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UNIT 1: Conception to Birth

1.___ is the scientific study of ways in which people change, as well as stay the
A) Social Psychology
B) Behavioral Genetics
C) Developmental Psychology
D) Community Psychology

2.___ is a dynamic period of life marked by continued cognitive, social and

psychological development.
A) Infancy
B) Early Childhood
C) Late Childhood
D) Adulthood

3.__ Domain focuses on changes in emotion, self-perception and interpersonal

relationships with families, peers and friends.
A) Physical
B) Psychosocial
C) Cognitive
D) All the above
4.__ is a way to identify families and households based on their shared levels of
Education , income and occupation.
A) Culture
B) Socioeconomic Status
C) Nutrition
D) Biology

5.__ teaches us how to live in a society and includes what is right and wrong.
A) Culture
B) Nature
C) Cognition
D) Environmental Studies

6. Learning based on reinforcement or punishment refers to

A) Operant conditioning
B) Behaviourism
C) Observational Learning
D) Classical conditioning

7. Bronfenbrenner’s term for a society’s overall cultural patterns is called

A) Meso-system
B) Macro system
C) Chrono-system
D) Eco-system

8. Partial expression of a trait is called

A) Mutations
B) Genotype
C) Polygenic inheritance
D) Incomplete dominance

9. Standard measurement of a newborn’s condition which assesses appearance,

pulse, grimace, activity and respiration is
A) Neonatal Screening
C) Apgar scale
D) Obstetric ultrasound

10. The time during fetal growth when specific parts or organs develop is
known as ____.
A) Pregnancy
B) Conception
C) Mitosis
D) Critical period

11. Which of the following is the correct order of prenatal development?

A) Zygote, embryo, fetus
B) Fetus, zygote, embryo
C) Zygote, fetus, embryo
D) Fetus, embryo, zygote

12. What begins as a single-cell structure that is created when a sperm and egg
merge at conception?
A) Infant
B) Zygote
C) Embryo
D) Fetus

13. The process of cell division is called ____

A) Mitosis
B) Meosis
C) Both a & b
D) Blastocyst

14. Age of an unborn baby, usually dated from the first day of an expectant
mother’s last menstrual cycle is called
A) Gestational Age
B) Mental Age
C) Chronological Age
D) None of the Above

15. The timing of parturition seems to be determined by the rate at which the
placenta produce a protein called___
A) Vasopressin
B) Human placental lactogen
C) Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone
D) Corticotrophin releasing hormone

16. How many stages of childbirth?

A) 4
B) 5
C) 2
D) 3

17. In which Stage of childbirth dilation of the cervix occur

A) 2
B) 3
C) 1
D) 4

18. ___ to detect the signs of fetal distress especially in high risk birth
& widely used during a labour and delivery
A) Digital monitor
B) Electronic fetal monitoring
C) Vaginal speculum
D) Only c

19. Which is not a prenatal development stage:

A) Germinal
B) Embryonic
C) Fetal
D) Fetus

20. Time period of the fetal stage:

A) 8weeks to birth
B) 2 to 8 weeks
C) Birth to 2weeks
D) None of the above

UNIT 2: Infancy

1. ___ is the shortest of all developmental period.

A) Babyhood
B) Toddlerhood
C) Early Childhood
D) Infancy

2. Which of the following period is from the cutting and tying of the umbilical
cord to approximately the end of the second week of postnatal life?
A) Parturate
B) Neonate
C) Both (a) & (b)
D) None

3. During ______, the baby doubles in length and triples in weight.

A) Infancy
B) Babyhood
C) Neonate
D) Parturate

4. Which of the following is the constant temperature of uterine sac?

A) 90˚ F
B) 100˚ F
C) 98˚ F
D) 80˚ F

5. Which of the following reflex is developed at birth?

A) Swallowing
B) Sucking
C) Both (a) & (b)
D) None

6. Which of the following causes new born infant to lose weight during the first
week of postnatal life?
A) Malnutrition
B) Sucking
C) Premature
D) Post mature

7. The new born infant can see within a range of

A) 8 - 12 inches
B) 12 - 13 inches
C) 7 - 13 inches
D) 5 - 8 inches

8. Which of the following is the hazard of infancy?

A) Unfavorable Prenatal Environment
B) Multiple Births
C) Past Maturity
D) All of the Above

9. Which of the following shows infancy is a time of radical adjustment?

A) Temperature changes
B) Breathing
C) Elimination
D) All the above

10. Infancy is a ___ of later development.

A) Survival
B) Preview
C) Blank slate
D) None

11. At birth the average infant weighs

A) 3 to 3.5 kg
B) 2kg
C) 2.5 to 4
D) 3 to 4

12. ____ reflex allows the baby to find the mother’s nipple (or bottle nipple) in
order to eat.
A) Tonic
B) Rooting
C) Moro
D) Babkin

