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National T esting Agency

qオ セ エゥッョ@ Paper Name: 22 1 GEOGRAPHY 291h May Shoft2 Sell

Subject Name: GEOGRAPHY
C reation Date: 2019-05-2919:3 1:04
lluration: ISO
Tolal Marks: 100
Oi.Jplay Marks: Yes
Share Answer Key With l>elh ..ery Yes
l<: ngioe:
Actual Answer Key: Yes

C roup Numht.>r:
Group ld : 128206173
Group Mu:imum Ountion : 0
C roup Minimum Dur.atiun : 120
Rt \'i.Sit allowed ror ''iew? : No
Revisit allowed for tdit? : No
Or('ak timr: 0
C roup セ「イォQZ@ 100

Mction ld: 128206284
Section Number:
セ エゥッョ@ tr pe : Online
Mandatory or Optional: Mnndatory
Number of Questions: 60
Number or Questions to bt auempaed : 60
St-ction Marks: 60
Oi..<!iplay Numbt'r Panel: Yes
CrGup All Questions : No

Sub-Stttion Number: I
Sub-Stttion ld: 128206462
Que11tion Sh uffiing Allowed : Yes

Question Number: I Question ld: 128206 10000 Question T yp e: MC:Q Option Shuffling : No Oisplay Quu tion Number: Yes
Single l.ine Question Option : No Option Orienlalion : Vertie:.l
C orrect Marks : I Wroo=. Marks : 0
Which of the following statements is not correct?
A. Carrying capacity is the number of people an area can support
given current teclmological conditions.
B. Overcrowding is a reflection of population per unit area.
C. Overpopulation is a value judgment
D. Under-population occurs when a country has too few people to
develop its resources.
12820639520. 8
12820639521. c
12820639522. 0

Question Number : 2 qオ ・ セエゥ ッ ョ@ ld: 12820610001 Quu tion tケ Q IセZ@ MCQ O))tiOrl Shuffiin=:: No Display QuC'stion Number: Yes
Sin=.le Line Question Optior1 : No Option Oriutatiou : Vt'rtkal
Corn._o,ct Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0

A population pyramid with a wide base indicates:

A. Declining fertility rates
B. High Fertility rates
C. Declining death rates
D. High Death Rates
12820639523. A
12820639526. 0

Question Numbtr : J Qut:dio n ld: 12820610002 Qun tion Ty pe: セQ cq@ <>J)tion Shuffiin=: : No Display Qut !tion Number: Yts
Single Line Qurs.tion Option : No Option Orientation : Vt'rtiuJ
Cor-rect Marks : I wイッョセZ@ Marks : 0
Biotic components of the environment interact
A. Only with other living organism
B. With the abiotic components mainly
C. With the biotic and abiotic components of the environment
D. With the abioti c components at a specific time and duration
0JJtions :
12820639527. A
12820639528. 8
12820639530. 0

Que!ition Number: 4 Question ld: 12820610003 Quu tion Type: MCQ Option Sbuffiing: No l)isplay Question Number: VH
S ingle Lint> Question Option : No Option Orie nt'.ttion : Vt>rtic:lll
Correcl Mad:.s: I Wrong Marks : 0
The tenn 'Biosphere' was first used by
A. Hutchinson
B. Eduard Suess
C. Odum
D. Ernst Haeckal
12820639531. A
12820639532. 8
12820639533. C
12820639534. 0

Qul"'stion Numbtr: 5 Qurstion ld: 12820610004 Quo-lion Ty pr : MCQ Option Shuffiing: No Display Qurstion Number: Yn
s ゥョァャセ@ Line Qumion Option : No Option OriC'ntation : V('rtical
c ッイセエ@ Marks : I Wrone. i\brks : 0

Population projections are:

A. Suitable as actual predictions
B. Based on assumptions for the future using current data.
C. Used for assessing crude death and bi.rth rates.
D. Used only for countries that have annual censuses.
12820639535. A
12820639536. 8
12820639537. C
12820639538. 0

Qul"'stion Numbtr: 6 Qurstion ld: 12820610005 Quntion Ty pr: MCQ Option Shuffling: No Display Qurstion Number: Yn
S ingle Line Qumiun Option : No Option OriC'nhdion : V('.r tical
Co rreft Marks : I Wrone. Marks : 0

In India most human migrations as per 200 I Census results were due to
A. Education services
B. Marriage Purposes
C. Natural Disasters
D. Job opportunities
12820639539. A
12820639540. 8
12820639541. c
12820639542. 0

Question Number: 7 Question ld: 12820610006 Question ·rype: MCQ Option Shuffiing: 1\'o oゥセーャ。 ケ@ Quution Number: Yes
Single Linf' Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertic:ll
Correcc Muks : I Wrone Marks : 0
Terra Rossa is the typical soil of:
A Tropical region
B. Equatorial region
C. Mediterranean region
D. Water-logged areas
12820639543. A
12820639544. 8
12820639546. 0

Question NumMr: 8 qオ・エセゥッョ@ ld: 12820610007 Quution Type: MCQ Option Shuffiing: No oゥセーャ。 ケ@ Qunrion Number: Yes
Single Une Question Option : No Option Orient:ation : Vertie:d
Col'f'e(CMuks : I Wrone. Mark$ : 0

