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Marco Rondino


Everything has its own voice, also the silence

Edizioni Miele

I want to introduce this my first work right to you who are reading these lines, but all the same I have to warn you that inside these short imaginary stories you can find some good advices or a method too that can help you to make a radical change in your life. If you are a person who is scared of change, I suggest you to leave this book, exactly where you found it, since it could not be interesting for you, nor useful at all. But you ought to give it to someone who needs to make changes in his life. Or again, you should take it with you and read it when you will be aware that you need a chance to move ahead YOUR LIFE. You do not lack of chances since both our future and happiness only depend on the choices we can do in this our life. Lots of them are very important as they can influence all our existence. As for me, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to make a choice, and from then on, a wonderful change in my life has been wrought! So I decided to write down my experience in this book, because if the choice I made and the method I used, have changed my life, (as I am not better than you) then it could be useful also for you, right to change your life. And so, it is time also for you to make

The Choice
It was a wonderful spring morning and I was walking along one of the little bays in Sardinia. The beauty I saw around me took my own breath away and I felt quite in total awe of what was before my eyes. Sky and sea seem to blend together at the horizon. I stop nearby the shore: sunrises over the sea are spectacular. I feel the sound of crashing waves capture my breath. But I am not able to enjoy my feelings of nature as I feel my heart clutched, swollen of unhappiness and I have a lot of questions in my head without any answers. Why? My mind asks to itself. Why?. My heart asks to itself. What is wrong with me? Why am I so sad and dejected?. My eyes fill up with big tears and slowly begin to leak onto my cheeks. Sadness is overwhelming me and I need to get away from the beauty that Nature or God are offering to my eyes. I walk along the deserted beach again and in the distance I perceive a beach kiosk, still closed at that period of the year. I head for that direction but tiredness clouds me up so I decide to take a rest. Darkness is falling, I am tired and feel hopeless. I sit down with the elbows on my knees, the hands supporting my

poor head where there is an explosion of questions that cannot be answered. Suddenly, a rush of wind takes with it, right on my face, a sheet of newspaper. An article catches immediately my attention: a poor man committed suicide as he was unable to face lifes problems. I feel a shudder run through my body. I take away the newspaper by my sight as if I had run right into a rattlesnake and a desperation scream gets out by my throat Nooooo Nooooo! It drives me crazy so I start running and later walking again. All at once, I see, a bit later on, half-buried into the sand, a television and next to it there is the remote control too. The scene is quite unreal: I come closer to the remote control, bend down and take it, so I instinctively switch on the selection channel keys. The onslaught of violent images before my horrified eyes make me so hazy that I cannot break away. I try to change channels but violence is everywhere. I cant go on living like this anymore. I feel the physical energies are leaving me and my knees are bending so I give up the remote control and begin to cry desperately: Why, are there only violence and hatred in human soul? All at once, behind my back, I hear a rustle of footsteps that stop right close to me. I slowly turn my head, but I can

hardly distinguish a mysterious shape, as an unusual light wraps it around. Suddenly a familiar voice, softly and lovingly resounding in my ears, asked me: Why is your soul so tormented? The scene was quite surreal since I was speaking with that strange figure. Why do you ask me so? Look at these images, wherever you turn your sight, there is nothing but violence, hatred and wars. I threw the remote control on the floor. I am conscious that violence affects our world and our society. This is very sorrowful and cause deep sadness, I know, but I think that your mood depends on your hearts desire. she says me. The mysterious figure bends down, picks up the remote control and just aiming it at the television, the channels flow on the screen. But the images are now all pleasant, full of peace and all inspired by joy, solidarity, beauty of nature, musicall of them are amiable, friendly and there are lots of delighted faces. As you can see, my dear son, from around the world there are not only hate crimes and violence, but it only depends on what you focus your attention. You must make your choice. If you want, you can stay here down on your knees, right crying, cursing God, or all human beings as well, or

