Diferencias Entre EXCEL, Open Office CALC, y Calc de Ubuntu

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Diferencias entre EXCEL, Google Sheets, OpenOffice CALC y Calc d


CHARACTERISTICS The most common and Easy integration of input
outstanding forms.
features of Excel are its Connect spreadsheets
presentation in grids called together.
cells, its calculation automation Learn as you use the
functions with numerous product.
formulas Google Sheets add-ins.
and the possibility of creating The best support for
graphical presentations. collaboration

DEVELOPER Microsoft Google LLC

TYPE OF PROGRAM Spreadsheet Spreadsheet
WHAT CAN BE DONE This program allows you to Create lists.
perform tasks and organize Create graphs.
data of programming, finance, Make pivot tables.
accounting, among many other Use conditional formatting.
types, through spreadsheets. Use formulas.
The Excel And much more
spreadsheet is the basis for
carrying out your work in the
program. It is used to work with
numbers intuitively.
Office CALC y Calc de Ubuntu=LibreOffice CALC
Language availability. Leer/escribir documentos en formatos
Operation in the most common OpenDocument (ODF), Excel (XLS), CSV y
operating systems. otros formatos.8​9​
Data storage using a neutral and Soporte para un gran número de funciones,
international format. incluyendo la de números imaginarios, así
Reading and writing of files como funciones financieras y
created in other office packages. estadísticas.10​11​
Free download, with no further Soporta 1 millón de filas en una hoja de
costs of any kind. cálculo, haciendo a LibreOffice más
conveniente para hojas de cálculo
científicas o financieras pesadas.12​Sin
embargo, el número de columnas está
restringido a un máximo de 1024, mucho
menor que el límite de Excel de 16384

Sun Microsystems The Document Foundation

free software free software
OpenOffice Calc is the tool is a tool that stores, calculates
that allows the edition of and organizes information. A
Spreadsheets. Calc, therefore, spreadsheet can be defined as
is a tool that stores, calculates a group of data, usually numerical,
and organizes information. grouped in tables with rows and
columns, and with common elements,
which serve to represent an aspect of
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