All of the following are included in Ravenstein' s 1aws of migration

A Most migration proceed step-by-step.
B. Most migrants go only a short distance.
C. Most migration is urban to rural.
D. Most migrants are adults.
12820639547. A
12820639548. 8
12820639549. C
12820639550. 0

Qul"'stion Numbn: 9 Qurstion ld: 12820610008 Question Ty pe: MCQ Option Shuffiing: No Display Question Number: Yn
Single Line Qut:stion Option : No Option Orientation : Vcrtical
Co rre<"t Marks : I Wrong Marks : (J

In describing the patterns and processes of spatial interaction,

geographers are most concerned with:
A Accessibility and connectivity.
B. Density and dispersion
C. Diffusion of innovations.
D. None of the above
1282063955l. A
12820639552. 8

Qul"'stion Numbtr: 10 Question ld: 12820610009 Question Type: セj cq@ Option Shuffling : No dゥNセャケ@ Que.stion Number: Yu
Single Line Qut:stion Option : No Option OriC'ntation : V('rtical
Correct Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0
Who among the following is the author of Erdkunde?
A. Alexander Hwnboldt
B. Varenius
C. Carl Ritter
D. Guts-Muths
12820639555. A
12820639556. 6
12820639557. C
12820639558. 0

Question Numbtr: II Qut;Stion ld : 12820610010 Que:rtion T)'J)t : MCQ Option Shuffline : No OisJ,Iay Question Number : Yts
Sin: le Line Question Option : 1'\o Opdon Orientation : Vtrticill
cッ イMョN⦅ セエ@ Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0

Central places are so nam ed because they:

A. Aie located in the centre of a rural area.
B. Aie located necessarily in the centre of a large metropolitan city.
C. Se rve as nodal points for the distribution of goods and services to
surrounding areas.
D. None of the above
12820639559. A
12820639560. 6
1282063956l. C
12820639562. 0

Qul"'stion Numbn: 12 Qu("stion ld: 12820610011 Question Type: セj cq@ Option Shuffling: No Qut.stion セオュ「・イZ@ Yu
S ingle Line Qut:stion Option : No Option Orientation :Vertical
Corre<"t Marks : I Wrong Marks : (J

Rank-size rule is useful measure for studying-

A) Plant Communities
B) Climatic Regions
C) Settlement Systems
D) Soil T ypes
12820639563. A
12820639564. 6
12820639565. C
12820639566. 0

Question Numbn: 13 Question ld: 12820610012 Question Ty(Jt: セエ cq@ 01Uion Shuffling: No dゥNセj。 セ ᄋ@ Que.stion Number : Yn
Single Line Question Option : No Option Ori('ntalion :Vertical
c ッ イエ セ 」エ@ Marks : I Wrong l\1arlu : 0
Green Revolution through genetic improvements in India was achieved
for which ofthe two crops
A. Com and rice
B. Wheat and corn
C. Wheat and rice
D. Wheat and sorghum
12820639567. A
12820639568. 8
12820639569. C
12820639570. 0

Question Number: 14 Question ld: 128206 10013 Question Type: セQ cq@ Option Shuffling : No Di.'qllay Question N umber : Yes
S ingle Lint> Question Option : No Option Orient:ation :Vertical
Correcc Muks : I Wrone. Marks : 0
Countries institute input subsidies in agriculture to:
A. Assure domestic producers of a reasonable net return.
B. Distort both pattems of economic agricultural production and
C. lmpose import barriers.
D. Provide taxes for the government.
Options :
12820639571. A
12820639573. C
12820639574. 0

Question Numbu : IS Question ld: 12820610014 Question Type: セエ c q@ Option Shuffling: No o ゥNセ ャ。 ケ@ Question N umber: Yu
S ingle line Question Option : No Option Orient'.ttion : Ve.r tic:d
Correct Muks : I Wrone. Marks : 0

Intensive subsistence fanning is characteristics of areas of

A) High density of population and developed teclmology

B) Low density of population and developed technology
C) Low density of population and low technology
D) None of the Above
12820639575. A
12820639576. 8
12820639577. C
12820639578. 0

Question Numbtr: 16 qオ セ エゥッョ@ ld : 12820610015 Que:Uion TyJ)(•: MCQ Option ShufflinJ: : ·o OisJ)Ity Qutstion セ オョQ「・イZ@ Yts
Sin::,le Lint Que)1ion Option : r\o Option Orientation : Vertical
c ッイMョN⦅セエ@ Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0
Spatial disui.bution of settlements with different population size is best
represented by
A Line graphs
B. Choropleth Maps
C. Dot Method
D. Isopleth Maps
oーエゥ ッ ョセZ@

12820639579. A
12820639580. 8
1282063958l. C

Question Number: 17 Outstion ld : 128206 10016 Question Typt: MCQ Option S huffling: No Display Question Number : Yes
Sin: le Line Question Option : No Optkm Oritnhllion : Vtrtk ill
Correct Marks : I Wrone, MarkJ : 0
The statement that "the journey to work is 15 minutes by bus" is an
example of:
A Absolute direction.
B. Absolute distance.
C. Relative direction.
D. Relative distance.
12820639583. A
12820639584. 8
12820639585. C
12820639586. 0

Question Numbtr: 18 Qut!tion ld : 12820610017 Quu tion TyrH·: MCQ Option Shufflina:: l"o OisJ)Iay Question Nu•nbtr : Yes
Sina:le Line Questio n Option : 1'\o Option Oritntatio n : Vtrtical
c ッイ エMセ エ@ Mu k:s : I Wront: Marks : 0

