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Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic:

be is usually a stative verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means 'behaving' or

you are stupid = it's part of your personality

you are being stupid = only now, not usually

think (stative) = have an opinion
I think that coffee is great
think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head
what are you thinking about? I'm thinking about my next holiday

have (stative) = own
I have a car
have (dynamic) = part of an expression
I'm having a party / a picnic / a bath / a good time / a break

see (stative) = see with your eyes / understand
I see what you mean
I see her now, she's just coming along the road
see (dynamic) = meet / have a relationship with
I've been seeing my boyfriend for three years
I'm seeing Robert tomorrow

taste (stative) = has a certain taste
This soup tastes great
The coffee tastes really bitter
taste (dynamic) = the action of tasting
The chef is tasting the soup

('taste' is the same as other similar verbs such as 'smell')


A/an, the, no article – the use of articles in


A singular countable noun

 Example 1: This is a storybook.

 Example 2: This is an interesting storybook. an hour a uniform
 Example 3: This is the best storybook I have ever read.
Rule no. 2: A plural countable noun that refers to any definite group takes the
definite article (the).

 Example 1: The students are planning for a study tour next month.

 Example 2: The players of Manchester United have already arrived.
Rule no. 3: A plural countable noun used in a general sense does not require any

 Example 1: Only students are allowed to the seminar. 

 Example 2: Players are expected to stay fit all the time.
Rule no. 4: Uncountable nouns never take an indefinite article (a/an), yet they are
considered singular nouns.

 Example 1: Furniture enriches the beauty of a house.

. Example 2: Honey is sweeter than sugar.

Rule no. 5: Definite article (the) is sometimes used with uncountable nouns.

 Example 1: Would you mind passing me the salt?

 Example 2: That is the information I was looking for.
Rule 1: If any noun’s initial sound is a vowel and it needs to take an article,
usually the article is “An.”

 Example 1: He is an Arabian.

 Example 2: I went to a university.
 Example 3: We have been waiting here for an hour. 
 a/an : ko xac dinh / noi chung, danh tu so it
 the: xac dinh / noi cu the, dt so nhieu so it ko diem dc
 no : ko xac dinh / noi chung, danh tu so nhieu/ ko diem dc

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