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28 Contract Management ∕ March 2017

Contract Management ∕ March 2017 29


n the contract management life cycle, what does
“risk” entail? What are the areas of greatest risk?
How can risks be addressed effectively?
This article seeks to answer these questions, and also explains the impor-
tance of implementing an effective “contract lifecycle management” (CLM)1
solution to:

Implement a comprehensive contract management plan to address

potential risk,
Ensure the implementation of the plan,
Facilitate and automate parts of the process, and
Aid in mitigating risk.

Understanding Risk
Risk may be generally defined as “the possibility of loss or injury.”2 Risk entails
not only the potential for loss, but also for lost opportunities. In the business
landscape, risk can have consequences on many levels, affecting “economic
performance and professional reputation, as well as environmental, safety,
and societal outcomes.”3

Every organization needs to understand the effects of risk—and how to con-

trol and mitigate possible risks—to ensure the best economic and performance
results possible.

The best methods to control risk include:

To control as much as possible for uncertainties,

To pin down your processes to the extent that not too much uncertainty
remains, and
To ensure that very few uncertainties can sneak through.

Risk in the Contract Life Cycle

If you don’t control for risk in the contract life cycle, the effects are far-reach-
ing, and can lead to systemic failure to manage contracts. This can have a
very real effect on your bottom line. Your organization will suffer from such
things as:

Expense leakage,
Missed revenue opportunities, and
Violations of the law (in the event that regulations are not followed).

30 Contract Management ∕ March 2017


To establish “bulletproof” contract management procedures, it is impor-

tant to understand where the “weak points” in the contract life cycle appear,
or where risk is most likely to be introduced into the process.

Weak Points in the Contract Life Cycle

Monitoring the performance of contractual obligations is essential to risk
management. If a monthly report is due or services must be completed
by a certain date, these requirements need to be tracked, whether your
organization needs to provide them or should receive them. Failure
to track and fulfill obligations can result in significant penalties to your
organization, and have consequences beyond your bottom line.

Contract Management ∕ March 2017 31


Automated Renewal of Contracts tion has a

Many organizations have an automated re- partner in the
newal process, which saves time and manual contract, this
effort when the time rolls around to renew a partner may
contract. However, this process needs to be have terms that
routinely examined, as it entails some innate allow it to pur-
risks, whether on the buyer or seller side. chase insurance
on your behalf, but
Above all is the risk of renewing contracts the cost will be passed
that are no longer needed. Another risk on to your organization,
involves contracts that are necessary, but meaning your organiza-
which are renewed without the opportu- tion would have to pay
nity to renegotiate them. For example, cer- twice for that insurance.
tain contracts can be subject to terms that
are triggered by time—such as those with Inability to Access Contracts
terms of service or fees that will change with Overlapping Terms contract management to be considered
with an automated renewal, but which It is essential to be able to quickly and effi- “effective,” your organization needs to have
can only be renegotiated in the 30 days ciently find all categories of contracts with an established plan in place that deter-
prior to the renewal. In such cases, if not overlapping terms. For example, in Ed- mines procedures and benchmarks for how
renegotiated prior to the 30-day window wards v. Arthur Andersen, LLP, the plaintiff contracts move through the organization.
to automatic renewal, these contracts can was a certified public accountant and ar- Specifically, this plan should:
result in new, unfavorable terms. gued that the “noncompetition agreement”
he had signed with his employer violated Address what contracts are coming into
Unapproved Contracts California State statute because it restrict- and going out of the organization,
Contracts that are sent without approval ed his ability to practice his accounting Set up parameters for the terms of contracts,
can also represent a significant cost. Lack of profession. The California Supreme Court Establish where the contracts are held,
approvals can undermine corporate author- agreed, and ruled that “[e]very contract by
ity and monetary authorization policies. which anyone is restrained from engaging Establish who is going to administer the
contracts, and
in a lawful profession, trade, or business of
Compliance any kind is to that extent void.”4 For organi- Create a signature authority policy (so it is clear
Another weak point exists if your company zations with numerous contracts subject to who is in charge of approving any contracts).
doesn’t control for compliance failures. For this decision, this created a need to review
example, say there is a clause in the contract all contracts that fell under California law The plan should be evaluated and, if neces-
requiring contractors to secure insurance and contained a “noncompete” clause. sary, modified and tinkered with following
before commencing work. However, for periodic, scheduled performance reviews.
whatever reason, insurance is never secured, If your organization cannot search for spe- Items to review include whether contracts,
and your organization fails to check for in- cific subsets of contracts in a timely man- products, and services are being used by
surance. This is a failure by the organization ner, it will be at a distinct disadvantage your organization, and if they are, whether
because its internal compliance controls in locating and renegotiating contracts they are performing as intended.
were not strong enough to avoid exposing containing these terms.
itself to the risk of noncompliance. The plan should be carried out by trained
Targeting Risk contract managers, rather than simply as-
Or, say that a contract requires your orga- For any organization that participates in nu- signed to employees in an existing depart-
nization to provide quarterly evidence of merous contracts throughout its business ment. Contract managers have the special-
insurance. Your organization has insurance, processes, effective contract management ized knowledge required to both implement
but fails to provide proof. If your organiza- is an essential part of managing risk. For the plan and evaluate its effectiveness.

