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Diferencias entre EXCEL, Google Sheets, OpenOffice CALC y Calc de Ubuntu=

Irati Egia
Excel Google Sheets
Microsoft Excel is powerful Google Sheets is a web-
data visualization and based application that
analysis software, which enables users to create,
What it is and what is it uses spreadsheets to store, update and modify
used for? organize, and track data spreadsheets and share
sets with formulas and the data online in real
functions. time.

Features of Excel made the Spreadsheet editing and

Excel as most widely using formatting. Data
application. Excel is the very visualization. Machine
popular application because learning-based features.
of its wide range of features Offline editing.
and powerful tools. Compatibility. Google
Microsoft added many product integration.
Features features in each release of Collaboration features.
Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, Security.
2016 and Office Online 365.
Here are the main features
of the Microsoft Excel.

Developed Microsoft Google

enOffice CALC y Calc de Ubuntu=LibreOffice CALC

OpenOffice CALC Calc de Ubuntu=LibreOffice CALC

Calc is the spreadsheet LibreOffice Calc is
component of the spreadsheet component of
You can enter data (usually the LibreOffice software
numerical) in a spreadsheet and package.
then manipulate this data to
produce certain results. 1.1 is an open, In its internal data structure,

feature-rich multi-platform office Calc until version 4.1 relies on
productivity suite. The user cells as the base class
interface and the functionality is throughout, which has been
very similar to other products in blamed for "extreme memory
the market like Microsoft Office or use, slow computation, and
Lotus SmartSuite, but compared difficult code". Version 4.2
to these commercial products addresses these issues by is absolutely free. instead storing the data in
arrays where possible.

OpenOffice OpenOffice

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