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empire state ov morocco

united states for america

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
societas republicae ea al maurikanos
moorishe divyne ande nationall muvemente of the earthe
northe weste amexem + north weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate
all addjoining isslands
tempel of the moon ande sun
the true ande de jure naturall peeples + heirs of the lande
__ __________________________________________________________________
empire state ov morocco
unniversall sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne affidavid
ellectronic money innterchange kommande
speciall stattus deeposits, withe drawalls, exxchanges
inndigeneous standardizatione orrigenators (iso) 20022
sovereigne worldewide innterbanke financiall tellecommunicationes (swift)

all rize ande stande ande reemain standing innto perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle
iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. we are the sovereigne livinge justise akil kemnebi
easley el, in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio
heredes. all moors are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan
ascendents ov the greate pharoahs ov kemet ande ov the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle
faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are
the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state ov morocco ande
the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan
konsulate ande the articlle iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we are peace. we are one god. we
herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time nunq pro tunq.

constitutione for the united states mdcclxxxix (1789) ammendmente v

no parrson shalle be helde to annswer for a capitall, or utherwise innphamous crime, unnlesse on a
preesentmente or inndictmente ov a grande jewry, exxcepte in causes arrising in the land or navall
phorces, or in the millitia, when in acctualle servus in time ov war or pubblic danger norr shalle anny
parrson be subbjecte for the same offense to be twise put in jeopardie ov life or limbe nor shalle be
kompelled in anny kriminall cause to be a witnesse aggainste himsellfe, nor be deeprived ov life,
libbertie, or proppertie, withoutt due prosesse ov law nor shalle privatte proppertie be takken fore pubblic
yuse, withoutt juste kompensatione.

constitutione for the united states mdcclxxxix (1789) articlle iv sectionne 1

fulle faithe ande kreddit shalle be givenn in eache state to the pubblic accts, reckordes, ande judiciall
proseedings ov everie uther state, ande the kongresse may by generall laws preescribe the manner in
whiche suche accts, reckordes ande proseedings shalle be prooved, ande the effecte thereov.

unniversall commerciall code 1 articlle ix right ov possessione

all sovereigne rights are exxercised at this time ande at all pointes in time to innclude the right ov
possessione for all propperty therebye renndering unnto seizor that whiche is seizors. this sovereigne
justise stands az law.

this sovereigne law affirmes the lawfulle isshuing, innstante acceptense ande innstante settlemente
kommande for all empire state ov morocco exxchanges, acctiones ande all uther unniversall sovereigne
gold backed kredditor financiall systemes matters to innclude ande is nott limmited to

mt100 series sovereigne paymentes ande cheques

mt200 series financiall innstitutione exxchanges
mt300 series treasurie markettes
mt400 series kollectiones ande cashe affidavids
mt500 secyurities innstrumente markettes
mt600 series treasurie markettes, metalls ande commodities
mt700 series kredditor liens ande documentarie kreddits
mt800 series sovereigne travellers innstrumentes
mt900 series cashe mannagemente ande sovereigne stattus uppdates, specificallie, mt910 kredditor
affirmatione is herebye placed on the pubblic reckorde.

1 gold usd = 1 gold backed msd

msd = moorishe sovereigne dollarium, gold backed lawfulle money
usd = gold united states dollar lawfulle money

reequired innformatione for domesstic empire state ov morocco trannsfers

sovereigne kredditor (sennder)
empire state ov morocco

mailing locatione
empire state ov morocco
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
c/o 26 meadow lane
norristown montgomery kountee pennsylvania reeservatione
pennsylvania districte for shakamoxen
sion ne shakomoxen
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 87G64JJV+2C]]
latitude n40̊. 130063 longitude w+75̊. 35643
postall servus route [00]

accounte nummber
all empire state ov morocco accountes
empire state ov morocco masster accounte 999+99+9999
subbjecte accounte: john johnny jamie easley 9999154, accounte 190526958
servus accounte: [TD Bank ]-190529658
routing: 051736158

payee, reeceiver, benephishiarie innformatione

empire state ov morocco

accounte typpe
sovereigne state governmente

exxchange trannsfer innformatione

ammounte: 100,000,000
kall kurrencie
moorishe sovereigne dollarium (gold backed) 100%

putt kurrencie
united states dollars (gold) = 100% banke reeserves
lawfulle capital kreddits = 100% ov speciall stattus deeposits
empire state ov morocco sovereigne accounte ande taxx kreddits = 100% ov speciall stattus deeposit

additionall deeposit, exxchange, ande/or wiring kommandes

all lawfulle affidavids sente by the empire state ov morocco
sovereigne tracking nummber 7021 2720 0002 4718 6911

are parte ande parcell ov this kommande ande all lawfulle kommands nunq pro tunq.

sending financiall innstitutione

empire state ov morocco

reeceiving accounte for this exxchange

empire state ov morocco
empire state ov morocco masster accounte 999+99+9999
subbjecte accounte: john johnny jamie easley 9999154, accounte 190526958
servus accounte: [TD Bank ]-190529658
routing: 051736158
ammounte: 100,000,000 msd/usd

all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente divyne moorishe amerikan autograffs affirming this
ande all sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente empire state ov morocco ande the de jure moorishe
nationall reepublic federall governmente dockumentes are on the pubblic reckorde at amerika, annciente
morocco, northe weste amexem, northe weste affrica, the northe gate, turtle islande, gaia', midguarde,

chronos time immemoriall inn to perpetuitee

ego sum justise vizier ministar .

in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is knowtise to agente.

empire state ov morocco

moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
moorishe amerika konsulate
c/o 26 meadow lane
norristown montgomery kountee pennsylvania reeservatione
pennsylvania districte for shakamoxen
sion ne shakomoxen
unniversall nationall arrea codde: 87g64jhv+v3]]
latitude n40̊.129688 longitude w+75̊.35713
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

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