Contract Management ∕ March 2017 33


Further, any effective contract manage- businesses, effective execution depends Tasks built into the workflow to monitor
performance and ensure that contrac-
ment plan should: on a robust CLM solution.
tual obligations are being met.
Ensure that steps in the contract manage- A complete CLM tool allows you to Automated Renewal of Contracts—Your
ment life cycle are completed on time; administer all aspects of the contract CLM tool can prevent the automated
Guarantee that the organization and other life cycle, for both the buyer and seller renewal of contracts that are no longer
participants in the contract are meeting sides. There are a number of features to needed (e.g., by notifying the contract
their contractual obligations; consider when deciding which CLM tool manager before the renewal date and
to implement for your organization. In within the viable window, so that the con-
Address any issues of cost—such as inef-
tract can be renegotiated).
ficiencies in the contract life cycle that are particular, look for a tool that:
costing the organization money; Unapproved Contracts—These will become a
Offers the benefits of contract creation us- thing of the past, as approvals can be includ-
Seek to articulate and institute what the
ing organization-standard agreements and ed as part of the workflow and prevent the
right contract management measures
unlimited contract storage; contract from being sent out prematurely.
are for the organization—e.g., rather than
tying renewal costs to the Consumer Price Allows your contract managers to: Compliance—Compliance failures can be
Index, your organization could establish a prevented by creating contract events that
Compare revisions and negotiate within
rule that renewal costs are not to exceed 5 send out reminders automatically.
a secure environment,
percent; and Inability to Access Contracts with Overlap-
Monitor interactions,
Engage the participation of key principals ping Terms—The complexity of searching
in the organization—including in the legal, Route tasks to appropriate parties, and a body of contracts for specific terms
financial, commercial, and contracting Track progress; becomes straightforward and accessible
departments. with an effective CLM tool with numerous
Integrates electronic signatures of agree- methods to search contract text, including:
Even though contracts may be the official ments; and
Keyword/phrase search capability—for
domain of the contract manager, they are an Grants the ability to search and report on terms that are common in the clause you
integral part of the organization as a whole, text-based documents. are looking for;5 or
and all key stakeholders need to do their part.
Targeting Specific Areas of Risk Boolean search query capability—to
Mitigating Risk with CLM Tools In a complex business environment, a CLM refine the results from among all of the
(and How to Choose One) solution must provide the ability to target
contracts within your database.6
A plan is only as good as its level of imple- the “weak points” in the contract life cycle—
mentation. No matter how well-planned i.e., those areas of greatest risk: Optimize Plan Efficiency and
the steps for contract management are, they
will only mitigate risk if they are carried Performance—Performance violations can
Improve Insight
A robust CLM tool should have capabili-
out—and carried out consistently and in a be identified, targeted, or avoided alto-
ties to take your contract management
gether with:
timely manner. Given the complexity of plan much further. The CLM tool should
the contract life cycle in today’s business Events and reminders; improve efficiencies in the process and
environment, and due to the sheer volume provide deep visibility into problem
Tools that track projects, payments, and
of contracts at play for corporate-level areas in your contract life cycle.
products; and

34 Contract Management ∕ March 2017



 Content writer, Conga Novatus.

