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The Impact of Built Amira Jan. This study mainly aims To analyse the effects of a By analysing the specific The lack of knowledge about
Environment on Mersal 2018 to shed light on housing particular physical environment on architectural style of the housinghuman behaviours, attitudes and
Human Behaviours Mahmou in the Old City of al- the different aspects of the lives of environment with its particular values is an important problem
d Quds in particular, a city its people as well as their formation, elements, and faced by architects and planners
that has witnessed interactive influence and changes characteristics, and their today in the design of built
continues decline in its of the features of the environment influence on the people's environments.
standards and within which they are living, also to traditions, values, social relations.
The architectural perception of
requirements of living in discusses the role of architects in the issues affecting the
order to examine the the psychological space design and relationships between people and
relationship between formation of appropriate and the environment is important in a
the population and the inappropriate behavioural creative and sensitive creative
physical environment. patterns. process.
Interior Architectural Heba- Sep. The research aims to The basic introductory factor is Dividing the factors study in two The successful design for
Elements that Affect Talla 2017 increase the concern importance of the level of parts. The first identifies the achieving welfare and happiness
Human Psychology Hamdy about the importance of awareness about the relation nature of each factor. The second of interior architecture depends
and Behaviour Mahmou the interaction between between architecture, interior recognizes the important on how the designer finds a
d interior architectural architectural design and the architectural consideration balance between the most
design and human psychological status of residents needed to realize the dominant factors such as identity,
psychological behaviour. and users. psychological condition of privacy, safety, accessibility,
residents and users. functionality, flexibility,
community interaction, and the
provision of adequate space,
should be given due weight.
The Psychological Natalie 2018 This paper endeavours The interplay between It does so by first exploring how The relationship between design
Impact of Ricci to create an architectural design and human the human brain and nervous and psychology is not only
Architectural Design understanding of how psychology is significant, yet it system is structured and consequential, it is bidirectional.
that complex remains largely unnoticed or even functions, how that structure and On the one hand, successful design
relationship between ignored both in and outside the function benefited our human has been shown to have clear
design and psychology design industry. ancestors, and how modern psychological and physiological
evolved and how it The importance of incorporating society impacts that function. impacts; on the other, psychology,
works in today's world. nature into the human built With that knowledge as a human experience, and the
environment to take advantage of background, the interrelationship function of our neurological
its positive psychological impact – both positive and negative – systems all play a significant role in
and restorative properties is between design, psychology and what we perceive to be successful
needed to be explored. our nervous system is explored. design.
Architectural Design Aly M. Oct. Exploring a conversation There are a direct and indirect In this research, computational The success of any design depends
Process Based on Ibrahim 2016 between users and the effects of architectural designs can design strategies are used to upon the degree to which it
Spatial Human Reejy A. systems in order to either by enhancing suitable perform specific activities in creates an interface between users
Behaviour Mikhail increase sensing and functions and aesthetically specific spaces to achieve goals and the environment. In practice,
Parameters through inefficient actions, and pleasing to humans. Particularly, it related to the space function patterns may be applied in
Computational then change them is alternating architectural designs (e.g., hospital, airport, or combination to create different
according to that impact or manipulate human museum) as a smart, sensing kinds of space with different
environmental behaviour; therefore, Architecture environments which helps users effects on behaviour.
conditions.  can inspire human behaviour in interact with virtual or physical Some concepts related to
positive and negative ways such as items and with other humans influencing behaviour in the built
the health and well-being of without neglecting their environment may be transposed to
humans, as well as human sociological, psychological, other designed systems and
performance. physiological behaviour aspects.  contexts.
Antony S. Feb. How socioeconomic From a social psychological The first point to address Redistributive policies are needed
The psychology of R. 2018 status impacts thought, perspective, it seems likely that concerns the supposed to break the cycle of deprivation
social class Manstead feelings, and behaviour. growing up and living under such disappearance of the class that limits opportunities and
different social and economic system. Bye using latent class threatens social cohesion.
contexts would have a analysis and few more There were also marked
considerable impact on people's researches. differences in social and cultural
thoughts, feelings and behaviours. capital, as indexed by size of social
The central aim of this article was network and extent of engagement
to examine the nature of this with different cultural activities,
impact. respectively.

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