's most dominant personality traits

D) The evaluation each person gives of himself or herself to appraise eligibility for salary increases

Which best describes core self-evaluation?

A) The extent to which people accurately evaluate how others think about them

B) The extent to which people are able to diagnose their own emotions

C) The extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals

D) The extent to which people want affection

Which components contribute to the latent attribute of core self-evaluation?

1. self-esteem

2. self-efficacy

3. locus of control

4. extraversion

A) Components 1 and 2 contribute.

B) Components 1 and 4 contribute.

C) Components 1, 2, and 3 contribute

D) Components 1, 2, and 4 contribute.

What is neuroticism?

A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful

B) The tendency to have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life

C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences

D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances

What is self-efficacy?

A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful

B) The tendency to have a negative outlook

C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences

D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances

Which is true concerning people who have higher core self-evaluation scores?

A) They tend to be selfish.

B) They tend to possess an overabundance of positive self-regard.

C) They tend to avoid diagnosing others' emotions.

D) They tend to choose complex and more challenging work.

Chap 2
What behavior would a manager that experiences stress typically exhibit?

A) Underestimate how fast time is passing

B) Consult and listen to others

C) Fixate on a single approach to a problem

D) Create unique solutions to problems

If you feel anxiety or fear, or perhaps sorrow or confusion, you are likely in which stage of stress

A) Alarm stage

B) Resistance stage

C) Exhaustion stage

D) You are not feeling stress.

Your project's due date is coming fast! However, you notice that you forgot to mow the lawn (you hate
mowing) and yesterday you forgot to attend a staff meeting. Also, you find that you daydream often.
Which defense mechanism are you most likely employing to resist stress?

A) Aggression

B) Regression

C) Repression

D) Withdrawal

Your flight has just been canceled. Tom is arguing with airline officials, Mary is crying, and you have
decided to grab a bite to eat. Which defense mechanism is each person using?

A) Tomfixation; Marywithdrawal; yourepression

B) Tomfixation; Maryrepression; youwithdrawal

C) Tomaggression; Maryaggression; youfixation

D) Tomaggression; Maryregression; youwithdrawal

You have been worrying about your presentation to the class for weeks. However, today, it doesn't
seem like it will be that bad. What is there to be worried about, they're just my friends, you say to
yourself. Which defense mechanism are you most likely employing?

A) Alarm
B) Withdrawal

C) Fixation

D) Repression

Which is the best description of a person who is a "hot reactor"?

A) Becomes "hot"; that is, he or she responds well to stress

B) Reacts poorly to "repressors"

C) Reacts poorly to stress

D) Reacts negatively to certain defense mechanisms used by others

To relieve stress, you have been told to not bottle up your anger but to let it out. A teakettle will explode
if you don't let the steam out. This advice coincides with which coping strategy?

A) Enactive strategy

B) Proactive strategy

C) Reactive strategy

D) Resistance strategy

Eliminating or minimizing stress by changing jobs would relate most to which type of strategy for coping
with stress?

A) Inactive strategy

B) Proactive strategy

C) Reactive strategy

D) Enactive strategy

Isabel felt overwhelmed by the pressure of her pending deadline. She decided to "check out" for a few
minutes and think about her upcoming ski trip to take her mind of her stress. Which type of stress-
management strategy was Isabel pursuing?

A) Enactive

B) Proactive

C) Reactive

D) Distractive

Patti's company recently reorganized for the second time this year. As part of the reorganization she was
promoted, which has caused a significant increase in the time she spends in the office. Yesterday, she
received a speeding ticket as she was racing back to the office from the mall with her Christmas gifts.
What type of stressor is Patti most likely feeling?

A) Time

B) Encounter

C) Situational

D) Anticipatory

At her graduation party, Morgan's grandmother told her she was worried about Morgan having enough
to live on in her retirement and suggested Morgan invest in plastics now. "Retirement? Granny, I am
only 22," said Morgan. Morgan's grandmother demonstrated which stressor?

A) Time

B) Encounter

C) Situational

D) Anticipatory

Mary is suffering work stress as a result of her interactions with her new boss, who recently transferred
from Finland. He has reorganized the work based on teams. In Mary's team, there is no agreement on
who should do what or on the purpose of the team. Her stress is from which stressor?

A) Time stress
B) Encounter stress

C) Situational stress

D) Anticipatory stress

George works full time in a warehouse and works hard. Although he likes his boss, who is from Japan, he
finds they have different views on the work to be accomplished by the end of the shift. The work comes
in spurts, and George feels he must finish all of it before the end of his shift. Lately, George has not been
able to finish the work by the end of his shift. He is experiencing which type of stress?

A) Time stress

B) Encounter stress

C) Situational stress

D) Anticipatory stress

You have developed a "need-to-do" list and have promised yourself to say "no" more often. You even
bought a planner. Which approach to time management are you practicing?

A) Effectiveness approach

B) Efficiency approach

C) Delegation approach

D) Priority approach

If you are utilizing the effectiveness approach to time management, you do what?

A) Focus on urgent matters first

B) Focus on minimizing wasted time

C) Focus on important matters first; ignore urgent tasks unless they produce the desired results

D) Focus on urgent matters first but don't feel guilty when you must say "no"

Which is the best summary of the effectiveness in time management approach?

A) You accomplish what you want to accomplish with your time.

B) You accomplish more by reducing wasted time.

C) You accomplish more at the most productive times of the day.

Which is the best summary of the efficiency in time management approach?

A) You accomplish what you want to accomplish with your time.

B) You accomplish more by reducing wasted time.

C) You accomplish more at the most productive times of the day.

You are a manager of a team of 50 professionals. One particular professional persists in accusing you of
having your priorities out of order. Since the planning activity you do often is not urgent, this particular
professional tries to undermine the activity. What would be best for you to do?

A) Meet the professional at the door each time you see him coming

B) Move the professional to another team so you don't have to manage him

C) Clarify your core principles and make them public

D) Hold meetings with him only at the end of the day

You are a manager of a team of 50 professionals. One particular professional persists in accusing you of
having your priorities out of order. Since the planning activity you do often is not urgent, this particular
professional tries to undermine the activity. Which research-based principle should the manager

A) People who experience the most time stress are those who allow others to generate their personal
principles statement for them through their demands for time.

B) People who steal time from you should be removed from your work environment in order to avoid
situational stress.

C) Relationship conflicts should be handled at the end of the day so that the important things can be
given your best energy in the morning hours.
D) People who steal time from you can be dealt with by talking to them while standing.

Approximately 70 percent of a manager's time is spent in meetings. What should a manager do to make
efficient and effective use of this time?

A) Be flexible in agenda setting; sometimes new things just come up during the meeting and discussing it
now would reduce "gearing up" time later

B) Don't keep minutes; they waste time and no one likes to take them

C) Be flexible with the ending time of the meeting so that the tasks can be accomplished

D) Insist on subordinates' suggestions to problems so that the manager may choose among alternatives,
then generate his/her own

Answer: D

You read an email from a local politician asking for donations. What would be best for you to make
efficient use of your time?

A) File it now so that later you can decide

B) Decide to give money and write a check

C) Decide not to give money and toss it away

D) Have someone else scan your email before you see it

As a new member of the team, you notice that team members appear to treat each other with kindness,
courtesy, and honesty. They really do seem to care about each other. Members of this group will be able
to cope best with which kind of stress?

A) Time stress

B) Encounter stress

C) Situational stress

D) Anticipatory stress

This course, with its emphasis on developing managerial skills and related emotional intelligence skills,
should assist you (on completion of all chapters) in eliminating which stress?

A) Time stress

B) Encounter stress

C) Situational stress

D) Anticipatory stress

Concerning success in life, what does research appear to suggest?

A) Having a high IQ score is critical.

B) Having an ability to manage emotions is critical.

C) Having a competitive attitude is critical.

D) Having a few strong relationships is critical.

If a child refuses to eat a cookie so later in the day he can have something he likes more, what ability
related to emotional intelligence is he exhibiting?

A) Controlling or keeping in check negative emotions

B) Recognizing or understanding his own feelings

C) Delaying immediate gratification to achieve a goal

D) Controlling or keeping in check positive emotions

Which group has a lower level of job strain?

A) People in lower-level positions

B) People in higher-level positions

C) Neither people in low- nor high-level positions; it depends on one's age and health status

D) People without managers to evaluate their work

In redesigning the job to reduce stress, what should you focus on?

A) Providing more job security

B) Resolving and keeping interpersonal conflicts to a minimum

C) Providing more involvement in decision making

D) Providing clear direction and focus

To reduce the situational stress his workers felt, Tom decided to hire a customer relations group. Tom
believed this new group could deal firsthand with customer inquiries and therefore reduce the burden
his employees currently had of responding to customers. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? Why?

A) This is a good idea, it will eliminate stress.

B) This is a bad idea, it increases the number of feedback channels.

C) This is a bad idea, it promotes filtered communication.

D) This is a good idea, it promotes one contact for the customer.

You started your new job at Tasty Burger. The boss told you this is an easy job, but you should still do
your best. He commented that he will keep an eye on you and will tell you if he sees you doing anything
wrong. Which stress would you most likely feel as you begin your work?

A) Situational stress due to a lack of task significance

B) Anticipatory stress due to increased decision-making authority

C) Situational stress due to not knowing what is expected

D) Situational stress due to a poor relationship with the boss

Which can best eliminate anticipatory stress?

A) Redesigning the work

B) Time management

C) Prioritizing and short-term planning

D) Improving your emotional intelligence

Sarah is a Peace Corps volunteer headed for Colombia. She has great anticipatory stress (she's never
been outside of the United States before and she doesn't know any Spanish). What should she do to
reduce her stress?

A) Make herself familiar with the purpose of the Peace Corps

B) Comfort herself with the idea that because this is a volunteer position, she can quit at any time and
the Peace Corps will fly her immediately home

C) Learn to say her name and "Where is the bathroom?" in Spanish

D) Prioritize her career plans just in case things don't work out with the Peace Corps

Bob has decided to stop smoking. Also, he has decided to tell no one because he is tired of the jokes and
the lack of support from his friends. Based on what you have learned about anticipatory stressors, what
is an appropriate evaluation of this idea?

A) It is a good idea because there is a desired goal.

B) It is a good idea because Bob has identified the activities and behaviors necessary to accomplish the

C) It is a bad idea because the desired goal is beyond his control.

D) It is a bad idea because he hasn't established reporting mechanisms or accountability.

Some rules for instituting small wins are (1) keep track of the changes you are making, (2) forget the
small gains you have made and focus on what is next, and (3) find other small things to change and
change them. Which are correct?

A) All three rules are correct.

B) Rules 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Rules 1 and 3 are correct.

D) Rules 2 and 3 are correct.

If you have missed your son's T-ball game and your daughter's soccer game the past two weeks because
you have been on the road talking to clients, which behavior tendency are you most likely exhibiting?

A) Competitiveness

B) Life imbalance

C) Hostility/anger

D) Impatience/urgency

You having been studying for finals all day. A friend suggests that the two of you take a break. Is this a
good idea?

A) No, your friend is crazy. You need all the time you can get to study.

B) No, stay focused and you'll do better.

C) Depends on your small wins strategy

D) Yes, time off should help you think better.

What is exercising 20 to 30 minutes every other day and maintaining a heart rate that improves the
cardiovascular system known as?

A) Physiological resiliency

B) Psychological resiliency

C) Social resiliency

D) Life balance

To maintain dietary control, one should do the following: (1) avoid fats, (2) avoid caffeine, and (3) take
Vitamin E only. Which are correct?

A) All three points are correct.

B) Points 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Points 1 and 3 are correct.

D) Points 2 and 3 are correct.


What does a person who is "hardy" have?

A) An external locus of control

B) An internal locus of control

C) A supportive network of friends

D) A low tolerance for ambiguity

Hardy individuals have a high level of commitment. What does this mean?

A) They are committed only to their own activities.

B) They are committed to a larger community and its activities.

C) They are committed to change as a means to an end.

D) They are committed to both their activities and the larger community and its activities.

Three elements characterize an individual who can resist stress well. They are (1) viewing change as a
threat to security and comfort, (2) having an external locus of control, and (3) a person believing he/she
is only responsible for himself/herself. Which are correct?

A) All three elements are correct.

B) Elements 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Elements 1 and 3 are correct.

D) None of the elements is correct.

From the information you have, it would appear that Mick exhibits which dimension of Type A behavior?

A) Competitiveness

B) Life imbalance

C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency

From the information you have, it would appear Ron exhibits which dimension of Type A behavior?

A) Competitiveness

B) Life imbalance

C) Hostility/anger

D) Impatience/urgency

From the information you have, it would appear Keith exhibits which dimension of Type A behavior?

A) Competitiveness

B) Life imbalance

C) Hostility/anger

D) Impatience/urgency

From the information you have, it would appear Charlie exhibits which dimension of Type A behavior?

A) Competitiveness

B) Life imbalance

C) Hostility/anger

D) Impatience/urgency

You are driving down the freeway and as you change lanes, the person behind you honks and shakes her
fist. She then pulls up next to you and mouths words that cause you to wonder why she is talking about
a "puck." The other driver exhibits which behavioral tendencies?

A) Competitiveness

B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger

D) Impatience/urgency

How can you build psychological resiliency?

A) Deep-relaxation strategies

B) Small goals

C) Work redesign

How does one overcome the approach of a winner-takes-all?

A) Exercise

B) Diet control

C) Deep-relaxation strategies

As a moderating factor against the harmful effects of stress, what does social resiliency involve?

A) Being able to not conform to group pressure

B) Being able to develop and maintain close social relationships

C) Being able to maintain control over social networks

Which is not included in social support systems?

A) Personal friendships

B) Family relationships

C) Mentor relationships

D) Work teams

E) Autocratic supervisors

A temporary stress-reduction technique utilized in child birthing has the woman focus on a pleasant
experience from her past during the early stages of labor. What is this known as?

A) Reframing

B) Imagery and fantasy

C) Rehearsal

D) Social resiliency

What does reframing as a reactive strategy for managing stress involve?

A) Rehearsing what one is going to say or do before it actually happens

B) Taking several successive and slow deep breaths

C) Changing the focus of one's thoughts to something pleasant

D) Trying to redefine a situation as manageable

Javier was getting a drink from the water cooler when Hartman approached excitedly and exclaimed,
"Guess what, Javier? I got the deal ... I got the big contract ... we finally closed the sale with that giant
computer company. I am so excited." Javier responded in a soft voice, "That's nice." Which emotional
intelligence ability does Javier most likely need to develop?

A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions

B) Ability to control your emotions

C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others

D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues

Chap 3:

This problem-solving style occurs less frequently but often separates career successes from career
failures. What does this problem-solving style focus on?

A) Analytical problem solving

B) Creative problem solving

C) Managerial problem solving

D) Strategic thinking

What is the natural tendency of people in resolving problems?

A) Select the first reasonable solution that comes to mind

B) Select the first reasonable problem that comes to mind

C) Select the best solution after evaluating all the alternatives

D) None of the answer choices are correct.

A manager of a shipping department was concerned about an order that a customer reported as several
weeks late. To define the problem, the manager asked an employee in the shipping department why the
order had not arrived. The employee said, "Someone probably made a mistake on the address. That
would be my guess." Thus, the manager asked the employee to reship the order. What characteristic of
good problem definition is most violated by this manager?

A) The problem factual information should be differentiated from opinion or speculation.

B) The problem should be stated explicitly.

C) The problem definition should be different than a disguised solution.

D) The problem definition should be written down.

Your team has experienced an increase in absenteeism in the past six weeks. In the meeting to define
the problem, George recommends that personal leave days be abolished. The group ignores that
suggestion but instead decides to fire all employees who are absent starting Monday. What went wrong
in the decision-making process?

A) The first acceptable solution was accepted.

B) The problem was stated as part of the solution.

C) The problem was stated too explicitly.

D) The information about the problem was based on speculation.


Which is best when generating alternatives?

A) Evaluate the alternatives as they are proposed; this saves time.

B) Focus on the short term; bad decisions in the short term means there is no long term to worry about.

C) Evaluate the alternatives after all alternatives have been proposed.

D) Separate alternatives from one another.

The problem is that sales are low. The sales manager accepted responsibility and said it was his fault
that sales were low. Thus, he proposed offering rebates next month to stimulate sales. Rebates have
never been offered in the company before, and the impact rebates may have on sales in the future is
unknown. Other alternatives have been offered. Should this rebate idea be implemented as-is?

A) Yes

B) No, it hasn't been determined whose problem this is.

C) No, the idea has only come from one person.

D) No, long-term consequences have not been considered.

Your group has agreed to do a skit as part of its presentation to the class. Bob believes a "Baywatch" skit
with everyone wearing swimsuits would liven up the presentation. Someone in the group remarked,
"What a stupid idea!" What step in the analytical problem-solving method is violated by this response?

A) Define the problem

B) Generate alternative solutions

C) Evaluate and select an alternative

D) Implement and follow up

Your group has a presentation to the class in two weeks. Moe believes that the presentation should be
similar to a presentation he gave in his Marketing class last semester. Curly wants it to be similar to his
Finance presentation that his group gave earlier this month. Larry believes that the presentation should
be like the first group, after all they received an A. You think, what a bunch of stooges. Which guideline
did your group violate in regard to the analytical problem-solving model?

A) Problems should not be defined in terms of solutions.

B) Limited information should be given about each alternative.

C) The first acceptable alternative should not be accepted right away.

D) Alternatives should not be based on what was successful in the past.

Your boss remarks to you that "decision making is concerned with the discovery and selection of
satisfactory alternatives." What would be the best response to your boss?

A) "No, I believe decision making is concerned with proper problem definition."

B) "No, I believe decision making is concerned with the generation of alternatives."

C) "No, I believe decision making is concerned with the discovery and selection of optimal alternatives."

D) "Yes, I agree."

In evaluating alternatives, individuals should make sure that alternatives are judged in terms of (1) their
probable effects, (2) whether individuals involved will accept the alternative, and (3) the consistency
with policies of the organization. Which points are correct?

A) All three points are correct.

B) Points 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Points 1 and 3 are correct.

D) Points 2 and 3 are correct.

Which should you do when evaluating alternatives?

A) Evaluate alternatives relative to a satisfactory standard

B) Evaluate alternatives in an unstructured and creative manner

C) Evaluate alternatives based on what will work

D) Evaluate alternatives in terms of individual preferences and organizational goals


What is accomplished by implementing a solution incrementally?

A) Decreases resistance by others to the solution

B) Increases the overall or total costs

C) Creates support with only a few people at a time

D) Helps give people a break during implementation



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Which attributes should be included in effective implementation of a solution and follow up on the

A) Setting up an optimal standard for evaluation of alternatives

B) Creating alternatives that are consistent with organizational goals

C) Evaluating alternatives systematically

D) Providing a process that includes opportunities for feedback

If you are replacing the copier in the office, which problem-solving style would be most appropriate?

A) Analytical problem solving

B) Creative problem solving

C) Neither analytical nor creative problem solving

In fulfilling President Kennedy's challenge to send a man to the moon and bring him back safely by the
end of the decade, which problem-solving model was probably utilized?

A) Creative problem solving

B) Analytical problem solving

C) Neither of the above answer choices is correct.

When relevant information is available, when a clear standard exists to assess the correctness of a
solution, and the problem is straightforward, which decision model should be used?

A) Analytical problem solving

B) Creative problem solving

C) Neither the analytical nor creative problem-solving model

D) Both the analytical and creative problem-solving models

You have a problem that is both complex and very ambiguous. In looking for a creative solution, what
would be best for you to do?

A) Think simply about generating alternatives.

B) Clearly define the problem.

C) Consider multiple approaches to creativity.

D) Assign one person to work alone and solve the problem.