For working out growth of population, we require

A. Births and deaths for the period
B. Births, deaths, in-migration and out-migration for the pe1iod
C. Births and out-migration for the period
D. Births and in-migration for the period
Options :
12820639588. 8
12820639589. C

Question Numbtr: 19 Question ld: 12820610018 Qutstion TyrJe: MCQ Oruion Shuffling: No oゥNッアjiセ G@ Que.stion Nuntbtr : Yu
s ゥョ セ[ャ ・@ Line Questio n Option : No Option Orientation :Vertical
c ッイョN⦅ セ エ@ Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0
ldenti fy the correct statement, regional income inequalities:
A. Do not exist in developed countries.
B. Are greater in developed countries than in less developed ones.
C. Are typically greater in less developed countries than in developed
D. Do not exist in less developed countties.
12820639591. A
12820639593. C
12820639594. 0

Question Number: 20 Question ld : 12820610019 Que!tion Type: セエ cq@ Option Shuffling : No Di.'qllay Question Number : Yes
S ingle Lint> Question Option : No Option Orient:ation :Vertic:. I
Correct Muks : I Wrone. Mark$ : 0

The Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLJ) includes all of the following
factors except:
A. Housing quality.
B. Infant mortality.
C. Life expectancy.
D. Literacy.
12820639595. A
12820639596. 8

Question Numbu: 21 Question ld : 128206 10020 Que!tion Type: セエ cq@ Option Shuffling : No Di.'qllay Question Number : Yes
Single l.ine Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertic:ll
Correct Mar'k.s : I Wrone. Marks : 0

Which one of the following is not true with respect to interval scale?

A. A form of measurement in which each observation is allocated a

precise numerical value along a continuous scale.l,2 and 3 are
B. It has the property that the distances between the categories are
defined in tenns of fixed and equal wuts.
C. The concept of ratio is meaningless on an interval scale.
D. None of the above
12820639602. 0
Question Numbtr: 22 qオ セ エゥッョ@ ld : 12820610021 Qurslion Tyt)(• : MCQ Option ShufflinJ: : セッ@ OlSJ,Ity Qutstion Nun1ber: Yts
Sin::,le Lint Question Option : r\o Option Orientation : Vertical
c ッイョN⦅セエ@ Marks : I Wrone; Marks : 0

Kirkuk is the most important oil field in

A Iraq
B. Kuwait
C. Iran
D. Libya
12820639603. A
12820639604. 8
12820639605. C
12820639606. 0

Question Number: 23 Question ld : 12820610012 Question Typt>: MCQ Option Shuffling: No l>bl)lay Question !Number : Yu
Single Lint> Question Option : No Option Orient:ation :Vertical
Corretl .Marks : I Wront Marks : 0

Horticulture is currently practised in the

A Temperate region
B. Mediterranean region
C. Tropical region
D. All of the above
Options :
12820639607. A
12820639608. 8
12820639610. 0

Question Numbtr: 24 qオ セ エゥッョ@ ld : 12820610023 Ques-tion T)'l)t: MCQ Option Shuffline : セッ@ OisJ)Iay Question Numbtr : Yts
Siu=le Lint Question Option : 1'\o Option Oritntation : Vtrtical
C orrect セィイォウ@ : I Wrone; Marks : 0

Location of sugar industry in India is shifting from North to South

A High yield and high sugar content in sugarcane
B. High labour cost
C. Expansion of regional market
D. Cheap and abundant supply of power
Options :
12820639611. A
1282063961 2. 8
1282063961 3.C
12820639614. 0

Question Numbtr: 25 qオ セ エゥッョ@ ld : 12820610024 Qut5tion Tyt)t: MCQ Option ShufflinJ: : セッ@ OlSJ,Iay Qutstion Nutnber : Yts
Sin::,le Lint Que)tion Option : No Option Orientation : Vtrticll.l
c ッイョN⦅セエ@ Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0
12820639651. A
12820639653. C
12820639654. 0

qオ セ エゥッョ@ Number: J5 Question ld: 12820610034 Question Type : MCQ Option Shuffling: No Oispla'' Ques-tion Number : Yes
Single l.ine Question Option : No Option Orientation : Vertie:ll
Correct Muks : I Wrone. Marks : 0
Gerrymandering is related to
A Manipulating the boundaries of electoral districts to favour one party
or candidate
B. Candidates contesting from more than one constituency
C. The ability of a candidate to contest election from the jaiL
D. None of the above

12820639658. 0

qオ セ エゥッョ@ Number: 36 Question ld: 128206 10035 Quu lion Type: MCQ Option S huffling : No ャ Iゥセーャ。 ケ@ Question Number : Yes
Single Line Qub1 ion Option : No Option Orient:ltion : Vertieal
Corn-el セィイォNウ@ : I Wron::, Marks : 0

Which one of the following defines the concept of culture in geography?

