Times Nie Webed CHN Feb 9 2022

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ From the Ukraine cri- ➤ Know more about Chilika ➤ India to begin New
TODAY’S sis to who could win
Nobel Peace Prize, know
lake, Asia’s largest brackish Zealand series with WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2022

water lagoon, its flora and one- off T-20
Newspaper in

what’s trending in ‘Your fauna, through the lens of a

Newsroom’ young traveller PAGE 4 WHAT WOULD IT
 Oil prices go up and down in
CLICK HERE: PAGE 1 AND 2 cycles. According to experts, oil
prices can be controlled if certain
things fall in place


 For instance, China has shut down
several cities to stop the spread of
the virus, slowing its economy and
demand for energy.
 Much, however depend on the

Ukraine situation. If Russia and the
West reach an agreement, formal
HOW RUSSIA-UKRAINE CRI- or tacit that forestalls a full-scale
SIS IS IMPACTING OIL invasion of Ukraine, oil prices will

1 Russia produces 10 million bar- come down

rels of oil a day, or roughly one  Many experts feel the nuclear agree-

of every 10 barrels used around ment between the US and Iran also
the world on any given day

 Besides, western oil companies, holds key to the oil crisis. If the US and
Oil prices are increasing, again,
partly under pressure from investors
and environmental activists, are
drilling fewer wells than they did be-
Any interruption of Russian ship-
ments that transit through
Ukraine, or the sabotage of other
its allies restore a 2015 nuclear agree-
ment with Iran that former President
casting a shadow over the econo- fore the pandemic to restrain the in- Donald Trump abandoned, it would
my, driving up inflation and erod- crease in supply. pipelines in northern Europe, would crip- allow Iran to sell oil much more
ing consumer confidence. Crude Industry executives say they are ple much of the continent and distort the WHAT CAN THE UNITED STATES AND ITS easily than now
prices rose more than 15 per cent trying not to make the same mistake
in January alone, with the glob-
al benchmark price crossing $90
they made in the past when they
pumped too much oil when prices
global energy supply chain. That's
because, traders say, the rest of the
WHAT  Ultimately, high
a barrel for the first time in more were high, leading to a collapse in world does not have the spare capacity The United States, Japan, European countries and even ABOUT INDIA prices could depress
demand for oil
than seven years, as fears of a prices. to replace Russian oil

Elsewhere, in countries like China could release more crude from their strategic In India, domestic oil marketing
Russian invasion of Ukraine
Even if Russian oil shipments are reserves. Such moves could help, especially if a cri- enough that
grew. Many energy analysts pre- Ecuador, Kazakhstan and Libya, nat- companies are likely to swiftly raise prices begin to
dict that oil could soon touch $100 ural disasters and political turbu- not interrupted, the US and its sis is short-lived. But the reserves would not be
a barrel, even as electric cars be- lence have curbed output in recent prices substantially after the elections in come down. One
allies could impose sanctions or nearly enough, if Russian oil supplies were inter-
come more popular and the coro- months.
export controls on Russian companies,
order to align domestic prices with inter- of the main
On the demand side, much of the rupted for months or years.
navirus pandemic persists.
world is learning to cope with the limiting their access to equipment, which national rates and to make up for the loss- financial incen-
could gradually reduce production in that es they may be incurring now. The gov- tives for buying
The pan- pandemic and people are eager to
demic de- shop and make other trips. Wary of country ernment had cut duty in November electric cars, for

pressed en- coming in contact with an infectious US President Joe Biden has been urging the
In addition, interruptions of 2021. But higher fuel prices can example, is that
ergy prices in 2020, even sending virus, many are choosing to drive Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting
the US benchmark oil price be- rather than taking public trans- Russian natural gas exports to Countries(OPEC) to pump more oil, but several mem-
induce broader inflation, which electricity tends to
low zero for the first time. But portation.
Europe could force some utilities bers have been falling short of their monthly produc- can affect interest rates and be cheaper per kilo-
prices have snapped back faster  But the most immediate and
and more than many analysts had critical factor is geopolitical. A to produce more electricity by burning tion quotas, and some may not have the capacity to economic recovery metre than petrol.
expected in large part because potential Russian invasion of oil rather than gas. That would raise quickly increase output Sales of electric cars are
supply has not kept up with Ukraine has kept the oil market demand and prices worldwide growing fast in many countries
demand. on edge.