Which type of creativity focuses on fast, competitive responses to problems?

A) Imagination

B) Improvement

C) Investment

D) Incubation

Which type of creativity focuses on new, revolutionary solutions to problems?

A) Imagination

B) Improvement

C) Investment

D) Incubation

Which type of creativity emphasizes developmental and deliberate responses to problems?

A) Imagination

B) Investment

C) Incubation

Which is the most appropriate approach to creativity when incremental changes and tightening up
processes are necessary?

A) Imagination

B) Improvement

C) Investment

D) Incubation

Which is the most appropriate approach to creativity when collective effort and involvement of others is

A) Imagination

B) Improvement

C) Investment

D) Incubation

You have a problem that is both complex and very ambiguous. In looking for a creative solution, who
should you talk to?

A) A person who has a Ph.D. in a topic that is related to the problem

B) A person who has many years of experience in dealing with similar problems

C) A person who has neither the knowledge nor the experience of this particular problem and who
employs logic that seems unorganized

D) Both the person with the Ph.D. and the person with many years of experience

You are a manager who would like to enhance the creative problem-solving abilities of your employees.
What should you do?

A) Increase their formal education

B) Improve their thinking skills

C) Improve their interpersonal skills

D) Improve their exposure to information

Your boss states, "Conceptual blocks are easy to overcome. Also, everyone develops some conceptual
blocks over time and we need some to cope with everyday life." Should you agree or disagree?

A) Agree

B) Disagree

How both Velcro and Post-it Notes came to be produced is an excellent example of which problem-
solving model?

A) Analytical problem solving

B) Creative problem solving

When an individual becomes consistent in how he/she approaches problems, he/she is practicing which
conceptual block?
A) Commitment

B) Compression

C) Constancy

D) Complacency

In studying for a test, Harry always highlights passages in his textbooks and reviews the highlighted
sections. Recently, in his Management class, Harry did not receive a good grade on his first exam. Sally
suggested that Harry try studying a different way by writing down the highlighted passages on paper.
Harry refused, saying, "It has always worked before, why change?" Which conceptual block is Harry

A) Constancy

B) Artificial constraint

C) Compression

D) Complacency

What is an example of a thinking language that is capable of breaking down the constancy block?

A) Foreign language

B) Observation and evaluation

C) Visual imagery

D) Alternative generation

If you assume that individuals who are experienced in launching a new product know the best marketing
approach, which conceptual block are you practicing?

A) Vertical thinking

B) Stereotyping

C) Compression

D) Ignoring commonalities

In describing a new problem you are having with your computer, your boss interrupts and states, "I had
the same problem last week. It's something to do with the network." Which conceptual block could be
inhibiting your boss's creative problem-solving approach?

A) Vertical thinking

B) Artificial constraints

C) Stereotyping

D) Ignoring commonalities

Looking too narrowly at a problem is what type of conceptual block?

A) Constancy

B) Compression

C) Commitment

D) Complacency

If someone believes that the possible alternatives to a problem must conform to her perception of the
boss's expectations, which conceptual block is she a victim of?

A) Perceptual stereotyping

B) Not separating figure from ground

C) Ignoring commonalities

D) Artificial constraints

If you have trouble determining the difference between important and unimportant data, you are
experiencing which conceptual block?

A) Artificial constraints

B) Ignoring commonalities
C) Separating figure from ground

D) Noninquisitiveness

If your boss encourages your team to ask questions and obtain and search for data, she is trying to
overcome which conceptual block?

A) Bias against thinking

B) Noninquisitiveness

C) Separating figure from ground

D) Compression

Ms. Frizzle on the "Magic School Bus" encourages her students to try, to experiment just to see what will
happen. She encourages them to be risk takers. She is trying to overcome which conceptual block?

A) Noninquisitiveness

B) Bias against thinking

C) Compression

D) Ignoring commonalities

According to research, which would creative problem solvers use?

A) The left hemisphere of the brain

B) The right hemisphere of the brain

C) Both the left and right hemispheres of the brain

D) Thinking and behavior

Which is true about creative problem solving?

A) It is a skill that can be taught.

B) It is quick and easy to learn to become a creative problem solver.

C) It is always better than analytical problem solving.

D) It is something that only certain people can learn.

What stage of creative problem solving occurs when an insight is recognized and a creative solution is

A) Preparation stage

B) Illumination stage

C) Incubation stage

D) Verification stage

What stage of creative problem solving can training most improve?

A) Preparation stage

B) Incubation stage

C) Illumination stage

D) Verification stage

E) All of the stages

If your boss said, "Managing people is like playing a game of chess," this would be an example of what?

A) The creative stage of preparation

B) The creative stage of incubation

C) The creative stage of illumination

D) The creative stage of verification

Amber had been struggling to come up with a creative idea for her marketing proposal for weeks.
Frustrated, she decided to leave her office and go for a hike in the mountains to clear her mind. She
enjoyed taking in her natural surroundings and thought little about her work. When she arrived back at
the office, she suddenly had a promising new idea occur to her. In what phase of creative decision
making was Amber during her hike in the mountains?

A) Preparation

B) Incubation

C) Illumination

D) Verification

In trying to eliminate the long lines in student registration, Susan diagrammed a student's action
indicating who she talked to, when, and how long. What would this be an example of?

A) Personal analogy

B) Direct analogy

C) Symbolic analogy

D) Fantasy analogy

Your boss states, "Morale here is like the loser's locker room after a big game." He has used which
technique to improve creative problem solving?

A) Make the strange familiar

B) Reverse the definition

C) Elaborate on the definition

D) Direct analogy

What is your boss trying to do in terms of creative problem solving if he asks the following questions: Is
there anything else? Is the reverse true? and What past experience is this like?

A) Reverse the definition

B) Generate more alternatives

C) Elaborate on the definition

D) Use a fantasy analogy

The following statements relate to the rules governing brainstorming: (1) No evaluations of alternatives
are generated, (2) Wildest possible ideas are encouraged, (3) Quality takes precedence over quantity,
and (4) Do not build on the ideas of others. Which statements are correct?

A) All the statements are correct.

B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.

C) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.

D) Only statement 3 is correct.

E) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.

During a brainstorming session, George remarks, "I think we are getting a little off track. Let's stay
focused!" He has violated which rule?

A) Evaluate the alternatives as they are being generated.

B) All different types of ideas should be encouraged.

C) Quality takes precedence over quantity.

D) He did not violate a rule.

How does subdivision improve problem solving?

A) Decreases the number of alternatives generated by a group

B) Increases the level of participation of brainstorming participants

C) Increases the speed with which alternatives can be generated and selected

D) Increases the speed of decision making

If you defer judgment, expand current alternatives, and combine unrelated attributes during creative
problem solving, what are you doing?

A) Improving the problem definition

B) Elaborating on the problem definition

C) Generating more alternatives

What does creativity in Eastern cultures focus on?

A) Analytical problem solving

B) Uncovering enlightenment related to problems

C) Creating solutions to novel problems

D) Practical ways to solve problems

What should you do if you want to be more creative in your problem solving?

A) Reserve your best time for thinking

B) Talk to others about your ideas

C) Read a lot, especially outside your field of expertise

D) A and C, but not B

E) Engage in all the activities described above

You discover a bug in your DOS program. In debugging the program, which problem style would be most

A) Creative problem solving

B) Analytical problem solving

Your boss remarks, "The best way to foster innovation is to hold people accountable." What should you
most likely remark?
A) "I disagree; holding people accountable will reduce the risk factor and therefore innovation will not
come about."

B) "I agree."

If I am the person who generates the innovative solution, which role would I most likely play on a
creative problem-solving team?

A) Idea champion

B) Sponsor

C) Orchestrator

D) Rule breaker

If you were a manager wanting to assign people to a problem-solving team, who would you assign to
maximize generation of innovative ideas?

Bobsalesman with 10 years' experience in the company

Janesecretary with 25 years' experience in the company

Josesalesman with 8 years' experience in the company, also a minority

Johnmanager of sales teams with 14 years' experience in the company

Alexproduct developer with 1 year of experience in the company

A) Jane, Jose, John, Alex

B) Bob, Jane, John, Alex

C) Bob, Jose, John, Alex

D) Bob, Jane, Jose, John

E) Bob, Jane, Jose, Alex

When it comes to generating innovative ideas in teams, where have many of the most creative ideas
come from?

A) Employees
B) Managers

C) Professors

D) Customers

What is the person called who brings together cross-functional groups and necessary political support to
implement a creative idea?

A) Sponsor

B) Idea champion

C) Rule breaker

D) Orchestrator

E) Maverick

Chap 4

According to the textbook authors, what is the most important skill for building and strengthening
positive relationships?

A) Creativity

B) Innovation

C) Communication

D) Intellectual capacity

What factor dominates all other factors in determining promotability?

A) Technical knowledge

B) Effective writing skills

C) Being able to say "no"

D) Face-to-face communication skills

Which of the following is not one of the problems associated with electronic communication?

A) People are bombarded with an overabundance of information, often poorly presented, so they are
less willing to consume all the messages aimed at them.

B) Interpersonal relationships have been significantly enhanced by using electronic communication


C) People do not place all the rapid-fire messages in context, so much of the information lacks
significance or meaning.

D) Although some relationships can be created electronically, effective interpretation and use of
information still depends on the relationship the recipient has with the sender.

Communication has been studied by numerous people. What are the results of their efforts?

A) The transmission of accurate messages has improved.

B) The interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.

C) Both accuracy and interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.

D) Neither accuracy nor interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.

What is the outcome of supportive communication?

A) Other people like you even if they don't understand you.

B) You are judged to be a nice person and others listen to you.

C) The message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.

D) You are socially accepted but not viewed as an excellent manager.

Which variable(s) has research results confirmed to be the most powerful in predicting profitability for
an organization?

A) Market share

B) Capital intensity
C) Sales growth rate

D) Supportive communication

E) The combination of market share, capital intensity, firm size, and sales growth rate

Which of the following statements is most consistent with coaching (as opposed to counseling)?

A) "I'd like to see you work on your attitude. You are often too pessimistic."

B) "Would you like to talk with me about the interpersonal conflict you are having with your

C) "Let's plan some time tomorrow for me to walk you through the audit process. I think I can help you
see where you are making mistakes."

D) "I'm concerned that you seem to be growing less committed to the mission of our organization. Why
don't you spend a little more time with our customers so that you can reignite your passion?"

How many attributes of supportive communication are described in the text?

A) 1

B) 3

C) 6

D) 8

E) None of the above

What is the statement "You interrupted me three times during the meeting!" an example of?

A) Conjunctive, not disjunctive communication

B) Owned, not disowned communication

C) Problem oriented, not person oriented communication

D) Specific, not global communication

What is the statement "I have decided to turn down your request" an example of?

A) Conjunctive, not disjunctive communication

B) Owned, not disowned communication

C) Problem oriented, not person oriented communication

D) Specific, not global communication

Managers pass along advice and information and help employees improve their skills by setting
standards. When managers do this, what is it called?

A) Coaching

B) Counseling

C) Validating

D) Delegation

Managers help employees by addressing problems involving employee attitudes. When managers do
this, what is it called?

A) Coaching

B) Counseling

C) Empowerment

D) Discipline



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You notice that since hiring Barbara, she is always working early and stays late; she appears to be
working very hard. Co-workers have commented on how much they enjoy working with Barbara.
Yesterday, in a conversation with her, she remarked how she was unhappy with her performance but
was determined to try harder. This surprised you since you find her very capable, competent, and hard
working. What kind of problem is Barbara most likely facing?

A) A problem that needs counseling

B) A problem that needs coaching

C) A problem that needs person-oriented communication

D) A problem that needs global communication

There is a problem with George. You don't doubt his knowledge or ability to do the job. However, lately
he has developed a problem concerning his co-workers. He doesn't need or want their input to the
project. He says that his work is above standards and remarks, "Can I help it if I work with idiots?" What
kind of problem is George most likely exhibiting?

A) A problem that needs coaching

B) A problem that needs counseling

C) A problem that needs person-oriented communication

D) A problem that needs global communication

You know that your performance has recently declined. You tie this decline to the new software. Even
though you fully understand how to use the new software, you think the software is garbage. In fact,
you campaigned against the software but lost the political battle. Your boss has called you into her
office. What would be the most correct response for the boss to use?

A) "You need to either shape up or ship out. The software stays!"

B) "Don't worry ... everything will work out. Just give it time."

C) "I can help you do this better."

D) "You do recognize there is a problem, don't you?"

Which of the following supervisor statements is an example of coaching?

A) "I'd really like to see you try to approach this problem more optimistically."
B) Let's sit down and work through the audit process together this time so that you see what I'm looking

C) "You need to work on your attitude."

D) "Your teammates are expressing concern that you don't handle conflict well."

What is an important goal of counseling? To help the individual

A) get along better with co-workers.

B) understand clearly what the problem is and how to overcome it.

C) recognize that a problem exists and identify ways to address the problem.

D) identify ways in which the problem may be addressed.

What are two major problems that result when principles of supportive communication are not followed
while coaching or counseling subordinates?

A) The person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance, and the person dislikes the one
sending the message.

B) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person is not trustworthy.

C) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person shows anger, aggression,
competitiveness, and avoidance.

D) The person is not trustworthy, and the person dislikes the one sending the message.

You have noticed since your discussion with Mary about her performance in the team that she seems
withdrawn and not very motivated. What should you suspect about your communication?

A) It was very supportive.

B) It caused some defensiveness in Mary.

C) It caused some disconfirmation in Mary.

D) It caused both some defensiveness and disconfirmation in Mary.

The CEO from headquarters has just arrived. You make some opening comments and she replies, "I'm
glad to be here. I look forward to talking to everyone here that has made this plant number one."
Looking straight at you she continues, "My time is yours to do as you see fit." She then looks at her
watch. What type of communication is this an example of?

A) Congruent communication

B) Supportive communication

C) Incongruent communication

D) Disowned communication

What should you do when practicing congruent communication?

A) Blow off steam immediately on getting upset

B) Never suppress your feelings of anger or disappointment

C) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what you are thinking and feeling

D) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what others are ready to hear

Your boss has just left your office. You heard what she said but feel there was a hidden message in her
statements. What type of communication did your boss most likely practice?

A) Supportive communication

B) Nonsupportive communication (it was person-oriented communication)

C) Nonsupportive communication (it was incongruent communication)

D) Nonsupportive communication (it was evaluative communication)

E) Nonsupportive communication (it was problem-oriented communication)

Morgan has a problem. Her date has been late the last three times to pick her up and this upsets her.
Tonight her date is late again. What should she say?

A) "I can't believe you are late for the fourth time. This really upsets me! Why are you always so late?"
B) Nothing, but when he asks, "What's wrong?" reply as coldly as possible "Nothing."

C) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. Maybe the
next time you should call from the car phone and let me know you are running late."

D) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts me. I wonder if
your mother knows how you disrespect me?"

When using descriptive communication to help modify someone's behavior, what should a person do?

A) First describe reactions to the behavior, describe the behavior, and then suggest an alternative

B) First describe the behavior, describe reactions to the behavior, then suggest an alternative behavior.

C) First discuss the problem, then the alternatives, then decide on a solution.

D) Describe the behavior, describe why it's a bad behavior, then describe what will happen (the
consequences) if the person keeps doing the behavior.

You have called an employee into your office to discuss his poor performance. How might you start the

A) "Nice day, don't you think?"

B) "Have you given any thought to doing some quality work here?"

C) "We have a problem here, don't we?"

D) "Your performance is below average. What do you plan to do about it?"

E) "Your output is the lowest in the department. I'm concerned."

You have just practiced descriptive communication to modify some problematic behavior. Your
subordinate replies, "I have an excuse ... it is not my fault." What should you do?

A) Point out (without causing defensiveness) to your subordinate that it really doesn't matter if it is
his/her fault; the problem still exists

B) Keep trying to describe the problematic behavior until the subordinate understands

C) Refocus the communication away from blame or fault toward counseling

D) None of the above

If you believe people want to do better, to perform successfully, and to be contributors, what
assumption do you make?

A) Theory X assumption

B) Theory Y assumption

C) Theory Z assumption

D) Stress-free supportive communication assumption

Your boss tells you, "If you continue to be late, you will lose your job." Did your boss practice supportive

A) No, this is an evaluative comment.

B) Yes, even though the comment is evaluative in nature, it is linked to a probable outcome.

C) Yes, this is a validating comment.

D) No, the comment is person oriented.

What does person-oriented communication focus on?

A) The problem and its solution

B) Validating the other individual

C) Achieving congruent communication

D) The traits of individuals

You overhear a conversation where one person says, "You really believe that? I think if you look at the
facts again, I'm sure you would draw a different conclusion." What would this communication be an
example of?

A) you
B) Practicing problem-oriented communication

C) Practicing communication that validates the individual

D) Practicing communication that is disowned

You just watched your employee handle a customer poorly. How should you respond?

A) "What were you thinking? That's not how we do it here!"

B) "I don't like the way you handled the situation."

C) "All employees are expected to follow procedures outlined in the employee manual when dealing
with a customer. I am disappointed with the way you handled that situation. Can we review that policy

D) "Let me show you how to do it. I can't believe you are unable to do something so simple."

The difference between saying "You are stubborn(bướng bỉnh)" and "This is the second time we are
unable to reach agreement" is the difference between what two types of communication?

A) Congruent and incongruent communication

B) Owned and disowned communication

C) Superior and egalitarian communication

D) Person- and problem-oriented communication

You are channel surfing while watching TV, and you come across a rather rotund individual sitting by
himself talking politics in a rather rushed manner. In the few minutes you watch, you notice that he has
an answer for everything, that his answer is always right, and that he appears to reduce complex issues
to very simplistic definitions. You think to yourself, "I'm glad no one listens to this person." The TV
person is practicing which form of communication?

A) Indifference

B) Superiority-oriented

C) Rigidity

D) Imperviousness
E) None of the answer choices are correct.

You notice that your manager frequently interrupts you; when you ask him a question, you have to
repeat it two or three times before he acknowledges you. Your manager is practicing which form of

A) Superiority-oriented

B) Rigidity

C) Indifference

D) None of the answer choices are correct.

A manager maintains little eye contact, interrupts subordinates, and criticizes them for feeling a certain
way. He or she is displaying which type of communication?

A) Rigid and evaluative communication

B) Indifferent and impervious communication

C) Indifferent and superior communications

D) Indifferent communication

You have a tendency to finish your brother's sentences. This annoys him but it makes you happy. You
are practicing what type of communication?

A) Respectful

B) Problem-oriented

C) Invalidating

D) Evaluative

E) Validating

If, in a counseling situation, you are willing to accept that other alternatives besides yours exist, what
type of communication are you practicing?

A) Indifferent communication

B) Superior communication

C) Person-oriented communication

D) Flexible communication

Your boss always asks you questions and gives you "air time" to offer your ideas. She is practicing what
type of communication?

A) Problem-oriented

B) Congruent

C) Descriptive

D) Validating

E) Specific

You want to utilize supportive communication. You plan to employ validation in your communication
with your subordinate. In particular, you want to practice areas of mutual agreement. What will you do?

A) List the subordinate's disadvantages before his/her advantages to finish on a strong positive note.

B) List the subordinate's past mistakes to establish a foundation so that new positive steps can be

C) List areas of disagreements first followed by areas of agreement.

D) List compliments before criticisms.

In her student evaluations, Morgan notes the following comments: (1) "The course is boring," (2) "The
room is always cold," (3) You are a great teacher," and (4) "You are easy to understand; you provide
real-life examples to clarify your point."

A) All the comments are global communication.

B) All the comments are specific communication and are useful.

C) Comments 3 and 4 are specific communication and are useful.

D) Only comment 4 is specific communication that is useful.

