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Allergens training

Including the introduction of

Natasha’s Law

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your training
Allergy is an unusual reaction
What is somebody has to a particular
food or substance.
an allergy?
If someone with a food allergy consumes a
Did you know?
food they shouldn’t, this can lead to very
Allergies are
serious consequences such as swelling, having
becoming more
difficulty breathing or even anaphylaxis which
common affecting
can cause death.
35% of people at
some point in their
Up to 50% of children have allergies
and recent research shows food
allergies have increased significantly
across the whole population in the UK
and Ireland.
Why is it
to get the
Allergens processes have been in place for many years but the legislation has changed.
is 2016, 15 years
important that old
allergendied after eating
information a baguette
is correct from
and that Pret
our A Manger.
customer haveThe
A new law, known as Natasha’s Law, has been introduced following death of
informationbaguette wastounlabelled
available but contained
make an informed choicesesame to which
about the she drinks
food and was allergic.
they consume.
Natasha Ednan-Laperouse.

Why is it
to get the
If you give someone the wrong information, you can be held personally liable
and face prosecution. You must NEVER guess.

Why is it Always make sure you follow most up-to- If an ingredient is not
date Spec cards and never substitute any available, you must have
important ingredient. written approval from the
H&FS team to purchase
to get the food and drink locally.
allergen Any queries can be logged
on 4me allergens.
information The only ingredients you can
right? buy without having an
approval from H&FS are
milk, sugar, tea, coffee, eggs
and like for like fruit and
You can find up-to-date Spec cards for all products on SSP Connections, in your Brand

You MUST follow your Brand community and make sure notifications are turned
on. This applies to everyone with an SSP Connections account.
Making sure
your Spec Click on pictures below for steps on how to find recipes on SSP Connections:

cards are 1 2 3 4

Go to the
Log into SSP Go into your
Connections.  Brand Choose Products
folder where
Do NOT use the Community folder.
you’ll find up-to-
search tool bar. Folders section.
date recipes.
Click to
What to do if a customer asks about allergens in our products? Click on the
pictures to find out more.
1 Customers might ask in a variety of ways about allergens in the food and drink
we supply. They might ask, for example, if a product has nuts in it, or they
might order a product and then tell you they have a nut allergy.
As soon as a customer mentions an allergy or an intolerance to any food, you
must follow the process listed on the
How To… Answer Customers Queries on Allergens.

SSP’s warning statement to customers on own brand allergen reports states:

It is important that our customers are made aware of the risks of 
cross-contamination.  SSP allergen reports will have a warning message on the top of
the allergen report which must be shown to all customers asking about allergens.

3 If the
a customer
you sell
to know
are made
potential for
example in the CPU, theplease
Shift Leader
advice should
the customer
talk to –them
try to
the cooking processes in your unit and offer to check packaging for any ‘may contain’ warnings. It is important
the in
one of our
if webrand
no longer
is still
the important
packaging toavailable
talk about
(for cross-contamination
example if a product and
has ensure
been the
Talk about any
brand policy
allergens. If– you
e.g. are
that is check
used to
and breaded
or theproducts
will create cross-contamination.

Click to
Natasha’s Law

?? To help customers make an informed decision about
products they are buying, Natasha's law is in force from 1st
The new law requires
for food and drinks
that are made and
October 2021 amending the existing allergen legislation.
wrapped on site to be
labelled with the
product name, all
ingredients and for all
This change impacts all pre-packed for direct allergens to be
sale products (PPDS) such as sandwiches, salads, emphasised (e.g.
wraps and so on. noted in bold, italics,
underlined etc..).
Natasha’s Law

So what exactly are PPDS?

PPDS are food products which are packed before customers order it. Examples are:

Click to
Product Labels
At SSP, we use Label Magic to print labels
for all PPDS products. 
If a product requires a Packaging
If your unit is required to use Label Magic, label, this will now be
This is a Natasha’s Law recipe, please print and attach the
you will be trained on how to use it in your noted on the specification correct label before placing on display.
unit. Please remember Label Magic only card
works with Chrome.

Click ‘Play’
and watch
the video to
learn how to
print labels
using Label
watching the
video, click
the blue
arrow to
continue with
your training.Click to
Product Labels
Labels for food and drinks wrapped in house before going on display need to list all
ingredients and highlight any of the 14 main allergens the products contain as shown on the
example labels.
Click on each label to see how to place it on a product before it can go on display.

Majority of products
we sell in SSP use a
rectangular label.