An 8-year-old writes a book and hides NO DIGITAL DETOX: INSTA MAY ROLL
it in cupboard. NOW, IT’S A HIT I
nstagram is ramping up things to
keep its young user base interest-
ed, although only three months ago, TECHAWAY
Instagram is likely to offer
two options as a part of this
hen eight-year- into a portal and time-travels

it had promised to introduce an app feature. The first one is the
old Dillon Helbig to the very first Thanksgiving that nudges users to ‘take a break’ af-
‘Following’ option, which will allow you to
finished writing and to the north pole. ter they had been online for a certain time. A slew of
new features are likely to be introduced on the photo- view the content of those you are following
his book, 'The “Everything about it was a bit sharing app that ranges from 3-D avatars to screen on your home feed in a chronological order,
Adventures of Dillon Helbig’s crazy,” the second-grader sharing while video calling, and to giving a better and the other option is the ‘Favourites’
Crismis', in mid-December, he admitted. Days later, when flow to the home feed, by making it chronological.
which will allow you to see contents of the
According to a report in Gadgets Now, the app, which is
wanted everyone to read it. The Dillon came to check on the accounts you have ‘added to your favourites’
wildly popular in India, and saw the highest number of
only problem was that he did book, he downloads in the previous year, is currently working on on your feed. This too shall appear in a
not have an agent. So, he noticed it introducing a new feature that would make the users' chronological order, by default
decided to self-publish. During was gone. home feeds more personalised.
a visit with his grandmother to His mom
the Lake Hazel branch of the called the  Dillon has been awarded the library’s
Ada Community Library in library. It Whoodini Award for best young novelist, a
Boise, Idaho, in US, Dillon quiet- turned out category created for him and named after
ly deposited his book, signed that the Lake the library’s owl mascot The young author
'by Dillon His Self', on to a Hazel library
has announced that a sequel is in the works,
nearby shelf. The 81-page book branch manag-
details adventures that ensue er, Alex Hartman and his col-
this time about a visit from the Grinch and also featuring
after the star on a Christmas leagues discovered Dillon’s Dillon’s dog, RustyHe is also writing a book about a ONLINE TOI
tree Dillon is decorating book in the “stories” section jacket-eating closet, based, Dillon said, on a true Newspaper in
story from his kindergarten days

explodes. Dillon is transported and read it.

Scientists discover supermountains Celebrate the season of love differently


four times longer than the Himalayas What to expect

What is the meaning of love
ount Everest, at its towering
height of 8,848 metres, is the HOW DID THEY CON- ■ How the word has moved beyond its traditional Celebrate your pet
tallest in the Himalayan TRIBUTE IN THE EVOLU- association and is all about family, friends, gratitude, Share the bond you enjoy
range, but scientists have revealed that self-love, compassion and MORE
there were ranges that stretched across TION OF EARTH with your furry friend with
the continent. Longer than the Hi- Researchers said that us. Tell us how they make
Crazy Little Thing Called Love you feel a little more
malayas, these mountain ranges when the mountains eroded, ■ Unique and bizarre Valentine’s Day traditions from
helped in the evolution of the plan- adored everyday with
et. Researchers have tracked the for-
they provided essential around the world
pictures, art and/or video
mation of these supermountains nutrients like phosphorous ■ Interesting trivia around the Day
■ Fascinating love monuments that you didn’t know
throughout Earth's history. and iron to the oceans, existed
supercharging biological Be my Valentine,
Stretching up to 8,000 kilometres cycles and driving the evolu- Love in school friend
across, they were nearly four tion to greater complexity. ■ How it is when your friend who gave you confidence, a Celebrate your friendship
times the length of the present-
THE SUPERMOUNTAINS The supermountains may by making a Valentine’s
teacher who gave you hope or a chat with your parents –
day Himalayan ranges (2,300 kilo- Love is all that and so much else card for your friend. We
also have boosted oxygen
metres) and formed twice in  The first supermountains are being called Nuna levels in the atmosphere, Love is success
share the best on toistu-
Earth's history — the first Supermountain, which coincides with the likely needed for complex life to ■ How it is when one loves what they do. It changes the
between 2,000 and 1,800 million appearance of eukaryotes, organisms that later gave breathe way they approach it. Featuring real-life stories of those
years ago and the second rise to plants and animals  The second that evolved Researchers attribute a who converted their passion into success Plus
between 650 and 500 million decrease in evolution rate ● Art activities
years ago. Researchers believe
around 650 and 500 million years ago is the PLUS : Trivia | Voices | Opinions | Books & Movies And
● Your voices
on the planet between 1,800 MORE
that there are links between these Transgondwanan Supermountain, which coincides and 800 million years to the
two instances of supermountains with the appearance of the first large animals and the absence of these super- Don’t miss the ‘Exclusive Edition’
and the two most important peri- Cambrian explosion 45 million years later when most mountains. This period is
ods of evolution in Earth's history. animal groups appeared in the fossil record known as the Boring Billion on this special occasion
Online activities start from
February 7, 2022 onwards
02 “Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover
others’ faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like the
Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear.” RUMI

CAN sanctions stop Putin’s ambitions?