Your co-worker remarks to you, "You are always late to meetings, how come?" Your co-worker is
practicing what type of communication?

A) Specific

B) Invalidation

C) Descriptive

D) Global

E) Incongruent

"Either you do it now or never." Why is this statement useless?

A) It is an inaccurate representation of reality.

B) It denies any alternatives.

C) It has potential for hidden agendas.

D) It invalidates the other person's identity.

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Examples of conjunctive communication include (1) "Relating to what you just said, I'd like to discuss
this." (2) "... so, that's how I see it. So what is your opinion?" (3) "Let's talk about horned frogs ... No, I
don't want to talk about birds ... I want to talk about horned frogs in particular and lizards in general."

A) Only statement 1 is an example.

B) Only statement 2 is an example.

C) Only statement 3 is an example.

D) Statements 1 and 2 are both examples.

E) Statements 2 and 3 are both examples.

You tell your boss that disjunctive communication can occur in three ways. They are (1) controlling
airtime, (2) extended pauses, and (3) topic control. Is what you said to your boss true or false?

A) All three statements are true.

B) Statements 1 and 3 are true, but statement 2 is false.

C) Statements 2 and 3 are true, but statement 1 is false.

D) Statements 1 and 2 are true, but statement 3 is false.

E) All three statements are false.

You have just given a report to your boss. He says, "You have a good idea, but I'm afraid headquarters
will think it is a little radical." What type of communication is this an example of?

A) Supportive

B) Owned

C) Disowned

D) Disjunctive

Some research suggests that one's communication style may indicate a person's mental health. What
did this research find?

A) Individuals are mentally healthy if they avoid taking responsibility for their statements and behavior.

B) Individuals are not mentally healthy if they take responsibility for their statements and behavior.

C) Individuals are mentally healthy if they take responsibility for their statements and behavior.

If I own my communication, what does that mean?

A) I can sell it to the highest bidder.

B) I can imply to receivers of my message that I am superior to them.

C) I can imply to receivers of my message that I want to keep my distance between them and me.

D) I can imply to receivers of my message that I am willing to invest in this relationship.

Research has found managers are least likely to listen to which of the following?

A) Another manager

B) Family members

C) Subordinates that report to managers

D) People in other companies

You need to turn in your expense account. This is your first one. Mary, your co-worker, has turned in
over 50 in the last two years. As you explain a problem related to turning in your expense account to
her, which response type would be most appropriate for Mary to use?

A) Advising response

B) Deflecting response

C) Probing response

D) Reflecting response

When Calvin explained his problem to Melissa, her facial expressions and comments encouraged him to
say more. She occasionally restated to make sure she understood what he was saying. Which stage of
listening was Melissa exemplifying?

A) Reflecting

B) Probing

C) Deflecting

D) Advising

Your presentation didn't go as well as you had hoped. Sam stopped by and remarked, "Everything will be
fine. My first presentation didn't go half as well as yours." Sam offered which type of response?

A) Advising response

B) Deflecting response

C) Probing response

D) Reflecting response

For a deflecting response to work, which principle of communication should one follow?

A) Owned communication

B) Conjunctive communication

C) Descriptive communication

D) Global communication

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When using a probing response, which type of questions work best?

A) How questions

B) Why questions

C) What questions

D) When questions

You asked your boss when you might receive a raise. He responded by telling you how interesting the
travel channel is after 10:00 P.M. What should your response probably be?

A) An elaboration probe

B) A clarification probe
C) A repetition probe

D) A reflective probe

E) An advising response

When part of the message is not understood (it's clear, just part is not understood), which probe is best?

A) Elaboration probe

B) Clarification probe

C) Repetition probe

D) Reflective probe

E) A probe is not best. Use a deflective response.

What is the outcome of each meeting that is held under the personal management interview program?

A) Problems have been discussed.

B) Information has been shared.

C) Action items have been formulated.

D) Feedback has been given.

Attributes of the PMI program are that (1) the interview is regular and private, (2) each meeting should
last no longer than 15 minutes, and (3) both the manager and subordinate prepare an agenda for the
meeting. Which of these attributes are correct?

A) All three attributes are correct.

B) Only attributes 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Only attributes 1 and 3 are correct.

D) Only attributes 2 and 3 are correct.

What does research on interpersonal communication among various cultures and nationalities confirm
about the eight attributes of supportive communication?

A) The attributes have varying degrees of applicability in solving interpersonal problems.

B) The attributes have almost universal applicability in solving interpersonal problems.

C) The attributes have varying degrees of applicability in solving interpersonal problems in affective and
particularistic oriented cultures.

D) The attributes have varying degrees of applicability in solving interpersonal problems in neutral and
achievement-oriented cultures.

Sharing personal data and engaging quickly in sensitive topics is more likely to occur in which culture?

A) A culture with affectivity orientation

B) A culture with particularistic orientation

C) A culture with achievement orientation

D) A culture with neutral orientation

Chap 5

What should subordinates perceive about their boss in order to feel a higher status in the organization
and to feel higher morale?

A) He is on their side.

B) He has considerable downward influence.

C) He has considerable "clout."quyền lực

D) He is equal to them.

Which is a characteristic of a powerful manager?

A) Is rule-minded

B) Accomplishes more personally

C) Does more with less resources available

D) Limits information that others get

What should you do to increase your influence within the organization?

A) Be insensitive to others

B) Trust no one and betray others before they betray you

C) Continuously play the game of politics

D) Never delegate assignments to others

E) Advance the goals of the organization

You have been told that in order to advance your career you must be overly ambitious and be
indifferent to problems others face. Is this good or bad advice?

A) This is good advice.

B) This is bad advice.

C) There is not enough information to decide.

Members of a work team are in a meeting where the director of the department is present. At the end
of the meeting, the presenter asks, "What are your reactions to my presentation?" The members of the
work team look at the director and wait for his response. Which factors most likely determine a person's
power in this organization?

A) Personal attributes

B) Being intimidating

C) Position characteristics

What are the two basic factors that influence a person's power in an organization?

A) Personal goals and position characteristics

B) Position characteristics and personal aspirations

C) Personal attributes and position manipulation

D) Personal attributes and position characteristics

Which of the following is not an organizational trend that has caused a shift in the definition of power
from "having authority over others" to "being able to get things done"?

A) Information technology is contributing to the decentralization of the flow of information to lower

levels of the organizational hierarchy.

B) The percentage of the workforce working in companies with fewer than 500 employees is increasing.

C) Traditional boundaries within and between organizations are becoming blurred, leading to a shift in
the nature of authority relationships.

D) Organizations are becoming less hierarchical, or flatter, due to downsizing and outsourcing.

Which of the following characteristics are important sources of personal power?

A) Flexibility

B) Criticality

C) Relevance

D) Knowledge

Which of the following characteristics is not an important source of personal power?

A) Flexibility

B) Effort

C) Personal attraction

D) Expertise

E) Legitimacy

If you are the only one in the office who understands how to do a PowerPoint presentation, which base
of power do you most likely have?

A) Expertise power

B) Personal attraction power

C) Effort power

D) Legitimacy power

E) Relevance power

If a person desires to move up in the general management hierarchy, what should he/she do?

A) Become a specialist

B) Develop a niche

C) Become a specialist while developing a niche

D) Build a broad knowledge base

If your behavior (the kind of behavior one would normally associate with friendship) improves your
influence with your employees, you are most likely practicing which type of power?

A) Power that reflects cognitive abilities

B) Power that suggests personal commitment

C) Power that conveys credibility

D) Power that involves affective appeal

Which best describes a manager with personal attraction as a power base?

A) Possesses personality characteristics that are remarkable to co-workers

B) Is friends with specific co-workers

C) Is knowledgeable so that people try to be his or her friend

D) Acts congruently with the organizational value system


Morgan has become indispensable to her boss. Her boss believes that Morgan is a diligent (cần cù)
worker who can be trusted with sensitive projects. What is Morgan's power most likely due to?

A) Legitimacy

B) Effort

C) Expertise

D) Personal attraction

Which behaviors might a manager have due to cognitive(mâu thuẫn) dissonance reduction?

A) A high level of effort resulting in increased responsibility and opportunity

B) A low level of effort resulting in increased responsibility and opportunity

C) No effort resulting in dissatisfied employees

D) A high level of effort resulting in pressure from peers to cut back on the effort

You were recently promoted because of your hard work. In fact, you had a hard time in the "blue-collar"
job you had because many co-workers thought you were a "rate-buster." Will your belief in extra effort
pay off for you in your new management job?

A) Yes. Management sees extra effort as something that should be rewarded.

B) Yes. Management is management. They always agree with one another.

C) Yes. This is flexibility.

D) No. Management doesn't like "rate-busters" either.

A fast-food company does not promote anyone to manager unless he or she started at the beginning,
flipping burgers. This is an example of a company promoting which type of power?

A) Relevance power

B) Visibility power
C) Legitimacy power

D) Effort power

E) Attraction power

In proposing a new course of action, upper management remarks to you, "That's the way Jane, our
founder, would have done it!" After that statement, the decision is made to accept and implement your
idea. Which power source did you use?

A) Experience

B) Desirable characteristics

C) Higher than expected commitment of time

D) Behavior consistent with the values of the organization

E) Flexibility

What is the notion of legitimacy within an organization related to?

A) Corporate cultural values

B) Policies, procedures, and rules

C) The position within the hierarchy

D) The credibility of the education level of a person

Which of the following is not a determinant associated with position power?

A) Expertise

B) Relevance

C) Visibility

D) Flexibility

E) Centrality

What do position characteristics that foster power include?

A) Effort

B) Credibility

C) Legitimacy

D) Centrality

E) Charisma

If you would like to expand your power base horizontally, what could you do?

A) Have lunch with co-workers in your department every day

B) Have lunch with workers from other departments

C) Focus on increasing your power through the formal organizational powers

D) Do an excellent job on all your assignments

If you took on functions essential for the performance of other activities, how have you expanded your

A) Centrality

B) Flexibility

C) Visibility

D) Relevance

You just convinced your boss that you need to increase cooperation across departments for the Web
project that you were assigned to lead to be successful. How have you increased your power?

A) Visibility of your position

B) Relevance of your position

C) Legitimacy of your position

D) Personal attraction of your position

E) Centrality of your position

How is power accrued via horizontal and vertical network relationships?

A) By manipulating people in the network

B) By one's location and function in the network

C) By the flexibility of one's personality in the network

D) By exercising judgment in decision making

If you want to increase your power by having information routed (lộ trình) through your position and by
increasing the technical sophistication of your work, what have you increased?

A) Centrality of your position

B) Latitude and flexibility of your job

C) The visibility of your job

D) The decision-making opportunities of your job

If you are looking to improve your flexibility, what should you do?

A) Look for a position that has existed for a long time. All the problems associated with the position have
been worked through.

B) Look to be a participant at the formation of a group.

C) Look to be a participant in a group later in its life cycle; in that way you can avoid all the conflict.

D) Look to work in a company that values reliable performance.

During the interview process, the interviewer told you that the position you have applied for has been in
this organization for over 50 years. You having been looking for a job that affords you discretion. Which
statement describes your reaction to the news from the interviewer?
A) Good news, all the problems have been worked out.

B) Not so good news

C) Interesting, but what does it have to do with the amount of discretion you might have?

The task force has been meeting for several weeks on distributing bonuses for employees but has
become hopelessly(vô vọng) stalemated. You were added to the committee to influence the group's
decision. What will this do to your influence?

A) This will help your influence, and you should have some significant influence over the group's

B) This will make it difficult to have influence.

C) It will only increase your influence if others are added to the committee at the same time as you.

D) It will only increase your influence if others are removed from the committee when you are added.

What will a performance appraisal (đánh giá) system that rewards initiative and innovation do?

A) Decrease one's flexibility and therefore his/her power base

B) May be too erratic to allow one to develop a strong power base

C) Increase one's discretion and thus the potential for more power

D) Promote more people to higher positions

What does it suggest about an organization if people are rewarded for being reliable and predictable?

A) This suggests the organization will penalize(phạt) people who use discretion.

B) This suggests the organization will reward those who use discretion.

C) This suggests a person who has high personal attraction will be successful in a job in this organization.

D) This suggests a person with a high need for power would be happy in a job in this organization.

What is the best way to gain visibility?

A) Write an excellent report to be read by the executive committee

B) Give a good presentation of the report to an executive committee

C) Become central in a communication network so that one may tap into a rich flow of information and
satisfy the information needs of others

D) Take an important task-oriented position

What is included in ways to gain visibility?

A) Face-to-face communication

B) Sending a note to a co-worker threatening her because of her recent accomplishment

C) Participating in monotonous and routine tasks for popular causes

D) Improving your technical expertise

You have a desire to move up in the company. You have been offered two positions. One position is
more people oriented and the other position is more task oriented. Which position should you take?

A) You should take the people-oriented position.

B) You should take the task-oriented position.

C) It doesn't matter. Either position will work equally well assuming you do a good job.

In a company that sells golf clubs, a job in which department has more relevance power?

A) Accounting

B) Research and development

C) Sales

D) Human resource management

You are graduating this summer and are seeking an influential position. Your major is finance. Which job
should you choose to maximize your relevant power?
A) Working for an electronics firm making $32,000

B) Working for a stockbroker firm making $25,000

C) Working for a small software firm making $20,000

D) Working for a large oil company making $35,000

What does relevance as a power base refer to?

A) How many other people recognize an individual

B) Being associated with activities that are directly related to the organization's central objectives

C) The amount of discretion one might have

D) The relevant position the individual has within the organization's communication network

If you want to increase the relevance of your job to the organization, what should you do?

A) Make at least part of your job unique

B) Reduce the percentage of routine activities in your job

C) Expand the number of contacts you have with senior people

D) Become a trainer or mentor for new employees

Your boss is discussing power and influence and states, "Power is a necessary precondition for
influence." Should you agree or disagree?

A) You should agree.

B) You should disagree.

C) There is not enough information to decide.

If you use an influence strategy that makes others want to do what you say, which influence strategy are
you using?
A) Retribution approach

B) Reciprocity approach

C) Reason approach

D) Relevance approach

If you use the influence strategy that helps others to see why they should do what you say, which
influence strategy are you using?

A) Retribution approach

B) Reciprocity approach

C) Reason approach

D) Positional approach

You have received a letter from North American Family Publishers sweepstakes with pictures of Dick
McMahon and Ed Clark that states, "You are our newest $10 million winner! However, you must act in
24 hours by buying numerous magazine subscriptions to secure your prize." You read further to find the
fine print that says, "Only if you have the winning number." What influence strategy is being utilized?

A) Retribution

B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

D) Expert

You are buying a house. The seller recently lowered the asking price, but the price is still higher than
your initial offer. The broker states, "The seller lowered his price, and I think you should raise your
offer." What type of influence strategy is being utilized?

A) Retribution

B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

D) Coercion

Management is looking for someone to work the holidays. You believe that management would think
better of you if you worked the holidays. If you work the holidays, which influence strategy was utilized?

A) Retribution

B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

D) Expert

Which influence strategy respects the rights of others, honors the concept of fairness, and attempts to
strengthen the ongoing relationships between parties?

A) Retribution

B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

D) Positional

E) Centrality

A friend came to you and stated, "I am flunking my management class. I need to pass or I won't
graduate. Will you please help me?" Your friend is using which influence strategy?

A) Retribution

B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

D) Legitimacy

E) Centrality

The strength of one's personal powers would impact which influence strategy the most?

A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

One should use reciprocity when (1) there is sufficient(có thẩm quyền) time to reach satisfactory
agreements, (2) no other alternatives exist, and (3) quality and innovation are not important. Which
statements are correct?

A) All three statements are correct.

B) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.

C) Only statement 2 is correct.

D) Only statement 1 is correct.

E) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

One should use reason when (1) adequate(đầy đủ time) time for extensive discussion exists, (2) parties
share mutual respect and credibility, and (3) needs are specific and short term. Which statements are

A) All three statements are correct.

B) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.

C) Only statement 2 is correct.

D) Only statement 1 is correct.

E) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

Disadvantage(s) to using reciprocity are (1) considerable time required to build trust, (2) engenders
resentment, and (3) encourages people to feel the terms of assignments are open for negotiation.
Which statements are correct?

A) All three statements are correct.

B) Only statement 3 is correct.

C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.

D) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

E) Only statement 1 is correct.

If you increased your influence with your boss by drawing her attention to problems that concern you,
what have you done?

A) Utilized the concept of "benefiting the boss"

B) Utilized(tận dụng) the concept of "issue selling"

C) Utilized the concept of "relevance"

D) Utilized the concept of "visibility"

A co-worker tells you that an effective strategy for capturing managers' attention is to make it clear the
issue can be resolved. Is this good advice?

A) Yes

B) No

C) Who knows? Not enough information is provided.

If you are trying to influence the agenda of your boss, which influence strategy is most appropriate?

A) Retribution

B) Reciprocity

C) Reason

D) Positional power

What is included in strategies that neutralize retribution?

A) Confronting(đe doạ) the person who is trying to intimidate you

B) Refusing to bargain with the person

C) Confronting the logic of the person's request


Strategy(ies) that neutralize reciprocity strategies include (1) confront the exploiting individual directly,
(2) examine the intent of any favor-giving activity, and (3) confront the individual who is using
manipulative bargaining tactics. Which statements are correct?

A) All three statements are correct.

B) Only statement 3 is correct.

C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.

D) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.

E) Only statement 1 is correct.

Your boss asks, "I've talked to others in your group and they have agreed to work this weekend. Can I
count on you?" To offset this influence, what should you say?

A) "Normally, I could, but I have a meeting with our client this weekend to assess the problems we have
with shipping. If you give me more warning next time, maybe I can help out. Maybe you should hire a
temp this time."

B) "Why can't you do it?"

C) "I understand the problem. However, I also have a meeting scheduled with our major client to discuss
some problems they had with our last shipment. Do you suppose we could employ a temp or should I
cancel my meeting?"

D) "I can't do it. Get someone else."