We only sell a few yoghurt

and fruit pots which need
a round label. Click to
Product Labels

When placing the

ingredient label
onto a product, it is
important that no
other label is put on
top (for example the
date stamp as
shown on the
The ingredients
label must be kept
clear at all times.
If an ingredient becomes unavailable,
Label Magic is managed centrally by the Head Office.
Supply Chain and H&FS teams will work together to find a suitable
This means that the
alternative. We responsibility in via
will notify units unittheir
is toBrand
all products
on SSP are
labelled with of
Connections thethe
correct information
required action. Itand
are using
itemsthe most
need to
up to date spec sheet.
be removed from range until resolved.

Do not print spare labels. Things to

Always print only the number of labels required for the day at the
start of each shift. Additional labels that might have been accidentally
printed must be discarded every day.
Do not display any pre-packed products without an printing
ingredient label.
If you are unsure, speak to your Manager or contact the H&FS team . product

Printing product labels applies only to units that prepare and sell
products affected by Natasha’s Law. 
If you are unsure whether your unit is affected by this law, please ask
your Manager or contact the H&FS team.
Find out how your brand complies with allergens legislation by clicking on your brand logo.

SSP brands

Franchise and brand specific information

• Burger King will continue to display allergen information on posters which are for
customers to read and make an informed choice.

• Some products are now required to be labelled (products which are wrapped and held
hot in the chute). See example below.

• Products that are NOT labelled cannot be held in the chute and MUST be made to
order. This is not just a brand requirement but also a legal one!

• Please ensure you complete the BK allergen training

and if you have any questions please ask your

• Click on the allergens picture to access your brand

specific nutrition information.

Back to brand Click to

selection continue
Cookies • In units, Millie’s allergen information must be printed from SSP Connections every Thursday.
If a customer asks about allergen information, ALWAYS refer to the allergen table.

• Customers with a peanut or nut allergy should be advised we do not recommend they
consume our products.

• Baskin Robbins allergen table is provided directly by them, available on SSP Connections and
updated monthly by the brand team. You must ensure you have the correct version in place
at all times.

• If you work in an on-line factory, the information is provided to our customers via the Millie’s
website before they place their order and when it is delivered. 

• Some Millie’s offer click & collect or Deliveroo service. For this, allergen information is
provided via the Millie’ s website (click here).

• Click on the allergens picture to access Millie’s community on SSP Connections (only applicable
Back to brand for colleagues with SSP Connections account) . Click to
selection continue
KFC • Colleagues working in KFC are required to complete 'Allergens 2021' training
within KFC Learning Zone.

• Products which are wrapped and held hot in the chute will now have updated
packaging. Any items that do not have ingredients printed on the packaging must
be made to order every time. Chicken held hot in the chute but unwrapped, and
only placed into a bucket after the customer has ordered is not required to be

• Should you have any further queries after completing both sets of training,
please speak with your manager or contact

• Click on the allergens picture to access your brand specific nutrition information.

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selection continue
• As M&S is mainly retail, almost all our food and drink items are fully labelled
• Where units have ISB (in-store bakery), these items are not wrapped and
therefore do not require labelling.  Customer allergen queries are responded to
via the shelf label and/or the information provided by M&S.
• Drinks must not be prepared in advance and must only be made to customer’s
• For units with a café, please ensure you follow M&S SOPs. Digital labelling is
provided for self-selection products via the Honeywell.  Please speak with your
Store Manager or contact if you have any queries.
• All colleagues must complete allergen training on My Store Workplace
• Stores with ISB – Occasionally you may bag bundles of bakery products at end of day
to encourage sales.  This can only be done with the correct labelling. If you are unable
to label the bag with full ingredients listing, it cannot be bagged.
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selection Click on the allergens picture to access your brand specific nutrition information. continue
• Leon colleagues must complete all allergen training, including Natasha’s Law
training, held within the Attensi app.
• The majority of Leon food items are MTO (made to order) with the individual
ingredients being held warm.
• Any items which would fall under Natasha’s Law and require labelling have
labels pre-produced and provided by Leon directly.
•  If you don’t have the correct food label, then the item must not be put on sale
and recorded as ‘86’ (out of stock). 
• Click on the allergens picture to access your brand specific nutrition information.

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selection continue
Crussh • Many products are bought in and already labelled however we do have a
number of items which are made in house. 

• We have a few pots (porridge for example) that will require a label and this
will be provided directly by the Brand. You must ensure a label is placed on
the pots before displaying for sale. 

• Ingredients must not be substituted locally as SSP does not manage the labels
for this brand. 

• All other MIH (made in house) range will have allergen information on SSP
allergen report and must be made to order.

• Make sure you print your allergen report every Thursday from SSP

• Click on the allergens picture to access your brand specific nutrition

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selection continue
SSP Retail

• In SSP retail brands, all our food and drink items are fully labelled by the

• Occasionally, some units may sell baguettes or other items made in a CPU or
another SSP unit, these MUST be labelled. 

