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Happens Here
Da4a: F«öruary 19, 2021

9ub Len•r of Intant

Congraulstlonal You Mæ been saiactea by Genpact in‹xn W. Lid. ï” rte Company” as Process Dsvciopæ.
You will be issue‹f a letter of 'ntrnent upon meeing the pre ieqnites as rrxtni›orwd Dolow. Machine. the Corr¥›ony is pleased
‹o Issue \t+e fo4owing -e\iei o/ •r tend
pat ient terms end condhinna ol your appointment whh the Company cre as follows.
\ YOur Arw›u•al Cost iO Cashp•1r y (CTC ) wilI b•r INR Vari4btn COrNpcr›eNt › s . t•Or At ‹¥r›d i6 na•d in .add‹t•o tO your CTC
2. Appiic•RiIity of Locator speolic aiiowances may va dng to iocat on an6or tha Company pohcy. C‹xnpe y may p•ov›de
inoi Mes r1 i eu ol these nitonces
3. Youi «al pines ol walk ••. i ba Ind a•Notdn•NoIda saavJaw i+i - office. I owavar - Cm 7 may lrnnMa‹ You io and
k›catimyrocxt ss on a r›eed basis.
4 Pœl consultalim with yo«. Ihe ldlowing r›as bpon agiœd uf›on

e Date oi xc»+acg! Match Ig, 2021

, R0ç›oriing Time: g:Œl:@ AM
• Lucaron lndia»f+oida•NoIda 8•avtew is - Œtice
Locations Oct-boæzflng
te Ils llms“
NCR 10:30 SfijÑlaî t3{î BuilQng. Vol ha 5 ard 6. Sec—135. ho:da. 201301. U.P .7th Ftcor.
Rom No•da
HYD IO:00 Genpacs. Security' In Gata no 2. I4-J5.lDA.opp NGRI. Habuguda. UppaI.Hyd-MXXA)9
Çgnç•typ lnoa JLN Ma g Ma‹viyg le gi [bHÇ} Rs•o+j
BLR Cfonpact. a 99, Surya Park. E \ec1ron'c Cify. Bangai•:xe 560100
10:00 Gonpac1 Inc•› Unilech Hi T9Cn Structures L a1. lT.'1TuS SEZ BuikJ•›fl CI . t sl Floor lnfosp co
Complgtx, DH t , 2, 3 & 1’ t , Hew 7own Kof¥.atn

5. II al tho i me of /c•n ng, youi ass græo plaœ of work s d flaront from your current Io<al!m (”Rek›cat on ” I the C pany Guest
Housa can ba availed by you. Tha Guest rouse can be availed k›‹ a max mun^ pc‹ axe at IS ca+nÖai days. The Company sttall. in tau
ol lno acco modniir›n provxæd, make /s mommy de xxv r›f Rs.25O Io‹ a pe‹xxs of 24 sms. Funhar in casa of ter- •«›n\im
al ornployrr.ont by eirhoi pa+ty, boJŒo suh a•iwunt has bean tully reœvorod bY re Carney. g'›e COm r y sha!\ deduct îI'•o baIar+co
amont !rom your luil and linal senlerrent."
6. You shall bo iotzuùod io p‹owde tho Company all documents and iolormat'on as se] hh in Mnexure I ol ih•s uxte‹ of Ir4om
7 The ComPanY oc•rraios 7 days a we0k. 24 hgurs a day You will cg p•p ecied io atirnd ctf\ce - es ass•gnod io you by your
superviser in cc+nplianœ with lars in force. As a Fulltima emptoy‘ee, yx›u all tæ e\•pbIe In 2 weekfy otts

0a pact ¥›æa Priv•ta Lsnttad

(Fornariy Know'n sa Empe•«w Rmaa«ch
Mnonagad@a Sarrtcae Pot. Lid.)
. OK: Œo. mason TwmwwQy Par
Se, › Pam. GT Ra.Æ, Œsa•, tnŒa 11QD53

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