1. What should subordinates perceive about their boss in order to feel a higher status in
the organization and to feel higher morale?
A) He is on their side.
B) He has considerable downward influence.
C) He has considerable "clout."
D) He is equal to them. ------C
2. Which is a characteristic of a powerful manager?
A) Is rule-minded
B) Accomplishes more personally
C) Does more with less resources available
D) Limits information that others get ------B
3) What should you do to increase your influence within the organization?
A) Be insensitive to others
B) Trust no one and betray others before they betray you
C) Continuously play the game of politics
D) Never delegate assignments to others
E) Advance the goals of the organization ------E
4) You have been told that in order to advance your career you must be overly
ambitious and be
indifferent to problems others face. Is this good or bad advice?
A) This is good advice.
B) This is bad advice.
C) There is not enough information to decide. ------B
5) Members of a work team are in a meeting where the director of the department is
present. At the end of the meeting, the presenter asks, "What are your reactions to my
presentation?" The members of the work team look at the director and wait for his
response. Which factors most
likely determine a person's power in this organization?
A) Personal attributes
B) Being intimidating
C) Position characteristics ------C
6) What are the two basic factors that influence a person's power in an organization?
A) Personal goals and position characteristics
B) Position characteristics and personal aspirations
C) Personal attributes and position manipulation
D) Personal attributes and position characteristics ------D
7) Which of the following is not an organizational trend that has caused a shift in the
definition of power from "having authority over others" to "being able to get things
A) Information technology is contributing to the decentralization of the flow of
information to
lower levels of the organizational hierarchy.
B) The percentage of the workforce working in companies with fewer than 500
employees is
C) Traditional boundaries within and between organizations are becoming blurred,
leading to a
shift in the nature of authority relationships.
D) Organizations are becoming less hierarchical, or flatter, due to downsizing and
outsourcing. ------B
8) Which of the following characteristics are important sources of personal power?
A) Flexibility
B) Criticality
C) Relevance
D) Knowledge ------D
9) Which of the following characteristics is not an important source of personal power?
A) Flexibility
B) Effort
C) Personal attraction
D) Expertise
E) Legitimacy ------A
10) If you are the only one in the office who understands how to do a PowerPoint
which base of power do you most likely have?
A) Expertise power
B) Personal attraction power
C) Effort power
D) Legitimacy power
E) Relevance power ------A
11) If a person desires to move up in the general management hierarchy, what should
he/she do?
A) Become a specialist
B) Develop a niche
C) Become a specialist while developing a niche
D) Build a broad knowledge base ------D
12) If your behavior (the kind of behavior one would normally associate with friendship)
improves your influence with your employees, you are most likely practicing which type
A) Power that reflects cognitive abilities
B) Power that suggests personal commitment
C) Power that conveys credibility
D) Power that involves affective appeal ------D
13) Which best describes a manager with personal attraction as a power base?15
A) Possesses personality characteristics that are remarkable to co-workers
B) Is friends with specific co-workers
C) Is knowledgeable so that people try to be his or her friend
D) Acts congruently with the organizational value system ------A
14) Morgan has become indispensable to her boss. Her boss believes that Morgan is a
worker who can be trusted with sensitive projects. What is Morgan's power most likely
due to?
A) Legitimacy
B) Effort
C) Expertise
D) Personal attraction ------B
15) Which behaviors might a manager have due to cognitive dissonance reduction?
A) A high level of effort resulting in increased responsibility and opportunity
B) A low level of effort resulting in increased responsibility and opportunity
C) No effort resulting in dissatisfied employees
D) A high level of effort resulting in pressure from peers to cut back on the effort
16) You were recently promoted because of your hard work. In fact, you had a hard time
in the
"blue-collar" job you had because many co-workers thought you were a "rate-buster."
Will your
belief in extra effort pay off for you in your new management job?
A) Yes. Management sees extra effort as something that should be rewarded.
B) Yes. Management is management. They always agree with one another.
C) Yes. This is flexibility.
D) No. Management doesn't like "rate-busters" either. ------A
17) A fast-food company does not promote anyone to manager unless he or she started
at the
beginning, flipping burgers. This is an example of a company promoting which type of
A) Relevance power
B) Visibility power
C) Legitimacy power
D) Effort power
E) Attraction power ------C
18) In proposing a new course of action, upper management remarks to you, "That's the
way Jane, our founder, would have done it!" After that statement, the decision is made
to accept and implement your idea. Which power source did you use?
A) Experience
B) Desirable characteristics
C) Higher than expected commitment of time
D) Behavior consistent with the values of the organization
E) Flexibility ------D
19) What is the notion of legitimacy within an organization related to?
A) Corporate cultural values
B) Policies, procedures, and rules
C) The position within the hierarchy
D) The credibility of the education level of a person ------A
20) Which of the following is not a determinant associated with position power?
A) Expertise
B) Relevance
C) Visibility
D) Flexibility
E) Centrality ------A
21) What do position characteristics that foster power include?20
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
A) Effort
B) Credibility
C) Legitimacy
D) Centrality
E) Charisma ------D
22) If you would like to expand your power base horizontally, what could you do?
A) Have lunch with co-workers in your department every day
B) Have lunch with workers from other departments
C) Focus on increasing your power through the formal organizational powers
D) Do an excellent job on all your assignments ------B
23) If you took on functions essential for the performance of other activities, how have
expanded your power?
A) Centrality
B) Flexibility
C) Visibility
D) Relevance ------D
24) You just convinced your boss that you need to increase cooperation across
departments for
the Web project that you were assigned to lead to be successful. How have you
increased your
A) Visibility of your position
B) Relevance of your position
C) Legitimacy of your position
D) Personal attraction of your position
E) Centrality of your position ------E
25) How is power accrued via horizontal and vertical network relationships?22
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
A) By manipulating people in the network
B) By one's location and function in the network
C) By the flexibility of one's personality in the network
D) By exercising judgment in decision making ------B
56) If you want to increase your power by having information routed through your
position and
by increasing the technical sophistication of your work, what have you increased?
A) Centrality of your position
B) Latitude and flexibility of your job
C) The visibility of your job
D) The decision-making opportunities of your job ------A
57) If you are looking to improve your flexibility, what should you do?
A) Look for a position that has existed for a long time. All the problems associated with
position have been worked through.
B) Look to be a participant at the formation of a group.
C) Look to be a participant in a group later in its life cycle; in that way you can avoid all
D) Look to work in a company that values reliable performance. ------B
58) During the interview process, the interviewer told you that the position you have
applied for
has been in this organization for over 50 years. You having been looking for a job that
you discretion. Which statement describes your reaction to the news from the
A) Good news, all the problems have been worked out.
B) Not so good news
C) Interesting, but what does it have to do with the amount of discretion you might
have? ------B
59) The task force has been meeting for several weeks on distributing bonuses for
employees but
has become hopelessly stalemated. You were added to the committee to influence the
decision. What will this do to your influence?
A) This will help your influence, and you should have some significant influence over the
group's deliberations.
B) This will make it difficult to have influence.
C) It will only increase your influence if others are added to the committee at the same
time as
D) It will only increase your influence if others are removed from the committee when
you are
added. ------B
60) What will a performance appraisal system that rewards initiative and innovation do?
A) Decrease one's flexibility and therefore his/her power base
B) May be too erratic to allow one to develop a strong power base
C) Increase one's discretion and thus the potential for more power
D) Promote more people to higher positions ------C
61) What does it suggest about an organization if people are rewarded for being reliable
A) This suggests the organization will penalize people who use discretion.
B) This suggests the organization will reward those who use discretion.
C) This suggests a person who has high personal attraction will be successful in a job in
D) This suggests a person with a high need for power would be happy in a job in this
organization. ------A
62) What is the best way to gain visibility?
A) Write an excellent report to be read by the executive committee
B) Give a good presentation of the report to an executive committee
C) Become central in a communication network so that one may tap into a rich flow of
information and satisfy the information needs of others
D) Take an important task-oriented position ------B
63) What is included in ways to gain visibility?
A) Face-to-face communication
B) Sending a note to a co-worker threatening her because of her recent
C) Participating in monotonous and routine tasks for popular causes
D) Improving your technical expertise ------A
64) You have a desire to move up in the company. You have been offered two
positions. One position is more people oriented and the other position is more task
oriented. Which position should you take?
A) You should take the people-oriented position.
B) You should take the task-oriented position.
C) It doesn't matter. Either position will work equally well assuming you do a good job.
65) In a company that sells golf clubs, a job in which department has more relevance
A) Accounting
B) Research and development
C) Sales
D) Human resource management ------C
66) You are graduating this summer and are seeking an influential position. Your major
finance. Which job should you choose to maximize your relevant power?
A) Working for an electronics firm making $32,000
B) Working for a stockbroker firm making $25,000
C) Working for a small software firm making $20,000
D) Working for a large oil company making $35,000 ------B
67) What does relevance as a power base refer to?
A) How many other people recognize an individual
B) Being associated with activities that are directly related to the organization's central
C) The amount of discretion one might have
D) The relevant position the individual has within the organization's communication
network ------B
68) If you want to increase the relevance of your job to the organization, what should
you do?
A) Make at least part of your job unique
B) Reduce the percentage of routine activities in your job
C) Expand the number of contacts you have with senior people
D) Become a trainer or mentor for new employees ------D
69) Your boss is discussing power and influence and states, "Power is a necessary
for influence." Should you agree or disagree?
A) You should agree.
B) You should disagree.
C) There is not enough information to decide. ------A
70) If you use an influence strategy that makes others want to do what you say, which
strategy are you using?
A) Retribution approach
B) Reciprocity approach
C) Reason approach
D) Relevance approach ------B
71) If you use the influence strategy that helps others to see why they should do what
you say,
which influence strategy are you using?
A) Retribution approach
B) Reciprocity approach
C) Reason approach
D) Positional approach ------C
72) You have received a letter from North American Family Publishers sweepstakes
with pictures of Dick McMahon and Ed Clark that states, "You are our newest $10
million winner! However, you must act in 24 hours by buying numerous magazine
subscriptions to secure your
prize." You read further to find the fine print that says, "*Only if you have the winning
number." What influence strategy is being utilized?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Expert ------A
73) You are buying a house. The seller recently lowered the asking price, but the price
is still
higher than your initial offer. The broker states, "The seller lowered his price, and I think
should raise your offer." What type of influence strategy is being utilized?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Coercion ------B
74) Management is looking for someone to work the holidays. You believe that
would think better of you if you worked the holidays. If you work the holidays, which
strategy was utilized?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Expert ------B
75) Which influence strategy respects the rights of others, honors the concept of
fairness, and
attempts to strengthen the ongoing relationships between parties?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Positional
E) Centrality ------B
76) A friend came to you and stated, "I am flunking my management class. I need to
pass or I
won't graduate. Will you please help me?" Your friend is using which influence strategy?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Legitimacy
E) Centrality ------C
77) The strength of one's personal powers would impact which influence strategy the
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason ------C
78) One should use reciprocity when (1) there is sufficient time to reach satisfactory
agreements, (2) no other alternatives exist, and (3) quality and innovation are not
important. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.
C) Only statement 2 is correct.
D) Only statement 1 is correct.
E) Statements 1 and 3 are correct. ------D
79) One should use reason when (1) adequate time for extensive discussion exists, (2)
parties share mutual respect and credibility, and (3) needs are specific and short term.
Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only statement 2 is correct.
D) Only statement 1 is correct.
E) Statements 1 and 3 are correct. ------B
80) Disadvantage(s) to using reciprocity are (1) considerable time required to build trust,
(2) engenders resentment, and (3) encourages people to feel the terms of assignments
are open for negotiation. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statement 3 is correct.
C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.
D) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.
E) Only statement 1 is correct. ------B
81) If you increased your influence with your boss by drawing her attention to problems
concern you, what have you done?
A) Utilized the concept of "benefiting the boss"
B) Utilized the concept of "issue selling"
C) Utilized the concept of "relevance"
D) Utilized the concept of "visibility" ------B
82) A co-worker tells you that an effective strategy for capturing managers' attention is
to make it clear the issue can be resolved. Is this good advice?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Who knows? Not enough information is provided. ------A
83) If you are trying to influence the agenda of your boss, which influence strategy is
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Positional power ------C
84) What is included in strategies that neutralize retribution?
A) Confronting the person who is trying to intimidate you
B) Refusing to bargain with the person
C) Confronting the logic of the person's request ------A
85) Strategy(ies) that neutralize reciprocity strategies include (1) confront the exploiting
individual directly, (2) examine the intent of any avor-giving activity, and (3) confront the
individual who is using manipulative bargaining tactics. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statement 3 is correct.
C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.
D) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.
E) Only statement 1 is correct. ------C
86) Your boss asks, "I've talked to others in your group and they have agreed to work
this weekend. Can I count on you?" To offset this influence, what should you say?
A) "Normally, I could, but I have a meeting with our client this weekend to assess the
we have with shipping. If you give me more warning next time, maybe I can help out.
you should hire a temp this time."
B) "Why can't you do it?"
C) "I understand the problem. However, I also have a meeting scheduled with our major
client to
discuss some problems they had with our last shipment. Do you suppose we could
employ a
temp or should I cancel my meeting?"
D) "I can't do it. Get someone else." ------C
29) To become a better manager, what is one of the first things one should do?
A) Improve one's communication skills
B) Seek knowledge of oneself
C) Manage one's time better
D) Empower one's employees ------b

This problem-solving style occurs less frequently but often separates career successes
from career failures. What does this problem-solving style focus on?
A) Analytical problem solving
B) Creative problem solving
C) Managerial problem solving
D) Strategic thinking ------b

34) According to the textbook authors, what is the most important skill for building and
strengthening positive relationships?
A) Creativity
B) Innovation
C) Communication
D) Intellectual capacity ------C

31) What behavior would a manager that experiences stress typically exhibit?
A) Underestimate how fast time is passing
B) Consult and listen to others
C) Fixate on a single approach to a problem
D) Create unique solutions to problems ------C

1. What should subordinates perceive about their boss in order to feel a higher status in
the organization and to feel higher morale?
A) He is on their side.
B) He has considerable downward influence.
C) He has considerable "clout."
D) He is equal to them. ------C

30) How should managers know and accept others?

A) Be an enigma to themselves
B) Work toward self-denial and unselfishness
C) Work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance
D) Work toward self-reverence and reflection ------c

2. Which is a characteristic of a powerful manager?

A) Is rule-minded
B) Accomplishes more personally
C) Does more with less resources available
D) Limits information that others get ------B

What is the natural tendency of people in resolving problems?

A) Select the first reasonable solution that comes to mind
B) Select the first reasonable problem that comes to mind
C) Select the best solution after evaluating all the alternatives
D) None of the answer choices are correct. ------a

35) What factor dominates all other factors in determining promotability?

A) Technical knowledge
B) Effective writing skills
C) Being able to say "no"
D) Face-to-face communication skills ------D

32) If you feel anxiety or fear, or perhaps sorrow or confusion, you are likely in which
stage of stress reaction?
A) Alarm stage
B) Resistance stage
C) Exhaustion stage
D) You are not feeling stress. ------A

36) Which of the following is not one of the problems associated with electronic
A) People are bombarded with an overabundance of information, often poorly
presented, so they are less willing to consume all the messages aimed at them.
B) Interpersonal relationships have been significantly enhanced by using electronic
communication methods.
C) People do not place all the rapid-fire messages in context, so much of the
information lacks significance or meaning.
D) Although some relationships can be created electronically, effective interpretation
and use of information still depends on the relationship the recipient has with the
sender. ------B

33) Your project's due date is coming fast! However, you notice that you forgot to mow
the lawn (you hate mowing) and yesterday you forgot to attend a staff meeting. Also,
you find that you daydream often. Which defense mechanism are you most likely
employing to resist stress?
A) Aggression
B) Regression
C) Repression
D) Withdrawal ------D

3) What should you do to increase your influence within the organization?

A) Be insensitive to others
B) Trust no one and betray others before they betray you
C) Continuously play the game of politics
D) Never delegate assignments to others
E) Advance the goals of the organization ------E
A manager of a shipping department was concerned about an order that a customer
reported as several weeks late. To define the problem, the manager asked an employee
in the shipping
department why the order had not arrived. The employee said, "Someone probably
made a mistake on the address. That would be my guess." Thus, the manager asked
the employee to
reship the order. What characteristic of good problem definition is most violated by this
A) The problem factual information should be differentiated from opinion or speculation.
B) The problem should be stated explicitly.
C) The problem definition should be different than a disguised solution.
D) The problem definition should be written down. ------a

31) How can the enigma of self-awareness be managed?

A) Avoid information contradictory to one's self-image
B) Seek information from others about one's self
C) Make sure to cross the sensitive lines of others
D) Challenge information inconsistent with one's self-image ------b

32) To know one's self, what is most prescribed?

A) Self-examination and meditation
B) Do not cross the sensitive line
C) Involve others
D) Be highly selective about who to get information from ------c

4) You have been told that in order to advance your career you must be overly
ambitious and be
indifferent to problems others face. Is this good or bad advice?
A) This is good advice.
B) This is bad advice.
C) There is not enough information to decide. ------B

Your team has experienced an increase in absenteeism in the past six weeks. In the
to define the problem, George recommends that personal leave days be abolished. The
group ignores that suggestion but instead decides to fire all employees who are absent
starting Monday. What went wrong in the decision-making process?
A) The first acceptable solution was accepted.
B) The problem was stated as part of the solution.
C) The problem was stated too explicitly.
D) The information about the problem was based on speculation. ------b

37) Communication has been studied by numerous people. What are the results of their
A) The transmission of accurate messages has improved.
B) The interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.
C) Both accuracy and interpersonal aspects of communication have improved.
D) Neither accuracy nor interpersonal aspects of communication have improved. ------A

34) Your flight has just been canceled. Tom is arguing with airline officials, Mary is
crying, and you have decided to grab a bite to eat. Which defense mechanism is each
person using?
A) Tomfixation; Marywithdrawal; yourepression
B) Tomfixation; Maryrepression; youwithdrawal
C) Tomaggression; Maryaggression; youfixation
D) Tomaggression; Maryregression; youwithdrawal ------D

38) What is the outcome of supportive communication?

A) Other people like you even if they don't understand you.
B) You are judged to be a nice person and others listen to you.
C) The message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced.
D) You are socially accepted but not viewed as an excellent manager. ------C

35) You have been worrying about your presentation to the class for weeks. However,
today, it doesn't seem like it will be that bad. What is there to be worried about, they're
just my friends, you say to yourself. Which defense mechanism are you most likely
A) Alarm
B) Withdrawal
C) Fixation
D) Repression ------D

5) Members of a work team are in a meeting where the director of the department is
present. At the end of the meeting, the presenter asks, "What are your reactions to my
presentation?" The members of the work team look at the director and wait for his
response. Which factors most
likely determine a person's power in this organization?
A) Personal attributes
B) Being intimidating
C) Position characteristics ------C

Which is best when generating alternatives?

A) Evaluate the alternatives as they are proposed; this saves time.
B) Focus on the short term; bad decisions in the short term means there is no long term
to worry about.
C) Evaluate the alternatives after all alternatives have been proposed.
D) Separate alternatives from one another. ------c

33) Responding to a remark from a peer that a report looks like it was slapped together
at the last minute (you had spent most of last week working on it), the sensitive line was
crossed. What will the most likely response be?
A) "I think you are right, thanks for the feedback."
B) "You don't know what you are talking about! Call my boss if you don't believe me!"
C) "Well, maybe I did or maybe I didn't, what do you care?"
D) "Could you tell me how I might improve the report?" ------c

34) George has returned from his two-week trip to India. He believes his trip has
provided an introspection that increased his self-knowledge. When you begin to
question him about his experiences, he becomes defensive and states, "I don't want to
talk about it with you!" Based on the review of self-awareness in the text, what would be
the most accurate conclusion?
A) Yes, it probably has increased his self-knowledge. Now he is protective of that
B) No, it probably has not increased his self-knowledge.
C) Maybe, maybe not, depends upon what rituals he practiced.
D) Yes, because he has become more self-assertive and aware of what he wants to talk
about. ------b

6) What are the two basic factors that influence a person's power in an organization?
A) Personal goals and position characteristics
B) Position characteristics and personal aspirations
C) Personal attributes and position manipulation
D) Personal attributes and position characteristics ------D

The problem is that sales are low. The sales manager accepted responsibility and said
it was his fault that sales were low. Thus, he proposed offering rebates next month to
stimulate sales. Rebates have never been offered in the company before, and the
impact rebates may have on
sales in the future is unknown. Other alternatives have been offered. Should this rebate
idea be implemented as-is?
A) Yes
B) No, it hasn't been determined whose problem this is.
C) No, the idea has only come from one person.
D) No, long-term consequences have not been considered ------d

39) Which variable(s) has research results confirmed to be the most powerful in
predicting profitability for an organization?
A) Market share
B) Capital intensity
C) Sales growth rate
D) Supportive communication
E) The combination of market share, capital intensity, firm size, and sales growth rate

36) Which is the best description of a person who is a "hot reactor"?

