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Efrain Colin III



17 January 2019

Mission Statement

Improvement will always be achievable. Improvement can be useful for any aspect of my life. I

know I can improve myself in two aspects of my life. Those two aspects being a student and a

son. I have improved myself in the school portion of my life by working on assignments early,

not procrastinating as much as the past, and by planning ahead. These improvements were done

in the time that I have been in this high school, in only a short amount of time I did something I

never did before ( planning), increased the amount of times I do this compared to my younger

self ( getting a head start on homework) and decreasing something that I have always done (

procrastinating). These are only three improvements that I have done, but I have already found

more improvements that I can do such as to do what I set out to do, procrastinate less, and to ask

for help in class. I know that this can be done, it only takes time, a burst of motivation and

dedication in order to accomplish those improvements. I am a good son but there are moments

when I regret something I did or something I said. Two major improvements that I need to make

as a son is to not be as smart mouthy and to do what is expected of me. Being smart mouthy is

something that I have noticed is a common thing in my family but there are times where being a

smart mouth is not the wisest decision for me because this can lead me into trouble that I could

have avoided if I knew when to stop. The expectations that have been given to me are not

impossible for me to reach, it is just the matter of me wanting to or having enough time to do
that. I have improved on these issues gradually but I know I can keep improving, and I will

always be able to improve since I am far from perfect.

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