perhaps to commit suicide like the unhappy man you read about. As usual, you did not read the article which reported that lots of people with their work, every single day do everything as much as they can to offer help to people in need. You are right, lots of things are not good in this world, but what do you do for getting them better? Do you really want things to change? Well, you can start right now, but by yourself! You must stop crying and complaining of your fate. Do you believe that you are the only person suffering? You are wrong, because there are people hell pains suffering. You are not in such a bad condition. You are blessed enough to have two arms, two healthy and vigorous legs, two hands with which you can make or create whatever you want. Lots of people have not what you possess, but all the same they are trying to do what they can, to improve their and thereby the others lives too, to help eradicate hunger by giving food and hope to people in need. Do you really want things to be better? Well, you ought to start from your own life, because you cannot expect the others to change, if you dont demonstrate them that there is a better life way. There are lots of directors and producers who promote educational and amusing television programmes, many different associations and a lot of people, sometimes invisibles too, who, with their own

work, are carrying out their tasks with love and dedication, starting from the humblest tasks. Do you believe that to be a street sweeper is less important than to be a doctor, a lawyer, a president, or any other work? What do you think? What kind of world would we inhabit if nobody took away all the rubbish you also produce? Every work is important, whatever it is. You can improve this world only if you keep absorbing yourself in it. That pleasant voice made me remember something familiar, so I asked Who are you? The light which wrapped the mysterious figure, entered my breast and she disappeared. Where are you? I shouted, just turning all around. I am here, right inside of you, dont you recognize me? the voice replied I have always been here before to fulfill your desires, but I decided to leave my silent place for giving you a useful answer. Do you recognize me now? I realized what was happening and quite badly I stammered: Oh my God, is it really You? My own Voice, my Adviser, who can console me whenever I feel like my empty life has stopped. Only you can find out the right words for infusing me with strength, hope, joy and courage. But where have you been? I could not hear your voice.

You had focused your mind on negative thoughts and so I decided to give you a short time to vent your emotions and reflect on what is meaningful to you in your life. But as you were unable to come out of your bad feelings, I realized it was time for me to support you, as I want you to succeed in achieving your dreams . There are lots of things that you can do! Well, what venture do you want to commit yourself to? First of all you should move on with your life. You must make your choice. You know, my Lord, that I hope to share with all the world the amusement to discover inside of us our best friend, who can get us out of troubles. Well, I would like to say this, maybe through a book. Something already done! the Voice broke in. What do you mean with something already done? Lots of artists and writers in the world have expressed their feelings through great works, I know, but I want to make people aware of my thoughts, of my feelings as well. Something already done! Didnt you write down this story? Yes, you are right, what a stupid! But I would like to bring out my inner soul through a few images, or a video too. Something already done! Anyway you must be patient because you need time to receive or experience miracles.

The magic of the universe is moving towards your life purpose. You will meet people who can help you to carry it out but you ought to recognize them. I dont believe it! You will see. Well, this is a nice story but quite short indeed. I want to ask you only a question, can you suggest me any ideas? I would like to tell my life experience. You need a new idea but, pay attention, sometimes our ideas can give us lots of troubles, so you must find out the right idea that can get you on track and headed for good results.

Publisher: Edizioni Miele

General Title Information

ISBN/SKU: 8863320519 ISBN Complete: 978-8-8633205-10 Title: The voice Publication Date: 12/10/2010

Street Date: 12/22/2010

Language: English

Book Description Inside each of us exists a voice. We can give them different names: thought, unconscious, soul, God. It 'a voice that calls, whispers, shouts, in the intent to attract our attention. It happens that we feel it reverberate within us, just as you feel now as you read these words in silence. Discover the true source of that voice, learn to listen it and follow the tips that gives you and your life will turn into a dream. What kind of dream? What You decide

Name 1: 2: Rondino, Marco Marrocco, Laura Role Author Translator

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