R ussia’s President Vladimir

Putin has accused the US of
trying to draw his country
into a war in Ukraine. He said
America’s goal was to use a con-
anctions will not stop
President Putin from his
ambitions for Ukraine for
3 main reasons: ■ Russia is
not excessively dependent on
frontation as a pretext to impose foreign markets. ■ Past sanc-
more sanctions on Russia. Putin also tions have not been very effec-
said the US was ignoring Russia’s tive and it may now aggravate
concerns about the expansion of the situation.
Nato, the Western military alliance ■ Russia is a nuclear super-
which Ukraine is seeking to join. power. In the likely case of a
The US and its allies accuse full-fledged war, Russia will be
Russia of planning to invade able to hold base competently.
Ukraine, something Russia Also, world power countries
has repeatedly denied. like China are more likely to
back up Russia’s ambitions T NIMISHA, class XI,
than Ukraine’s. Fiitjee, Hyderabad

E xperts say it’s unlikely the US and its allies would agree
to something as sweeping as a complete ban on trade
with Russia or an embargo. Rather, industries and
individuals probably will
continue to bear the The
brunt of sanctions as
the crisis deepens.
US and its allies
have threatened Russia
with financial sanctions
carrying “severe
consequences” if it

invades Ukraine

could win Nobel Peace?

you this fortnight’s

ope Francis, British nature Nobel Peace Prize. Simon Kofe, last-minute announce-
broadcaster David Attenbor- Also among the candidates for the ments showed on Monday. news capsule – a 360
ough, the World Health accolades are Greta Thunberg, the Thousands of people, from mem- degree perspective of
Organisation and Belarusian Myanmar National Unity Government bers of parliaments worldwide to for-
dissident Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya formed by opponents of last year’s mer winners, are eligible to propose major events that
are among the nominees for this year’s coup and Tuvalu’s foreign minister candidates. happened
around the
WE SPEAK world. But, this is
not it. This is a platform
to present your news, your
YOU SPEAK Write to toinie175@gmail.com

ven though all the nominees have had a

Pope Francis big impact on our society, I think David
Attenborough deserves to win the Nobel

ope Francis was nominated for his
efforts to help solve the climate
crisis and his work towards peace
Peace Prize this year. Most of us know him
from his work on the famous broadcast net- FM do
enough for education sector?
and reconciliation, by Dag Inge Ulstein, work, BBC, as a presenter but he is also an
ex-minister of int’l development. active environmentalist and has helped in
raising awareness for natural preservation.
Sir David Attenborough His work has brought about significant IN THE NEWS FOR

Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya changes in climate change, planetary biodi- he Union Budget

ttenborough is best known for versity, renewable energy and much more. For gains applause for

xiled Belarusian opposition digitalization of edu-
his landmark TV series illustrat- the better part of 30 years, he has dedicated cation and making it
leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya ing the natural world, including his life for the advancement of environmental accessible at the grassroots lev-
was nominated for the second Life on Earth and The Blue Planet. He conservation and it should be recognised. el. Still, many believe
year running for her “brave, tireless was nominated jointly with the more could have been
LIKHITH L GOWDA, class XI, Vyasa Int’l, B’luru done to elevate the
and peaceful work” for democracy Intergovernmental Science-Policy quality of education
and freedom in her home country, said Platform on Biodiversity and as well.
parliamentarian Haarek Elvenes. The Ecosystem Services, which assesses The World Health Organisation (WHO) The sector ap-
Belarusian human rights activist the state of biodiversity worldwide. preciated the budg-

et being in line with
and politician ran in the 2020 he coronavirus pandemic has promoting human
Belarusian presidential elec- Environmentalists have won the been front and centre of people’s capital through dig-
tion as the main opposition can- Nobel Peace Prize in the past, concerns over the past two years ital tools such as
including Kenyan activist Wangari and this year the international body the ‘one class one
didate after her husband Sergei
TV channel’ pro-
Tikhanovsky was arrested by Maathai and former US VP Al Gore tasked with fighting it, the WHO, has gramme proposed un-
Belarusian authorities. again been nominated. der the PM e-Vidya


DO you think Boris

Johnson should quit after ‘PartyGate’?
WILL ‘delete all’ help?