A. Activities that enable humans to transform nature
B. Theoretically counterposed to na lure
C. Active force in social reproduction
D. All of the above.
oーエゥッョAセ Z@

12820639659. A
12820639660. 6
12820639661. c
12820639662. 0

Question Nu111btr: J7 Question ld : 12820610036 Qutslion T)'(lt: MCQ Optior1Shuffline : No OiSJllay Question Nu111ber : Yu
Sin::le Line Quhtion Optior1 : No Option Orientation : Vertical
Correct Marks : I wイッョセZ@ Marks : 0
The domestication of plants and animals originated during the
A. Eocene
B. Holocene
C. Miocene
D. Pleistocene

12820639663. A
12820639666. 0
Question Number: J8 QuHtion ld : 12820610037 Queslion T)'l)(•: MCQ Option Shufflina: : No OisJ,Iay Question Number : Yes
Sin:Je Line Question Option : No Opdon Orientation : Vertical
Correct セィイォウ@ : I Wrong Mar-ks : 0
Which one of the following folds has a uniform slope?
A. Asymmetrical
B. Monoclinal
C. Recumbent
D. Symmetrical
12820639668. 8
12820639669. C

Question Number: J9 Qubtion ld : 12820610038 Question TyrJt: MCQ Option Shufflh•t: : No Oi.'J)Ity Quts tion Nuntbtr: Yes
Sin:Je Line Question Optior1 : No Option Otientation : Vt'rtkal
Correct セィイォウ@ : I Wrone; Mar-ks : 0

Differential heating and cooling of outer and lower rocks causes

A. Exfoliation
B. Flaking
C. Shattering
D. Shearing
12820639671. A
12820639674. 0

Question Number: 40 Question ld : 1282061003? Oueslion Typf': MC(} Option Shuffling: No Di5play Question Number: Yes
Sin:Je Line Question Oplion : No Option Otienhllion : Vtrtkotl
Corrt•t:l セィイォウ@ : I Wtone; MarkJ : 0
The residual landforms in a peneplain are known as
A. Demoiselles
B. Rock pillars
C. lnselberg
D. Monadnocks
12820639675. A
12820639676. 8
12820639677. C

Question Numbu: 41 Question ld: 12820610040 Quution Type: セエ c q@ Option Shuffling: No Di.q>la'' Que-.stion Number: Yu
Single Line Qumion Option : No Option Orientation : \'('.rtic:d
Cor rect Marks : I Wrong i\brks : 0
\Vhich of the following is the main limitation of the Davisian
Geographical Cycle
A. Assumption that all landforms end up in a peneplain.
B. Landform is a result of structure and process.
C. Rejuvenation
D. Landscape is a time dependent series
0 11tlons:
12820639679. A
12820639680. 8
12820639681. c
12820639682. 0

Question Number: 42 Question ld: 128206 10041 Question Typ e: セ Q cq@ Option Shuffling: No Di.'qll•y Question Number : Yes
Single Lint> Question Option : No Option Orient:ation :Vertic:. I
Correcc Muks : I Wront Marks : 0
According to Peter Haggett which one of the following is the correct
order in the analysis of nodal regional system?
A. Interaction, networks, nodes and hierarchies.
B. Nodes, networks, interaction and hierarchies.
C. Networks, hierarchies, nodes and interaction
D. Hierarchies, nodes, interaction and networks.
12820639683. A
12820639684. 8

Question Numbtr: 4J QuH tion Jd : 12820610042 Qut5tion T:nu.• : MCQ 011tion ShuffiinJ: : No Oi.oq>l1y Question Number : Yu
SinJ:It Line Que)tion Option : J'oio Option Oritntation : Vtrtical
c ッイョN⦅セエ@ セィイォウ@ : I Wrone. Marks : 0

The Coriolis Effect is the result of

A. Earth's rotation
B. Earth's revolution
C. Earth's rotation and revolution
D. Pressure gradient
12820639687. A
12820639688. 8
12820639689. C
12820639690. 0

Question Num btr: 44 Que-stion Jd : 12820610043 Question Tyfe: セj cq@ Option Shuffling : No Dioq>l•y Que.stion Number: Yu
Singlt' Line Qumiun Option : No Option Orit'nhalion : Vt>.rtic:.
Cor rect Mar·lr:s : I Wrong Marks : 0
Which one of the following is not associated with trade winds?
A. Blows from the subtropical high pressure areas
B. It' s a warm dry wind
C. Blows from 30° of latitude towards equator
D. Surface winds
12820639691. A
12820639692. 8
12820639693. C

Question Number: 45 Qutstion ld: 12820610044 Qutstion Type : セエcq@ Option Shuffling: No Oi..olpla'' Question Number: Yu
Single line Question Option : No Option Orient'.ttion : Vertic:d
Correct Muks : I Wron£ Marks : 0
With which one of the following pressure belts horse latitudes are
associated with
A. Doldrums
B. Sub-Tropical high pressure
C. Sub Polar low pressure
D. Polar high pressure
12820639695. A
12820639696. 8
12820639697. C
12820639698. 0

Question Number: 46 Oue:stion ld : 12820610045 <)uu tjon Type: MCQ Option Shumina:: No Display Question Number : Yes
Sin: Je Line Question Optior1: ·o Option Orientation: Vt'rtkal
Correct セィイォウ@ : I Wront Marks : 0
The Northern half of the mid Atlarltic Ridge is lmown as
A. Challenger Ridge
B. Dolphin Rise
C. Telegraph Plateau
D. Walvis Ridge
12820639699. A
12820639700. 8
12820639701. C
12820639702. 0

