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Blood Gas Analyzer

Intended Use
The Blood Gas Analyzer is intended to be
used for the measurement of pH, PCO2
and PO2 in samples of whole blood.
Why analysis of 𝑷𝑪𝑶𝟐
Analysis of the partial pressure of carbondioxide in the blood is necessary because
the state of reduced or increase of carbondioxide in the blood can lead to the
following disorders
Hypocapnia or hypocapnia: is a state of reduced carbon dioxide in the blood.
Hypocapnia usually results from deep or rapid breathing, known as hyperventilation.
▪ abnormal heartbeat,
▪ painful muscle cramps,
▪ Seizures(Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, which may produce a
physical convulsion, minor physical signs, thought disturbances, or a combination
of symptoms.)
A low partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood also causes alkalosis (because
CO2 is acidic in solution), leading to lowered plasma calcium ions and increased
nerve and muscle excitability
Why analysis of 𝑷𝑪𝑶𝟐
Hypercapnia/hypercarbia and CO2 retention: is a condition of
abnormally elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood. Carbon
dioxide may accumulate in any condition that causes hypoventilation, a
reduction of alveolar ventilation.
▪ dyspnea (breathlessness),
▪ headache,
▪ confusion and lethargy
▪ hypoventilation,
▪ lung disease, or
▪ diminished consciousness.
Why analysis of 𝑷𝑶𝟐

Hypoxemia is an abnormally low level of oxygen in the blood. More

specifically, it is oxygen deficiency in arterial blood.
hypoxemia can cause symptoms such as those in respiratory distress.
These include breathlessness, an increased rate of breathing, use of the
chest and abdominal muscles to breathe, and lip pursing.
Hyperoxia occurs when cells, tissues and organs are exposed to an
excess supply of oxygen (O2) or higher than normal partial pressure of
oxygen. In medicine, it refers to excess oxygen in the lungs or other
body tissues, which can be caused by breathing air or oxygen at
pressures greater than normal atmospheric pressure.
Why analysis of pH
pH is a measure of the acidic or basic (alkaline) nature of a solution (concentration of the
hydrogen ion [H+] activity in a solution determines the pH). The pH scale ranges from 0
to 14, which is the most acidic, a pH of 7 is neutral, and 14 is the most alkaline. The pH
scale is logarithmic and as a result, pH 8 is ten times more alkaline than 7, and pH 9 is
hundred times more alkaline.
Our blood and other body fluids that surround the cells are slightly alkaline (pH from 7.2
to 7.45). If blood pH drops down to 6.9 a person falls into a coma or even dies
Our body is forced to constantly fight to neutralize acids, which in time impoverish the
reserves of our neutralization systems.
The acids that have originated burden our body on a long-term basis, which causes
numerous issues:
❑ obesity, reduced immunity, lack of energy,
❑ but also a whole series of diseases connected with acidity, which include diabetes,
osteoporosis, formation of kidney stones, arthritis, cancer, etc.
Operating Principles
pH Electrode

Mechanism of action of the pH electrode

pH Electrode
 1. A glass electrode (silver/silver chloride)
incorporating a bulb made of pH-sensitive glass
holding a buffer solution.
 2. A calomel reference electrode
(mercury/mercury chloride) which is in contact
with a potassium chloride solution via a cotton
plug. The arterial blood sample is in contact
with the potassium chloride solution via a
 3. A meter to display the potential difference
across the two electrodes
pH Electrode
Mechanism of action
 1. The reference electrode maintains a constant
 2. The pH within the glass remains constant due to
the action of the buffer solution. However, a pH
gradient exists between the sample and the buffer
solution. This gradient results in an electrical
 3. Using the two electrodes to create an electrical
circuit, the potential can be measured. One
electrode is in contact with the buffer and the other
is in contact with the blood sample.
 4. A linear electrical output of about 60 mV per unit
pH is produced.
 5. The two electrodes are kept at a constant
temperature of 37°C
pH Electrode

Problems in practice and

safety features
1. It should be calibrated
before use with two buffer
2. The electrodes must be
kept clean.
PCO2 Electrode

