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Cucu Mida Sari


Genre : Political News

Setting of the The text is a kind of Political News written by Marlene Lenthang, The
text Associated Press, Ken Dilanian and Phil Helsel on April 27, 2022 in
Focus and This news is an explanation written by Marlene Lenthang, The
perspective of Associated Press, Ken Dilanian and Phil Helsel, a direct statement from
the text his family and officials on the part of Travor Reed, who is very grateful
that Russia has released former Marine Travor Reed. This news focuses
on a peacetime deal between Russia and the US, but it is all the more
remarkable as Russia's war with Ukraine has pushed relations with the
US to their lowest point in decades.
Purpose of the  Explaining the gratitude for Trevor Reed's return to the United States
text comes directly from Trevor Reed's family and officials.
 Informing how Wednesday's prisoner swap process between Russia
and the US traded Reed, who is imprisoned in Moscow, with
Russian drug smuggler Konstantin Yaroshenko, who was sentenced
to 20 years in prison in the US in 2010.
 Tells the story of the injustice experienced by Trevor Reed who was
arrested in the summer of 2019 after Russian authorities said he
assaulted an officer while being taken to the police station after
being heavily intoxicated. His family defended his innocence and
unfair detention.
 Also tells of Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot, who was arrested in
Liberia in 2010. He is accused of using his pilot skills in exchange
for billions of dollars to help distribute cocaine.
 Giving information about the agreement between Russia and the US
for a prisoner swap, Travor Reed is back with his family in US and
Yoreshenko is continuing half of his sentence in Russian custody.
Audience, role  The audience of this news is Marlene Lenthang, The Associated
and purpose in Press, Ken Dilanian and Phil Helsel (a breaking news reporter for
reading the text NBC News Digital). The Secondary readers such as the entire world
community who watched the news event.
 The purpose of the readers in reading the text is to know the
information provided by news television station, namely NCB News
Digital, direct clarity from Travor Reed's family and officials on how
they felt at the time of the arrest and during the prisoner exchange
between Travor Reed and Yaroshenko..
Relationship Source or Writers (Associated Press and Travor Reed's family and
between writer officials) and primary readership (Marlene Lenthang) and secondary
and readers of readership the entire world community who watched and read, writing
the text for informating the news.
Expectation,  The author hopes that (1) readers can accept and understand the
conventions, information conveyed in the news program. (2) The author hopes
and that the reader will know information about the agreement between
requirements for the two countries, namely Russia and the US in conducting a
the text prisoner exchange, namely Trevor Reed and Yaroshenko (3) The
author hopes that the reader will be able to see the negotiation
process between Russia and the US (4) The author hopes that
between the two countries there will be times of peace.
 This news is written in original direct speech from the family and
officials of Trevor Reed. Written in formal language by attaching
Source, Date, month and year written after it. In the opening section,
the author writes the name of the latest news reporter. The content of
the news consists of many parts, the first is thanksgiving for the
return of Trevor Reed to his family in the US, explaining in detail all
the origins of the incident, informing the whole world community of
the prisoner exchange agreement between Russia and the US. In the
closing section, the author writes providing information directly
from Trevor Reed's words that he still maintains his innocence, and
at the end there is the name of the latest news reporter, the name of
the television station and the name of the source and the name of the
contribution at the end of the news program.
Background  Through this news, the author shares with readers information about
knowledge, the agreement between Russia and the US. The author also shares
Cucu Mida Sari

values, and information about the process of negotiating a prisoner exchange

understanding between Russia and the US, the author also shares information on
the direct arguments of Trevor Reed and Trevor Reed's family and
officials for his innocence and refusing to plead guilty.
 The important thing conveyed in this news is that the author conveys
the original news from his direct source. through the arguments of
Trevor Reed and Trevor Reed's family and officials.
Relationship the This news is information obtained from an argument directly from the
text has with party concerned (Genre Networks)
other text

U.S. News

Russia releases former U.S. Marine Trevor Reed in prisoner exchange

"Today, our prayers have been answered," his family said. Reed, from Texas, was
arrested in the summer of 2019 after Russian authorities said he assaulted an officer.

April 27, 2022, 7:07 PM WIB / Updated April 28, 2022, 8:03 AM WIB / Source: Associated

By Marlene Lenthang, The Associated Press, Ken Dilanian and Phil Helsel

Russia has released former Marine Trevor Reed in a prisoner exchange with the U.S., his
family and officials said Wednesday.

“Today, our prayers have been answered and Trevor is safely on his way back to the
United States,” his parents, Joey and Paula, and his sister, Taylor, said in a statement.

They added Reed, 30, will “tell his own story” when he is ready before asking for privacy
to address “the myriad of health issues brought on by the squalid conditions he was
subjected to in his Russian gulag.”

The exchange between Russia and the U.S. unfolded Wednesday, trading Reed, who was
jailed in Moscow, for convicted Russian drug trafficker Konstantin Yaroshenko, who
was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the U.S. in 2010.
The swap took place “as a result of a long negotiation process,” Maria Zakharova, a
spokesperson for Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on her verified Telegram

The surprise deal would have been a notable diplomatic maneuver even in times of
peace, but it was all the more extraordinary because it was done as Russia’s war with
Ukraine has driven relations with the U.S. to their lowest point in decades.

“Today, we welcome home Trevor Reed and celebrate his return to the family that
missed him dearly,” President Joe Biden said in a statement Wednesday morning.

Biden noted it wasn’t an easy effort to bring Reed home.

“The negotiations that allowed us to bring Trevor home required difficult decisions that
I do not take lightly," he said. "His safe return is a testament to the priority my
Administration places on bringing home Americans held hostage and wrongfully
detained abroad.”

