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Read and translate the following text into Romanian.

Most patients are anxious or depressed when they are admitted to hospital. These feelings are caused by
many factors. One of them is the impression that hospitals are sad and unpleasant places where very sick
people are treated but often die. In addition to this, the admission procedure is tiresome.
Patients must provide detailed personal information in the admitting office and then again to the physician
in the ward. Most patients are ambulatory on admission, others arrive on a stretcher or in a wheelchair. In
the admitting office, each patient gets an identification bracelet with his name and registration number. The
admission staff informs the nursing unit that a patient has been assigned to a room. The patient’s chart
usually arrives with the patient. It shows the patient’s name, address, provisional diagnosis, reason for
admission, religion, and the name and telephone number of the family doctor. When the patient arrives at
the nursing unit, the nurse introduces herself, checks the patient’s identity bracelet and admission forms,
and escorts the patient to his room.
Each patient’s room is furnished with a hospital bed, overbed table, chair, bedside cabinet, locker for the
patient’s clothes and a waste bin. The bedside cabinet usually contains a bedpan or urinal (for men), basin,
soap dish, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and a mug. In the room, the patient must change into the nightwear
(a nightdress or pyjamas) or a hospital gown for the doctor’s examination. The patient may need the
nurse’s assistance or help to undress and put on the nightwear.
One of the most important functions of the nurse is the preparation of the patient for the medical
examination. To reduce the patient’s anxiety the nurse should explain what she is going to do and answer
any question the patient may ask about his condition.
Then the patient should be informed about the location of the day room, bathroom, toilets, and bidets. The
nurse should explain the use of equipment in the room, such as the intercommunication (intercom) system
(if there is one), call light, telephone, television and emergency signal light. The patient should also be
informed about meal schedules, visiting hours and any restrictions the doctor has ordered.
The nurse usually assesses the patient’s physical condition at the time of admission. She collects blood
and urine specimens from the patients for laboratory tests, such as complete blood count (CBC) and
urinalysis. It is also necessary to weigh the patients because the dosage of some drugs depends on the
body weight. The temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate must be recorded on a chart on admission
and then usually twice a day. The nurse should observe the physical state of the patient and report to the
doctor any abnormalities. These will include the condition of the skin, hair and eyes. The nurse should not
forget to introduce new patients to other staff members and other patients in the ward.
EXERCISE A. Answer the following questions.
1. Why are the majority of patients afraid of admission to hospital?
2. Why is the admission procedure tiresome for the patient?
3. What information does the patient’s chart include?
4. What furniture does the patient’s room include?
5. What should the nurse inform the patient about?
6. What observations should the nurse record at the time of admission?
EXERCISE B. Make questions so that the parts in bold are the answers. Then, decide whether these
sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.
1. Many patients are afraid of hospitalization.
2. From the admitting office the patient goes directly to his room.
3. The patient’s weight must be taken because the dosage of some drugs depends on the body
4. The patient’s temperature, pulse and respiration are taken twice a week.
5. The nurse should help the patient in preparation for physical examination.
EXERCISE C. Match the terms listed below with their definitions.
an overbed table; a bin; a cabinet; a wash basin; locker; bedpan
1 ____________a bowl-shaped container for washing
2 ____________a piece of furniture with doors and drawers, used for storing
3 ____________a container for wastes
4 ____________a light, small table that is put on the bed
5 ____________a low, wide container used as a toilet by someone who has to stay in bed
6 ____________a small cupboard where you can leave your outdoor clothes and bags while you are in
EXERCISE D. Imagine that you are admitting a new patient. Read the following note and then fill in the
form given below.
Mrs Barret is 47 years old, slim, pale, with hollow cheeks. Her husband brought her to hospital. She is breathing
rapidly when you help her undress and get into bed. She was referred to hospital with preliminary diagnosis of gastric
ulcer. She is going to have gastroscopy, USG of the abdomen, a test for Helicobacter pylori and other lab tests. She
complains of intermittent severe abdominal pain. Her skin is slightly yellow. Her weight is 56 kg, height 1.68 m. Her
vital signs are: pulse 99; temperature 37.2°C; BP 130/90 mm Hg. She has seasonal hay fever as she is allergic to
pollen. She states that she takes antihistamine drugs for her allergy and painkillers when the pain is getting
Mrs Barret’s husband agrees to take her outer clothes home. She insists on keeping her gold wristwatch and wedding
and engagement rings and £15 as spending money.


Patient’s name: ……………………………………………….Date and time: ……………………….…………….
Admitting diagnosis: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…
Via: ……………..Temp:…………….. Pulse: …………….. Resp: ……………….. BP: …………………………
Weight: ……….. Height: …………… Urinalysis collected: ………………………CBC:…………………..…….
Previous ECG:…………………………….……Previous X-ray: ………………………………………………….
Last monthly period:
Medications at home:
Were medications sent to pharmacy? Yes No
Diet at home:
Dentures/partial :
All dentures must be placed in a denture cup as stated in the policy manual.
DO NOT place dentures in paper tissue or on the dietary tray.
Artificial appliances: …………………………………………………………………………………………….
List of valuables: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Instructions received that the hospital is not responsible for valuables unless kept in the hospital safe.
List ALL valuables, i.e., watch, rings, jewellery, money, glasses etc.
Orientation to room and ward: (Check) Call bell ………………………………………………………..
Bathroom (in and out of room) ………………………………………..
Visiting hours ……………………………………………………………
Meal hours ………………………………………………………………
The information given by me is the best of my knowledge, I have read (or had read to me) and understand
the above instructions.
Patient’s signature ………………………………..
Nurse’s signature …………………………………

Figure 1 - Nursing assessment of the patient

EXERCISE E. Complete the following dialogue with the words listed below.
press; deposited; show; follow; go; bring; write; collect; change
Nurse: Good morning Mr Barret. I’m Elizabeth Davies, but everybody calls me Sister Betty. Could you
…………1. .me your identification bracelet, please. I have to……………2. down your name and registration
number. Thank you. Now, I’ll show you to your room. ……………3. me, please. Your room is 504; it’s the
third room on the right. (After a moment)
There we are. Your bed is near the window. It’s a double room. Your roommate is Mr Wilson. This is our
new patient, Mr Barret.
Mr Barret: Hello, Mr Wilson.
Mr Wilson: Hello, Mr Barret.
Nurse: After you have unpacked your personal belongings you must…………….4. your pyjamas. We must
get ready for the medical examination. Your doctor in charge is Dr Martin. He’ll be here in half an hour. Put
your clothes into the locker. On the left bedside is your cabinet where you can keep items for personal
hygiene. Your valuables must be …………………5. in the hospital safe. There is a bathroom attached to
the room. The toilet and another bathroom are outside the room. They are in the corridor just opposite your
room. Here is the call light. Whenever you need me,…………..6. this button here. Now, I’m going
to……………7. a blood sample for the lab tests. When you……………8. to the bathroom, take this sample
container with you and…………………9. a sample of your urine for urinalysis.

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