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Healthy Lifestyle Project

1. The Healthy lifestyle project to me is an assignment that is meant to improve my health

in numerous ways and is meant to be recorded along the journey to analyze the process.

The Healthy lifestyle project can leave a positive effect on me by encouraging and

motivating me to make healthy choices everyday that will improve my health.

2. My Healthy lifestyle goal that I would like to achieve is to eat a healthy breakfast

everyday to improve my energy levels and reduce headaches. Everyday my breakfast

meals will include a reasonable amount of proteins, fibers, and nutrients.

3. I chose this particular goal for myself because I rarely eat breakfast each day. Knowing

that I rarely eat breakfast on a daily basis affects the way I function throughout the day

and causes my energy levels to be low. So however, providing myself with a healthy

breakfast everyday would provide me enough energy throughout the day allowing me to

perform tasks with a higher attempt.

4. The evidence that I will provide for my Healthy lifestyle project are records. I will record

each and every meal. I will include how much protein and fibers each meal provides as

well as nutrients. I will compare the differences between eating breakfast in the morning

and not eating.

5. Some articles that relate to my project about involving healthy breakfast meals everyday

are Eating Breakfast by Dennis Newman

( and 5 Reasons Why

You Should Eat Breakfast By Amy

( The article Eating

Breakfast by Dennis Newman relates to my assignment because the article explains why

including breakfast in your life daily improves your eligibility. Also the article 5 Reasons

Why You Should Eat Breakfast By Amy is relatable to my assignment because she

explains what exactly breakfast provides for the body.

Healthy Lifestyle Goal : Journal

1. Today is November 14, 2018, my progress towards the Healthy Lifestyle Goal hasn’t

been completely successful. My challenge is to eat a healthy breakfast meal every

morning or at least eat breakfast every morning to be able to function correctly

throughout the day. I’ve honestly been eating breakfast every other day. On Monday

November 12, 2018 I got 2 of my wisdom teeth pulled out so it hasn’t been entirely easy

for me to eat anything lately including soft foods. Every other day I’ve been eating little

things throughout the day such as jello, soup, and yogurt.

2. Today is Saturday November 17, 2018, my progress has been accelerating since the last

check up 3 days ago. I’ve been constantly eating full course healthy meals including eggs

for proteins, a variety of fruits for vitamin A and C, and lastly bread for grains and carbs.

Continuing to eat healthy breakfasts on a daily basis has already proven to me that it

makes a dramatic change to your body and immune system. I’ve realized that just by

providing myself a healthy meal in the morning has allowed me to not be incredibly tired

throughout half of the day (lunch time), still have plenty of energy even after school, and

improves my ability to consume any new information or lessons that I learn in my

classes. I’ve been surprised and finally understand why breakfast is the most important

meal of the day.

3. Today is Monday November 19, 2018. Yesterday I didn’t eat breakfast before I went to

school because I was in a hurry to get to school. During the day it was a little strange

because my body had been so used to actually eating a meal in the morning that by my
zero period I was starved. I knew that my body needed something to eat to start the day

and function properly. By the end of the day I went straight home missing my sports

practice because of exhaustion, when arriving home I made myself a meal and went

straight to sleep.

4. Today is Thursday November 22, 2018, once again I haven’t been doing my absolute best

making sure to get a breakfast meal everyday before I get to school. Recently 2 days ago

I didn’t eat because I was already late to school and in a serious rush to get there because

I walked to school. That day didn’t end up going so well because I had a few tests to do

in multiple classes and I felt that I wasn’t able to put in 100% effort into my tests.

Yesterday again I didn’t eat a meal because I simply didn’t bother to make myself

anything to eat. I know that sounds a little on the lazy side but I honestly have no excuse

for the reason I didn’t eat besides my laziness in actually having to cook something. But

both of those days I felt terrible, felt tired in every class, and was a little irritated at


5. Today is Saturday November 24, 2018. In the last 2 days I’ve been back on track, maybe

because I wasn’t liking the idea of being so hungry throughout the day with not many

opportunities to eat. But I’ve been eating a breakfast meal of a green smoothie with

yogurt on the side, nothing too heavy because I'm still under the recovery of my wisdom

teeth removal. I analyzed that the green energy smoothies that I drank 2 days in a row

were really light on my stomach but still provided me with the energy I needed for half

way through the day. I wouldn’t consider drinking smoothies all the time because I

eventually became quite severely hungry in a matter of time.

6. Today is Monday November 26, 2018. I still have been constantly eating a healthy

breakfast each morning. Indeed I do see a dramatic change in everything and the way I

function at school. I was able to understand the new algebra lesson right away with no

hesitation. I was surprised because math is my hardest subject and it usually takes a few

days practicing something for me to completely understand. I now appreciate myself for

actually putting an effort to do this project because I now see how much of a change I am

going through because of me improving my body.

7. Today is Thursday November 29, 2018. My progress on continuing to provide myself

with a meal for breakfast in the last few days has been 50/100. Some days I would eat

and others I would just go right to school not even acknowledging the existence of

breakfast. But today I prepared a small meal of a banana and crackers, I figured it was

better than nothing at all. The banana helped me up till the end of my zero period and

beginning of first period. After that my stomach felt completely empty so I desperately

went to the student store to provide myself with some chips.

8. Today is December 2, 2018. It’s a new month to continue my goals. I'm oddly satisfied

with how my progress turned out in November even though there were ups and downs.

Today and yesterday I made myself a breakfast sandwich with strawberries and

blueberries on the side. The sandwich allowed my stomach to be full which was really

good because I know when I’m full I won’t be hungry again for a while. I had good or

reasonable energy levels throughout the day, still a little tired in my second to last classes

( Even though I think it was just me being normally tired).

9. Today is Tuesday December 4, 2018. Today I ate really well, I suffered the consequences

of waking up early to make myself a full course meal of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fruit.

It was all worth it. I even decided to pack some healthy snacks such as granola bars and

orange peels for school. I’m home remembering how today was a pleasant day because I

was able to do my work, corroborate properly, I wasn’t moody, and I still wasn’t tired by

the end of the day like normally. Today and the past few days have been great because

my body is reprogramming the way I function when I give my body the healthy things

that it requires. It’s amusing how just by eating breakfast in the morning prepares you for

your entire day, allows you to feel capable of what you have to do throughout the day.

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