•  Do not sell any locally produced items that are not labelled and notify your
Manager and urgently.

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selection continue
Coffee &
Bakery • Any products which are packed before the customer makes their choice must be labelled. Items
that are loose on the counter display are not required to be labelled.

• Colleagues still need to refer to the allergen table which must be printed every Thursday. Ensure
you point out the allergen notice on top of the allergen table if you are asked any allergen related
queries.  Also ensure the allergen stickers are placed in all grab fridges, on various displays and
till points as per guidance on SSP Connections.

• Units producing any wrapped food items, including CPUs, are provided with printers and all
labelling material. Additional allergen training is provided to those working in CPUs as well as
to customer facing colleagues with links further in this presentation.

• In our Pumpkin units, we occasionally blast freeze toasties and panninis.  These must be labelled
on the day of production.  When they are defrosted at a later date, any that don’t have an
ingredient label must be discarded and cannot be sold and they must not be labelled with a
current label.

• If you are unsure, you must speak with your manager or contact the H&FS team for support.

• Click on your brand logo to access the brand’s community on SSP Connections (only applicable for
Back to brand
colleagues with SSP Connections account). Click to
Coffee &
Bakery • Any products which are packed before the customer makes their choice must
be labelled. Items that are loose on the counter display are not required to be

• Colleagues still need to refer to the allergen table which must be printed every
Thursday. Ensure you point out the allergen notice on top of the allergen table
if you are asked any allergen related queries.  Also ensure the allergen stickers
are placed in all grab fridges, on various displays and till points as per guidance
on SSP Connections.

• Units producing any wrapped food items, including CPUs, are provided with
printers and all labelling material. Additional allergen information is provided
to those working in CPUs as well as to customer facing colleagues with links
further in this presentation.

Back to brand
• If you are unsure, you must speak with your manager or contact the H&FS
Click to
selection team for support. continue
Other SSP
• Any products which are packed before the customer makes their choice must
be labelled. Items that are loose on the counter display are not required to be

• Colleagues still need to refer to the allergen table which must be printed every
Thursday. Ensure you point out the allergen notice on top of the allergen table
if you are asked any allergen related queries.  Also ensure the allergen stickers
are placed in all grab fridges, on various displays and till points as per guidance
on SSP Connections.

• Units producing any wrapped food items, including CPUs, are provided
with printers and all labelling material. Additional allergen information
is provided to those working in CPUs as well as to customer facing
colleagues with links further in this presentation.

• If you are unsure, you must speak with your manager or contact the H&FS team
for support.
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selection continue
• Ensure you are using the right allergen report for your bar.

Bars • The allergen reports must be printed every Thursday. Whilst your menu
may not change, some of the ingredients may have come from a
different manufacturer which means the allergen information might
have been updated.

• We have different versions of allergen tables as we have several bar

brands within the company on different menus. If you are not sure
which allergen table you should be using in your unit, please ask your
Manager or the H&S team.

• If serving at the table and a customer is asking queries about allergens,

please refer them to the allergen notice on the food/drink menu and
when discussing the allergen report.

• Click on the allergens picture to access the bars community on SSP

Connections (only applicable for colleagues with SSP Connections account) .

We do occasionally have to substitute products so you must advise us of any allergies/ dietary requirements on every visit as our recipes do change. Allergen information on all
recipe ingredients is available upon request, however please be advised that we do use most, if not all allergens in our kitchens. We also cook different foods in the same
equipment. Should you require further information regarding ingredients or the cooking process, please ask your server at time of ordering. (V)/ Vegetarian - these dishes are
suitable for vegetarians. (Ve)/ Vegan – these dishes are suitable for vegans (please always check the allergens table for up to date allergen information). Our fish and meat
dishes may contain small bones. Our Vegan products may pose a potential risk of cross-contamination as these products may be prepared using shared equipment and may not
be suitable for customers with dairy allergies or other strict dietary requirements. Details on allergens can be found on our allergen tables. Please ask your server for more
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selection continue
Starbucks • Starbucks own food range (e.g. sandwiches,
toasties, breakfast pots, etc.) are already
labelled when delivered into our units.

• Muffins, cookies, cakes and any items displayed loose in the pastry case as
well as any hot or cold beverages are not required to be labelled. For
information on these products continue to direct customers to the QR code
sticker displayed on the pastry case and refer to the digital allergen table (or
where applicable, to the SSP allergen table that requires printing every
Thursday from SSP Connections).

• Any ‘made in house’ food range is individually packed and labelled .

Colleagues in CPUs are provided with additional training.

