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Architecture Repository

Project XXXX
Client YYYY
<<Note: This document provides a generic template. It may require tailoring to suit a specific client and
project situation.>>
Table of Contents
1 Purpose of this Document.....................................................................................................................................3
2 Architecture Framework........................................................................................................................................4
3 Standards Information Base..................................................................................................................................5
4 Architecture Landscape.........................................................................................................................................6
5 Reference Architectures........................................................................................................................................7
6 Governance Log....................................................................................................................................................8

Document Information
Project Name: Project XXX
Prepared By: Document Version No: 0.1
Title: Architecture Repository Document Version Date:
Reviewed By: Review Date:

Distribution List
From Date Phone/Fax/Email

To Action* Due Date Phone/Fax/Email

* Action Types: Approve, Review, Inform, File, Action Required, Attend Meeting, Other (please specify)

Document Version History

Version Version
Number Date Revised By Description Filename

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 2

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.
1 Purpose of this Document
This document describes the Architecture Repository.
The Architecture Repository acts as a holding area for all architecture-related projects within the
enterprise. The repository allows projects to manage their deliverables, locate re-usable assets, and
publish outputs to stakeholders and other interested parties.

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 3

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.
2 Architecture Framework
2.1 Overview

2.2 Architecture Framework

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 4

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.
3 Standards Information Base
3.1 Overview

3.2 Standards Classification

3.3 Business Standards

3.4 Data Standards

3.5 Application Standards

3.6 Technology Standards

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 5

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.
4 Architecture Landscape
4.1 Strategic Architectures

4.2 Segment Architectures

4.3 Capability Architectures

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 6

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.
5 Reference Architectures
5.1 Overview

5.2 Standards Bodies

5.3 Product and Service Vendors

5.4 Industry Communities or Forums

5.5 Corporately-Defined Templates

5.6 Best Practice

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 7

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.
6 Governance Log
6.1 Overview

6.2 Decision Log

6.3 Compliance Assessments

6.4 Capability Assessments

6.5 Calendar

6.6 Project Portfolio

6.7 Performance Measurement

TOGAF™ 9 Template: Architecture Repository 8

Copyright © 2010 The Open Group. All rights reserved. TOGAF™ is a trademark of The Open Group.

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