English10 q4, w1 - Mod1

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Republic of the Philippines

X Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

10 Zest for Progress

Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 4 – Module 1
Technical Terms Used in Research

Name of Learner: ___________________________

Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
What Is It
In this part of the module, you will develop thoughts or knowledge that will help you
understand better the discussion of the lesson. This ensures that you will discover and understand
new concepts and skills. Moreover, this section will provide you more information about the
terms used in research. It is expected that you will be guided by the tasks or activities in assessing
your knowledge.

Research establishes facts and new findings through a systematic investigation to

contribute to an existing body of knowledge

Technical Terms Used in Research

• Research Title is a subject or topic that researcher finds interesting when conducting
research. This needs to be narrowed down which will focus on the main idea.

• Abstract summarizes all sections and helps readers decide whether or not to read the
entire report.

• Introduction presents background information, scope, and focus of the research paper.

• Literature Review provides a review of what others have written or researched on

concerning the topic. In some research reports, concept literature, research literature,
theoretical framework, conceptual framework, research hypothesis, and definition of
terms are also included.

• Methodology explains how the research was conducted. These include the research
design, population and sampling procedure, research instrument, data gathering
procedure, and data analysis procedure.

• Discussion presents the information gathered through the research.

• Conclusion provides the summary of the research. It brings the report to closure by
giving emphasis to ideas stated previously.

• Results contain other related information such as graphs, charts, tables, and lists.

• Cultural mapping refers to a research tool to holistically understand the cultural assets of
a place based on the local knowledge of the people.

• Interview is a conversational practice where knowledge is produced through the

interaction between an interviewer and an interviewee or a group of interviewees.

• Interview Guide summarizes the content that researchers cover during interviews. At one
extreme, it may provide very minimal directions, leading to “less structured” interviews that
are designed primarily to explore the participant’s own perspective on the research topic.

Tips for Formulating Questions

✓ Pose open, rather than closed questions.

✓ Sequence interview questions from broad to narrow.
✓ Avoid the inclusion of possible responses in questions.
✓ Pose one question at a time.
✓ Avoid posing multi-part questions.

• Questionnaire is a set of questions to gather information in a survey. It may be in a form of

open-end format that allows the respondents to answer in any way he or she wishes in his or
her term, multiple choice format that presents a question which is followed by a set of options
pre-determined by the researcher, or checklist format that is used exclusively or with some
use of free-response option.

Tips for Writing a Great Survey Questionnaire

1. Focus on asking closed-ended questions.

2. Keep your survey questions neutral.
3. Keep a balanced set of answer choices.
4. Don’t ask for two things at once.
5. Keep your questions different from each other.
6. Let most of your questions be optional to answer.
• Survey is a statistical analysis of answers to a poll of a sample of a population, e.g. to
determine opinions, or knowledge.

• Plagiarism occurs when ideas, information, and even pictures are used without proper
acknowledgement of the original sources. Providing in-text citation or parenthetical text
from another source is a surefire method to avoid plagiarism.

✓ Running Text
According to Shane (2021), use of in-text citation shows that the idea is not yours
and that you acknowledge its rightful source.
✓ Within Parenthesis
The use of in-text citation shows that the idea is not yours and that you
acknowledge its original source (Shane, 2001).

• Reference is a list of all sources used in research.

• Appendix contains related information such as graphs, charts, tables, lists.

What’s More
Activity 1: Identify Me
Directions: Read the following statements very well. Distinguish the terms used in research that
correspond to the statements. Choose your answer from the pool of terms in the box. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Interview Guide Reference Plagiarism

Methodology Literature Review Research Title

_____________________ 1. It pertains to the inclusion of question-based or topic based. This

may be used in the form of general questions.
_____________________ 2. It discusses published information in a particular subject area.
_____________________ 3. It is the part where you indicated the research instrument.
_____________________ 4. It is placed where you remember that it is important to give credit
where it is due. This means you acknowledge the author’s work.
_____________________ 5. It refers to the process of using the information without giving
due credit to the writer.

Activity 2: What Do You Think

Directions: Study the sample terms applied in writing research report. Distinguish how the terms
were used based on the content provided. Answer the question for each item by writing the letter
on the space before the number.