e all have sent text messages that
IN THE NEWS FOR we have regretted instantly, how-

enior Conservative lawmaker To- ever, Meta owned WhatsApp
bias Ellwood said he would sub-
mit a letter of no confidence on
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson,
allows us to remove unwanted
messages through its ‘Delete’ feature.The
extension would help users delete their
t laid out a progressive vision the Government holds for capi-
talizing on India’s demographic advantages by suggesting a
university, creating a conducive environment for inter-
saying so-called ‘partygate’ was dis-
tracting the government at a time of
wrongly sent messages within a longer time university collaborations, and introducing a number of skill
frame. The feature would allow group admins development programmes. The Budget has allocated `63,449.37
international crisis. Johnson is facing to add and manage their multiple WhatsApp
calls to resign after weeks of a steady groups from a single place. crore to the Department of School Education and Literacy, an
drip of reports alleging his aides, and increase of about 6.6% over the current financial years.
he himself, had staged and attended
parties in his Downing Street office and WE SPEAK YOU SPEAK YOU SPEAK
residence at a time when millions of
■ WhatsApp has devel-

n recent years, WhatsApp has brought in a flurry of new
Britons were under Covid-19 lockdown.
oped a beta version for ather than focusing on he Budget has focused
updates and features to make their platform more
digital revolution in on bridging the digital

think Boris Johnson should resign or at least face severe Android where the app secure and user-friendly. However, the recent decision
consequences for his actions. Leaders must abide by the suggests extending the education, the govern- divide among students,
to give the group admin the power to delete messages
regulations laid out for the security of citizens. In fact, in time limit for ‘Delete for ment should bolster the which will help in killing the
seems to be a bit far-fetched. It is
such situations they should be role models for others and Everyone.’ ■ In this, the existing public school- ‘digital apartheid’.
extremely tedious to keep track of
cooperate willingly with the protocols. users will get a notifica- ing first. Even Setting up of
conversations and have a concrete
AVANI PANDIT, class X, Apeejay School, Nerul tion saying ‘This message when students virtual labs
record of them, especially when
was removed’ after a text have Internet and digital
any person can be anonymous and
access, the university
WE SPEAK gets deleted. ■ The date
of implementation of the
potentially dangerous on an online
quality of will definite-
■ British PM Boris Johnson will probably hold onto his job for now despite a scathing platform. Yes, but extending the
new feature has still not online education ly help the
report about government coronavirus lockdown parties, but his long-term future is time limit is a good move.
been announced by the remains poor. sector.
out of his hands as police probe claims of rule breaking, analysts said. His position has MANEEZA KHAN, class XI, The Heritage
app but it will definitely POORNA GHOSH, class XII, MANAS KAPUR, class XI, Sri
been hanging by a thread because of the steady drip of revelations since last year. School, Kolkata
happen soon. Anand Niketan, Ahmedabad Venkateshwar Int’l, Delhi

It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
Urban life is better than the rural life
can't accept this statement, Urban life is better

ccording to the 2011 census, a large mass of people

A are migrating to cities in search of urbanization. People

are probably convinced about what they get in cities are
more fruiting than in rural. The massive growth of tech-
than rural life because, when we are comparing
urban life with rural life, according to me, rural life
is not only better but also the best one. Rural life is a
nology around these years has been the key reason for stress-free life whereas urban life can be otherwise called
the migration. Mode of communication to a large mass was stressful life. Rural life is a god gifted life. In rural areas,
the main problem faced by common people some decades we can live our life with nature. We can breathe fresh air.
back but it is completely resolved by the invasion of But, urban life is full of pollution, the cost of liv-

Gateway to social media. This led to a great job for us in the city
than rural as rural is labour intensive. But the ur-
ban depends on technology and its consequences.
ing is lower in rural areas than in urban ones.
Compared to busy cities, there is more land avail-
able in the countryside, which helps keep housing

architectural excellence The amenities that urban life has is inevitable for the upcoming generations.
Proper education, better schools, more job offers, and medical facilities are
costs low. Rural life offers the opportunity to reconnect with nature. The
air and water in the village is less polluted and the village has a clean-
er environment, less noise, and fresh air compared to the cities. Peo-

