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Simeon Hood


IB HL English 2

10 May 2022

“He or She” Revision

Emma Watson's 2014 speech “He For She” was an inspirational speech about the need

for equal participation of both men and women in the fight for equality among the sexes.

Utilizing syntactical techniques such as negative and inspirational diction, listing, and repetition

to amplify her credibility and the emotional impact with regards to her argument related to the

need for participation of all genders to further the feminist movement.

To begin with, Emma Watson first acknowledges the negative associations with feminism

stating that unfortunately many men see feminists “as too strong too, aggressive, isolating,

anti-man and, unattractive”(He for she by Watson). Utilizing negative diction to symbolize the

horrible associations that have sprouted around the feminist movement and its supporters, listing

them out to draw Emphasis on the damage these associations have caused the movement as it

dissociates men from the fight for equality. Watson goes on to say that “it's not the word that is

important but the idea and the ambition behind it” (He for she by Watson). Arguing through her

inspirational diction that the word feminism and along with its new negative connotation is not

“important” appealing to those who have been dissociated from the movement. reasoning that

what matters is the “ambitions behind the movement” using the inclusive diction to motivate all

genders to support an inclusive movement of feminism through the He for She movement.

Emma Watson from there goes on to explain why the ideas and the ambition of the

members in an inclusive He for She movement are important by asking “how can we affect

change in the world when only half of it is invited or feels welcome”(He for she Watson).

Logically arguing through her rhetorical questions, the importance of an inclusive movement that

does not discriminate against men. As it is indicative that the feminist movement has the support

of both genders to make lasting changes to the world. Leading Watson to formally invite men to

partake in the He for She movement symbolizing her dedication to ensuring that both men and

women are educated and are a part of the feminist movement to stimulate worldwide change for

both men and women. As she states “men don't have the benefits of equality either” listing how

society has not only put women at a disadvantage but also men. Such as, claiming men between

the ages of 20-49 years of age ate the biggest demographic to commit suicide in the UK.

Enforcing through the listing and facts how the fight for equality is not just for the benefit of

women but also for the benefit of the men, appealing to them through the utilization of statistical

evidence of the necessity to change the world for both genders through the He for She


Watson goes on to say later that, “ if men don't have to be aggressive” “women won't feel

compelled to be submissive.” “If men don't have to control, women won't have to be controlled”

(He for She, Watson). Through the utilization of repetitions, Emma Watson places an important

emphasis on the effect of including men in the movement will have on society. Using cause and

effect diction to argue that including men in the feminist movement, will lead to change as it

informs and instructs others to change the way they think untimely changing society for the

betterment of women and men. Therefore Emma Watson implores men “to take up this mantle so

their daughters, sisters, and mothers can be free” and “so that their sons have permission to be

vulnerable” (He for She). Utilizing a call to action Emma Watson appeals to the emotional side

of her audience, inviting men to partake in the “He for She” movement to no longer be

marginalized from the fight for equality for all genders. Further arguing that changes across

society can only be stimulated when all genders fight for it.

In the end, Emma Watson's utilization of syntactical techniques such as negative and

inspirational diction, listing, and repetition to amplify her credibility and the emotional impact

with regards to her speech curating an inspiration to all those fighting for gender equality

emphasizes the importance of both men and women partaking in the He for She feminist

movement to invoke long-lasting change in society for both men and women.

immensely from the original writing and writing skills I had in my freshman year as I

started at great oak.

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