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Steam Tug Brent Trust


Steam Tug Brent of 1945

Steam Tug Brent (@steamtugbrent)

NEWSLETTER August 2021

Watercolour by Bill Dean (Wapping Group of Artists)

Dear Brent Supporters
Redolent of autumn here in Maldon, numbers of geese are flying in to the salt marshes every
evening. This sense of autumn is compounded by the chill of the north easterly wind which has
dominated the weather for many days and looks set to continue to do so. Since we started
working on board again, on 18th May, days predicted to be cloudy or sunny have often provided us
with unexpected rain showers, which has done little to help us with our painting programme.

Our first days back on board were spent clearing and cleaning away the dirt that had accumulated
over the previous year, during which we hadn’t worked on board. It’s hard now to believe that this
period of inactivity covered such a long length of time.
Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
Work on Board

Our first day of working on

board for the volunteers.

Despite the lowering skies

the rain held off!

We took the winter cover off prior to the

first working day and Ian came down to
give the decks a for a scrub round, i.e. a
pressure wash. Fortunately the days are
long in May, as he didn’t finish until 9.30
And so we started the long job of
preparing the decks for priming.
For the next four Tuesdays our main
occupation was chipping the decks ready
for painting. Finally, on 20th and 21st July
we put a coat of primer on. We have now
started on preparing the funnel deck and
A problem, which had remained hidden was
water ingress into the after cabin. Checking
everything out, now we were back working
on board, we found that water, although
not sitting on the rubber floor tiles, had
soaked through to the hardboard
underneath. Cleaning off the hatch cover
made it obvious to all, where the water was
coming in. We have temporarily dealt with
the problem with resin and fibreglass.

Tony has the steel and intends to fabricate new hatch tops for the aft cabin and for the engine
room next year.
To keep her watertight, we fibreglass any places where the rain is coming in. The bilges are all dry,
so there is no problem with water coming in the hull, which would be a much more serious worry.

The New Gangway

This project was started some two years ago. Finally we have been able to complete it.
We are delighted to be able to go on and off the vessel in a civilised manner, rather than climbing
over the bulwarks. It makes access easier for our visitors, too.
Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
We have been assembling the handrails and
finishing the steps in readiness for the open
day on Sunday 29th August, also we have
fitted kicking boards to the gangplank and
fittings for the lower handrail.

Designed and fabricated by Ian

In use at the open day.

For our contribution to Maldon
History Week in June we had a stall
at the Maeldune Heritage Centre
in the middle of the town.

The Centre houses the Maldon

Embroidery on which the Brent is
depicted. We also have a small
exhibition in the Centre, which
includes a lovely model of Brent
owned by the Maldon Museum.
Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
First advertised in 2019,
we were at last able to
hold our Art Exhibition in
July. There was a
wonderful variety of
interpretations of the
theme, ‘Brent’.
Thank you to the Wapping
Group of Artists for use of
their images.
The Octagon Hall at St
Mary’s Church is a lovely
venue and perfect
weather meant that our
visitors could enjoy their
refreshments outside.
We are hoping to make it
a biennial event.

Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
50 Years in Maldon, a photographic record.

Brent at Stour Salvage, Mistley awaiting the

cutting torch. The decision to save her is made
and we prepare her so we can take her to
Maldon under her own steam.
June 13th 1971

With a full head of steam, we leave

Mistley to make the passage
home, stopping at Brightlingsea to
wait for the tide to Maldon.

Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
The 1970s - Carefree times
Meeting up with our friends with
other historic vessels,
Sailing Barge Kitty
Harbour Launch Puffin

Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
From 1980 till the early 1990s Brent was
the Hall family home. The Brent didn’t
venture anywhere without all the Halls
on board.
The family all helped with chipping and
painting and the many other tasks on
the vessel.

Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
The vessel was laid up for many
years, until the Steam Tug Brent
Trust was set up in 2010 and the
Brent came under the ownership of
the Trust in 2011. It was a further
two years before the volunteers
became fully involved.
They have done much to ensure that
deterioration is arrested and Brent is
kept painted and clean.

The volunteers have made

repairs and fabricated new
They have assisted at open
days and events.

Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.
Our entry for the St Mary’s Church Flower festival held earlier this month.

This summer has been a very busy time for the Brent Trust. We hope that in our next newsletter
we can bring you more news of our long term plans; we are working hard on this and slowly
moving forward.

Meanwhile we also hope that September brings some calm weather and sunny days so that we
may continue with our painting on board the tug.

On behalf of the Trustees and Brent crew

Good sailing and good days ahead.

Best wishes

Richard Albanese, Janet Hall, Chair, Mari Riva, Mark Heard, Captain Ian Chapman
Volunteer Team:
Janet Hall, Amelia Hall, Tony Kirk, Tony Seaman, James Morgan, Richard Cooper, Mark Watsham, Ian Chapman,
Ray Binning, Sue Stewart, Mari Riva, Sheelagh Swain, Mark Heard, Alec Hopkins, Roger Pond, Reece Dalsania, Doug
North, Sue Hawkins, Freda Kelly S.

Reg. Charity. No. 1139414. Reg. Office. 12 The Hythe Maldon Essex CM9 5HN. Tel. 01621 855058. Reg. Company.

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