ravelling is an amazing way to learn a lot of things in life, considered to be the key needs of better quality of life. This rubric is fulfilled
by urban life. Socializing with people from different places and cultures would ple in the villages are less busy than those in the big cities. The city
and talking about me I learned a lot from my trip to Agra. I
be the path to expand your knowledge, skills, proficiency and perceptions. is notorious for being a place that never sleeps.
could say that has been the best trip that I remember. This is possible only in urban life and this is what urban is known for. The There are sounds of traffic, noisy neighbours and construction.
Agra was also known as Akbarabad in the Mughal era is known caste system and hierarchy were the barriers in the olden days for so- Add to that the general white noise of city living, and you’ve got a
to be a city filled with an atmosphere of jolliness and is also cializing. The barrier has now become scarce in “urban life”. People recipe for sleepless nights. There’s nothing like the silence and seren-
known as the symbol of love. This city is also known to started to normalize every caste and religion which ac- ity of night-time in the countryside. Not only can
cording to me is the biggest achievement and inde- you see the stars and enjoy the
appeal to a large number of tourists. So, fresh air; you’ll sleep like a
pendence that humankind has conquered. Urban life is
when we think about Agra what comes being a ladder among the lower divisions to come up rock. Finally, I am saying
first in our mind? Yes! one of the seven and accomplish their dreams. that rural life is always
wonders, the Taj Mahal. It is consid- JEEVA THANGAVEL, Class XI , better than urban life.
ered impossible to create an identical National Model Senior Secondary School, Coimbatore S. KAVIYA, XI-A3, John Dewey
Matriculation HSS, Panruti
architecture style like the Taj Mahal
in the current world, even with all the con- n urban area is a human settlement with a high
stant development. Other than Taj Mahal, Agra is full of other
architectural monuments like Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, and
Buland Darwazaand. That is the reason why Agra is also called
A population density and infrastructure of the built
environment. Well-built concrete structures stand as a shelter for more
than 4 billion people globally. Life in urban areas acts as a lift in helping more W
ith the shift to urban lifestyle, we are slow-
ly coming to lose many of the values and
ethics that rural settlements still follow.
people rise out of poverty when compared to rural areas as one can find abun- Rural lifestyle is more sustainable. The use of organic condiments in every-
as ‘A Gateway to Architectural Excellence’. When we were going dant employment opportunities. Migration to cities has increased due to the day life and the natural methods with which the people in the rural areas
to go, it was like finally we made it happen, we started the better standard of living. Transportation facilities have seen several im- sustain life is something that the Earth needs right now. Moreover, rural
journey to Agra on a bright and energetic day. It was a great provements and it is much easier to travel from one place to another. Much life is more peaceful and it lets go of the stress and strain that one may pro-
efficient education system, more tourist attractions and a bet- cure in an urbane lifestyle. Rural living is an assurance of healthy food.
experience visiting all these places. Agra is famous for handi- The practices which are used to grow plants in these areas
ter social life are a few perks prevalent in the urban areas.
crafts, leather and fine arts too such as Marble Inlay work. It Urban green spaces such as parks, playgrounds can pro- come from generations of being rooted to the Earth. Men-
was fun shopping at Agra. Cuisines are also good mote mental and physical health not only in kids but tal peace and stability are other attributes that rural
and different there. And how can I forget Petha, also in adults. Urban life is competitive, challenging life acclimatizes us to. Rurality in its essence is some-
and yet it helps one attain stabilized living. Urban thing that most of us have evolved from, but whether
the famous sweet of Agra. The journey was
life hands one, a million opportunities. All that that evolvement guarantees a better life or not is
great and the experience was wonderful. I would matters is for that one to choose the best. something to ponder upon.
love to go to Agra once again. RK. RAKSHANA , CLASS IX , SANANDHA ASHOK KUMAR, CLASS XI

International day of education, National

t was a typical winter morning, a soothing zephyr HOW CAN YOU VISIT THE
drifting in through the window. I woke up at 5:30
a.m. completed my prayers, and was about to con- A CITY OF ELEPHANTA CAVES? girl child day, Martyr’s day observed
ANites, San academy group of schools,