A) Becomes "hot"; that is, he or she responds well to stress
B) Reacts poorly to "repressors"
C) Reacts poorly to stress
D) Reacts negatively to certain defense mechanisms used by others ------C

40) Which of the following statements is most consistent with coaching (as opposed to
A) "I'd like to see you work on your attitude. You are often too pessimistic."
B) "Would you like to talk with me about the interpersonal conflict you are having with
your supervisor?"
C) "Let's plan some time tomorrow for me to walk you through the audit process. I think
I can help you see where you are making mistakes."
D) "I'm concerned that you seem to be growing less committed to the mission of our
organization. Why don't you spend a little more time with our customers so that you can
reignite your passion?" ------C

37) To relieve stress, you have been told to not bottle up your anger but to let it out. A
teakettle will explode if you don't let the steam out. This advice coincides with which
coping strategy?
A) Enactive strategy
B) Proactive strategy
C) Reactive strategy
D) Resistance strategy ------C

Your group has agreed to do a skit as part of its presentation to the class. Bob believes
"Baywatch" skit with everyone wearing swimsuits would liven up the presentation.
Someone in the group remarked, "What a stupid idea!" What step in the analytical
problem-solving method is violated by this response?
A) Define the problem
B) Generate alternative solutions
C) Evaluate and select an alternative
D) Implement and follow up ------b

7) Which of the following is not an organizational trend that has caused a shift in the
definition of power from "having authority over others" to "being able to get things
A) Information technology is contributing to the decentralization of the flow of
information to
lower levels of the organizational hierarchy.
B) The percentage of the workforce working in companies with fewer than 500
employees is
C) Traditional boundaries within and between organizations are becoming blurred,
leading to a
shift in the nature of authority relationships.
D) Organizations are becoming less hierarchical, or flatter, due to downsizing and
outsourcing. ------B
35) In the workplace, people are most likely to interact with which co-workers?
A) Creative co-workers
B) Co-workers with diverse social values
C) Co-workers with different self-awareness traits
D) Co-workers similar to them ------d

36) George made the following comment to Sarah, one of his co-workers: "Gene's
recommendation to cut costs by eliminating travel to training seminars just shows he
really isn't
aware of how important training is. His lack of insight is due to the fact he doesn't have
a college
degree." What is George's comment an example of?
A) Focusing on a difference
B) Creating a distinction
C) Focusing on an artificial social barrier
D) Creating a false value for a college degree ------b

8) Which of the following characteristics are important sources of personal power?

A) Flexibility
B) Criticality
C) Relevance
D) Knowledge ------D

Your group has a presentation to the class in two weeks. Moe believes that the
should be similar to a presentation he gave in his Marketing class last semester. Curly
wants it to be similar to his Finance presentation that his group gave earlier this month.
Larry believes that
the presentation should be like the first group, after all they received an A. You think,
what a bunch of stooges. Which guideline did your group violate in regard to the
analytical problemsolving model?
A) Problems should not be defined in terms of solutions.
B) Limited information should be given about each alternative.
C) The first acceptable alternative should not be accepted right away.
D) Alternatives should not be based on what was successful in the past. ------d

41) How many attributes of supportive communication are described in the text?
A) 1
B) 3
C) 6
D) 8
E) None of the above ------D

38) Eliminating or minimizing stress by changing jobs would relate most to which type of
strategy for coping with stress?
A) Inactive strategy
B) Proactive strategy
C) Reactive strategy
D) Enactive strategy ------D

42) What is the statement "You interrupted me three times during the meeting!" an
example of?
A) Conjunctive, not disjunctive communication
B) Owned, not disowned communication
C) Problem oriented, not person oriented communication
D) Specific, not global communication ------D

39) Isabel felt overwhelmed by the pressure of her pending deadline. She decided to
"check out" for a few minutes and think about her upcoming ski trip to take her mind of
her stress. Which type of stress-management strategy was Isabel pursuing?
A) Enactive
B) Proactive
C) Reactive
D) Distractive ------C

37) Areas of self-awareness are listed in 1 through 4. Which is true concerning the four
areas of self-awareness?
1. personal values
2. creativity
3. emotional intelligence
4. core self-evaluation
A) All four areas listed are correct.
B) Only areas 1 and 4 are correct.
C) Only area 2 is incorrect.
D) None of the four areas listed are correct. ------c

Your boss remarks to you that "decision making is concerned with the discovery and
selection of satisfactory alternatives." What would be the best response to your boss?
A) "No, I believe decision making is concerned with proper problem definition."
B) "No, I believe decision making is concerned with the generation of alternatives."
C) "No, I believe decision making is concerned with the discovery and selection of
optimal alternatives."
D) "Yes, I agree." ------c

9) Which of the following characteristics is not an important source of personal power?

A) Flexibility
B) Effort
C) Personal attraction
D) Expertise
E) Legitimacy ------A

38) The manner in which individuals gather and process information is a part of what?
A) Personal values
B) Cognitive style
C) Adaptability
D) Creativity ------b

10) If you are the only one in the office who understands how to do a PowerPoint
which base of power do you most likely have?
A) Expertise power
B) Personal attraction power
C) Effort power
D) Legitimacy power
E) Relevance power ------A

In evaluating alternatives, individuals should make sure that alternatives are judged in
terms of (1) their probable effects, (2) whether individuals involved will accept the
alternative, and (3) the consistency with policies of the organization. Which points are
A) All three points are correct.
B) Points 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Points 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Points 2 and 3 are correct. ------a

43) What is the statement "I have decided to turn down your request" an example of?
A) Conjunctive, not disjunctive communication
B) Owned, not disowned communication
C) Problem oriented, not person oriented communication
D) Specific, not global communication ------B

40) Patti's company recently reorganized for the second time this year. As part of the
reorganization she was promoted, which has caused a significant increase in the time
she spends in the office. Yesterday, she received a speeding ticket as she was racing
back to the office from the mall with her Christmas gifts. What type of stressor is Patti
most likely feeling?
A) Time
B) Encounter
C) Situational
D) Anticipatory ------C

41) At her graduation party, Morgan's grandmother told her she was worried about
Morgan having enough to live on in her retirement and suggested Morgan invest in
plastics now. "Retirement? Granny, I am only 22," said Morgan. Morgan's grandmother
demonstrated which stressor?
A) Time
B) Encounter
C) Situational
D) Anticipatory ------D

44) Managers pass along advice and information and help employees improve their
skills by setting standards. When managers do this, what is it called?
A) Coaching
B) Counseling
C) Validating
D) Delegation ------A

Which should you do when evaluating alternatives?

A) Evaluate alternatives relative to a satisfactory standard
B) Evaluate alternatives in an unstructured and creative manner
C) Evaluate alternatives based on what will work
D) Evaluate alternatives in terms of individual preferences and organizational goals ------

11) If a person desires to move up in the general management hierarchy, what should
he/she do?
A) Become a specialist
B) Develop a niche
C) Become a specialist while developing a niche
D) Build a broad knowledge base ------D

39) What method do the textbook authors propose to correct the problem of multiple
definitions of emotional intelligence?
A) Use definitions proposed by the original developers of emotional intelligence theories
B) Use definitions that distinguish among personality traits and cognitive traits
C) Use definitions that distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional
D) Use definitions that were developed within the last year ------c

40) According to the definition of emotional intelligence adopted by the textbook

authors, how
many abilities are involved with emotional intelligence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5 ------d

12) If your behavior (the kind of behavior one would normally associate with friendship)
improves your influence with your employees, you are most likely practicing which type
A) Power that reflects cognitive abilities
B) Power that suggests personal commitment
C) Power that conveys credibility
D) Power that involves affective appeal ------D

What is accomplished by implementing a solution incrementally?

A) Decreases resistance by others to the solution
B) Increases the overall or total costs
C) Creates support with only a few people at a time
D) Helps give people a break during implementation ------a

45) Managers help employees by addressing problems involving employee attitudes.

When managers do this, what is it called?
A) Coaching
B) Counseling
C) Empowerment
D) Discipline ------B

42) Mary is suffering work stress as a result of her interactions with her new boss, who
recently transferred from Finland. He has reorganized the work based on teams. In
Mary's team, there is no agreement on who should do what or on the purpose of the
team. Her stress is from which stressor?
A) Time stress
B) Encounter stress
C) Situational stress
D) Anticipatory stress ------B

43) George works full time in a warehouse and works hard. Although he likes his boss,
who is from Japan, he finds they have different views on the work to be accomplished
by the end of the shift. The work comes in spurts, and George feels he must finish all of
it before the end of his shift. Lately, George has not been able to finish the work by the
end of his shift. He is experiencing which type of stress?
A) Time stress
B) Encounter stress
C) Situational stress
D) Anticipatory stress ------A

46) You notice that since hiring Barbara, she is always working early and stays late; she
appears to be working very hard. Co-workers have commented on how much they enjoy
working with Barbara. Yesterday, in a conversation with her, she remarked how she
was unhappy with her performance but was determined to try harder. This surprised you
since you find her very capable, competent, and hard working. What kind of problem is
Barbara most likely facing?
A) A problem that needs counseling
B) A problem that needs coaching
C) A problem that needs person-oriented communication
D) A problem that needs global communication ------A
Which attributes should be included in effective implementation of a solution and follow
on the implementation?
A) Setting up an optimal standard for evaluation of alternatives
B) Creating alternatives that are consistent with organizational goals
C) Evaluating alternatives systematically
D) Providing a process that includes opportunities for feedback ------d

13) Which best describes a manager with personal attraction as a power base?15
A) Possesses personality characteristics that are remarkable to co-workers
B) Is friends with specific co-workers
C) Is knowledgeable so that people try to be his or her friend
D) Acts congruently with the organizational value system ------A

41) Which statement is accurate concerning the abilities listed in the author's definition
of emotional intelligence and the list provided below?
1. ability to diagnose and recognize emotions
2. ability to control emotions
3. ability to lead a team
4. ability to manage with self-confidence
A) All abilities above are included in the author's definition.
B) Abilities 1 and 3 are included in the author's definition.
C) Abilities 1 and 2 are included in the author's definition.
D) Abilities 1 and 4 are included in the author's definition.
E) None of the abilities are included in the author's definition. ------c

42) Lana was sitting somberly in her office. Her face had an angry expression and she
had a tear in her eye. One of her co-workers asked her how she was doing. Lana
responded, "I am fine."
Concerned, the co-worker asked, "Are you sure?" Lana again responded, "Yes, there is
nothing wrong, I am fine." Which emotional intelligence ability does Lana most likely
need to develop?
A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions
B) Ability to control your emotions
C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others
D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues ------a

14) Morgan has become indispensable to her boss. Her boss believes that Morgan is a
worker who can be trusted with sensitive projects. What is Morgan's power most likely
due to?
A) Legitimacy
B) Effort
C) Expertise
D) Personal attraction ------B
If you are replacing the copier in the office, which problem-solving style would be most
A) Analytical problem solving
B) Creative problem solving
C) Neither analytical nor creative problem solving ------a

47) There is a problem with George. You don't doubt his knowledge or ability to do the
job. However, lately he has developed a problem concerning his co-workers. He doesn't
need or want their input to the project. He says that his work is above standards and
remarks, "Can I help it if I work with idiots?" What kind of problem is George most likely
A) A problem that needs coaching
B) A problem that needs counseling
C) A problem that needs person-oriented communication
D) A problem that needs global communication ------B

44) You have developed a "need-to-do" list and have promised yourself to say "no"
more often. You even bought a planner. Which approach to time management are you
A) Effectiveness approach
B) Efficiency approach
C) Delegation approach
D) Priority approach ------B

45) If you are utilizing the effectiveness approach to time management, you do what?
A) Focus on urgent matters first
B) Focus on minimizing wasted time
C) Focus on important matters first; ignore urgent tasks unless they produce the desired
D) Focus on urgent matters first but don't feel guilty when you must say "no" ------C

48) You know that your performance has recently declined. You tie this decline to the
new software. Even though you fully understand how to use the new software, you think
the software is garbage. In fact, you campaigned against the software but lost the
political battle. Your boss has called you into her office. What would be the most correct
response for the boss to use?
A) "You need to either shape up or ship out. The software stays!"
B) "Don't worry ... everything will work out. Just give it time."
C) "I can help you do this better."
D) "You do recognize there is a problem, don't you?" ------D

In fulfilling President Kennedy's challenge to send a man to the moon and bring him
back safely by the end of the decade, which problem-solving model was probably
A) Creative problem solving
B) Analytical problem solving
C) Neither of the above answer choices is correct. ------a

15) Which behaviors might a manager have due to cognitive dissonance reduction?
A) A high level of effort resulting in increased responsibility and opportunity
B) A low level of effort resulting in increased responsibility and opportunity
C) No effort resulting in dissatisfied employees
D) A high level of effort resulting in pressure from peers to cut back on the effort ------A

43) Javier was getting a drink from the water cooler when Hartman approached
excitedly and exclaimed, "Guess what, Javier? I got the deal ... I got the big contract ...
we finally closed the
sale with that giant computer company. I am so excited." Javier responded in a soft
voice, "That's nice." Which emotional intelligence ability does Javier most likely need to
A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions
B) Ability to control your emotions
C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others
D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues ------d

44) In Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which value dimensions refer to

how individuals relate to others?
1. Universalism vs. Particularism
2. Individualism vs. Collectivism
3. Affective vs. Neutral
4. Specific vs. Diffuse
5. Achievement vs. Ascription
6. Past and Present vs. Future
7. Internal vs. External
A) All of the dimensions
B) Only dimensions 1, 2, and 4
C) The first five dimensions
D) Only dimension 2 ------c

16) You were recently promoted because of your hard work. In fact, you had a hard time
in the
"blue-collar" job you had because many co-workers thought you were a "rate-buster."
Will your
belief in extra effort pay off for you in your new management job?
A) Yes. Management sees extra effort as something that should be rewarded.
B) Yes. Management is management. They always agree with one another.
C) Yes. This is flexibility.
D) No. Management doesn't like "rate-busters" either. ------A

When relevant information is available, when a clear standard exists to assess the
correctness of a solution, and the problem is traightforward, which decision model
should be used?
A) Analytical problem solving
B) Creative problem solving
C) Neither the analytical nor creative problem-solving model
D) Both the analytical and creative problem-solving models ------a

49) Which of the following supervisor statements is an example of coaching?

A) "I'd really like to see you try to approach this problem more optimistically."
B) Let's sit down and work through the audit process together this time so that you see
what I'm looking for."
C) "You need to work on your attitude."
D) "Your teammates are expressing concern that you don't handle conflict well." ------B

46) Which is the best summary of the effectiveness in time management approach?
A) You accomplish what you want to accomplish with your time.
B) You accomplish more by reducing wasted time.
C) You accomplish more at the most productive times of the day. ------A

47) Which is the best summary of the efficiency in time management approach?
A) You accomplish what you want to accomplish with your time.
B) You accomplish more by reducing wasted time.
C) You accomplish more at the most productive times of the day. ------B

50) What is an important goal of counseling? To help the individual

A) get along better with co-workers.
B) understand clearly what the problem is and how to overcome it.
C) recognize that a problem exists and identify ways to address the problem.
D) identify ways in which the problem may be addressed. ------C

You have a problem that is both complex and very ambiguous. In looking for a creative
solution, what would be best for you to do?
A) Think simply about generating alternatives.
B) Clearly define the problem.
C) Consider multiple approaches to creativity.
D) Assign one person to work alone and solve the problem. ------c

17) A fast-food company does not promote anyone to manager unless he or she started
at the
beginning, flipping burgers. This is an example of a company promoting which type of
A) Relevance power
B) Visibility power
C) Legitimacy power
D) Effort power
E) Attraction power ------C
45) Employees at Turner, Inc. are engaged in a debate over the merits of an individual
vs. a team-based compensation program. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of
national culture, which cultural dimension does this debate most closely relate to?
A) Universalism vs. particularism
B) Individualism vs. collectivism
C) Affective vs. neutral
D) Achievement vs. ascription
E) Internal vs. external ------b

46) It is obvious that Talia values her privacy as she rarely talks about her husband and
children in conversations with her co-workers. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of
national culture, which cultural dimension does Talia's behavior in the workplace most
closely relate to?
A) Specific vs. diffuse
B) Achievement vs. ascription
C) Universalism vs. particularism
D) Individualism vs. collectivism
E) Affective vs. neutral ------a

18) In proposing a new course of action, upper management remarks to you, "That's the
way Jane, our founder, would have done it!" After that statement, the decision is made
to accept and implement your idea. Which power source did you use?
A) Experience
B) Desirable characteristics
C) Higher than expected commitment of time
D) Behavior consistent with the values of the organization
E) Flexibility ------D

Which type of creativity focuses on fast, competitive responses to problems?

A) Imagination
B) Improvement
C) Investment
D) Incubation ------c

51) What are two major problems that result when principles of supportive
communication are not followed while coaching or counseling subordinates?
A) The person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance, and the
person dislikes the one sending the message.
B) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person is not
C) The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person shows anger,
aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance.
D) The person is not trustworthy, and the person dislikes the one sending the message.
48) You are a manager of a team of 50 professionals. One particular professional
persists in accusing you of having your priorities out of order. Since the planning activity
you do often is not urgent, this particular professional tries to undermine the activity.
What would be best for you to do?
A) Meet the professional at the door each time you see him coming
B) Move the professional to another team so you don't have to manage him
C) Clarify your core principles and make them public
D) Hold meetings with him only at the end of the day ------C

49) You are a manager of a team of 50 professionals. One particular professional

persists in accusing you of having your priorities out of order. Since the planning activity
you do often is not urgent, this particular professional tries to undermine the activity.
Which research-based principle should the manager remember?
A) People who experience the most time stress are those who allow others to generate
their personal principles statement for them through their demands for time.
B) People who steal time from you should be removed from your work environment in
order to avoid situational stress.
C) Relationship conflicts should be handled at the end of the day so that the important
things can be given your best energy in the morning hours.
D) People who steal time from you can be dealt with by talking to them while standing.

52) You have noticed since your discussion with Mary about her performance in the
team that she seems withdrawn and not very motivated. What should you suspect about
your communication?
A) It was very supportive.
B) It caused some defensiveness in Mary.
C) It caused some disconfirmation in Mary.
D) It caused both some defensiveness and disconfirmation in Mary. ------C

Which type of creativity focuses on new, revolutionary solutions to problems?

A) Imagination
B) Improvement
C) Investment
D) Incubation ------a

19) What is the notion of legitimacy within an organization related to?

A) Corporate cultural values
B) Policies, procedures, and rules
C) The position within the hierarchy
D) The credibility of the education level of a person ------A

47) Research indicates that business managers

A) place higher emphasis on personal values rather than social values.
B) place higher emphasis on social values rather than personal values.
C) place higher emphasis on instrumental values rather than terminal values.
D) differ in the emphasis placed on social values according to gender. ------a

48) Your boss was arrested for embezzlement at the office. As he walks past you
handcuffed, he
states, "You know, you and I possess the same values, we just differ by degrees."
Which is the
boss an example of?
A) Terminal values
B) Poor ethical decision making
C) Poor information gathering
D) Conformity level of values maturity ------b

20) Which of the following is not a determinant associated with position power?
A) Expertise
B) Relevance
C) Visibility
D) Flexibility
E) Centrality ------A

Which type of creativity emphasizes developmental and deliberate responses to

A) Imagination
B) Investment
C) Incubation ------c

53) The CEO from headquarters has just arrived. You make some opening comments
and she replies, "I'm glad to be here. I look forward to talking to everyone here that has
made this plant number one." Looking straight at you she continues, "My time is yours
to do as you see fit." She then looks at her watch. What type of communication is this
an example of?
A) Congruent communication
B) Supportive communication
C) Incongruent communication
D) Disowned communication ------C

50) Approximately 70 percent of a manager's time is spent in meetings. What should a

manager do to make efficient and effective use of this time?
A) Be flexible in agenda setting; sometimes new things just come up during the meeting
and discussing it now would reduce "gearing up" time later
B) Don't keep minutes; they waste time and no one likes to take them
C) Be flexible with the ending time of the meeting so that the tasks can be accomplished
D) Insist on subordinates' suggestions to problems so that the manager may choose
among alternatives, then generate his/her own ------D

51) You read an email from a local politician asking for donations. What would be best
for you to make efficient use of your time?
A) File it now so that later you can decide
B) Decide to give money and write a check
C) Decide not to give money and toss it away
D) Have someone else scan your email before you see it ------D

54) What should you do when practicing congruent communication?

