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Final Project Approval Form:

****Please Note, this has to be approved by the teacher prior to starting the project. Please electronically sign this after you are done and download to
pdf. The Teacher will print for you to take home for your parents to sign for the files****


Jackson Butler

Research Paper Topic: The factors contributing to a delay in EMS transportation times.


An audio series interviewing EMS personnel on issues concerning EMS delays found in the

Description of Project:

I will interview EMS personnel about the problems identified in the paper and gain their
opinions on the extent of these problems and possible solutions. I will then present this
information as a collection of anecdotes and experiences in a podcast series that will tell an
encompassing story about the issues and solutions. The series will be in the format of
episodes that each interview a different EMS worker about different problems and/or solutions
in their field. Each episode will be on a different topic but will ultimately tell the story of the
EMS field in a way that also presents solutions that are directly influenced by the ideas of
EMS workers.

Discuss prior knowledge if any about the project:

I understand some technical jargon that my interviewees may use as well as common
procedures and conditions seen in ambulance work.

Expected Knowledge skill to obtain?

I will gain knowledge on the production of podcast series including recording, editing,
structure, publication, and presentation. I will also have to develop interview skills and
communication skills.

Link Between Project and Paper:

The paper identified problems that affect transportation that will become talking points fr my
interviews with EMS workers. The ideas and experiences of these workers will develop

What is the Problem or issue you found in the Paper that the Project will Address:

The problem that this project will attempt to solve is the delays that are plaguing EMS
transportation. It will look at issues identified by the papers and gain the ideas t solve these
from the interviews of EMS personnel.

Link Between Project and Future Career Pathway:

The project is a culmination of experiences and opinions from EMS workers that will influence
my thoughts about the field. This field is what I would like to pursue and therefore I will have
an advantage by further understanding unique challenges within field.

What is the Methodology to obtain requisite info or component of project. Try to List out from
what you have already done. Example: Shadow at day care, surveys, interviews etc.

I will use interviews of EMS personnel the gain information that contextualizes the problems
identified in the paper. I will collect opinions and anecdotes from several workers that express
the opinions held by EMS workers.

Target Audience/Beneficiary for the Project:

The target audience for this podcast is primarily EMS personnel and those wh manage EMS
systems as both of these groups have the ability to influence decisions made that could
reduce EMS delays.

What is End Product? E.g Website to create awareness on a topic or Model built to
demonstrate a Medical Problem. Etc.

My end product will be a series of interviews presented through the format of an audio series.
This project will be much like a limited podcast series in which the episodes come together to
form an interconnected story that will demonstrate the opinions EMS personnel.

Sustainability of Project. How will this Project be sustained after the class to solve this problem
you are so passionate about.?

The project could be carried on by continuing to interview EMS personnel on subjects that
extend beyond delays in transit. This could become a series that will help to contextualize the
experience of EMTs and Paramedics from many backgrounds on many issues.

How do you reach your Target Audience/Project Beneficiary to Use your final Product?

I will reach my audience by publishing the series on larger podcast networks which will
provide exposure to the issues identified and the solutions that must be implemented. Here,
the works can be found with a search or may be advertised through a search engine.

What materials or skills will you need?

I will need recording equipment and software supplied in part or fully through the Cybrary. I
will need to develop skills relating to podcast creation including recording, editing, and
interview skills.

2. What, if any, expenses do you anticipate?

I do not anticipate any expenses in the development of this project although if there is a need
for more advanced software and hardware that cannot be supplied through free resources
then I will explore paid options.

3. How much time do you estimate will be required to complete this project?

I estimate this project will be fairly lengthy while establishing speakers to be interviewed and
communicating with them to find recording dates. After recording with each EMS worker the
editing will be tedious but I expect that it could be competed across two or three days.
Development f the structure and concept of each episode as well as arcing themes in the
series will also take time but can be completed fairly quickly.

_______ Approved _______ Not Approved

Please Print and Sign name below:




Parent: _________________________________________ Date: _____________



CTE Advanced Studies Spring 2022 Project Contract Form

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