Question Number: 47 Question ld : 12820610046 Quution T)IJt: MCQ 01Hion ShuffiinJ: : J'oio Oi.<q)lay qオセエゥッョ@ セ オュ「・イZ@ Yu
Siu=,le Line Question Option : 1'\o Option Otitntation : Vtrtical
Corn_-.ct Marks : I Wrong Marks : 0
The Kuroshio is a warm water cWTent which runs from
A . Philippines to Japan
B. Japan to Philippines
C. Japan to China
D. Korea to China
12820639703. A
12820639704. 6
12820639706. 0

Question Numbtr: 48 qオ セ エゥッョ@ ld : 12820610047 Qut:rtion T)'l)t: MCQ Option Shufflinf: : l"o OISJ,Iay Question Nutnber : Yts
Sin::le Line Question Option : 1'\o Option Orientation : Vtrtkal
Corrt.-"C't Marks : I w イ ッ ョセZ@ Marks : 0
Which one of the following Corals are susceptible to
A. Bleaching
B. Exposure to fresh water
C. Osmotic shock
D. Water turbidi.ty
O ptions:
12820639707. A
12820639708. 6
12820639709. C
12820639710. 0

Q uestion Numbu: 49 Question ld : 12820610048 Quu tion Type: セ エ cq@ Option Shuffling: No Di.'qllay Question Number: Yu
Single Line Qumiun Option : No Option Orientation : Vt>rtical
Corrt"Ct Marks : I Wrone. Marks : 0

The line joining the points of equal depth is known as

A. Isohaline
B. Isocline
C. Isohyte
D. Isobath
12820639 711. A
12620639712. 6
1282063971 3. C
12820639714. 0

Question Numbu: SO Question ld : 12820610049 Question Type : セエ cq@ Option Shuffling: No Oi"'fll•y Qut-.stion Number: Yu
S ingle Line Ques.tiun Option : . 'o Option Orienhltiun : Vt>.r tic:d
Correcl Mnks : I Wron£ Marks : 0
The main contribution of Al-Idirisi was in the field of
A. Astronomy
B. Cartography
C. Translation of Greek texts into Arabic
D. Translation of Sanskrit text into Arabic
12820639715. A
12820639716. 6
12820639717. C
12820639718. 0

qオ セ エ ゥッ ョ@ Number: 5 1 Question ld : 128206 10050 Question Type: MCQ Option S huffling: No Oispla'' Ques-tion Number : Yes
Single l.ine Questio n Option : No Option Orientation : Vertie:ll
Correct Muks : I Wrone. Marks : 0
Who among the following said that Manis the product of Earth Surface?
This statement was made by
A. Ellsworth Huntington
B. La Blache
C. De Martone
D. Ellen C. Semple
12820639719. A
12820639720. 6
12820639721. c
12820639722. 0

Q uestion Numbu : Sl Question ld : 128206 1005 1 Quu tion Type: セ エ cq@ Option Shuffling : No Di.'qlla'' Qun tion Number : Yu
Single Line Qumio n Option : No Option Orienhllion : V('.r tic:d
Corr'e(t Marks : I Wron£ 1\brks : 0
The amount of energy from one trophic level to another in an ecosystem:
A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains Constant
D. Increases Steadily.
Optionli :
12820639723. A
12820639724. 6
12820639725. C
12820639726. 0

Qutst ion Number: 53 (}utstion ld : 128206 1005 2 Qutslion Type: MC(} Option S huffling: No Display Outstion Number : Yes
Sin:Je Line Question Oplion : No OpHon Oritnhltion : Vertical
Corn.-cl Marks : I Wrone, MarkJ : 0
The non-ecumene areas of the World are mostly concentrated in
A) Tropical areas
B) Temperate Areas
C) Areas adjacent to coastal regions
D) High mountain ranges of Himalayas
12820639727. A
12820639728. 6
12820639729. C
12820639730. 0
Question Numbtr: !W QuHtion ld: 12820610053 Queslion T)'l)(• : MCQ Option Shufflina: : No OisJ,Iay Question Number : Yes
Sin:Je Line Question Option: No Opdon Orientation: Vertical
Cor-ruct セィイォウ@ : I Wrong Mar-ks : 0
Currentl y, the world's population stands at approximately:
A. 5.5 billion persons.
B. 6.5 billion persons.
C. 9.3 billion persons.
D. 11.3 billion persons.
12820639731. A

Question Numbtr: 55 Que.stion Jd : 12820610054 Qutstion Ty(Jt: セエ c q@ OrJtion Shuffling: No oゥNッアjiセ ᄋ@ Qut.stion Nuntbtr: Yu
Single Line Qut:s.tion Option : No Option OriC'nl:ation ; \'('rtical
Co r-rect Marks : I Wront:; Mar-ks : 0

The four most densel y populated areas of the world are:

A. East Asia, South Africa, Europe, North America.
B. East Asia, South Asia, Europe, Africa.
C. East Asia, South Asia, Europe, North America.
D. East Asia, South Asia, North America, South America
12820639735. A
12820639736. 8
12820639738. 0

Quetition Number: S6 Question ld : 128206 10055 Que5tion 1'ype: MCQ Option Shuffling: No'' Question Number : Yn
Single Lint Qub-1ion Option: No OpHon OrienhUion: Vertic:d
COI'1"e("l M1r'lt:s : I Wrone. m。イセ@ :0
The smallest rural settlement type is a
A Hamlet
B Isolated farmstead
c Rural service centre
D Village
12820639739. A
12820639740. 8
12820639741. c
12820639742. 0