A) Blow off steam immediately on getting upset
B) Never suppress your feelings of anger or disappointment
C) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what you are thinking and
D) Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what others are ready to hear

Which is the most appropriate approach to creativity when incremental changes and
tightening up processes are necessary?
A) Imagination
B) Improvement
C) Investment
D) Incubation ------b

21) What do position characteristics that foster power include?20

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
A) Effort
B) Credibility
C) Legitimacy
D) Centrality
E) Charisma ------D

49) Research suggests that (1) individuals differ in their level of values development, (2)
individuals hold different sets of instrumental values at different stages of development,
and (3) peoples' value priorities do not change once they become adults. Which
statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
C) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. ------c

50) During the 1992 riots in Los Angeles where many individuals took merchandise,
some argued that looters took only what they needed, like food and diapers, whereas
others argued looters took only what they had been denied by the system, like TVs and
stereos. If these looters were focusing on their own needs, what was their level of
values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------a
22) If you would like to expand your power base horizontally, what could you do?
A) Have lunch with co-workers in your department every day
B) Have lunch with workers from other departments
C) Focus on increasing your power through the formal organizational powers
D) Do an excellent job on all your assignments ------B

Which is the most appropriate approach to creativity when collective effort and
involvement of others is important?
A) Imagination
B) Improvement
C) Investment
D) Incubation ------d

55) Your boss has just left your office. You heard what she said but feel there was a
hidden message in her statements. What type of communication did your boss most
likely practice?
A) Supportive communication
B) Nonsupportive communication (it was person-oriented communication)
C) Nonsupportive communication (it was incongruent communication)
D) Nonsupportive communication (it was evaluative communication)
E) Nonsupportive communication (it was problem-oriented communication) ------C

52) As a new member of the team, you notice that team members appear to treat each
other with kindness, courtesy, and honesty. They really do seem to care about each
other. Members of this group will be able to cope best with which kind of stress?
A) Time stress
B) Encounter stress
C) Situational stress
D) Anticipatory stress ------B

53) This course, with its emphasis on developing managerial skills and related
emotional intelligence skills, should assist you (on completion of all chapters) in
eliminating which stress?
A) Time stress
B) Encounter stress
C) Situational stress
D) Anticipatory stress ------B

56) Morgan has a problem. Her date has been late the last three times to pick her up
and this upsets her. Tonight her date is late again. What should she say?
A) "I can't believe you are late for the fourth time. This really upsets me! Why are you
always so late?"
B) Nothing, but when he asks, "What's wrong?" reply as coldly as possible "Nothing."
C) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts
me. Maybe the next time you should call from the car phone and let me know you are
running late."
D) "This is the fourth time you have been late. I want you to know how much this hurts
me. I wonder if your mother knows how you disrespect me?" ------C

You have a problem that is both complex and very ambiguous. In looking for a creative
solution, who should you talk to?
A) A person who has a Ph.D. in a topic that is related to the problem
B) A person who has many years of experience in dealing with similar problems
C) A person who has neither the knowledge nor the experience of this particular
problem and who employs logic that seems unorganized
D) Both the person with the Ph.D. and the person with many years of experience ------c

23) If you took on functions essential for the performance of other activities, how have
expanded your power?
A) Centrality
B) Flexibility
C) Visibility
D) Relevance ------D

51) You need a little extra money, so you added an extra $100 to your expense
reimbursement statement before handing the receipts over to accounting. Your co-
worker Sara added over $1000 to her statement. If you believe Sara's actions are worse
than yours, what is your level of values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------a

52) You added an extra $100 to your expense statement and Sara added an extra
$1000 to her expense statement. If you believe both of you are equally wrong (this does
violate company policy), what is your level of values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------b

24) You just convinced your boss that you need to increase cooperation across
departments for
the Web project that you were assigned to lead to be successful. How have you
increased your
A) Visibility of your position
B) Relevance of your position
C) Legitimacy of your position
D) Personal attraction of your position
E) Centrality of your position ------E
You are a manager who would like to enhance the creative problem-solving abilities of
your employees. What should you do?
A) Increase their formal education
B) Improve their thinking skills
C) Improve their interpersonal skills
D) Improve their exposure to information ------b

57) When using descriptive communication to help modify someone's behavior, what
should a person do?
A) First describe reactions to the behavior, describe the behavior, and then suggest an
alternative behavior.
B) First describe the behavior, describe reactions to the behavior, then suggest an
alternative behavior.
C) First discuss the problem, then the alternatives, then decide on a solution.
D) Describe the behavior, describe why it's a bad behavior, then describe what will
happen (the consequences) if the person keeps doing the behavior. ------B

54) Concerning success in life, what does research appear to suggest?

A) Having a high IQ score is critical.
B) Having an ability to manage emotions is critical.
C) Having a competitive attitude is critical.
D) Having a few strong relationships is critical. ------B

58) You have called an employee into your office to discuss his poor performance. How
might you start the conversation?
A) "Nice day, don't you think?"
B) "Have you given any thought to doing some quality work here?"
C) "We have a problem here, don't we?"
D) "Your performance is below average. What do you plan to do about it?"
E) "Your output is the lowest in the department. I'm concerned." ------E

55) If a child refuses to eat a cookie so later in the day he can have something he likes
more, what ability related to emotional intelligence is he exhibiting?
A) Controlling or keeping in check negative emotions
B) Recognizing or understanding his own feelings
C) Delaying immediate gratification to achieve a goal
D) Controlling or keeping in check positive emotions ------C

Your boss states, "Conceptual blocks are easy to overcome. Also, everyone develops
some conceptual blocks over time and we need some to cope with everyday life."
Should you agree or
A) Agree
B) Disagree ------b

25) How is power accrued via horizontal and vertical network relationships?22
Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.
A) By manipulating people in the network
B) By one's location and function in the network
C) By the flexibility of one's personality in the network
D) By exercising judgment in decision making ------B

53) If you stole something to save a stranger's life (you received no compensation),
what would be your level of moral judgment?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------c

54) As manager, you have decided to enforce a new policy restricting dating in the
office. You are comfortable with the policy and have decided that the policy will affect
you also. Which ethical test did you most likely employ?
A) Personal gain test
B) Equal treatment test
C) Cost-benefit test
D) Golden rule test ------d

56) If you want to increase your power by having information routed through your
position and
by increasing the technical sophistication of your work, what have you increased?
A) Centrality of your position
B) Latitude and flexibility of your job
C) The visibility of your job
D) The decision-making opportunities of your job ------A

How both Velcro and Post-it Notes came to be produced is an excellent example of
problem-solving model?
A) Analytical problem solving
B) Creative problem solving ------b

59) You have just practiced descriptive communication to modify some problematic
behavior. Your subordinate replies, "I have an excuse ... it is not my fault." What should
you do?
A) Point out (without causing defensiveness) to your subordinate that it really doesn't
matter if it is his/her fault; the problem still exists
B) Keep trying to describe the problematic behavior until the subordinate understands
C) Refocus the communication away from blame or fault toward counseling
D) None of the above ------C

56) Which group has a lower level of job strain?

A) People in lower-level positions
B) People in higher-level positions
C) Neither people in low- nor high-level positions; it depends on one's age and health
D) People without managers to evaluate their work ------B

57) In redesigning the job to reduce stress, what should you focus on?
A) Providing more job security
B) Resolving and keeping interpersonal conflicts to a minimum
C) Providing more involvement in decision making
D) Providing clear direction and focus ------C

60) If you believe people want to do better, to perform successfully, and to be

contributors, what assumption do you make?
A) Theory X assumption
B) Theory Y assumption
C) Theory Z assumption
D) Stress-free supportive communication assumption ------B

When an individual becomes consistent in how he/she approaches problems, he/she is

practicing which conceptual block?
A) Commitment
B) Compression
C) Constancy
D) Complacency ------c

55) If your goal in life is to live a stimulating and active life, what is this an example of?
A) Terminal value
B) Instrumental value
C) Attitudinal value
D) Interpersonal need value ------a

57) If you are looking to improve your flexibility, what should you do?
A) Look for a position that has existed for a long time. All the problems associated with
position have been worked through.
B) Look to be a participant at the formation of a group.
C) Look to be a participant in a group later in its life cycle; in that way you can avoid all
D) Look to work in a company that values reliable performance. ------B

56) If you believe a government policy would benefit those that are less advantaged
than yourself, what view of ethics is this?
A) Golden rule test
B) Equal treatment test
C) Cost-benefit test
D) Personal gain test ------b
58) During the interview process, the interviewer told you that the position you have
applied for
has been in this organization for over 50 years. You having been looking for a job that
you discretion. Which statement describes your reaction to the news from the
A) Good news, all the problems have been worked out.
B) Not so good news
C) Interesting, but what does it have to do with the amount of discretion you might
have? ------B

In studying for a test, Harry always highlights passages in his textbooks and reviews the
highlighted sections. Recently, in his Management class, Harry did not receive a good
grade on his first exam. Sally suggested that Harry try studying a different way by
writing down the highlighted passages on paper. Harry refused, saying, "It has always
worked before, why change?" Which conceptual block is Harry experiencing?
A) Constancy
B) Artificial constraint
C) Compression
D) Complacency ------a

61) Your boss tells you, "If you continue to be late, you will lose your job." Did your boss
practice supportive communication?
A) No, this is an evaluative comment.
B) Yes, even though the comment is evaluative in nature, it is linked to a probable
C) Yes, this is a validating comment.
D) No, the comment is person oriented. ------B

58) To reduce the situational stress his workers felt, Tom decided to hire a customer
relations group. Tom believed this new group could deal firsthand with customer
inquiries and therefore reduce the burden his employees currently had of responding to
customers. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? Why?
A) This is a good idea, it will eliminate stress.
B) This is a bad idea, it increases the number of feedback channels.
C) This is a bad idea, it promotes filtered communication.
D) This is a good idea, it promotes one contact for the customer. ------C

62) What does person-oriented communication focus on?

A) The problem and its solution
B) Validating the other individual
C) Achieving congruent communication
D) The traits of individuals ------D
59) You started your new job at Tasty Burger. The boss told you this is an easy job, but
you should still do your best. He commented that he will keep an eye on you and will tell
you if he sees you doing anything wrong. Which stress would you most likely feel as you
begin your work?
A) Situational stress due to a lack of task significance
B) Anticipatory stress due to increased decision-making authority
C) Situational stress due to not knowing what is expected
D) Situational stress due to a poor relationship with the boss ------C

What is an example of a thinking language that is capable of breaking down the

constancy block?
A) Foreign language
B) Observation and evaluation
C) Visual imagery
D) Alternative generation ------c

57) Your personal cognitive style is based on which of the following two dimensions?
A) The manner in which you gather information and whether you think it is true
B) The manner in which you gather information and the way in which you act on that
C) Horizontal and vertical
D) The manner in which others gather information about you and the way you react to
their behaviors ------b

59) The task force has been meeting for several weeks on distributing bonuses for
employees but
has become hopelessly stalemated. You were added to the committee to influence the
decision. What will this do to your influence?
A) This will help your influence, and you should have some significant influence over the
group's deliberations.
B) This will make it difficult to have influence.
C) It will only increase your influence if others are added to the committee at the same
time as
D) It will only increase your influence if others are removed from the committee when
you are
added. ------B

58) Which of the following statements are true?

1. Your cognitive style is the same as your personality type.
2. Your cognitive style is innate and cannot be changed.
3. The three cognitive styles are knowing, planning, and creating.
A) Statement 3 is true, and statements 1 and 2 are false.
B) Statements 2 and 3 are true, and statement 1 is false.
C) None of the statements are true.
D) All of the statements are true. ------a

60) What will a performance appraisal system that rewards initiative and innovation do?
A) Decrease one's flexibility and therefore his/her power base
B) May be too erratic to allow one to develop a strong power base
C) Increase one's discretion and thus the potential for more power
D) Promote more people to higher positions ------C

If you assume that individuals who are experienced in launching a new product know
the best marketing approach, which conceptual block are you practicing?
A) Vertical thinking
B) Stereotyping
C) Compression
D) Ignoring commonalities ------b

63) You overhear a conversation where one person says, "You really believe that? I
think if you look at the facts again, I'm sure you would draw a different conclusion."
What would this communication be an example of?
A) Practicing person-oriented communication
B) Practicing problem-oriented communication
C) Practicing communication that validates the individual
D) Practicing communication that is disowned ------A

60) Which can best eliminate anticipatory stress?

A) Redesigning the work
B) Time management
C) Prioritizing and short-term planning
D) Improving your emotional intelligence ------C

64) You just watched your employee handle a customer poorly. How should you
A) "What were you thinking? That's not how we do it here!"
B) "I don't like the way you handled the situation."
C) "All employees are expected to follow procedures outlined in the employee manual
when dealing with a customer. I am disappointed with the way you handled that
situation. Can we review that policy together?"
D) "Let me show you how to do it. I can't believe you are unable to do something so
simple." ------C

61) Sarah is a Peace Corps volunteer headed for Colombia. She has great anticipatory
stress (she's never been outside of the United States before and she doesn't know any
Spanish). What should she do to reduce her stress?
A) Make herself familiar with the purpose of the Peace Corps
B) Comfort herself with the idea that because this is a volunteer position, she can quit at
any time and the Peace Corps will fly her immediately home
C) Learn to say her name and "Where is the bathroom?" in Spanish
D) Prioritize her career plans just in case things don't work out with the Peace Corps

In describing a new problem you are having with your computer, your boss interrupts
and states, "I had the same problem last week. It's something to do with the network."
Which conceptual block could be inhibiting your boss's creative problem-solving
A) Vertical thinking
B) Artificial constraints
C) Stereotyping
D) Ignoring commonalities ------c

61) What does it suggest about an organization if people are rewarded for being reliable
A) This suggests the organization will penalize people who use discretion.
B) This suggests the organization will reward those who use discretion.
C) This suggests a person who has high personal attraction will be successful in a job in
D) This suggests a person with a high need for power would be happy in a job in this
organization. ------A

59) At the beginning of your team's first meeting, Betsy said, "I think it's really important
that we develop a clear agenda for what we want to accomplish and then decide who is
going to do what." Based on this comment, you suspect that Betsy is strongest on which
dimension of cognitive style?
A) Knowing
B) Planning
C) Creating
D) Assimilating ------b

60) During a meeting, Bruce turns to you and comments, "We really shouldn't be
making a decision until we have got a better handle on the facts and data. New ideas
are fine, but if we can't back them up with credible and precise analysis, we shouldn't be
taking the risk." Based on this comment, you recognize that Bruce is probably strongest
on which dimension of cognitive style?
A) Knowing
B) Planning
C) Creating
D) Accommodating ------a

62) What is the best way to gain visibility?

A) Write an excellent report to be read by the executive committee
B) Give a good presentation of the report to an executive committee
C) Become central in a communication network so that one may tap into a rich flow of
information and satisfy the information needs of others
D) Take an important task-oriented position ------B

Looking too narrowly at a problem is what type of conceptual block?

A) Constancy
B) Compression
C) Commitment
D) Complacency ------b

65) The difference between saying "You are stubborn" and "This is the second time we
are unable to reach agreement" is the difference between what two types of
A) Congruent and incongruent communication
B) Owned and disowned communication
C) Superior and egalitarian communication
D) Person- and problem-oriented communication ------D

62) Bob has decided to stop smoking. Also, he has decided to tell no one because he is
tired of the jokes and the lack of support from his friends. Based on what you have
learned about anticipatory stressors, what is an appropriate evaluation of this idea?
A) It is a good idea because there is a desired goal.
B) It is a good idea because Bob has identified the activities and behaviors necessary to
accomplish the goal.
C) It is a bad idea because the desired goal is beyond his control.
D) It is a bad idea because he hasn't established reporting mechanisms or
accountability. ------D

61) After graduation you have decided to stay in Bedford Falls, the only place you have
ever known. Which area of self-awareness probably affected your decision?
A) Cognitive style
B) Interpersonal needs
C) Attitudes toward change
D) Instrumental values ------c

63) What is included in ways to gain visibility?

A) Face-to-face communication
B) Sending a note to a co-worker threatening her because of her recent
C) Participating in monotonous and routine tasks for popular causes
D) Improving your technical expertise ------A

If someone believes that the possible alternatives to a problem must conform with her
perception of the boss's expectations, which conceptual block is she a victim of?
A) Perceptual stereotyping
B) Not separating figure from ground
C) Ignoring commonalities
D) Artificial constraints ------d

66) "Not only does a fairway wood have a larger sweet spot, but it reacts better to bad
hits. Thin shots don't lose as much yardage as off an iron. Toe shots don't lose ..." You
are lost in the discussion of golf. What type of communication is this person using?
A) Rigidity
B) Indifference
C) Superiority-oriented ------C

63) Some rules for instituting small wins are (1) keep track of the changes you are
making, (2) forget the small gains you have made and focus on what is next, and (3)
find other small things to change and change them. Which are correct?
A) All three rules are correct.
B) Rules 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Rules 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Rules 2 and 3 are correct. ------C

64) If you have missed your son's T-ball game and your daughter's soccer game the
past two weeks because you have been on the road talking to clients, which behavior
tendency are you most likely exhibiting?
A) Competitiveness
B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency ------B

67) You are channel surfing while watching TV, and you come across a rather rotund
individual sitting by himself talking politics in a rather rushed manner. In the few minutes
you watch, you notice that he has an answer for everything, that his answer is always
right, and that he appears to reduce complex issues to very simplistic definitions. You
think to yourself, "I'm glad no one listens to this person." The TV person is practicing
which form of communication?
A) Indifference
B) Superiority-oriented
C) Rigidity
D) Imperviousness
E) None of the answer choices are correct. ------C

If you have trouble determining the difference between important and unimportant data,
are experiencing which conceptual block?
A) Artificial constraints
B) Ignoring commonalities
C) Separating figure from ground
D) Noninquisitiveness ------c
64) You have a desire to move up in the company. You have been offered two
positions. One position is more people oriented and the other position is more task
oriented. Which position should you take?
A) You should take the people-oriented position.
B) You should take the task-oriented position.
C) It doesn't matter. Either position will work equally well assuming you do a good job.