NOTE:A modified pH electrode is used to measure carbon dioxide partial pressure, as

a result of change in the pH of an electrolyte solution
PCO2 Electrode
❑1. A pH-sensitive glass electrode with
a silver/silver chloride reference
electrode forming its outer part.
❑2. The electrodes are surrounded by a
thin film of an electrolyte solution
(sodium bicarbonate).
❑3. A carbon dioxide permeable rubber
or Teflon membrane.
PCO2 Electrode
Mechanism of action
 1. Carbon dioxide (not hydrogen ions) diffuses in both
directions until equilibrium exists across the
membrane between the sample and the electrolyte
 2. Carbon dioxide reacts with the water present in the
electrolyte solution producing hydrogen ions resulting
in a change in pH:

 3. The change in pH is measured by the glass

 4. The electrode should be maintained at a temperature
of 37°C. Regular calibration is required.
PCO2 Electrode
Problems in practice and safety
❑1. The integrity of the membrane is
vital for accuracy.
❑2. Slow response time because
diffusion of carbon dioxide takes
up to 2–3 min.
𝑷𝑶𝟐 electrode
PO2 Electrode
❑1. A platinum cathode sealed in a glass
❑2. A silver/silver chloride anode.
❑3. A sodium chloride electrolyte solution.
❑4. An oxygen-permeable Teflon
membrane separating the solution from
the sample.
❑5. Power source of 700 mV
PO2 Electrode
Mechanism of action
❑ 1. Oxygen molecules cross the membrane into
the electrolyte solution at a rate proportional
to their partial pressure in the sample.
❑ 2. A very small electric current flows when the
polarization potential is applied across the
electrode in the presence of oxygen molecules
in the electrolyte solution. Electrons are
donated by the anode and accepted by the
cathode, producing an electric current within
the solution. The circuit is completed by the
input terminal of the amplifier.
PO2 Electrode Electrochemical Reaction
To initiate the flow of electrical current and the measurement of
oxygen, the battery supplies the platinum cathode with a
voltage of approximately 700 millivolts (mV).This voltage
attracts oxygen molecules to the cathode where they react with

The ensuing chemical reaction consumes four electrons and

produces some hydroxyl ion. The consumed electrons, in turn,
are replaced rapidly in the electrolyte solution as silver and
Cathode reaction: chloride react at the anode.

The net result of these reactions is a flow of electrical current

Electrolyte reaction: throughout the entire circuit, which is shown in figure.

The current generated will be in direct proportion to the amount

Anode reaction: of dissolved oxygen (PO2) present at the cathode. An ammeter
is a device used to measure the flow of electrical current.
 3. The oxygen partial pressure in the sample can
be measured since the amount of current is linearly
proportional to the oxygen partial pressure in the
 4. The electrode is kept at a constant temperature
of 37°C
Problems in practice and safety features
 1. The membrane can deteriorate and perforate,
affecting the performance of the electrode. Regular
maintenance is essential.
 2. Protein particles can precipitate on the
membrane affecting the performance.
(AVL COMPACT 3 pH / Bloodgas Analyzer)
Analyzer Components
❑ Display and Keys
Measured results, calculated parameters,
and diagnostic informations appear on a
four-line alphanumeric LCD display.
The keys and the numeric keypad in
conjunction with the display provide
control of all analyzer functions:
❑ measurements
❑ data input
❑ programming
❑ maintenance
❑ system test
Analyzer Components
 Thermal Printer
The analyzer is equipped with a 24-
column thermal printer using special
(58 mm) wide paper with one heat-
sensitive surface.
The following data can be printed out:
❑ · measured values
❑ · calculated values
❑ · calibration data
❑ · electrode voltage
❑ · system messages
Analyzer Components
 Bottle Compartment
In the bottle compartment the following
reagents / containers are required
❑ · Waste
❑ · Rinse
❑ · Buffer Type 1
❑ · Buffer Type 2
❑ · pH Reference Solution
❑ · Cleaning Solution
Analyzer Components
Waste: All liquids used by the analyzer are collected in the Waste
Rinse: The Rinse is used:
❑to wash out the sample;
❑to wash out the calibration solution.
Buffer Type 1 (pH = 7.383):The Buffer Type 1 is used to determine the

first point of a pH calibration.

