CNI - Topic Wise PYQs

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Unit 1 - Colonialism and Nationalism:

a. Main perspectives on colonialism: Liberalism, Marxism, Postcolonialism

1. Analyze the ideas of colonialism and nationalism with respect to India.
2. Critically examine the liberal and post colonial perspective on colonialism in India.
3. Short note on Marxist perspective on colonialism.

b. Approaches to the study of nationalism in India: Nationalist, Imperialist, Marxist, and Subaltern

1. Discuss different approaches to the study of colonialism and nationalism in India.

2. Critically analyse the nationalist and subaltern approaches to the study of nationalism in India.

Unit 2 - Colonial Rule in India and its impact:

a. Constitutional developments and the colonial state

1. Briefly discuss the major constitutional developments in the 20 th century colonial india.
2. Short note on Nehru Report
3. Short note on Govt of India Act 1935 Or, short note on provincial autonomy in the Act.

b. Colonial ideology of civilizing mission: Utilitarians and Missionaries

1. How far do you agree that the early phase of colonial rule in India aimed at consolidating power
through ideological justifications? Discuss.

c. Impact on agriculture, land relations, industry and ecology

1. Evaluate the impact of British rule on agriculture.

2. Discuss the impact of British colonialism on Indian economy.

Unit 3 - Reform and Resistance:

a. The 1857 rebellion

Explain the factors that led to the revolt of 1857. Discuss it’s impact in making of the colonial rule.

Or, Explain causes and consequences of 1857 revolt. Do you think it was India’s first war of
independence in view of the participation of different social classes?

Or, short note on 1857 revolt.

b. Major social and religious movements

1. Discuss the impact of colonial rule on social classes in India.
2. Short note on ‘Socio-religious movements’ and the ‘Indian Renaissance’.
3. Short note on ‘Arya samaj movement.’

c. Education and the rise of the new middle class

Unit 4 - Nationalist Politics and Expansion of its Social Base

a. Phases of the Nationalist Movement: Liberal constitutionalist, Swadeshi and the Radicals,
Formation of the Muslim League
1. Examine the contribution of Swadeshi movement in the freedom struggle.
2. Examine the role of Indian nationalists between 1885 to 1905.
3. Short notes on INA (Indian national army).
4. Short note on Lucknow Pact
5. Short note on Muslim League.

b. Gandhi and mass mobilisation: Non-cooperation, Civil Disobedience, and Quit India Movements

1. “Indian National Movement became the mass movement under the leadership of Mahatma
Gandhi.” Examine

Or, Do you agree that Gandhi transformed the Indian freedom struggle from the elite movement to
mass movement? Give reasons to support your answer.

2. Evaluate the role of Gandhi in the non-cooperation, Khilafat and civil-disobedience movements.

3. Short note on Quit India movement.

Or, Examine the role of the socialists in the Quit India movement.

c. Socialist alternatives: Congress socialists, Communists

1. Evaluate the contribution of revolutionary extremists and Congress socialists in the freedom

2. Analyse the ideological impact of Congress Socialist party on Indian National Congress.

d. Communalism in Indian Politics

1. Critically analyze/write an essay the rise of communalism and it’s impact on the freedom

Or, Analyse the factors (events) contributing to the growth of communal politics and it’s culmination
in the partition of India.

e. The two-nation theory, negotiations over partition

1. Short note on ‘tow-nations theory’.

Unit 5 - Social Movements

a. The Women’s Question: participation in the national movement and its impact

1. Discuss the role of women in the freedom movement of India.

b. The Caste Question: anti-Brahmanical Politics

1. Analyse the impact made by Jyotiba Phule and BR Ambedkar with regard to the caste question.

2. Discuss in brief the major anti-brahminical movements during the freedom struggle.

c. Peasant, Tribals, and Workers movement

1. Discuss the nature and role/contribution of peasants and workers’ movements in the Indian
national movement (with special reference to Champaran, Kheda and Bardoli satyagraha)?, OR,

Examine the reasons for the growth of the major peasant and tribal movements in colonial rule, and
explain the strategies they adopted.

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