tinue my daily routine when it suddenly hit me - “I’m Ferries operate from the Gateway of India
Pallikaranai celebrated the day of cel-
in MUMBAI!”. My family had decided to go to
Elephanta Caves the previous night, but I wasn’t
interested then. Ultimately, I forced myself to accom-
DREAMS The ride takes about an hour to reach
Elephanta Island
On the island, a short rail-trip takes you
ebration with ‘Tamil thai Vazhthu’ fol-
lowed by Thought for the Day. Internation-
al Day of Education/ National girl child
pany them, and that is when I began to enjoy the day/ Martyr’s day was celebrated as a spe-
close to the cave cial assembly. Students highlighted the im-
journey. Located 20km from the Gateway of India,
Mumbai, Elephanta Island is a UNESCO World Heritage It is a 125-step climb up to the cave portance of education in ensuring peace
and development which was an eye-open-
site. The island has 3 villages and around 7 caves Do you have difficulty walking or climbing? ing session for the entire group of students.
that are spectacular! There are huge idols within. The International Day of Education is
Don’t worry! There are men who will carry
Idols that can be measured in feet. The main attrac- celebrated every year on January 24, 2022.
tion is the 20-feet, 3-faced idol of the Hindu God you while you sit on a chair, Since 2018, Jan 24 is celebrated as Interna-
Shiva (Trimurti). Here’s a glimpse of history: the while ascending or descending tional education day. This year marks the
Rashtrakutas were thought to have built the fourth year of celebration and the theme is
While ascending, you see shops, stores, ‘Changing Course, Transforming Education’.
Elephanta Caves when they ruled, but ASI and
and other interesting things. There’s also a The resolution to mark this International
UNESCO found the cave temples to have been built place to sit and relax, or to eat. If you did- Day of Education was authored by 59 mem- when Mahatma Gandhi was martyred, and
by the Kalachuri dynasty - n’t carry food along, don’t panic; there are ber states. the Government of India announced the
between the 5th and 6th cen- restaurants for you. After some worthwhile Gender discrimination is a major prob- day as Shaheed Diwas or Martyrs’ Day.
turies. Portuguese navigators effort, you reach the entrance. And there it lem that girls face throughout their life. Na- Students gave an awareness talk about
titled the island “Ilha Elefante” is, a stunning historical monument! Just en- tional Girl Child Day is observed every year the rights of a girl child and stressed the
ter the mesmerizing caves and you’re a part in India on January 24 to promote aware- importance of their education, health, and
(Elephant Island) upon discovering a
of history. Some local monkeys are hosts ness about the rights of a girl child and to nutrition. Martyrs' Day was celebrated by
massive stone elephant there. There that accompany you, too, however. So long promote the importance of their education, the SANites to remember freedom fighters
was great damage done under HEBA FATEMA, CLASS IX , as you are careful and don’t let them snatch health, and nutrition. On January 30, 1948, who laid down their lives to help make In-
Portuguese rule, but the caves survived. SUBBIAH CENTRAL SCHOOL, TIRUPPUR your valuables, you’ll enjoy your journey! the Father of the Nation' was assassinated dia independent. On the whole the assem-
at Gandhi Smriti in the Birla House during bly was very informative, well explored and
the evening prayers. January 30 is the day wonderfully executed by our students.

Let us be pure, inside and outside! Virtual session held at Natesan
ecently Shri Natesan Vidyasala MHSS in collaboration with Young In-

he history of mankind has all our leaders right from Mahatma Gandhi to

T seen that the most success-

ful people in any field of life,
were walking examples of per-
our present Prime Minister, have placed
the highest importance in the national
dias, a wing of CII, Chennai conducted an interactive and informative
online session titled "Anyone can become an entrepreneur". Students of
Class 9 and 11 eagerly participated in the session. The main motive of the ses-
sonal purity, both of the body and Holy books talk in detail about per- sion was to develop the skill and mindset required to become a successful en-
mind - from spiritual masters, free- sonal and spiritual cleanliness being trepreneur. The students learnt that it was all about our mindset and the way
dom fighters, sportspersons, busi- the basic preparedness for worship. we look into things which makes us an entrepreneur. They learnt that an en-
nessmen, politicians, scientists Bhagavat Gita mentions 'soucham' trepreneur doesn't play one single role but he/she takes up the role of a leader,
and teachers. or purity as one of the 20 quali- initiator, risk taker, innovator and so on. The session greatly motivated the stu-
The temple of God is in the ties of a gnani (wise person). dents to become an entrepreneur. Mr Tobin Jose the speaker of the session
home and hearts of healthy made it an engaging and interesting session which was then followed by a Q
people, because they care for HERE ARE A FEW THINGS and A segment at the end.
their personal hygiene and ALL OF US CAN DO TO SHREYAS G, XI ‘D’, Shri Natesan Vidyasala MHSS
mental purity, which are the NURTURE AND FOSTER
most important characteris- THIS FINEST HUMAN
tics of devotees.
Cleanliness is not an ac-
tivity or a duty. It is not a skill
- Keep our bodies clean — brush our Whenever I hear the word night, I think of a beauti-
or a privilege. It is not something teeth at least twice a day, bathe daily, ful sight. The whole world has slept in peace
that only a few among us are re- keep our fingernails trimmed, wear only My mind is still awake like bees.
sponsible for. It is the basic char- washed clothes, and eat only fresh food Thoughts drag me to write something deep
acteristic trait that defines you as I wonder when the moon will go to sleep.
a being worthy of respect. - Keep our words clean - speak truth, Night is indeed a time to reflect
The impact of cleanliness in speak kindly, speak softly and speak And assure all the mistakes to be correct.
our life is vast and immeasurable. only when necessary
At the basic, it helps us live a Need to neglect the demerits
healthy, disease-free life. It makes - Keep our minds clean - Hope to connect with the merits.
us attractive to all other be- May the long hours heal the needy
avoid anger, greed, jeal-
ings, who otherwise get re- To make our lives worthy.
pelled if we spread disgust through our dirty ousy, fear, self-doubt, worry and laziness, always Feeling the glory of nights
bodies and sick minds. It saves us many trips have lofty thoughts, read lofty books and seek Charming through memorable sights.
to the doctor and hence, a lot of money. Un- the company of high achievers DITHYA, Grade VIII, Lalaji Memorial Omega Intl. School
healthy people know how much their bad health
- Keep our surroundings clean - keep our stuff
hurts and pinches their purse. If you are clean
and healthy, your brain is sharp and performs organized, avoid littering or spitting randomly in
A cricket lover
at its best, making you a winner in all your en- I am a player of cricket, Watch out as I am going
public spaces, responsibly segre-
deavors. I love to take wickets, smash. I hit fours and
gate and dispose of garbage
A nation full of dirty and sick citizens will I bowl like a rocket, sixes, I play friendly
easily become the topper in the list of peren- - Spread the word - educate We play in a snicket. matches, With my team,
nially undeveloped countries. It also becomes I like to bowl,
others and keep spreading the we won, To celebrate
the target of invaders, marauders, who destroy
such weak societies and easily dominate them. message of cleanliness to But I love to bat, we ate tea and bun.
The importance of cleanliness is such that everyone around you In the field, SUJAN.S , Class VI , The
VENKATRAMAN N, Advisor, Shri Natesan Vidyasala MHSS, Mannivakkam, Chennai I pounce like a cat, Indian Public School, Erode
If you can’t outplay them, outwork them.
Ben Hogan, American golfer


