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End of Year Test A*

Part 1
Grammar 13 You talk in the exam. It’s not
Choose the correct answers. a mustn’t b don’t have to
1 We sometimes tennis on c might not
Saturdays. 14 to help with the chores at
a are playing b are play c play home?
2 Jessica can’t come to the phone. a Must you b Have you
She her homework at the c Do you have
moment. 15 Tell her the truth. I’m sure she
a does b ’s doing c doing be angry.
3 I enjoy my bike to school. a won’t b not c mustn’t
a ride b riding c to ride 16 How long a laptop?
4 anything interesting last a have you b have you had
weekend? c are you having
a Did you do b Have you done 17 Our teacher gives us too
c Did you homework.
5 I outside the cinema when a much b many c lots
Dave phoned me. 18 What when you leave school?
a waited b was waiting Have you decided?
c did wait a are you doing b you will do
6 I can’t buy that DVD. It’s . c are you going to do
a too expensive 19 If you this medicine, you’ll feel
b expensive enough better.
c enough expensive a will take b take c would take
7 January is month in my 20 That’s the woman writes my
country. favourite blog.
a colder b coldest a who b which c where
c the coldest 21 What would you do if you a
8 My brother is taller me. million euros?
a that b of c than a would win b won
9 I like reading blogs, but I one. c were winning
a never wrote b never written 22 That’s the house Vincent Van
c ’ve never written Gogh was born.
10 Where your new jacket? It’s a where b who c which
really nice. 23 The meal was prepared a
a have you bought famous Italian chef.
b did you buy c are you buying a from b by c on
11 I don’t want to go for a walk. It 24 The first text message in
to rain! Finland in 1993.
a just started b just starting a was send b did sent
c ’s just started c was sent
12 They’ve been on holiday two 25 This bag of leather.
weeks. a makes b is making c is made
a for b since c in
Vocabulary 42 Liz thought the test was easy, so
26 It is difficult to paint the of a she was when she didn’t get
room. good marks.
a roof b ceiling c landing a nervous b relieved
27 Gavin parked his car on the . c disappointed
a patio b garage c drive 43 My cousin was a at the
28 Shane keeps his T-shirts in his London 2012 Olympic Games.
of drawers. a charity b banner c volunteer
a chest b box c table 44 Roy apologised arriving so
29 My parents were angry me late.
when I lost my phone. a in b for c of
a about b to c with 45 Please don’t worry me. I’ll be
30 I love Maggie’s photos. They’re fine.
always so . a about b for c from
a dull b blurred c dramatic 46 I enjoyed the film. I thought it was
31 My brother is very bad getting !
up in time for school. a brilliant b thrilled c furious
a at b for c with 47 ‘Was the baby bird very small?’
32 It was late when we to my ‘Yes, it was .’
grandmother’s house. a little b tiny c huge
a got b had c became 48 I can’t go to school today. I’ve got
33 I love those shoes, but I can’t a throat.
them. a rash b cold c sore
a afford b cost c save 49 your hairdryer in the socket
34 We found a twenty-pound in over there.
the street outside our house. a Attach b Plug c Push
a bit b note c paper 50 The TV remote is a very
35 I think the internet is the most useful invention.
important in the world. a switch b keyboard c control
a invent b inventor c invention
36 The newspaper are about the ___/50 marks
President’s visit to Brazil.
a flashes b headlines
c journalists
37 I don’t buy newspapers. I read
the news on a news .
a report b website c affair
38 Paul always drives at night.
a carefully b loud c sad
39 I spend a long time my bags
when I go on holiday.
a putting b packing
c staying
40 It was very late when they into
their hotel.
a booked b checked c arrived
41 Will you the table for dinner,
a lay b make c place
Part 2 Part 3
1 Complete the email with the Complete the dialogue with the
correct form of the verbs in words in the box.
brackets. believe course far
Hi Helen, if joking like on
I1 (write) to you from Scotland.
really shame take
We 2 (really / enjoy) our holiday Meryl Hi, Sharon!
here, and we 3 (go) hiking in the
mountains every day. Yesterday we
Sharon Hi, Meryl! I hear you’ve
(go) swimming in a lake. It moved to a new house.
(be) freezing, but we What’s it 1 ?
6 2
(have) a lot of fun. I Meryl It’s lovely,
(never / swim) in such cold but we haven’t got a
water before! We 8 (only / go)
to the village once since we arrived – to buy some
food. Tomorrow we 9 (drive) to Sharon That’s a 3 !
the Lake District. I’m sure it 10 Meryl But we’ve got a
(be) great, too. swimming pool!
Sharon You’re 4 !
See you in one week.
Meryl No, it’s true. And a huge
Sharon I don’t 5 it!
2 Choose the correct options. Lucky you! Is your house
Mum has 1just / for / since phoned. from here?
She’s going 2be / to be / is home late Meryl No, it isn’t.
tonight, and she wants me to make Sharon How long does it
something for dinner. I don’t mind to get there?
cook / to cook / cooking, but I can Meryl About fifteen minutes.
only make pizza. For this, I need Sharon Do you mind 8
a lot / many / much of tomatoes and I come and see it some
some cheese. 5If / Do / Am I put some day?
mushrooms on the pizza, it’ll be very Meryl Of 9 I don’t
tasty. mind. In fact, I can take
you there now.
The Johnsons’ house was designed Sharon Come 10 , then!
from / by / with a famous architect. It Let’s go!
was 7build / built / building last year.
Most people thinks it’s very beautiful. ___/10 marks

Wanda Evans is the girl 8who / which / Total: ___/80 marks

where won the Science and
Technology competition. She invented
a machine 9who / which / where can
clean swimming pools. I think she’s the
very / most / too intelligent student in
the school!

___/20 marks

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