Quttition Number : 57 Question ld: 12820.6 10056 Quution Type: MCQ Option Shuffling : No l>bT'Iay Quetition Number: Yes
Single Lint Question Option: No Option Orientation: v・イエゥ」セ ャ@
Corr-ect セィイォウ@ : I Wron=. Marks : 0
Guijar and Bakerwal population constitute major population of
A. Pir Panjal region of Jammu and Kashmir
B. Higher Himalayas of Jammu and Kaslunir
C. Valley region of Kaslunir Region
D. Areas ofUdhampur
12820639755. A
12820639756. 8

5«-ticm Id : 128206285
SKtion Number: 2
Sertion type : Online
m。ョ、 [セ エ ッイケ@ or Optional: Mandatory
Numbrr of Qutstions: 20
Numbu of Quertions to be attempted: 20
S«tion Marks: 40
Display nオュ「セイ@ Pa nel: Yes
Group All Questions: No

sオ 「Msセ エゥッョ@ Number: I

Sub-Stttion ld: 128206463
Qurslion Sbuffiing Allo"·rd : Yes

Question Number: 61 Question ld: 12820610060 Qutstion Type: セエ c q@ Option Shuffling: No Di.\play Quntion Numb('r: Yu
Single Line Qumion Option : No Option Orientution : V('rtical
Corrert Mark$ : 2 Wrong Marks : (J
Birth and death rates are described as "crude" because:
A. The total numbers of births and deaths can never be calculated
B. They relate to the changes without any regard to the age or sex
composition of the population
C. The infant mortality rate is separated from the birth and death
D. There is no worldwide standard of what constitutes a birth or a
12820639760. 8
12820639761. c
12820639762. 0

Question Nu111btr: 62 Qut;Stion ld : 12820610061 Qutslion T)'J)t: MCQ Optior1Shuffline: No Oisj)l.ay Question Number : Yu
Sinele Line Question Oplion : No OpHon Oritnhllion: Vtrtkill
Cor-rect セィイォウ@ : 2 Wrong Mar-ks : 0
Population threshold of a central place for any service depicts:
A. Maximum distance that people can travel to use a service
B. Minimum distance required for opening a seJVice
c. Minimum population size required for a service
D. None of the above
12820639763. A
12820639764. 8
12820639765. C
12820639766. 0

Que."ition Numbtr : 6J Qutstion ld: 12820610062 Qurs'tion Type: セエcq@ Option Shuffling: No o ゥNセャ。ケ@ Que-.stion Number: Yu
Single Line Question Option : No Option Orientution : Ve.r tic:d
Correct Muks : 2 Wron£ Marks : 0

Which of the following statements regarding the role of women in

agriculture is not correct?
A. The Green Revolution were discriminatory to women as they had
little say in agricultural decision making.
B. Women farmers are responsible for at least 50% of the world's
food production
C. Women farmers share equal rewards with male cotmterparts.
D. Women farmers work longer hours for lower wages than male
12820639767. A
12820639770. 0

Question Numbtr: 64 Question Jd : 12820610063 Qurslion Ty1u.• : MCQ 01Hion Shuffling: No oゥNセLャ。 ᄋ@ Qut.stion Nuntbtr : Yu
Single Line Qut:s.tion Option : No Option OriC'nt:ation : Vtrtical
Correct Marks : 2 Wrong Marks : 0
Which one of the following factors are responsible for the rapid growth
of infonnation and technology industry in South India as compared to
North India
I . Good governance
2. Good Lnfrastructure and services
3. Lower labour cost
4. Better educational technical institutes
Select the correct answer from the codes given below
A. I and 3
B. 1,2 and 4
C. 1,3 and 4
D. 3 and4
12820639771. A
12820639772. B
12820639773. c
12820639 77 4. D

Question Number: 65 Question ld: 128206 10064 Question Typt>: MCQ Option Shuffling: No Display Question Number: Yu
Single Line Qub1ion Oplion : No Option Orient:lfion: Vertie:d
Corrett Muk:s : 2 Wrone. Marks : 0

Site of a settlement refers to the:

A. Location of a place with reference to the spatial system.
B. Precise location of the CBD.
c. Proximity to natural resources or transpottation routes.
D. Absolute location of the settlement.
12820639775. A
12820639778. D

Question NumMr: 66 Quettion ld: 12820610065 Qut"stion tZョオセ ᄋZ@ MCQ 011tion ShuminJ:: No oゥNッアIャセ G@ Que-stion セ オュ「・イZ@ Yu
Single Line Questjon Option : No Option Orientation :Vertical
Correct Marks : 2 wイッョセZ@ Marks : 0
Coefficient of Correlation values between two attributes should vary
A) 0 to Plus!
B) Minus I toO
C) Minus! to Plus I
D) None of the above
12820639779. A
12820639781. c

Question Number: 67 Question ld: 12820610066 Question Type: セエcq@ Option Shuffling: No Di.'qllay Question Number: Yes
S ingle Lint> Question Option : No Option Orient:ation :Vertic:. I
Correct Muks : 2 Wrone. Marks : 0
If coefficient of correlation between two variables is minus 0.8, then
which one of the foUowiM inferences is correct?
A) With the increase in one variable there is no change in another variable
B) Both variables are negatively correlated
C) Perfect positive correlation between the two variable
D) No relationship between the two variables
12820639783. A
12820639784. 8
12820639785. C
12820639786. 0