Buffer Type 2 (pH = 6.841):The bottle is placed behind the Buffer
Type 1 bottle inside the bottle compartment. The Buffer Type 2 solution
is used to determine the second point of a pH calibration.
 pH Reference Solution: This solution is pumped into the pH-reference electrode by
means of a KCl pressure circulation system and the sample. The pH Reference
Solution is transported only if the bottle cap is closed tightly.
 Cleaning Solution: The bottle is placed behind the pH Reference Solution inside the
bottle compartment. A cleaning cycle is automatically performed after 50 samples
during the next main calibration.
Sample Fill Module
 This module consists of the following parts:
❑ Flap
❑ Fill port and tube
❑ Sample drip tray
Sample Fill Module
Flap: The flap has to be opened for a sample input.
CAUTION: If the flap is opened by mistake, the running
action will be interrupted. The analyzer prompts the operator
to close the flap and a wash/dry cycle will be performed.
Sample Drip Tray: The sample drip tray is placed on the
lower end of the fill module to avoid sample spilling. The
tray is replaced as part of the scheduled maintenance
procedures or when it becomes very soiled.
Fill Port and Tube: The fill port allows samples to be
injected or aspirated from
❑ syringes,
❑ AVL Microsampler and
❑ capillaries
Description of the Sample Path

 Fill Port: The sample is injected or

aspirated into the fill port of the
serves as an interface between the
sample container and the sample
path. The sample flows through the
preheating tube.
 Sample Inlet Path:The metal
sample inlet path heats the sample up
to 37° C.
Measuring Chamber Module
The measuring chamber module consists of the
following parts:
A. measuring capillary
B. measuring chamber block
C. measuring chamber valve
D. electrodes
 Measuring Chamber Block: The
 Measuring Capillary:In the entire module is thermostated at 37
measuring capillary the Blood Gas °C.
Electrodes and the pH Electrode are
 Measuring Chamber Valve:The
in direct contact with the sample to electromagnetic measuring chamber
measure the Blood Gas parameters valve closes the measuring chamber
and the pH-value. and avoids the direct filling of a
syringe sample into the measuring
chamber. The sample is pushed into a
bypass tube. This construction
ensures a continuous and bubble-free
filling of the measuring chamber. It
also prevents electrode damage from
excessive pressure.
 Electrodes:The electrodes are
inserted into the measuring chamber
block from the rear.
The electrode tips project into the
measuring capillary thus come into
contact with the sample material.
The electrodes are color-coded for
easy identification. Listed from left
to right:
 Rear Panel:Warning and identification
 Peristaltic Pump: The peristaltic plates with model and serial numbers
pump is used to transport all are located on the rear panel of the unit.
samples and liquids inside the
NOTE: Only a trained service engineer is
authorized to open the rear panel.
 Interfaces: The standard bi-directional
interface (RS232 C, Submin. D-
connector) enables the user to connect
the analyzer with a Host Computer, an
external printer or ticket printer.
In addition, the unit is provided with
an interface option for a Bar code
scanner and for data link with an AVL
Oximeter or an AVL Electrolyte
Analyzer and / or with an external
service modem.
Calibration Gas Connections: Power Switch Module: This
Connections for gas tubing are module consists of a power
located in the lower right corner switch, power input, fuses,
of the rear panel. and a power line filter.
 Solenoid valve:

Your AVL COMPACT 3 is equipped with a variety of sensors which control the status
of the analyzer. Operator messages indicating detected system errors or malfunctions
will be displayed and printed out. All error messages are printed on the "Error
Report". On this report max. 20 alarms can be listed.

Common Problems with Blood gas /PH analyzers

1-Out-of-date buffer solutions.
2-No calibration gas.
3-Poor Flushing.
4-Not taking the time to properly warm up the analyzer.
5- Bad electrode.
Displayed and Printed Alarms

Electrode Alarms Software detection (contact path)

Various alarms

Liquid level alarms

Drift alarms
Alarm Causes
· Main Calibration has not been performed accordingly
· Low levels of pH Reference Solution, Buffer Type 1,
Buffer Type 2 or Rinse
· Waste container full
· Low flow or low pressure of the external calibration gases
· No vacuum pressure for a wash and dry cycle
· Temperature of the sample inlet path is too high or too low
· Temperature of the measuring chamber is too high or too
· Soiling
Error Messages Possible Cause Instructions for Elimination
NO Sample No sample available Insert new sample
Capillary-fed sample less than Insert new sample (more than
25 μ l 25 μ l).
Activate „Micro sample“.
Sample transport error Check pH Reference
Sample path leak Check inlet path
Check membrane of
measuring chamber

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