This study was conducted to determine the possible correlation among language
learning attitudes, linguistic competence, and academic performance in English among
the Grade 10 students of Geras Integrated School, Isabela City, Zamboanga Peninsula
during the school year 2016-2020. This was done to provide empirical data to support
Gardner’s Socio-educational Model of Second Language Acquisition. Gardner (1985)
hypothesized that L2 learners with positive learning attitudes toward the target culture
and people will learn the target language more effectively than those who do not have
positive attitudes.
Source: Garil, Benigno . 2017. “Language Learning Attitudes, Linguistic Competence, and Academic
Performance of Grade 10 Students.” Thesis, Western Mindanao State University.

_______ 1. What technical term in research was applied in the example above?
A. Abstract
B. Body
C. Plagiarism
D. Questionnaire

Alieto, Ericson O. (2013). Study Habits vis-avis Academic Performance of Senior Laboratory School of Western
Mindanao State University, Zamboanga City
Aque, Joyce R. (2015) Learning Style vis-à-vis Linguistic Competence of Elementary School Teachers
Baker, S.K., Simmons, D.C., &Kameenul, E.J. “Vocabulary Acquisition: Synthesis of Research , Technical report
No. 13 for the National Center to Improve the Tools of Educators, University of Oregon, 1995,
Barnette, M. (1989). Moore than Meets the eye. NJ. Prentice Hall

_______ 2. What technical term is used in the second example above?

A. Appendix B. Reference C. Introduction D. Results

_______ 3. What technical term is used when you want to get knowledge from interacting to a
group of people?
A. Reference B. Interview C. Results D. Abstract

_______ 4. What do you call these pieces of information taken from a survey written in forms
of graphs, tables, and charts?
A. Literature Review B. Plagiarism C. Results D. Introduction

_______ 5. What research tool can be used in a research if you are trying to know the
background of each of your classmates?
A. Cultural Mapping B. Reference C. Running Text D. Body


Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the
space before the number.

____1. This is the part where researchers present the purpose of their research.
A. Introduction B. Interviewing C. Interview Guide D. Methodology

____2. What technical term is used when you acknowledge the sources used in research?
A. Results B. Discussion C. Appendix D. Reference

____3. Which among the following choices is NOT an example of running text?
A. According to Mualim (2021), you should adjust the world, not the world will adjust
B. According to Ferrer (2019), where God guides, He provides.
C. According to Luna 2010 life is a fruitful harvest.
D. According to Remandaban (2020), you can’t buy trust, but you can lose it.

____ 4. Which of the following terms is used when you indicate the procedure on how you
conducted the research?
A. References B. Methodology C. Literature Review D. Appendix

____ 5. Which of the following information is placed in the Appendix?

A. Questionnaire B. Literature Review C. Introduction D. Conclusion

____ 6. Which term is used when you give interest to the reader to read the entire report?
A. Interview B. Abstract c. Literature Review D. Reference

____ 7. All of the examples used are forms of questions in writing a questionnaire EXCEPT:
A. Checklist on students’ favorite movie genres
B. Interview Guide
C. A Rating Scale in Agreeing or Disagreeing with opening of classes
D. Students’ pastime using multiple choice format
_____ 8. In research, what do you mostly need when you want to determine the percentage of
Grade 10 students who find difficulties in using online platform for learning?
A. Conduct a survey.
B. Provide the answers.
C. Prepare the findings.
D. Write the summary.
_____9. Which do you think could be the narrowest research title about “Environmental
A. Environmental Awareness of Students
B. Environmental Awareness among Learners
C. Environmental Awareness of the Grade 10 Students in the Monitoring System
Activities of the Municipality of Basilan
D. Environmental Awareness is one way to create positive attitude towards loving nature

_____ 10. Which of the examples DOES NOT show result of a survey research?
A. Graph that shows the number of Grade 10 learners who have internet access at home
B. Table that shows the frequency of Grade 10 learners who use mobile phones
C. Chart that shows the meal plan of a patient
D. List that shows the rate of consumption of oil in the Philippines

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