62) Your co-worker Sandy plans her vacations 12 months in advance and is the first to
volunteer to create agendas for team meetings. Which cognitive style does Sandy's
behavior exhibit?
A) Creating cognitive style
B) Obsessive cognitive style
C) Planning cognitive style
D) None of the above ------c

63) Research suggests individuals with low tolerance for ambiguity and low cognitive
complexity are
A) better transmitters of information.
B) able to interpret more cues.
C) less behaviorally adaptive.
D) unable to understand abstract ideas. ------c

65) You having been studying for finals all day. A friend suggests that the two of you
take a break. Is this a good idea?
A) No, your friend is crazy. You need all the time you can get to study.
B) No, stay focused and you'll do better.
C) Depends on your small wins strategy
D) Yes, time off should help you think better. ------D

65) In a company that sells golf clubs, a job in which department has more relevance
A) Accounting
B) Research and development
C) Sales
D) Human resource management ------C

68) You notice that your manager frequently interrupts you; when you ask him a
question, you have to repeat it two or three times before he acknowledges you. Your
manager is practicing which form of communication?
A) Superiority-oriented
B) Rigidity
C) Indifference
D) None of the answer choices are correct. ------C
If your boss encourages your team to ask questions and obtain and search for data, she
is trying to overcome which conceptual block?
A) Bias against thinking
B) Noninquisitiveness
C) Separating figure from ground
D) Compression ------b

64) Individuals who tend to prefer jobs in fields such as social work where personal
interactions predominate have which cognitive style ?
A) Creating cognitive style
B) Knowing cognitive style
C) Planning cognitive style
D) None of the three cognitive styles are more likely in individuals who choose such a
career. ------a

66) You are graduating this summer and are seeking an influential position. Your major
finance. Which job should you choose to maximize your relevant power?
A) Working for an electronics firm making $32,000
B) Working for a stockbroker firm making $25,000
C) Working for a small software firm making $20,000
D) Working for a large oil company making $35,000 ------B

Ms. Frizzle on the "Magic School Bus" encourages her students to try, to experiment
just to see what will happen. She encourages them to be risk takers. She is trying to
overcome which conceptual block?
A) Noninquisitiveness
B) Bias against thinking
C) Compression
D) Ignoring commonalities ------a

69) A manager maintains little eye contact, interrupts subordinates, and criticizes them
for feeling a certain way. He or she is displaying which type of communication?
A) Rigid and evaluative communication
B) Indifferent and impervious communication
C) Indifferent and superior communications
D) Indifferent communication ------B

66) What is exercising 20 to 30 minutes every other day and maintaining a heart rate
that improves the cardiovascular system known as?
A) Physiological resiliency
B) Psychological resiliency
C) Social resiliency
D) Life balance ------A
67) To maintain dietary control, one should do the following: (1) avoid fats, (2) avoid
caffeine, and (3) take Vitamin E only. Which are correct?
A) All three points are correct.
B) Points 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Points 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Points 2 and 3 are correct. ------B

70) You have a tendency to finish your brother's sentences. This annoys him but it
makes you happy. You are practicing what type of communication?
A) Respectful
B) Problem-oriented
C) Invalidating
D) Evaluative
E) Validating ------C

According to research, which would creative problem solvers use?

A) The left hemisphere of the brain
B) The right hemisphere of the brain
C) Both the left and right hemispheres of the brain
D) Thinking and behavior ------c

67) What does relevance as a power base refer to?

A) How many other people recognize an individual
B) Being associated with activities that are directly related to the organization's central
C) The amount of discretion one might have
D) The relevant position the individual has within the organization's communication
network ------B

65) If a job requires someone to be able to focus on only one element of information in
order to not become distracted, which of the following would best match those
A) High tolerance of ambiguity
B) Low tolerance of ambiguity
C) High instrumental values
D) Low cognitive style ------b

66) The individual most likely to be entrepreneurial in his/her actions is someone with
A) high tolerance of ambiguity.
B) low tolerance of ambiguity.
C) external locus of control.
D) lateral locus of control. ------a

68) If you want to increase the relevance of your job to the organization, what should
you do?
A) Make at least part of your job unique
B) Reduce the percentage of routine activities in your job
C) Expand the number of contacts you have with senior people
D) Become a trainer or mentor for new employees ------D

Which is true about creative problem solving?

A) It is a skill that can be taught.
B) It is quick and easy to learn to become a creative problem solver.
C) It is always better than analytical problem solving.
D) It is something that only certain people can learn. ------a

71) If, in a counseling situation, you are willing to accept that other alternatives besides
yours exist, what type of communication are you practicing?
A) Indifferent communication
B) Superior communication
C) Person-oriented communication
D) Flexible communication ------D

68) What does a person who is "hardy" have?

A) An external locus of control
B) An internal locus of control
C) A supportive network of friends
D) A low tolerance for ambiguity ------B

69) Hardy individuals have a high level of commitment. What does this mean?
A) They are committed only to their own activities.
B) They are committed to a larger community and its activities.
C) They are committed to change as a means to an end.
D) They are committed to both their activities and the larger community and its
activities. ------D

72) Your boss always asks you questions and gives you "air time" to offer your ideas.
She is practicing what type of communication?
A) Problem-oriented
B) Congruent
C) Descriptive
D) Validating
E) Specific ------D

What stage of creative problem solving occurs when an insight is recognized and a
creative solution is articulated?
A) Preparation stage
B) Illumination stage
C) Incubation stage
D) Verification stage ------b
69) Your boss is discussing power and influence and states, "Power is a necessary
for influence." Should you agree or disagree?
A) You should agree.
B) You should disagree.
C) There is not enough information to decide. ------A

67) You think you would like to join the Peace Corps and see the world, live in another
culture, and experience new situations. Which subscale from the Tolerance of
Ambiguity Scale would indicate whether you would enjoy the Peace Corps experience?
A) Insolubility
B) Complexity
C) Novelty
D) None of the above ------c

68) Bob enjoys his management professor. She hands out vague assignments and
encourages him to be creative and to look at things a different way. Which best
describes Bob's tolerance?
A) Tolerant of familiar information
B) Tolerant of distinctive or unrelated information
C) Intolerant of problems that are difficult to solve
D) Tolerant of contradictory information ------b

70) If you use an influence strategy that makes others want to do what you say, which
strategy are you using?
A) Retribution approach
B) Reciprocity approach
C) Reason approach
D) Relevance approach ------B

What stage of creative problem solving can training most improve?

A) Preparation stage
B) Incubation stage
C) Illumination stage
D) Verification stage
E) All of the stages ------a

73) You want to utilize supportive communication. You plan to employ validation in your
communication with your subordinate. In particular, you want to practice areas of mutual
agreement. What will you do?
A) List the subordinate's disadvantages before his/her advantages to finish on a strong
positive note.
B) List the subordinate's past mistakes to establish a foundation so that new positive
steps can be utilized.
C) List areas of disagreements first followed by areas of agreement.
D) List compliments before criticisms. ------D

70) Three elements characterize an individual who can resist stress well. They are (1)
viewing change as a threat to security and comfort, (2) having an external locus of
control, and (3) a person believing he/she is only responsible for himself/herself. Which
are correct?
A) All three elements are correct.
B) Elements 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Elements 1 and 3 are correct.
D) None of the elements is correct. ------D

71) From the information you have, it would appear that Mick exhibits which dimension
of Type A behavior?
A) Competitiveness
B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency ------A

74) In her student evaluations, Morgan notes the following comments: (1) "The course is
boring," (2) "The room is always cold," (3) You are a great teacher," and (4) "You are
easy to understand; you provide real-life examples to clarify your point."
A) All the comments are global communication.
B) All the comments are specific communication and are useful.
C) Comments 3 and 4 are specific communication and are useful.
D) Only comment 4 is specific communication that is useful. ------D

If your boss said, "Managing people is like playing a game of chess," this would be an
example of what?
A) The creative stage of preparation
B) The creative stage of incubation
C) The creative stage of illumination
D) The creative stage of verification ------a

71) If you use the influence strategy that helps others to see why they should do what
you say,
which influence strategy are you using?
A) Retribution approach
B) Reciprocity approach
C) Reason approach
D) Positional approach ------C

69) What does the internal-external locus of control measure?

A) The ways in which a person goes about gathering and evaluating information
B) A person's value system
C) The extent to which a person feels able to affect his or her life
D) A person's tolerance of ambiguity ------c
70) On the Locus of Control Scale, Morgan scored a 6 and George scored a 15. How
could these results be interpreted?
A) Both Morgan and George have an internal locus of control.
B) Both Morgan and George have an external locus of control.
C) Morgan has an internal locus of control and George has an external locus of control.
D) Morgan has an external locus of control and George has an internal locus of control.

72) You have received a letter from North American Family Publishers sweepstakes
with pictures of Dick McMahon and Ed Clark that states, "You are our newest $10
million winner! However, you must act in 24 hours by buying numerous magazine
subscriptions to secure your
prize." You read further to find the fine print that says, "*Only if you have the winning
number." What influence strategy is being utilized?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Expert ------A

Amber had been struggling to come up with a creative idea for her marketing proposal
weeks. Frustrated, she decided to leave her office and go for a hike in the mountains to
clear her
mind. She enjoyed taking in her natural surroundings and thought little about her work.
When she arrived back at the office, she suddenly had a promising new idea occur to
her. In what phase of creative decision making was Amber during her hike in the
A) Preparation
B) Incubation
C) Illumination
D) Verification ------b

75) Your co-worker remarks to you, "You are always late to meetings, how come?" Your
co-worker is practicing what type of communication?
A) Specific
B) Invalidation
C) Descriptive
D) Global
E) Incongruent ------D

72) From the information you have, it would appear Ron exhibits which dimension of
Type A behavior?
A) Competitiveness
B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency ------B

73) From the information you have, it would appear Keith exhibits which dimension of
Type A behavior?
A) Competitiveness
B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency ------C

76) "Either you do it now or never." Why is this statement useless?

A) It is an inaccurate representation of reality.
B) It denies any alternatives.
C) It has potential for hidden agendas.
D) It invalidates the other person's identity. ------B

73) You are buying a house. The seller recently lowered the asking price, but the price
is still
higher than your initial offer. The broker states, "The seller lowered his price, and I think
should raise your offer." What type of influence strategy is being utilized?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Coercion ------B

In trying to eliminate the long lines in student registration, Susan diagrammed a

action indicating who she talked to, when, and how long. What would this be an
example of?
A) Personal analogy
B) Direct analogy
C) Symbolic analogy
D) Fantasy analogy ------c

71) After the professor passed back the graded test, you heard a student remark, "I
didn't do well because the professor gave us tricky questions." Which locus of control
does this student probably have?
A) Internal locus of control
B) External locus of control
C) High tolerance for ambiguity
D) Small locus of control ------b

72) In a meeting, you hear Mary say, "Some things are just meant to be," and "The
economic health of this country is largely beyond the control of the individual." You
classify Mary as a person with an external locus of control. How would you expect her to
utilize her power?
A) Persuasion and expertise
B) Coercive power and threats
C) Her own position
D) There is not enough information available to answer the question. ------b

74) Management is looking for someone to work the holidays. You believe that
would think better of you if you worked the holidays. If you work the holidays, which
strategy was utilized?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Expert ------B

Your boss states, "Morale here is like the loser's locker room after a big game." He has
which technique to improve creative problem solving?
A) Make the strange familiar
B) Reverse the definition
C) Elaborate on the definition
D) Direct analogy ------a

77) Examples of conjunctive communication include (1) "Relating to what you just said,
I'd like to discuss this." (2) "... so, that's how I see it. So what is your opinion?" (3) "Let's
talk about horned frogs ... No, I don't want to talk about birds ... I want to talk about
horned frogs in particular and lizards in general."
A) Only statement 1 is an example.
B) Only statement 2 is an example.
C) Only statement 3 is an example.
D) Statements 1 and 2 are both examples.
E) Statements 2 and 3 are both examples. ------D

74) From the information you have, it would appear Charlie exhibits which dimension of
Type A behavior?
A) Competitiveness
B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency ------D

73) Research suggests that internals (1) ask fewer questions, (2) are achievement
oriented, and (3) remember more information than externals. Which statements are
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. ------d

75) Which influence strategy respects the rights of others, honors the concept of
fairness, and
attempts to strengthen the ongoing relationships between parties?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Positional
E) Centrality ------B

What is your boss trying to do in terms of creative problem solving if he asks the
questions: Is there anything else? Is the reverse true? and What past experience is this
A) Reverse the definition
B) Generate more alternatives
C) Elaborate on the definition
D) Use a fantasy analogy ------c

78) You tell your boss that disjunctive communication can occur in three ways. They are
(1) controlling airtime, (2) extended pauses, and (3) topic control. Is what you said to
your boss true or false?
A) All three statements are true.
B) Statements 1 and 3 are true, but statement 2 is false.
C) Statements 2 and 3 are true, but statement 1 is false.
D) Statements 1 and 2 are true, but statement 3 is false.
E) All three statements are false. ------A

75) You are driving down the freeway and as you change lanes, the person behind you
honks and shakes her fist. She then pulls up next to you and mouths words that cause
you to wonder why she is talking about a "puck." The other driver exhibits which
behavioral tendencies?
A) Competitiveness
B) Life imbalance
C) Hostility/anger
D) Impatience/urgency ------C

74) Research suggests people with an internal locus of control (1) are more satisfied
with work, (2) outperform externals in stressful situations, and (3) are less accurate in
processing feedback
about successes and failures than externals. Which statements are correct?
A) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.
B) Statement 2 is incorrect.
C) Statement 2 and 3 are correct.
D) All of the statements are correct. ------d
76) A friend came to you and stated, "I am flunking my management class. I need to
pass or I
won't graduate. Will you please help me?" Your friend is using which influence strategy?
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Legitimacy
E) Centrality ------C

The following statements relate to the rules governing brainstorming: (1) No evaluations
of alternatives are generated, (2) Wildest possible ideas are encouraged, (3) Quality
takes precedence over quantity, and (4) Do not build on the ideas of others. Which
statements are correct?
A) All the statements are correct.
B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
C) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct.
D) Only statement 3 is correct.
E) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct ------e

79) You have just given a report to your boss. He says, "You have a good idea, but I'm
afraid headquarters will think it is a little radical." What type of communication is this an
example of?
A) Supportive
B) Owned
C) Disowned
D) Disjunctive ------C

76) How can you build psychological resiliency?

A) Deep-relaxation strategies
B) Small goals
C) Work redesign ------A

77) How does one overcome the approach of a winner-takes-all?

A) Exercise
B) Diet control
C) Deep-relaxation strategies ------C

80) Some research suggests that one's communication style may indicate a person's
mental health. What did this research find?
A) Individuals are mentally healthy if they avoid taking responsibility for their statements
and behavior.
B) Individuals are not mentally healthy if they take responsibility for their statements and
C) Individuals are mentally healthy if they take responsibility for their statements and
behavior. ------C
During a brainstorming session, George remarks, "I think we are getting a little off track.
Let's stay focused!" He has violated which rule?
A) Evaluate the alternatives as they are being generated.
B) All different types of ideas should be encouraged.
C) Quality takes precedence over quantity.
D) He did not violate a rule. ------b

77) The strength of one's personal powers would impact which influence strategy the
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason ------C

75) Nobody seems to know what their role is and what they are supposed to do in one
of your divisions. Two people have applied for the job as manager of this struggling
division. They are
equal in experience and knowledge; however, Robert has been classified as external
and Susan has been classified as an internal. Who should you hire?
A) You should hire Susan.
B) You should hire Robert.
C) You should continue your job search outside the division, as neither Susan nor
Robert are qualified for the job.
D) These classifications do not help in selecting the right candidate for this job. ------b

76) Janet reads her horoscope and calls the psychic hot line for advice every day.
Which would most likely apply to Janet?
A) Internal locus of control
B) External locus of control
C) Tolerance for ambiguity
D) None of the above ------b

78) One should use reciprocity when (1) there is sufficient time to reach satisfactory
agreements, (2) no other alternatives exist, and (3) quality and innovation are not
important. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.
C) Only statement 2 is correct.
D) Only statement 1 is correct.
E) Statements 1 and 3 are correct. ------D

How does subdivision improve problem solving?

A) Decreases the number of alternatives generated by a group
B) Increases the level of participation of brainstorming participants
C) Increases the speed with which alternatives can be generated and selected
D) Increases the speed of decision making ------c
81) If I own my communication, what does that mean?
A) I can sell it to the highest bidder.
B) I can imply to receivers of my message that I am superior to them.
C) I can imply to receivers of my message that I want to keep my distance between
them and me.
D) I can imply to receivers of my message that I am willing to invest in this relationship.

78) As a moderating factor against the harmful effects of stress, what does social
resiliency involve?
A) Being able to not conform to group pressure
B) Being able to develop and maintain close social relationships
C) Being able to maintain control over social networks ------B

79) Which is not included in social support systems?

A) Personal friendships
B) Family relationships
C) Mentor relationships
D) Work teams
E) Autocratic supervisors ------E

82) Research has found managers are least likely to listen to which of the following?
A) Another manager
B) Family members
C) Subordinates that report to managers
D) People in other companies ------B

If you defer judgment, expand current alternatives, and combine unrelated attributes
during creative problem solving, what are you doing?
A) Improving the problem definition
B) Elaborating on the problem definition
C) Generating more alternatives ------c

79) One should use reason when (1) adequate time for extensive discussion exists, (2)
parties share mutual respect and credibility, and (3) needs are specific and short term.
Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only statement 2 is correct.
D) Only statement 1 is correct.
E) Statements 1 and 3 are correct. ------B

77) Which is not one of the most researched big five personality attributes?
A) Extraversion
B) Agreeableness
C) Ego
D) Neuroticism
E) Conscientiousness ------c

78) Which best defines core self-evaluation?

A) The evaluation each person has developed about himself or herself
B) The evaluation of dominant personality traits that are core to a person's management
C) The evaluation other people give to a person's most dominant personality traits
D) The evaluation each person gives of himself or herself to appraise eligibility for salary
increases ------a

80) Disadvantage(s) to using reciprocity are (1) considerable time required to build trust,
(2) engenders resentment, and (3) encourages people to feel the terms of assignments
are open for negotiation. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statement 3 is correct.
C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.
D) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.
E) Only statement 1 is correct. ------B

What does creativity in Eastern cultures focus on?

A) Analytical problem solving
B) Uncovering enlightenment related to problems
C) Creating solutions to novel problems
D) Practical ways to solve problems ------b

83) You need to turn in your expense account. This is your first one. Mary, your co-
worker, has turned in over 50 in the last two years. As you explain a problem related to
turning in your expense account to her, which response type would be most appropriate
for Mary to use?
A) Advising response
B) Deflecting response
C) Probing response
D) Reflecting response ------A

80) A temporary stress-reduction technique utilized in child birthing has the woman
focus on a pleasant experience from her past during the early stages of labor. What is
this known as?
A) Reframing
B) Imagery and fantasy
C) Rehearsal
D) Social resiliency ------B

81) What does reframing as a reactive strategy for managing stress involve?
A) Rehearsing what one is going to say or do before it actually happens
B) Taking several successive and slow deep breaths
C) Changing the focus of one's thoughts to something pleasant
D) Trying to redefine a situation as manageable ------D

84) When Calvin explained his problem to Melissa, her facial expressions and
comments encouraged him to say more. She occasionally restated to make sure she
understood what he was saying. Which stage of listening was Melissa exemplifying?
A) Reflecting
B) Probing
C) Deflecting
D) Advising ------A

81) If you increased your influence with your boss by drawing her attention to problems
concern you, what have you done?
A) Utilized the concept of "benefiting the boss"
B) Utilized the concept of "issue selling"
C) Utilized the concept of "relevance"
D) Utilized the concept of "visibility" ------B

What should you do if you want to be more creative in your problem solving?
A) Reserve your best time for thinking
B) Talk to others about your ideas
C) Read a lot, especially outside your field of expertise
D) A and C, but not B
E) Engage in all the activities described above ------e

79) Which best describes core self-evaluation?

A) The extent to which people accurately evaluate how others think about them
B) The extent to which people are able to diagnose their own emotions
C) The extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals
D) The extent to which people want affection ------c

80) Which components contribute to the latent attribute of core self-evaluation?

1. self-esteem
2. self-efficacy
3. locus of control
4. extraversion
A) Components 1 and 2 contribute.
B) Components 1 and 4 contribute.
C) Components 1, 2, and 3 contribute
D) Components 1, 2, and 4 contribute. ------c

82) A co-worker tells you that an effective strategy for capturing managers' attention is
to make it clear the issue can be resolved. Is this good advice?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Who knows? Not enough information is provided. ------A

You discover a bug in your DOS program. In debugging the program, which problem
style would be most appropriate?
A) Creative problem solving
B) Analytical problem solving ------b

85) Your presentation didn't go as well as you had hoped. Sam stopped by and
remarked, "Everything will be fine. My first presentation didn't go half as well as yours."
Sam offered which type of response?
A) Advising response
B) Deflecting response
C) Probing response
D) Reflecting response ------B

29) To become a better manager, what is one of the first things one should do?
A) Improve one's communication skills
B) Seek knowledge of oneself
C) Manage one's time better
D) Empower one's employees ------B

30) How should managers know and accept others?