13. ____reflex allow the baby’s to extends legs, arms, finger arches back
drawback head
A) Tonic
B) Rooting
C) Moro
D) Babkin

14.____reflex make step-like motion that look like well- coordinated walking
A) Rooting
B) Swimming
C) Babkin
D) Darwin

15. In characteristics of infancy _____adjustment is graduation from an internal

to external environment
A) Radical
B) Plateau in development
C) Preview of later development
D) Parents attitude

16. The change in kind, structure, or organization, such as the change from
nonverbal to verbal communication is called -----------------------.
A) Qualitative change
B) Quantitative change
C) Social construction
D) Maturation

17. Holophrastic speech consists of:

A) Utterances of a single word
B) Utterances of single phrases
C) Two-word utterances
D) Preverbal Communication

18. Word’s direct children’s attention to:

A) The shape of objects
B) The color of objects
C) The size of objects
D) All of the above

19. What has been called the ‘psychological birth’ of the infant?
A) Talking
B) Weaning
C) Walking
D) Childbirth

20. A psychologist who insists that infants as young as 4 months are able to
form mental representations is likely to be working within which theoretical
A) Genetic
B) Cultural
C) Behaviorist
D) Cognitivist


1. In which of the following period independence and individuality increases?

A) Infancy
B) Adulthood
C) Babyhood
D) Early Childhood

2. How many areas of development happens during babyhood?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

3. Which of the following direction of motor development happens in

A) Cephalocaudal
B) Proximodistal
C) Both (A) & (B)
D) None
4. What is called the center to outlying parts of development?
A) Cephalocaudal
B) Proximodistal
C) Both (a) & (b)
D) None
5. In which of the following month period the baby is able to turn to prone
A) 1 – 2 months
B) 3 months
C) 4 – 5 months
D) 6 – 7 months

6. In which of the following month period the baby can pull himself to standing
by holding on to something?
A) 9 months
B) 8 months
C) 6 – 7 months
D) 4 – 5 months

7. Which of the following emotion is expressed during babyhood?

A) Anger/Fear
B) Joy/Affection
C) Curiosity
D) All the above

8. In ___, baby shows decrease willingness to share.

A) 6 – 7 months
B) 13 – 18 months
C) 9 – 13 months
D) 18 – 24 months

9. In __, baby uses play materials to build social relationship with other babies.
A) 18 – 24 months
B) 13 – 18 months
C) 9 – 13 months
D) 6 – 7 months

10. ___ is explore body by pulling hair, sucking fingers and toes, shake, throw,
bang, suck and pull their toys.
A) Sensory motor play
B) Exploratory play
C) Imitative play
D) Make – believe play

11. ___ is problem solving and creativity, information of environment

A) Value of play
B) Amusement
C) Games
D) Make – believe play

12. __ is toys to living.

A) Make – believe play
B) Imitative play
C) Sensory motor play
D) None

13. Foundation of obesity is __ hazards.

A) Physical
B) Social
C) Psychological
D) All the above

14. Rules for forming sentences in a particular language refer to ------------

A) Holophrase
B) Literacy
C) Linguistic speech
D) Syntax

15. When does the biological separation of the child occur?

A) At birth
B) At one year
C) At 30 months
D) At 5 years

16. The ability to put oneself in another person’s place and feel what the other
person feels is,
A) Social cognition
B) Sympathy
C) Empathy
D) Stereotypes

17. Process by which infant and caregiver communicate emotional states to each
other and respond appropriately refers to
A) Mutual regulation
B) Temperament
C) Vocalization
D) Habituation

18. At what age does there often begin a rapid growth in a child’s vocabulary?
A) 12 months
B) 18 months
C) 24 months
D) 30 months

19. Learning the speech sounds of the native language is known as:
A) Semantics
B) Syntax
C) Phonology
D) Grammar

16. Language of word is not necessary for -------------------.

A) Perceptual Thinking
B) Conceptual Thinking
C) Associative Thinking
D) Imaginative Thinking
UNIT 4: Early Childhood

1. The distinction between appearance and reality is drawn for the first time in
which stage of psychological development?
A) Infancy
B) Early Childhood
C) Toddlerhood
D) Middle Childhood

2. At what age do children generally solve false beliefs tasks?

A) 4 or 5
B) 6 or 7
C) 9 or 10
D) 11 or 12

3. Repeated urination in clothing or in bed is called

A) Enuresis
B) Nightmare
C) Nocturia
D) Obesity
4. When young children talk about how they are playing, they are:
A) Playing
B) Fantasizing
C) Meta communicating
D) Arguing
5. The principle that the amount of a substance remains the same even though
its appearance might change.
A) Conservation
B) Cognitive
C) Centration
D) Over imitation

6. Aggression that is openly directed at its target refers to

A) Hostile aggression
B) Instrumental aggression
C) Overt aggression
D) Relational aggression

7. Parenting style emphasizing control and obedience in Baumrind’s

terminology is
A) Permissive
B) Authoritarian
C) Authoritative
D) Power Assertion