he Indian women’s cricket team will get gained significance in COVID times, Mithali made it clear
to fine tune its ODI World Cup prepa- that it will be a secondary issue for them in the six games
rations in a six-game limited overs se- as it is important for fast bowlers to get used to the con-
ries against hosts New Zealand, begin- ditions. “It will take them at least two or three games to
ning with the one off T20 on Wednes- get used to the conditions,” she said.
day. The one off T20 is scheduled ahead
of the five ODIs starting February 12.
Though the team will be looking to win, PUTTING IN OUR BEST
it will also be approaching the 20-over game to get used “We are here to use this series as preparation for the World
to the conditions with the bigger goal for World Cup in Cup because it is the best way we get to know about the wick-
mind. To reduce the COVID-19 threat, all games have been ets and composition we will have next month. We want to
moved to the scenic Queenstown. The Indian squad put in our best standard of cricket so the team derives
arrived here after completing a 10-day quaran- a lot of confidence when we get into the World Cup.
tine in Christchurch. New Zealand skipper Sophie Devine also
stressed on testing out a few players in the
series against India. Both teams are sail-
MITHALI NOT PLAYING ing in the same boat as far as finalising
ODI skipper Mithali Raj, who won’t be their combinations are concerned.
playing the T20, said on Tuesday all the
six games will be used to figure out their
core players who will feature in the ICC SLEEPING GIANTS
event in March-April. On the eve of the game, Devine called In-
“It is a different format. The team will dia the “sleeping giants” of women’s crick- T20 skipper Harmanpreet
be looking forward to winning the game. et and said playing them will be an ideal Kaur, who ended her lean run
Having said that, this T20 will also give a preparation for the ICC showpiece. “It is
fair idea about the wickets, how the play- an interesting one (how to approach the se-
with the bat with a
ers are coping with an open ground,” Raj ries). It is about getting that balance right; successful Women’s Big Bash
said in a virtual media interaction refer- We play to win but I the results are important but building mo- League, will look to lead from
ring to the windy conditions. mentum into the World Cup is going to be
look forward to giving the front on Wednesday
extremely important.
some game time to the “We also know this is an opportunity to
LOOKING TO LEAD core players. It is impor-
test people out in different positions. Whether
T20 skipper Harmanpreet Kaur, who end- the results go our way or not we want to play
ed her lean run with the bat with a suc- tant they find their rhythm the style we want to play. We want to be at-
cessful Women’s Big Bash League, will look tacking and play to our strengths.” The se-
to lead from the front on Wednesday. before the World Cup. ries will be played without spectators due to
Though workload management has MITHALI RAJ the COVID-19 threat. PTI

INDIA: Harmanpreet Kaur, Smriti Mandhana, NEW ZEALAND: Sophie Devine (captain), Amy

Shafali Verma, Yastika Bhatia, Deepti Sharma, Satterthwaite(vc), Suzie Bates, Lauren Down, Maddy
Richa Ghosh, Sneh Rana, Pooja Vastrakar, Meghna Green, Brooke Halliday, Hayley Jensen, Fran Jonas,
Singh, Renuka Singh, Taniya Bhatia, Rajeshwari Jess Kerr, Melie Kerr, Frankie Mackay, Rosemary
Gayakwad, Poonam Yadav, Ekta Bisht, Simran Mair, Katey Martin, Hannah Rowe,
Bahadur, Sabbhineni Meghana. Lea Tahuhu.

