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Background of the Study

The traditional way of learning gives students more informational lessons

to cope up with it. With the help of face to face learning back then, students
have the best way to be motivated to study harder and get inspired by people
around them. By facilities, laboratories, and offices that give students the
comfort and advice they need from the school counselors, school events, and
with the help of a quiet environment outside of the school that makes them
concentrate, there is no lie that the traditional way of learning suits the best for

To experience fun and informational learning, the Department of

Education provides students have gadgets they need in a particular subject. As
time passes by, technologies get even way accessible for the students to use.
Interacting with their co-students may ease their stress by sharing their
problems or help each other with their school works, and it makes it fun to do
because of their chat while doing it. Teachers and students might have a
friendship or closeness too by treating each other like a family, and because of
this, students may tell their hardships or personal problem so they can feel
comfort and satisfaction.

The students did expect nothing that some chaos might ruin their
stressful but fun learning until one day they need to study at home. This
pandemic gives students terror, worries, anxieties, and stress they don't want

With teaching and studying at home, the Teachers and Students might
get burden and pressure because of too much school works that they will
handle by themselves. It is called the new normal way of learning.

The researchers aim for this study to specifically know what bothers
students while studying in their own homes. Comparing the way they learn
back then when face to face learning still implies, and the students have less
distraction to study well. The objective of this study is to compare what way of
learning suits the best for students and how did the pandemic affect the
students mentally and physically.

The data that will be collected would help inform the school teachers and
advisers what the students are dealing with or facing. After collecting data and
coming up with findings, it would help the researchers to know the barriers,
hardships, and challenges that the chosen students suffered.

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