Question Numbtr: 68 Qut!tion ld : 12820610067 Quu tion T)'l)t: MCQ Option Shufflint : l"o OisJ)Ity Question Nunlbtr : Yu
Sin=lt Line Que)tion Option : No Option Oritntation : Vtrtical
c ッイエMセ@ セィイォウ@ : 2 Wrone, Marks : 0
Which one of the following set of capital letters was used by Koppen for
representing climatic classification?
A. A, B, C, D, E, W
B. A, B, C, D, E, H
C. A, B, C, E, F, H
D. A, B, C, D, E, S
12820639787. A
12820639788. 8
12820639789. C
12820639790. 0

Question Number : 69 Question ld : 12820610068 Quu lion Type: MCQ Option S huffling : No ャ^ゥ Nセーャ。 ケ@ Question Number : Yes
Single Line Question Oplion : No Option Orit nhllion: v・イエゥ」セ ャ@
Corn..."Cl セィイォZウ@ : 2 Wron::, Marks : 0
Match List l with, List ll and select correct combination

List I List ll

A. Saffron I . Uttrakhand
B. Gangotari Glacier 2. Kaslu:nir Valley
C. Atomic power 3. Jharia
D. Coal 4. Narora

A B c D
A) 2 I 4 3
B) 2 I 3 4
C) 1 2 3 4
D) 2 4 3
1282063979l. A
12820639792. 8
12820639793. C
12820639794. 0

Question NumMr: 70 Question ld: 12820610069 Que5tion Type: セエcq@ Option Shuffling: No Di.'qllay Question Number: Yes
Single line Question Option : No Option Orient'.ttion : Ve.rtic:d
Correcl Muks : 2 Wron£ Marks : U

Which one of U1e following statement is not correct?

A. Bihar is SlDTOlUlded by Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and

B. West Bengal is surrounded by Bangladesh, Bihar, Orissa and
C. Orissa is surrounded by West Bengal, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and
D. Rajasthan is surrounded by Pakistan, Haryana, Gujarat and Uttar
12820639796. 8
12820639797. C
12820639798. 0

Question Numbtr: 71 Quntion ld : 12820610070 Qutstion Tyl)t: MCQ Option Shufflint: : J'lio Di.'J)IIy Qut.stion セオョエ「ャB Z@ Yt5
Sin:Je Lint Question Option : J'lio Opdon Oritnt.ation : Vtrtieal
Corn._'!('t Marks : 2 Wrong Marks : 0
The sky looks blue because of
A. Absorption of blue light in the atmosphere
B. Reflection of the blue colour of the oceans
C. Selective absorption of radiation by the atmosphere
D. Selective scattering of radiation by the atmosphere
12820639799. A
12820639800. 8
12820639801. c
12820639802. 0

Qur:stion Numbu: n Qutstion ld: 1282061007 1 Qutstion Type : セエ c q@ Option Shuffling: No Que.stion Numbtr: Yu
Single Line Qumiun Option : No Option OriC'ntation : V('rtical
c ッイセエ@ Marks : 2 Wrong i\1llrks : 0

Which one of the following is not correct wi th reference to urban

A. Doesn' t follow the functional division oflabour.
B. Set of interdependent urban places.
C. B.J .L.Berry introduced the tenn.
D. A set of urban-centred regions.
12820639803. A
12820639804. 8
12820639805. C
12820639806. 0

QuC"stion Numbtr: 73 Question Jd: 12820610072 Qutstion Typt" : MCQ Option Shuffling : No dゥN|ヲIャ。セ ᄋ@ Qut-.stion セオュ「・イZ@ Yu
Single Line Qumion Option : No Option Ori('ntation : V('rtical
Corrt"C!t Marks : 2 Wrong Marks : (I
With respect to the relationship between GNP and energy consumption,
the following should be assumed:
A. As GNP increases, energy consumption decreases.
B. There is no relationship between the two indicators.
C. Each increases in direct relation to the other.
D. As energy consumption decreases, GNP increases.
Outions :
12820639807. A
12820639808. 8
12820639809. C
12820639810. 0

Que5tion Number: 74 Question ld: 12820610073 Quu tion Type: MCQ Option Shuffling : No Di'qllay Question Number: Yu
Single t .ine qオ セ Qゥ ッ ョ@ Oplion : No Oplion Orienl:lticm : Vertieal
Corretl Muks : 2 Wrone 1\brks : 0
When the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank introduced
the purchasing power parity (PPP) measure in 1993, the relative
importance of the Third World countries
A. Declined.
B. Remained the same.
c. Increased
D. None of the Above
12820639811. A
12820639812. 6

Question Numbtr : 75 Qut.stion Jd : 128206 10074 Qutstion Type: セエ cq@ Option Shuffling: No Qut".stion セ オュ「 ・イZ@ Yu
S ingle Line Qut":stio n Option : No Option Oricntation : Vtrtical
Correct Marks : 2 Wronc; i\1:lrlu : 0
Which of the following statements concerning the multiplier effect is
A. It is based on the city's fertility rates.
B. It is only useful in larger metropolitan centers.
C. It only increases; it does not decrease.
D. T he size of the effect is detennined by the city's basic/non-
basic ratio.
12820639815. A
12820639816. 8
12820639818. 0