 Collaborates with the Conga Novatus

contracts team to bring robust solutions to
the world of contract life cycle management.


Because proper visibility, control, and analysis
are critical in effective corporate governance
and overall management best practices, Conga
Novatus offers an enterprise-grade CLM solu-
tion that empowers companies to enforce
One method for obtaining greater ef- With the help of your CLM solution, your contract language, mitigate risk, and develop
ficiency is to implement a clearinghouse contract managers will: policies. Conga Novatus’ cloud-based soft-
for all approved clauses, providing greater ware makes drafting, negotiation, workflow and
control and visibility into your document Gain insight into workflow, approvals, reporting, and renewal manage-
contents. This functionality should allow Manage projects more effectively, and ment easy. Developed with the help of its User
you to upload a contract easily and the Identify which steps or contract types are Advisory Counsel, the Conga Novatus CLM
system should then search for and add creating inefficiencies. solution takes into account the business chal-
clauses that are not yet in the library. You lenges that complicate the contract life cycle
want to be able to quickly view different Conclusion for world-class companies. Its customer-centric
versions of a clause, and integrate with a Understanding risk throughout the contract dashboard provides a real-time, personalized
preapproved clause library to compare life cycle is an essential element of contract display of data and statistics while its rapid
changes in clause language. As an exam- management for any organization with implementation ensures contracts are on track
ple, you might have an assignment clause multiple contractual obligations. Managing quickly. Learn more at
that’s been through legal approval already. risk by understanding which risks need to solutions/contracts/novatus/.
It can be captured and used in any future be addressed, having a fortified contract
contract, facilitating the contract workflow management methodology that includes
and approval process. An approved clause well-thought out, organization-wide mea-
can also serve as a point of comparison or sures, and a dedicated, specialized contract
1. Contract lifecycle management is generally
negotiation for future proposed clauses. management staff are vital components in defined as “the proactive, methodical manage-
a comprehensive approach to risk. ment of a contract from initiation through award,
compliance, compliance, and renewal.” (“Contract
Another important functionality to con- Lifecycle Management Benefits and Best Prac-
sider is the ability to gain insight into your Compliance to a thorough plan requires an tices,” Villanova University,
contract management practices through a effective, full-featured CLM tool to provide lifecycle-management/#.WIfI4dIrLIU.)
sophisticated, flexible reporting interface. the foundation and automation on which 2. “Definition of Risk,” Merriam-Webster,
The ability to gain deep insight into contract the plan rests. Not only does a robust CLM

data—and to do so from different perspec- solution mitigate risk and help ensure 3. ISO 31000, “Risk Management,”
tives by manipulating your view of that data— compliance, but it can also create greater
4. Edwards v. Arthur Andersen, LLP, Cal. Sup. Ct., 81
is a key benefit of a robust CLM platform. efficiency at every stage of the contract Cal. Rptr. 3d 282 (2008).
life cycle—from generation, to negotiation, 5. E.g., in the Edwards v. Arthur Andersen, LLP, exam-
For example, your CLM should help you: to approval, to renewal. Lastly, your CLM ple (see ibid.), you could search for the keyword
tool can give you deep visibility into your
Track contract expiration dates, 6. E.g., in the Edwards v. Arthur Andersen, LLP, exam-
business contract processes, provide you ple (see note 4), you could search for all contracts
Increase contract signature/approval with an understanding of inefficiencies, subject to California law, or all contracts with a
“services” contract type.
cycles, and deliver insight to improve efficien-
Improve insight into contract cies. With control and visibility into your
accountability, and contracts to help mitigate risk, you can put
your mind at ease for yourself and your
Create ad hoc reports to satisfy cross-
organization. CM
departmental requests.

Contract Management ∕ March 2017 35

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