• Click on the allergens picture to access your brand specific nutrition

Back to brand information. Click to
selection continue
• Colleagues working in Tortilla are required to complete additional
allergen training provided by the Brand.  This is managed locally.
Please speak to your manager or H&FS team if you are unsure.

• All sites will receive labels for the  pre-packaged items directly from
Tortilla. These products must not be sold without a label.

• Chips, churros and pre-made burritos cannot be sold without a label.

• As we do not pre-package items on site before the customer orders  –

this includes pots of salsa, guacamole & sour cream, then these do
not require a label.  Do not pre-pack these items to save time as it
will now be illegal to sell without full labelling.

• Click on the allergens picture to access your brand specific nutrition

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selection continue

• Although the new labelling law does not apply to your daily tasks, it is
important that you are aware of how we manage allergens at SSP.  Our
suppliers must not deliver any substitute products.  Any issues that you
might note during deliveries must be reported to the Supply Chain and
H&FS teams.  If you are unsure whether an item is correct, please ask before
distributing internally. This can be logged on 4me or email

• You must ensure that the right stock is delivered to the right unit! Different
brands may have the same ingredient but from different manufacturers, this
could mean a difference in allergen content.

• Please note, this doesn't apply to retail products placed directly onto the
shelves. It only applies to food and drink that is used in our recipes.
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selection continue
There is additional allergens training available for everybody to help you deal
with any allergen related queries you might get during your shifts. 
You must complete this training to protect our customers as well as ensuring
you do not put yourself and the business at risk of any formal action. 

From the options below, choose what applies to your job role to see relevant
additional training.

training Colleagues Colleagues serving Team Leaders and Other job roles
preparing food and customers colleagues who are
working in CPUs leading a shift
Colleagues preparing food and working in CPUs

Here are links to various additional support materials to help you in your
role. If you do not have direct access to SSP Connections, please speak
with your Manager to make sure you have completed all your training:
Additional • Mandatory How to… card – 10

training •

How to… manage locally purchased products
How to… control allergen risk in food preparation areas
• How to… colour coding of equipment
• SSP allergen notice
• Glossary and dietary card
• Allergen tables page (available for colleagues with access to SSP Connections only)

If you have any queries, please contact the H&FS team.

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role selection continue
Colleagues serving customers

Here are links to various additional support materials to help you in your
role. If you do not have direct access to SSP Connections, please speak
with your Manager to make sure you have completed all your training:
Additional • Mandatory How to… card – 10
training •

How to… answer queries on allergens and intolerances
How to… manage locally purchased products
• How to… colour coding of equipment
• Placement of SSP Allergen sticker in units
• SSP allergen notice
• Glossary and dietary card
• Allergen tables page (available for colleagues with access to SSP Connections only)

If you have any queries, please contact the H&FS team.

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role selection continue
Team Leaders and colleagues running a shift
Here are links to various additional support materials to help you in your role. If you do not have direct access to
SSP Connections, please speak with your Manager to make sure you have completed all your training:

• Mandatory How to… card – 10 

• How to… answer queries on allergens and intolerances
• How to… manage locally purchased products
• How to… colour coding of equipment
• Placement of SSP Allergen sticker in units
• SSP allergen notice
Additional •

Glossary and dietary card
Allergen tables page (available for colleagues with access to SSP Connections only)

training In addition to the above, you must complete the following additional training:

1. Practical Safety Management workshop

This is held every month in Jamestown Head Office. We also hold them at other venues across the UK.  You can
book this workshop on Academy Live (just click here and type Practical Safety Management in the search box).

2. Food Safety Level 3 online course 

This is assigned by the H&FS team . Please email to be allocated with the training

If you have any queries, please contact the H&FS team.

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role selection continue
Other roles

Whilst we recognise your role may not be directly impacted by Natasha’s

Law, and you may not normally prepare food or deal with customers, it is
still important that you have an understanding of how we manage
Additional allergens at SSP. 

training Our set of Mandatory How To cards includes allergens and can be found
on SSP Connections.

• Mandatory How to… card – 10 

If you have any queries, please speak with your manager or contact the H&FS

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role selection continue
This is held every month in Jamestown Head Office. We also hold them at other
venues across the UK. 
You can book this workshop on Academy Live (just click here and type Practical
Safety Management in the search box).
It is your responsibility to ensure processes
Make sure you
are followed, so our customers are given
fully understand
the correct information to enable them to
all training
make an informed choice.
related to
Don’t ever guess and always ask your
Your Manager of the H&FS team, if you need our
allergens and
your role.
responsibilities support.

If you are unsure you must speak to your Manager and ask for help.
After speaking with your Manager, if you are still unsure then please
contact the H&FS team. Log a ticket on 4me or email us directly. We are
here to support you.

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