Quest ion Number: 76 Q uestion ld : 128206 10075 Quulion T)'l)(": MCQ Option Shuffline: No Dist)lay Question Number : Yts
s ゥ ョセ Iエ@ Lint Question Option : セッ@ Option Oritntation : V('rtical
Correct セ ィ イォ ウ@ : 2 w イ ッ ョセZ@ Mllrks : 0
The gravity model and the potential model in population and settlement
studies differ from each other because of:

A. The gravity model does not take distance into account while
potential model does ..
B. The potential model makes no provision for size of places while
gravity model does.
C. The potential model acoourrts for interaction between m any places,
while the gravity model deals with only two places at a time.
D. They do not differ at alL
O plions:
12820639819. A
12820639820. 6
12820639821. c
12820639822. 0

Question Number: 71 Question ld: 12820610076 Question Type: セエcq@ Option Shuffling: No Di.'qllay Question Number: Yes
S ingle Lint> Question Option : No Option Orient:ation :Vertic:. I
Correct Muks : 2 Wrone. Marks : 0

Which of the statements are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh

1. The state produces hydro electricity

2. Gender parity in literacy rate is less as compared to Jammu and
3. tィ セ@ セエ。・@ has good potential for development ofhorticulture
4. The state has rich mineral resources
A. 1,2 and 3 are correct
B. I ,3 and 4 are correct
C. I ,4 and 2 are correct
D. I ,2,3 and 4 are correct
12820639823. A
12820639824. 8
12820639825. C
12820639826. 0

Question Number: 78 Outstion ld : 128206 10077 Quution Typt: MCQ Option S huffling : No Oi5piJy Question Number : Yes
Sin&le Line Questjon Oplion : No Optkm Oritnhllion : Vertical
Correct Marks : 2 Wrone, MarkJ : 0

Which of the following do not result in variable rates of world population

growth during the 2 1st century?

A. Differential rates of fertility decline

B. Redistribution of demographic weight in different regions of the


C. Differential rates in the progress of demographic transition

D. Rapid growth of elderly population

12820639827. A

Question Numbtr: 79 Question Jd : 12820610078 Qut5tion Tnu.• : MCQ 01Hion Shufflin=:, : No Oi.<q)lay Quf'.Stion Number: Yu
Single Line Qut":s.tion Option : No Option Orientation : V('rtical
Correct Marks : 2 Wrong Marks : 0
Which one of the statements is not true about Population Census?
A. Complete enumeration
B. Data about selected variables

C. F1ow data on population dynamics

D. Clear-cut periodicity
1282063983l. A

Question Numbfr: 80 Question ld : 12820610079 Qutstion TYI'": セエ cq@ 01Uion Shuffling : No dゥNセji ᄋ@ Qut-.stion Number: Yu
Single Lint QuHtion Option : No Option Oritntation : Vl'rticll.l
Corn._o,ct セィイォウ@ : 2 Wronf Marks : 0
ln India's demographic transition, which Census period has been referred
to as that of 'steady growth'?
a) 190 1-192 1
b) 1921-1951
c) 1951- 1981
d) 1981-2011
12820639835. A
12820639838. 0
Subject: GEOM- 221 GEOGRAPHY
Question 10 Correct Option 10 Question ID Correct OpUon 10 Question 10 Con'ect Optloo 10
128:10010000 12820839522 12820610038 12820639671 12820810076 12820639823
12820610001 12820839524 12820610039 12820639678 12820810077 12820639830
128:10010002 12820839529 128:10010040 12820639679 12820810078 12820639833
128:10010003 12820839532 12820610041 12820639683 12820810079 12820639837
12820610004 12820839536 12820610042 12820639687
128:10010005 12820839540 12820610043 12820639692
128:10010006 12820839545 12820610044 12820639696
12820610007 12820839549 128:10010045 12820639700
128:10010008 12820839551 12820610046 12820639703
12820610009 12820839557 128:10010047 - 5 ·-
128:10010010 12820839561 128:10010048 12820639714
128:10010011 12820839565 128:10010049 12820639716
12820610012 12820839569 128:10010050 12820639722
128:10010013 12820839571 128:10010051 12820639723
12820610014 12820839578 128:10010052 12820639730
12820610015 12820839561 128:10010053 12820639732
12820610016 12820839586 12820610054 12820639737
12820610017 12820839588 128:10010055 12820639740
128:10010018 12820839593 128:10010056 12820639745
12820610019 12820839595 128:10010057 12820639747
12820610020 12820839602 128:10010056 12820639751
128:10010021 12820839603 128:10010059 12820639755
128:10010022 12820839610 128:10010060 12820639760
12820610023 12820839611 128:10010061 12820639765
12820610024 12820839617 128:10010062 12820639769
12820610025 12820839621 12820610063 12820639772
128:10010026 12820839623 128:10010064 12820639778
128:10010027 12820839630 12820610065 12820639781
12820610028 12820839631 12820610066 12820639784
12820610029 12820839636 12820610067 - 5 ··
12820610030 12820839642 12820610068 12820639791
12820610031 12820839643 128:10010069 12820639795
128:10010032 12820839650 12820610070 12820639802
12820610033 12820839651 12820610071 12820639803
128:10010034 12820839655 128:10010072 12820639809
128:10010035 12820839662 12820610073 12820639813
12820610036 12820839664 12820610074 12820639818
128:10010037 12820839670 12820610075 12820639821
'N8: -5- k'l correct option id full mark given to all candidates' PBge 57

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