SINDHU, MIRABAI TO GET TOP HONOUR Sindhu, Mirabai among five nominees for BBC Indian Sportswoman of the Year award
■ Besides Sindhu and Mirabai, star

wo-time Olympic medallist bad- had some great performances. I am happy that
minton star P.V. Sindhu and Tokyo golf is becoming more popular in India.”

thletic Bilbao moved Oihan Sancet and Inigo
silver winner weightlifter Saikhom golfer Aditi Ashok, multiple medal win- The awards ceremony will also honour a closer to the Euro- Martinez scored in the first
Mirabai Chanu were among the ner at Tokyo Paralympics in shooting legendary sportswoman with the BBC Life- pean qualification half to lead Athletic to the
five nominees for the BBC Indian time Achievement award, and a young female places in the Spanish league home victory that left it one
Sportswoman (ISWOTY) of the Year award
Avani Lekhara, Tokyo bronze winner player will be named as the BBC Emerging after beating Espanyol 2-1 on point behind seventh-placed
announced on Tuesday. boxer Lovlina Borgohain were the other Player of the Year. PTI Monday. Real Sociedad. Athletic was
Besides Sindhu and Mirabai, star golfer three nominees, shortlisted by a distin- four points behind fourth-
Aditi Ashok, multiple medal winner placed Barcelona in the fi-
guished jury of sports journalists, Saikhom Mirabai Chanu
at Tokyo Paralympics in shooting nal Champions League spot.
Avani Lekhara, Tokyo bronze winner experts and sports writers It was the second con-
boxer Lovlina Borgohain were the other secutive league win for Ath-
three nominees, shortlisted by a distin- ■ Online voting for the award will letic, which last week elim-
guished jury of sports journalists, experts inated Real Madrid in the
and sports writers. remain open until February 28 and the quarterfinals of the Copa del
winner will be revealed on March 28 Rey. It will host Valencia on
Thursday in the first leg of
Hard work pays off at a ceremony the semifinals.
“Success doesn’t come easy, it’s not just few Espanyol, which took the
months of hard work, but years of hard open until February 28 and the winner will be lead with a goal by Tonny
work. Every day is a process, that’s how you revealed on March 28 at a ceremony here. Vilhena in the third minute
come up to a certain level,” Sindhu, who won at San Mames Stadium,
a bronze at Tokyo Olympics to go with her Good year stayed 13th in the league
silver five years ago at Rio de Janeiro, said Aditi Ashok, who finished fourth place at the standings. It hasn’t won five
in a release. Tokyo Olympics said: “I am grateful and thank- straight games in all com-
Photo: AP

Online voting for the award will remain ful because this was a good year for me, and I petitions, including the last
PV Sindhu Oihan Sancet four in the league. AP

Q6: What sport does Tom

a) 1992 b) 1980 a) Football b) 15.5 miles

Q U IZ T IM E ! c) 1903 d) 1966 Brady play? b) Cricket

c) Tennis
c) 18 miles
d) 17.9 miles

Q1: In what year was the

Premier League started?
Q4: What was Muhammed Ali’s d) Table Tennis

a) 1992 b) 1985
real name?
Q9: Who won the first men’s
FIFA World Cup?
c) 1900 d) 1970
a) Mike Tyson
b) Tyson Fury
Tom Brady Q7: Who won the men’s
single gold in tennis at
the 2012 Olympics?
a) France
b) Spain

Q2: Who scored the first ever

Premier League goal?
a) Cristiano Ronaldo
c) Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.
d) Holyfield
a) Rafael Nadal
b) Andy Murray
c) Uruguay
d) Czech Republic
b) Brian Deane c) Novak Djokovic
c) Pele
d) Neymar
Q5: How many rugby players
make the starting lineup
of a team in Rugby Union?
d) Andre Agassi ANSWERS: 1. a 1992 2. b Brian Deane

3. d 1966 4. c Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.

Q3: When did England win the

men’s FIFA World Cup?
a) 20 b) 15
c) 19 d) 16
a) 26.2 miles
How far is a marathon
5. b 15 6. a Football 7. b Andy Murray

8. a 26.2 9. c Uruguay

Photo: AP

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