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It is hardly believablе важко повірити (белівебел) but the ability of

laughing(ласин) is the only quality which distinguishes(дістингвішес) us from

animals. Laughter(лафте) is a real benefit(бЕнефет). It is even said that it heals
body and soul. There is much truth in that. Laughter helps relieve the stresses of
everyday life, smooths(смуузс) away tiredness(таєднес) and depression,
(еливіейдс) suffering(саферінг) and ensures(іншуус) a sound sleep. It is also the
best means to prevent(привенд) illnesses(ілнисис) as it speeds up the
process(пройсес) or metabolism(метаболізим), stirs (стес) up the
circulation(сокілейшен) of the blood(блад) strengthens(стрейгзинс) the
defensive(дифенсів) functions(фанксинс) of the body and, as a result(ризалт),
builds(білдс) up the system.
Apart(епат) from its therapeutic(серап’ютек) effect, laughter(лафте) plays a
very important role(роул) in human relationships(рілейшеншіпс). It is
commonly(коменлі) known that people who often laugh(лааф) are more successful
in life Why? The answer is simple. First, they make friends more easily(ізііли) than
ill-humoured(х’юмод) fellows(фелойс). Second, they never take themselves too
seriously(сіріосли) and this helps them maintain(ментейн) mental
balance(ментал баленс). Third(соод), they are being(біін) employed(імплойд)
with a better grace than non-smiling workers. The reason is that they achieve better
results at work: a cheerful(чіафул) shop-assistant sells more goods and a
buoyant(боянд) manager concludes(кенклудс) more contracts for his company.(а)
It has been proved(прувд) that people who like laughing are self-
confident(селф конфідент), tolerant(тОлерент) and more willing(вілин) to
accept(ексепт) other people's weaknesses(вікнесис). It is so because laughing
purifies(п’юрифайс) emotions(емойшенс) ant helps get rid of aggressiveness(гет
рід оф егресівнес). If we do not try to relieve tension, it finally turns(теенс) against
(егенст) us we either(айзе) fly into passion(флай інто пашин) and
worsen(воосен) our relationships with other people or we restrain our
emotions(рістрейн авер емойшенс) and drive ourselves(авеселвс) to a
breakdown(брейкдаун). Therefore, instead(інстед) of damping(дампінг) other
people's spirits(спіридс) or bringing a disease on ourselves(брінгінг е дісис он
авеселвс) we should burst out laughing(беест аут лафін) as
frequently(фріквентлі) as possible. Even 'dying' with laughter(даін віз лафте)
does not harm(хаам) anyone. Neither(нізер) has it any side effects(сайд іфектс). On
the contrary(кентрері), it is the key(кіі) to happiness.
1 частина
hardly believablе – важко повірити,
ability of laughing – здатність сміятися,
quality - якість
distinguishes – (дістингвішес)розрізняє,
Laughter - сміх
benefit – користь,
heals body and soul – лікує тіло і душу,
relieve the stresses - зняти стрес,
smooths away - (смуузс) згладжує,
tiredness – (таєднес) втома,
depression – депресія,
alleviates – (еливіейдс) полегшує,
suffering - (саферінг) страждання,
ensures – (іншуус) забезпечує,
sound sleep - міцний сон,
prevent illnesses – (привенд ілнисис) запобігати захворюванням,
speeds up – прискорює,
stirs up (стес) – пришвидшує,
circulation of the blood – (сокілейшен оф зе блад)циркуляція крові,
strengthens – (стрейгзинс) зміцнює,
defensive functions - (дифенсів фанксинс) захисні функції,
builds up the system - (білдс) будує систему.
2 частина
therapeutic – (серап’ютек) тератевтичний
ill-humoured fellow - (ілл-х’юмод фелойс) недоброзичливий
to maintain – (ментейн) підтримувати
mental balance – (ментал баленс)душевна рівновага
with a better grace - краще
to achieve - досягати
cheerful - (чіафул) веселий
buoyant - (боянд) бадьорий
self-confident - (селф конфідент)впевнений у собі
willing - (вілин) охоче
weakness - (вікнесис)слабкість
to purify – (п’юрифай) очистити
to get rid of( sth) - позбутися чогось
aggressiveness – (егресівнес) агресивність
to relieve - полегшувати
tension - напруга
to fly into passion – (флай інто пашин) впасти в гнів
to worsen - (воосен) погіршуватися
to restrain emotions - (рістрейн емойшенс) стримувати емоції
breakdown - (брейкдаун) зламатися
to damp someone's spirits - пригнобити когось (дамп самванс спіридс)
bringing a disease on ourselves - (брінгінг е дісис он авеселвс) навести
на себе хворобу
(to bring a disease on oneself) -
to burst out laughing – (беест аут лаcин) вибухнути сміхом
to die with laughter – (даін віз лафте) померти зі сміху
side effect - (сайд іфектс) побічний ефект
3.5. The art of positive thinking
Polish people are regarded(ригадед) to be pessimists and
malcontents(малконтентс). They are usually dissatisfied(дісошиейд) with life, they
have a strong sense of wrong(врон) and they are convinced(кенвінсд) that all the
calamities(келаметіс) happen only to them, of course unjustly(анджастлі).
Therefore, they have a right(райт) to complain(кемплейн) to be
querulous(квайрилес) and to lay claims to everything. At the same time they are
egoists(ігоістс) envious(енвіес) of people who are more self-contented(кентентид)
and more successful than them.
According(екодін) to many philosophers(філосефис), everyone can achieve
happiness in life. It depends only on ourselves. However, most Polish people are even
afraid of calling(кулінг) themselves happy/ When an American is asked about his
frame of mind, he invariably answers: "I am fine Everything is okay, A и says: "I feel
rotten, Everything is going wrong'(врон) even if he has just bought(буут) a new
Mercedes. Such negative thinking, so typical(типікал) of Polish people, brings about
difficulties(дифікалтис) in achieving(ечивін) a state of complacency(кеспленсенсі).
It seems that the best way to become more optimistic is to accept(іксепт) and
make friends with oneself. People who consider(кенсидер) themselves less clever,
less interesting or less successful than others are not likely to ever be happy.
American doctors have invented(інвентид) a simple therapy(зерепі) which
helps change the negative attitude towоrds oneself. You stand before a mirror, look at
your own reflection and repeat to yourself: "I am great(грейт). I am
satisfied(сетісфайд) with life'. You say this with a deep conviction(кенвікшен), not
laughing(лафин) at yourself and not being ashamed(ешеймд).
Another essential(есеншал) thing in this therapy зерепі is to realize that you
are not the hub of the universe and that there are many people around you who are
less fortunate(форчюнет) than you are.
Instead of complaining, you should try to be more active. Remember that
happiness overlooks passive(пасив) or lazy people.
Do not expect(ікспект) others to solve(соол) your problems or to make you
happy. Seek happiness on your own account(екаунт).
Work out a positive attitude towards(тоовордс) life. Happiness is of course
desirable(дісайребол) but do not delude(делююд) yourself that it is a permanent
state. Fortune(фОрчюн) is fickle(фікл) but never give up when something goes
Do not be so strained. You can always have a break and let things slide.
Remember that optimists live longer, so enjoy life and always keep

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