Biden praised the work of Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carstens
and U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation John Sullivan for their work in helping
Reed return.

Reed’s parents told reporters Wednesday that they were told some movement in their
son’s case could happen this week — “We were on pins and needles. Every phone call,
we’re hoping that will be the call,” Joey Reed said.

The call from the plane as their son was leaving Turkey came around 4 a.m. Wednesday.
Carstens was on the line and said, ‘Hey Joey, I’ve got somebody here that I think that
y’all might want to talk to,” his father recalled.

It was one of two calls they had with their son, one in the morning and the other in the

“It’s going to really to hit us when we get to put our arms around him and hug him,”
Paula Reed said.

Trevor Reed will be extensively evaluated and tested, his father said. Tuberculosis is a
particular concern, and he was in an isolation tent on the plane. His parents expect he
will be flown to a hospital in the U.S., but didn’t know where Wednesday afternoon.

Reed was arrested in the summer of 2019 after Russian authorities said he assaulted an
officer while being driven to a police station following a night of heavy drinking. Reed
Cucu Mida Sari

was later sentenced to nine years in prison, though his family has maintained his
innocence and the U.S. government has described him as unjustly detained.

Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot, was arrested in Liberia in 2010 and extradited to the U.S.
before he was ultimately sentenced for conspiracy to smuggle cocaine. He was accused
of using his pilot skills in exchange for millions of dollars to help distribute cocaine,
according to Justice Department filings.

Russia had sought his return for years while also rejecting entreaties by high-level U.S.
officials to release Reed, who was nearing his 1,000th day in custody and whose health
had recently been worsening, according to his family.

The two prisoners were swapped in a European country. Officials did not say where the
transfer took place. However, hours before the swap, commercial flight trackers
identified a plane belonging to Russia’s federal security service as flying to Ankara,

In the deal, Biden commuted Yaroshenko’s 20-year federal prison sentence, his lawyer
confirmed to NBC News. He had served a little over half his sentence and is now in
Russian custody.

His lawyer said that he has been a model inmate and “simply wishes to live a quiet life.”

The prisoner swap marks the highest-profile release during the Biden administration of
an American deemed wrongly detained abroad and comes even as families of detainees
who have met over the last year with administration officials had described them as
cool to the idea of an exchange.

In their statement, the Reed family thanked Biden “for making the decision to bring
Trevor home” as well as other administration officials and Bill Richardson, the former
U.S. ambassador to the United Nations whom the family said traveled to Moscow in the
hours before the Ukraine war began in hopes of securing Reed’s release.

Reed was one of several Americans known to be held by Russia, including WNBA star
Brittney Griner, who was detained in February after authorities said a search of her bag
revealed a cannabis derivative, and Michigan corporate security executive Paul Whelan,
who is being held on espionage-related charges his family says are bogus. It was unclear
what if any impact Wednesday’s action might have on their cases.

In Biden's statement, he mentioned the continued effort to bring Whelan home.

"We won’t stop until Paul Whelan and others join Trevor in the loving arms of family
and friends," he said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken also applauded Reed’s release, maintaining he was
“wrongfully detained in Russia.”

“We welcome this important release, while continuing to call for the release of
wrongfully detained U.S. citizen Paul Whelan," Blinken said. "We also remain committed
to securing the freedom of all U.S. nationals wrongfully detained abroad."

Paul Whelan’s twin, David, questioned when freedom will come for their family, noting
his brother has served over three years in Russian custody.

“Our family is full of happiness for the Reeds. ... It’s the event that we hope for so much
in our own lives,” David Whelan said in a statement to NBC News. "Trevor is free. Paul
remains a hostage. You can imagine that today is one of varied emotions in our family."

He added time is not on his brother's side.

"Our parents are literally not getting any younger. Our hope remains that Paul will be
home so they may see him once more. But each day that hope dims," he continued.

"On this day when my twin brother continues to suffer a gross injustice in Russia and
another American is freed from injustice, I am confident President Biden cares and his
team is making an effort. Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough for Paul."

Reed’s parents scored a rare private meeting with Biden and administration officials
last month.

Joey and Paula Reed said on MSNBC that they floated the idea of a prisoner exchange to
bring Reed home during a meeting with Biden on March 31.

“He doesn’t want to get our hopes up. But he did," Joey Reed said of Biden to host Hallie
Jackson after the meeting. "The fact that he listened to us, and that has to have
influenced him, and we’re hoping that’ll be to bring our son and the other Americans

Joey Reed thanked Biden on Wednesday for what he said was swift action after that
meeting. “We believe that he probably saved our son’s life,” he said.

He also thanked two Texas Republican members of Congress, Rep. August Pfluger and
Sen. John Cornyn, and said that securing the freedom of Americans held in other
Cucu Mida Sari

countries is a bipartisan issue. The Reeds said their thoughts were with other families,
including the Whelans.

Biden called the Reeds on Wednesday morning as they were on the phone with their
son. The president told them their son was more important, and invited the family to
the White House at a later date, the Reeds said.

Reed has always maintained his innocence, refusing to admit guilt during closing
arguments of his Russian trial in 2020.

“I think it would be unethical and immoral to plead guilty to a crime I didn’t commit,” he
said on the eve of the trial’s verdict. “If I am going to be given a prison sentence, I’d
rather stay in prison than walk free tomorrow a liar and a coward.”

 Marlene Lenthang (Marlene Lenthang is a breaking news reporter for NBC News
 The Associated Press
 Ken Dilanian (Ken Dilanian is the intelligence and national security correspondent for
NBC News, based in Washington).
 Phil Helsel (Phil Helsel is a reporter for NBC News)
 Abigail Williams contributed

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