A) Be an enigma to themselves
B) Work toward self-denial and unselfishness
C) Work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance
D) Work toward self-reverence and reflection ------C

86) For a deflecting response to work, which principle of communication should one
A) Owned communication
B) Conjunctive communication
C) Descriptive communication
D) Global communication ------B

Your boss remarks, "The best way to foster innovation is to hold people accountable."
What should you most likely remark?
A) "I disagree; holding people accountable will reduce the risk factor and therefore
will not come about."
B) "I agree." ------b

83) If you are trying to influence the agenda of your boss, which influence strategy is
A) Retribution
B) Reciprocity
C) Reason
D) Positional power ------C

81) What is neuroticism?

A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful
B) The tendency to have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life
C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences
D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of
circumstances ------b

82) What is self-efficacy?

A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful
B) The tendency to have a negative outlook
C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences
D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of
circumstances ------d

84) What is included in strategies that neutralize retribution?

A) Confronting the person who is trying to intimidate you
B) Refusing to bargain with the person
C) Confronting the logic of the person's request ------A

If I am the person who generates the innovative solution, which role would I most likely
play on a creative problem-solving team?
A) Idea champion
B) Sponsor
C) Orchestrator
D) Rule breaker ------a

87) When using a probing response, which type of questions work best?
A) How questions
B) Why questions
C) What questions
D) When questions ------C

31) How can the enigma of self-awareness be managed?

A) Avoid information contradictory to one's self-image
B) Seek information from others about one's self
C) Make sure to cross the sensitive lines of others
D) Challenge information inconsistent with one's self-image ------B

32) To know one's self, what is most prescribed?

A) Self-examination and meditation
B) Do not cross the sensitive line
C) Involve others
D) Be highly selective about who to get information from ------C

88) You asked your boss when you might receive a raise. He responded by telling you
how interesting the travel channel is after 10:00 P.M. What should your response
probably be?
A) An elaboration probe
B) A clarification probe
C) A repetition probe
D) A reflective probe
E) An advising response ------C

If you were a manager wanting to assign people to a problem-solving team, who would
you assign to maximize generation of innovative ideas?
Bob salesman with 10 years' experience in the company
Jane secretary with 25 years' experience in the company
Jose salesman with 8 years' experience in the company, also a minority
John manager of sales teams with 14 years' experience in the company
Alex product developer with 1 year of experience in the company
A) Jane, Jose, John, Alex
B) Bob, Jane, John, Alex
C) Bob, Jose, John, Alex
D) Bob, Jane, Jose, John
E) Bob, Jane, Jose, Alex ------a

85) Strategy(ies) that neutralize reciprocity strategies include (1) confront the exploiting
individual directly, (2) examine the intent of any avor-giving activity, and (3) confront the
individual who is using manipulative bargaining tactics. Which statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statement 3 is correct.
C) Statements 2 and 3 are correct.
D) Statements 1 and 3 are correct.
E) Only statement 1 is correct. ------C

83) Which is true concerning people who have higher core self-evaluation scores?
A) They tend to be selfish.
B) They tend to possess an overabundance of positive self-regard.
C) They tend to avoid diagnosing others' emotions.
D) They tend to choose complex and more challenging work. ------d

86) Your boss asks, "I've talked to others in your group and they have agreed to work
this weekend. Can I count on you?" To offset this influence, what should you say?
A) "Normally, I could, but I have a meeting with our client this weekend to assess the
we have with shipping. If you give me more warning next time, maybe I can help out.
you should hire a temp this time."
B) "Why can't you do it?"
C) "I understand the problem. However, I also have a meeting scheduled with our major
client to
discuss some problems they had with our last shipment. Do you suppose we could
employ a
temp or should I cancel my meeting?"
D) "I can't do it. Get someone else." ------C

When it comes to generating innovative ideas in teams, where have many of the most
creative ideas come from?
A) Employees
B) Managers
C) Professors
D) Customers ------d

89) When part of the message is not understood (it's clear, just part is not understood),
which probe is best?
A) Elaboration probe
B) Clarification probe
C) Repetition probe
D) Reflective probe
E) A probe is not best. Use a deflective response. ------A

33) Responding to a remark from a peer that a report looks like it was slapped together
at the last minute (you had spent most of last week working on it), the sensitive line was
crossed. What will the most likely response be?
A) "I think you are right, thanks for the feedback."
B) "You don't know what you are talking about! Call my boss if you don't believe me!"
C) "Well, maybe I did or maybe I didn't, what do you care?"
D) "Could you tell me how I might improve the report?" ------C

What is the person called who brings together cross-functional groups and necessary
political support to implement a creative idea?
A) Sponsor
B) Idea champion
C) Rule breaker
D) Orchestrator
E) Maverick ------d

90) What is the outcome of each meeting that is held under the personal management
interview program?
A) Problems have been discussed.
B) Information has been shared.
C) Action items have been formulated.
D) Feedback has been given. ------C
34) George has returned from his two-week trip to India. He believes his trip has
provided an introspection that increased his self-knowledge. When you begin to
question him about his experiences, he becomes defensive and states, "I don't want to
talk about it with you!" Based on the review of self-awareness in the text, what would be
the most accurate conclusion?
A) Yes, it probably has increased his self-knowledge. Now he is protective of that
B) No, it probably has not increased his self-knowledge.
C) Maybe, maybe not, depends upon what rituals he practiced.
D) Yes, because he has become more self-assertive and aware of what he wants to talk
about. ------B

91) Attributes of the PMI program are that (1) the interview is regular and private, (2)
each meeting should last no longer than 15 minutes, and (3) both the manager and
subordinate prepare an agenda for the meeting. Which of these attributes are correct?
A) All three attributes are correct.
B) Only attributes 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only attributes 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Only attributes 2 and 3 are correct. ------C

35) In the workplace, people are most likely to interact with which co-workers?
A) Creative co-workers
B) Co-workers with diverse social values
C) Co-workers with different self-awareness traits
D) Co-workers similar to them ------D

92) What does research on interpersonal communication among various cultures and
nationalities confirm about the eight attributes of supportive communication?
A) The attributes have varying degrees of applicability in solving interpersonal problems.
B) The attributes have almost universal applicability in solving interpersonal problems.
C) The attributes have varying degrees of applicability in solving interpersonal problems
in affective and particularistic oriented cultures.
D) The attributes have varying degrees of applicability in solving interpersonal problems
in neutral and achievement-oriented cultures. ------B

36) George made the following comment to Sarah, one of his co-workers: "Gene's
recommendation to cut costs by eliminating travel to training seminars just shows he
really isn't aware of how important training is. His lack of insight is due to the fact he
doesn't have a college degree." What is George's comment an example of?
A) Focusing on a difference
B) Creating a distinction
C) Focusing on an artificial social barrier
D) Creating a false value for a college degree ------B

93) Sharing personal data and engaging quickly in sensitive topics is more likely to
occur in which culture?
A) A culture with affectivity orientation
B) A culture with particularistic orientation
C) A culture with achievement orientation
D) A culture with neutral orientation ------A

37) Areas of self-awareness are listed in 1 through 4. Which is true concerning the four
areas of self-awareness?
1. personal values
2. creativity
3. emotional intelligence
4. core self-evaluation
A) All four areas listed are correct.
B) Only areas 1 and 4 are correct.
C) Only area 2 is incorrect.
D) None of the four areas listed are correct. ------C

38) The manner in which individuals gather and process information is a part of what?
A) Personal values
B) Cognitive style
C) Adaptability
D) Creativity ------B

39) What method do the textbook authors propose to correct the problem of multiple
definitions of emotional intelligence?
A) Use definitions proposed by the original developers of emotional intelligence theories
B) Use definitions that distinguish among personality traits and cognitive traits
C) Use definitions that distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional
D) Use definitions that were developed within the last year ------C

40) According to the definition of emotional intelligence adopted by the textbook

authors, how many abilities are involved with emotional intelligence?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5 ------D

41) Which statement is accurate concerning the abilities listed in the author's definition
of emotional intelligence and the list provided below?
1. ability to diagnose and recognize emotions
2. ability to control emotions
3. ability to lead a team
4. ability to manage with self-confidence
A) All abilities above are included in the author's definition.
B) Abilities 1 and 3 are included in the author's definition.
C) Abilities 1 and 2 are included in the author's definition.
D) Abilities 1 and 4 are included in the author's definition.
E) None of the abilities are included in the author's definition. ------C

42) Lana was sitting somberly in her office. Her face had an angry expression and she
had a tear in her eye. One of her co-workers asked her how she was doing. Lana
responded, "I am fine." Concerned, the co-worker asked, "Are you sure?" Lana again
responded, "Yes, there is nothing wrong, I am fine." Which emotional intelligence ability
does Lana most likely need to develop?
A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions
B) Ability to control your emotions
C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others
D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues ------A

43) Javier was getting a drink from the water cooler when Hartman approached
excitedly and exclaimed, "Guess what, Javier? I got the deal ... I got the big contract ...
we finally closed the sale with that giant computer company. I am so excited." Javier
responded in a soft voice, "That's nice." Which emotional intelligence ability does Javier
most likely need to develop?
A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions
B) Ability to control your emotions
C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others
D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues ------D

44) In Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which value dimensions refer to

how individuals relate to others?
1. Universalism vs. Particularism
2. Individualism vs. Collectivism
3. Affective vs. Neutral
4. Specific vs. Diffuse
5. Achievement vs. Ascription
6. Past and Present vs. Future
7. Internal vs. External
A) All of the dimensions
B) Only dimensions 1, 2, and 4
C) The first five dimensions
D) Only dimension 2 ------C

45) Employees at Turner, Inc. are engaged in a debate over the merits of an individual
vs. a team-based compensation program. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of
national culture, which cultural dimension does this debate most closely relate to?
A) Universalism vs. particularism
B) Individualism vs. collectivism
C) Affective vs. neutral
D) Achievement vs. ascription
E) Internal vs. external ------B
46) It is obvious that Talia values her privacy as she rarely talks about her husband and
children in conversations with her co-workers. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of
national culture, which cultural dimension does Talia's behavior in the workplace most
closely relate to?
A) Specific vs. diffuse
B) Achievement vs. ascription
C) Universalism vs. particularism
D) Individualism vs. collectivism
E) Affective vs. neutral ------A

47) Research indicates that business managers

A) place higher emphasis on personal values rather than social values.
B) place higher emphasis on social values rather than personal values.
C) place higher emphasis on instrumental values rather than terminal values.
D) differ in the emphasis placed on social values according to gender. ------A

48) Your boss was arrested for embezzlement at the office. As he walks past you
handcuffed, he states, "You know, you and I possess the same values, we just differ by
degrees." Which is the boss an example of?
A) Terminal values
B) Poor ethical decision making
C) Poor information gathering
D) Conformity level of values maturity ------B

49) Research suggests that (1) individuals differ in their level of values development, (2)
individuals hold different sets of instrumental values at different stages of development,
and (3) peoples' value priorities do not change once they become adults. Which
statements are correct?
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
C) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. ------C

50) During the 1992 riots in Los Angeles where many individuals took merchandise,
some argued that looters took only what they needed, like food and diapers, whereas
others argued looters took only what they had been denied by the system, like TVs and
stereos. If these looters were focusing on their own needs, what was their level of
values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------A

51) You need a little extra money, so you added an extra $100 to your expense
reimbursement statement before handing the receipts over to accounting. Your co-
worker Sara added over $1000 to her statement. If you believe Sara's actions are worse
than yours, what is your level of values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------A

52) You added an extra $100 to your expense statement and Sara added an extra
$1000 to her expense statement. If you believe both of you are equally wrong (this does
violate company policy), what is your level of values maturity?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------B

53) If you stole something to save a stranger's life (you received no compensation),
what would be your level of moral judgment?
A) First level of maturity
B) Second level of maturity
C) Third level of maturity ------C

54) As manager, you have decided to enforce a new policy restricting dating in the
office. You are comfortable with the policy and have decided that the policy will affect
you also. Which ethical test did you most likely employ?
A) Personal gain test
B) Equal treatment test
C) Cost-benefit test
D) Golden rule test ------D

55) If your goal in life is to live a stimulating and active life, what is this an example of?
A) Terminal value
B) Instrumental value
C) Attitudinal value
D) Interpersonal need value ------A

56) If you believe a government policy would benefit those that are less advantaged
than yourself, what view of ethics is this?
A) Golden rule test
B) Equal treatment test
C) Cost-benefit test
D) Personal gain test ------B

57) Your personal cognitive style is based on which of the following two dimensions?
A) The manner in which you gather information and whether you think it is true
B) The manner in which you gather information and the way in which you act on that
C) Horizontal and vertical
D) The manner in which others gather information about you and the way you react to
their behaviors ------B

58) Which of the following statements are true?

1. Your cognitive style is the same as your personality type.
2. Your cognitive style is innate and cannot be changed.
3. The three cognitive styles are knowing, planning, and creating.
A) Statement 3 is true, and statements 1 and 2 are false.
B) Statements 2 and 3 are true, and statement 1 is false.
C) None of the statements are true.
D) All of the statements are true. ------A

59) At the beginning of your team's first meeting, Betsy said, "I think it's really important
that we develop a clear agenda for what we want to accomplish and then decide who is
going to do what." Based on this comment, you suspect that Betsy is strongest on which
dimension of cognitive style?
A) Knowing
B) Planning
C) Creating
D) Assimilating ------B

60) During a meeting, Bruce turns to you and comments, "We really shouldn't be
making a decision until we have got a better handle on the facts and data. New ideas
are fine, but if we can't back them up with credible and precise analysis, we shouldn't be
taking the risk." Based on this comment, you recognize that Bruce is probably strongest
on which dimension of cognitive style?
A) Knowing
B) Planning
C) Creating
D) Accommodating ------A

61) After graduation you have decided to stay in Bedford Falls, the only place you have
ever known. Which area of self-awareness probably affected your decision?
A) Cognitive style
B) Interpersonal needs
C) Attitudes toward change
D) Instrumental values ------C

62) Your co-worker Sandy plans her vacations 12 months in advance and is the first to
volunteer to create agendas for team meetings. Which cognitive style does Sandy's
behavior exhibit?
A) Creating cognitive style
B) Obsessive cognitive style
C) Planning cognitive style
D) None of the above ------C
63) Research suggests individuals with low tolerance for ambiguity and low cognitive
complexity are
A) better transmitters of information.
B) able to interpret more cues.
C) less behaviorally adaptive.
D) unable to understand abstract ideas. ------C

64) Individuals who tend to prefer jobs in fields such as social work where personal
interactions predominate have which cognitive style ?
A) Creating cognitive style
B) Knowing cognitive style
C) Planning cognitive style
D) None of the three cognitive styles are more likely in individuals who choose such a
career. ------A

65) If a job requires someone to be able to focus on only one element of information in
order to not become distracted, which of the following would best match those
A) High tolerance of ambiguity
B) Low tolerance of ambiguity
C) High instrumental values
D) Low cognitive style ------B

66) The individual most likely to be entrepreneurial in his/her actions is someone with
A) high tolerance of ambiguity.
B) low tolerance of ambiguity.
C) external locus of control.
D) lateral locus of control. ------A

67) You think you would like to join the Peace Corps and see the world, live in another
culture, and experience new situations. Which subscale from the Tolerance of
Ambiguity Scale would indicate whether you would enjoy the Peace Corps experience?
A) Insolubility
B) Complexity
C) Novelty
D) None of the above ------C

68) Bob enjoys his management professor. She hands out vague assignments and
encourages him to be creative and to look at things a different way. Which best
describes Bob's tolerance?
A) Tolerant of familiar information
B) Tolerant of distinctive or unrelated information
C) Intolerant of problems that are difficult to solve
D) Tolerant of contradictory information ------B
69) What does the internal-external locus of control measure?
A) The ways in which a person goes about gathering and evaluating information
B) A person's value system
C) The extent to which a person feels able to affect his or her life
D) A person's tolerance of ambiguity ------C

70) On the Locus of Control Scale, Morgan scored a 6 and George scored a 15. How
could these results be interpreted?
A) Both Morgan and George have an internal locus of control.
B) Both Morgan and George have an external locus of control.
C) Morgan has an internal locus of control and George has an external locus of control.
D) Morgan has an external locus of control and George has an internal locus of control.

71) After the professor passed back the graded test, you heard a student remark, "I
didn't do well because the professor gave us tricky questions." Which locus of control
does this student probably have?
A) Internal locus of control
B) External locus of control
C) High tolerance for ambiguity
D) Small locus of control ------B

72) In a meeting, you hear Mary say, "Some things are just meant to be," and "The
economic health of this country is largely beyond the control of the individual." You
classify Mary as a person with an external locus of control. How would you expect her to
utilize her power?
A) Persuasion and expertise
B) Coercive power and threats
C) Her own position
D) There is not enough information available to answer the question. ------B

73) Research suggests that internals (1) ask fewer questions, (2) are achievement
oriented, and (3) remember more information than externals. Which statements are
A) All three statements are correct.
B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct.
C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct.
D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct. ------D

74) Research suggests people with an internal locus of control (1) are more satisfied
with work, (2) outperform externals in stressful situations, and (3) are less accurate in
processing feedback about successes and failures than externals. Which statements
are correct?
A) Statements 1 and 2 are correct.
B) Statement 2 is incorrect.
C) Statement 2 and 3 are correct.
D) All of the statements are correct. ------D

75) Nobody seems to know what their role is and what they are supposed to do in one
of your divisions. Two people have applied for the job as manager of this struggling
division. They are equal in experience and knowledge; however, Robert has been
classified as external and Susan has been classified as an internal. Who should you
A) You should hire Susan.
B) You should hire Robert.
C) You should continue your job search outside the division, as neither Susan nor
Robert are qualified for the job.
D) These classifications do not help in selecting the right candidate for this job. ------B

76) Janet reads her horoscope and calls the psychic hot line for advice every day.
Which would most likely apply to Janet?
A) Internal locus of control
B) External locus of control
C) Tolerance for ambiguity
D) None of the above ------B

77) Which is not one of the most researched big five personality attributes?
A) Extraversion
B) Agreeableness
C) Ego
D) Neuroticism
E) Conscientiousness ------C

78) Which best defines core self-evaluation?

A) The evaluation each person has developed about himself or herself
B) The evaluation of dominant personality traits that are core to a person's management
C) The evaluation other people give to a person's most dominant personality traits
D) The evaluation each person gives of himself or herself to appraise eligibility for salary
increases ------A

79) Which best describes core self-evaluation?

A) The extent to which people accurately evaluate how others think about them
B) The extent to which people are able to diagnose their own emotions
C) The extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient as individuals
D) The extent to which people want affection ------C

80) Which components contribute to the latent attribute of core self-evaluation?

1. self-esteem
2. self-efficacy
3. locus of control
4. extraversion
A) Components 1 and 2 contribute.
B) Components 1 and 4 contribute.
C) Components 1, 2, and 3 contribute
D) Components 1, 2, and 4 contribute. ------C

81) What is neuroticism?

A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful
B) The tendency to have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life
C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences
D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of
circumstances ------B

82) What is self-efficacy?

A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful
B) The tendency to have a negative outlook
C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences
D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of
circumstances ------D

83) Which is true concerning people who have higher core self-evaluation scores?
A) They tend to be selfish.
B) They tend to possess an overabundance of positive self-regard.
C) They tend to avoid diagnosing others' emotions.
D) They tend to choose complex and more challenging work. ------D

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