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* Openning

Good afternoon, my name is Linfeng He. My group did a survey on the presence of
Counterfeits in XJTLU students, and,

Next slide please,(to OUTLINE)

I'm going to introduce to you our methodology, and findings regarding both the
current state of the counterfets prevelence and some possible contributers we

Next slide please,(to INTRODUCTION)

* Introduction
Have you ever doubt that the whole counterfeit thing is really happening, or if
it's that bad? Like, personally I don't think I have purchased any of them. So,
there comes our survey question,

"How common is counterfeit in XJTLU students, and why?".

In order to be more specific, we divided the question into 3 smaller ones,

+ How Prevalent is counterfeit among XJTLU students,
+ How much the student have aware of them
+ and what are posibble factors contributing to the situation

Next slide, please,(to METHODOLOGY)

* Methodology
My fellow and I decided to ask students directly with a Web-based questionnaires.
We distributed them on a social platform, WeChat, getting 102 responds

We then made charts out of the answers with python, to find if there's any
interesting feature of them, and there truely are some,


* Findings: Prevalence and Awareness

So we first checked if the counterfeits are really that prevalent among XJTLU
Students. To our surprise, they are much more prevalent than we had expected. Only
about 1 sixth of our respondants believed that they had purchased no counterfeits.
Every 6 people, 5 of them have experianced purchasing a counterfeit.

and how much of them are aware of that fact, that they are, in that moment,
purchasing counterfeits?

Above 40 percent. Over 40% of the sample delibrately bought counterfeits with full

and Why? Why do they do that? Why do we have all these counterfeits to buy? Why do
they persist? We seek to find the answer by asking more questions

Next slide, please(to FINDINGS: FACTORS)

* Findings: Factors
Among the answers, we spotted 3 most likely factors shaping the situation.

The first is the easy access of the counterfeits. Nowadays online shopping is
clearly the trend. We would all consider the online platforms when buying
something, espeicially the most famous ones, for here at Suzhou, like,, or, which adds up to account for about 2 third of the
counterfeit purchase.
The counterfeits have invaded and being accessed in the most common, most easy
shopping process.

The second is the exorbitant price of some genuine products. Over 40% of
counterfeit purchase in the sample took place because the genuine one is way too
expensive, and the counterfeit comes along and looks like a good bargain.

The third is the high expense of right protection. Only about one third of our
sample thought they'd defend their right when encountering counterfeit, the other 2
third wouldn't, due to various reasons, mainly the high cost on money or time.

So these are our findings. However, they're not perfect, and there's several ways
we could recommend to improve it.

Next slide, please(to RECOMMENDATION)

* Recommendation
Though just now I'm talking about the stastics on experiances, the survey actually
took place on a per student basis. 5 times or 2 times of experiance would both be
counted "have experianced". Therefore, quantiative measures of the purchase is

Also, The survey is conducted on a self-supervised questionanaire. Any

misinterpretation of the question or of their personal experiance would have affect
the truth of the result.

Next Slide, please(to Conclusion)

* Conclusion
To conclude, through our research, it could be stated that counterfeit products are
prevalent amongst XJTLU students with high consciousness. It could also be argued
that the situation is a result of various factors like easy access of the
counterfeits and exorbitant priceing of the genuines. The end.

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