8. Piaget’s term for children’s tendency to think about the world entirely from
their own personal perspective.
A) Centration
B) Regio Emilia
C) Animism
D) Egocentrism
9. In which category, the child does not seem to be playing but watches
anything of momentary interest?
A) Onlooker behavior
B) Unoccupied behavior
C) Parallel play
D) Associative play

10. The belief that natural objects and phenomenon are alive.
A) Best
B) Unlike
C) Animism
D) Number

11. A characteristic of preoperational thought in which a young child focuses on

one idea, excluding all others.
A) Centration
B) Cognitive
C) Egocentrism
D) Conservation

12. Preconceived generalizations about male or female role behavior refer to

A) Gender roles
B) Gender-typing
C) Gender identity
D) Gender stereotypes
13. Play involving use of objects or materials to make something called as
A) Functional play
B) Fantasy play
C) Constructive play
D) Pretend play

14. Egocentrism literally means ---------------

A) Second
B) Self-centered
C) Self efficacy
D) Self discovery

15. Piaget has been criticized for ---------- cognition during early childhood.
A) Centration
B) Fast-Mapping
C) Over imitation
D) Underestimating

16. The idea that children attempt to explain everything they see and hear by
constructing ---------- is called theory-theory.
A) Theories
B) Slowly
C) The world
D) Words
17. ----------- is the behavior intended to help others out of inner concern and
without expectation of external reward and involve self-denial or self-sacrifice.
A) Empathy
B) Pro-social behavior
C) Proximity
D) Altruism

18. What did the study comparing preschool children from various countries
find to be the primary factor in development of theory of mind?
A) Over imitation
B) Centration
C) Brain maturation
D) Social mediation

19. Term PSRN in development implies ---------------

A) Perceptual skill, Reasoning and Numeracy
B) Problem solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
C) Perceptual skill, Relationship and Numbers
D) Problem solving, Relationship and Numeracy

20. Pedagogy is the study of ------------

A) Guiding students
B) Education
C) Learning Strategies
D) Teaching methods
UNIT 5: Late Childhood

1. Name used by parents to address the late childhood

A) Troublesome age
B) Sloppy age
C) Quarrelsome age
D) All the above

2. The period of late childhood is

A) 8 – 12 years
B) 12 – 15 years
C) 8 – 15 years
D) None

3. Affective characteristics are

A) Aggressive
B) Boastful
C) Self Critical
D) All the above
4. Children are adventurous and eager to be involved with __ in dangerous
A) Friends
B) Parents
C) Siblings
D) None
5. Which of the following period is greater independence and more distinct
personality achieved?
A) Middle Childhood
B) Adolescence
C) Late Childhood
D) All the above

6. The late childhood in Erickson’s theory

A) Trust VS Mistrust
B) Industry VS Inferiority
C) Autonomy VS Shame
D) Imitative VS Guilt

7. Psychologist address later childhood as

A) Play age
B) Gang age
C) Age of conformity
D) All the above

8. What are the basic skills developed during late childhood?

A) Reading
B) Writing
C) Arithmetic
D) All the above

9.__ becomes a major factor in establishing happiness in late childhood.

A) Self Esteem
B) Social Acceptance
C) Conscious
D) Rewards

10. ___ is learnt in speech Improvement.

A) Grammar
B) Proper Pronunciation
C) Both (A) & (B)
D) None

11. ____ is the concrete operation that involves ordering stimuli along a
quantitative dimension.
A) Seriation
B) Transitivity
C) Intelligence
D) None

12. What are the aspect of thinking involved in late childhood?

A) Critical thinking
B) Mindfulness
C) Creative thinking
D) All the above
13. The ability to assume other people’s perspectives and understand their
thoughts and feeling is
A) Perspective taking
B) Mindfulness
C) Creative
D) None

14. __ refers to domain specific evaluations of the self.

A) Self Esteem
B) Self Concept
C) Self-Acceptance
D) All the above

15. ___ is the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable
A) Self efficacy
B) Self-regulation
C) Self Esteem
D) Self Concept

16. Which factors put some children at a disadvantage in society?

A) The number of children in the family
B) low- income
C) Poor quality of housing
D) All of the above
17. Attainment tests measure:
A) Social intelligence
B) Practical intelligence
C) What a child has learnt from specific training
D) What a child has learnt from their own experience

18. Gardner (1983) suggested that there were six distinct kinds of intelligence.
Which of the following kinds is not one of those proposed by Gardner?
A) Musical
B) Linguistic
C) Body- kinaesthetic
D) Artistic

19. Fine motor development is linked with

A) Large muscles in child’s body
B) Small muscles in child’s body
C) Both of them
D) None of them

20. At what age can a child be deemed to be morally responsible?

A) By the age of 10 years
B) By the age of 7 years
C) When he/she can distinguish between social conventions and moral rules
D) The official age of moral responsibility varies from culture to culture

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